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  • Old Guild Username: willow02
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Valid point, haha! Good work ;)
Crystal wrinkled her nose at the smell and fought against the nausea that was threatening to take over. She kept her eyes fixed on Human Torch's face, not daring to look down at what he was doing as she supported Liz, her arm still wedged firmly under Liz's arms. She couldn't imagine the pain that the poor girl was in, and she knew that she wouldn't have been able to endure it herself. Then she had an idea.

"Cold would numb the pain. I can ice the worst areas but we really need to get moving." Crystal aimed that last statement at the rest of the group. Her arm tightened protectively around Liz at the thought of her having to walk after what she had just been through.
Hahaha! Waiting for the next player to post before posting Cara's response. I'm assuming the party atmosphere is creepy enough so far? :P
Posted! Now things can really get started ;)
Cara took her time getting to the door. When she finally forced open the heavy, creaky door, Cara greeted her two classmates with an awkward smile. She shivered in the cold night air and retreated backwards into the hall.

"You're the first here," she said by way of greeting. "Come on in," Cara stepped back to allow the pair to walk in. She paused in the hall to push the door shut. This required some effort. The hallway was dark but even in the dark, it was evident that the house was old fashioned and ornate. A stuffed moose's head hung sadly on the wall beside a large, gold-frames mirror. Cara led the others into a plush-red carpeted room. The main feature was the big oak fireplace, where a fire was roaring away. On the opposite side of the room, a matching oak table was laden with finger foods and bottles containing various types of alcohol and soft drinks. The room was well-lit, unlike the hall, and seemed a little more normal.

The lack of music or party atmosphere made the otherwise pretty room seem uncomfortable. The only sound was the crackling of huge fireplace, until Cara spoke.

"I don't... I don't actually have any music for my music system," she said apologetically. "The party will get going when everybody else gets here." Cara gestured to the sofa against one wall. "Please, sit," she said, seating herself in an armchair. Cara didn't seem aware of how outdated her surroundings were.
That was the plan! Do you wanna post your entrance to the party and get things moving? :) or would you like me to post again?
Crystal tightened her grip on wolf-girl as Lexis's shout reached the group. "Come on, I've got you." Crystal slung the wounded girl's arm over her own shoulder and steered her in the direction of the door. The action obviously hurt the girl but Crystal didn't see any alternative. She had just reached the door when another Vitus appeared, apparently out of nowhere and made a beeline for them. Crystal defensively lifted a hand and, as she did, the disgusting liquid that soaked the floor around them lifted with her hand, seeming to become its own body. Crystal hesitated, then pushed with her hand, feeling the water go with it and drench the Vitus.

"Great, we've got Human Torch and Mr Electric over there and all I can do is give the alien scum a shower!" Crystal exclaimed frustratedly . Still, the Vutus continued towards them and ice cold fear flowed through Crystal's veins. The air became polar-cold and the water coating the Vitus immediately froze. The Vitus seemed startled and Crystal took the opportunity to test her new powers a little. She concentrated the ice cold sensation throughout her body towards her hand and pushed out wards. A wave of water left her palm and froze around the Vitus on contact, freezing him inside a block of ice.

"Now that, I can work with." Crystal checked Wolf-girl's face and saw with relief that she was still conscious. "What's your name?" She asked, turning and half-dragging her down the corridor towards the voices. She knew that she needed to take the girl's mind off of the pain and talking was the only method at her disposal right now.
"You will all pay, do you hear me? I'll kill you all."

The words reached the room and Crystal's head snapped towards the sound. Somebody else was in trouble. She turned back to the wolf-girl, who was currently a girl. Really, this was all just too bizarre. But she didn't have time to think about that. Crystal darted forward and put an arm around the girl who had defended her so valiantly. She was now bleeding, some kind of leg wound. Crystal helped her as gently and quickly as she could to her feet.

"Are you okay? Can you stand? We have to get everyone out." Crystal turned towards the others who had come in with the girl she was now propping up. "We have to get everyone out," she repeated, a new resolve in her voice.
Haha! Just seen those posts ^

The roleplay is all pretty mundane... Up until this point ;)
Cara seemed outwardly amused by the question. Her fingers stopped fiddling with her sleeve while thought about it. Then she gave the most genuine smile she'd given to a student before.

"Telling everyone to wear 'whatever' seems a little risky," she said. "Wear casual clothes." Then the bell rang. It had barely even finished echoing around the room before Cara had scraped her chair back, fathered up her things and hurried out of the room, calling "See you later!" Over her shoulder to her classmates. Truth be told, Cara had barely even noticed the time go by and was sure she had learnt nothing in that lesson. She hurried to the next, counting down the seconds until she could go home and begin preparations for the party.
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