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    1. Wilson Wilson 10 yrs ago


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No, he was just made up. But the others should give him some fodder for evil posts
Bweoti said
BTW, in response to your location idea, Wilson.....Manhattan is pretty much a suburb of New York City. So, I'd suggest, if that's the location you want, then Champion City should be New York City itself, with suburbs and such.

Sounds like a plan.

@Oscario, glad you liked the intro mate, but I'd much rather not write on a touchscreen lol.

@Lucian, Of course that applies to you too, you've kept up with the RP and let us know what's going on. As for the guys who posted in the interest check but didn't transfer their characters here... Well you all read what FortunesFaded did to Falcon :)
Dwarfdude194 said
Um. Yeah, I keep being gone and missing flurries of activity. I don't look to have missed anything plot-moving yet, though. I'm... keeping an eye open.

You won't be left behind mate, I'll make sure of that.
This was not how Green Skull had seen things going. Instead of the roar of approval he had expected, he now had The Ghost eyeballing him. This could get ugly if he didn't diffuse the situation. He carefully reached out and placed a hand on The Ghost's shoulder before speaking quietly, his mask muffling his quiet voice so that only the Russian could hear him.

"Relax Mikhial." He took care to pronounce it properly. "We're all on the same side here. We can help each other. And don't worry, your identity is safe with me, I'll take it to the grave if you don't wish the others to know. Same as I'll do for all the others."
"He's an... Interesting fellow." Green Skull muttered to himself as he watched Ninja disappear, he quickly turned his attention back to his fellow vigilantes. "He's right. By the wording of the law, we are all criminals. We all have that in common. But when the criminals are using the word of the law to subvert the spirit of the law, what choice do we have?" He paused for a moment, slowly turning his head to peer at each of them in turn.

"Now, we all have our own methods. Can't say I agree with them all, but we are all working towards the same goal. And what have we achieved in the couple of years I've been at this? Two things... Jack and shit. Crime is still rife. Most of the criminal scum regard us as a joke." He was getting louder, more impassioned as he spoke. "I propose we change that. A combining of resources as it were. A team of masks, working together to take Champion City back for the everyday folk. So, what say you all?"
Slowly, drawing a quiet breath, Green Skull peered through the sights of his paintball gun. The target was moving again, but he already knew this warehouse was the man's final destination. He'd been tracking this guy for days now, trying to discover where the Clowns had been taking the young men and women they'd been kidnapping. Now he'd found them.

There were three of them, guarding close to a dozen small cages. Cages that contained a small fortune in victims of human trafficking. They were obviously Clowns, their garish masks making them look like second rate henchmen from a Batman comic. The victims cowered away from their captors, pressing themselves back against the bars in an attempt to avoid the attention of the mask wearing crooks.

The gun barely made a sound, just three quiet pffts as Green Skull sent a trio of paintballs hurtling towards the man he'd been tracking. The first and second detonated against the guy's jacket, smearing the black leather with neon green paint and causing him to cry out in shock and pain as he whirled round, looking for the source of the attack. That's when the third ball struck, slamming into the comically large red nose, before bursting and spraying the green paint directly into the guy's eyes. The paint was Green Skull's own formula, a kind of pepper spray in bright green form.

As the first guy collapsed to his knees, howling in agony as he clutched at his burning eyes, Green Skull broke cover and charged his companions, snatching a set of handcuffs from his pocket as he ran. Holding the cuffs around his hand, he used them as an improvised set of brass knuckles, dropping the first Clown he reached with a swift flurry of punches before clapping one of the cuffs around his wrist. He stood upright and caught the leg of the third Clown as a kick was aimed at his head. He wrapped his other arm around the guys leg, trapping him in an ankle lock before violently twisting and separating the joint with a satisfying snap.

Keeping a firm grip of the guy's foot, Green Skull dragged him to his companion and snapped the other end of the cuffs closed around his damaged ankle, before turning his attention back towards his original target. He was still on his knees, rubbing at his eyes as Green Skull's steel toe capped boot slammed into his forhead, pitching his unconscious form onto his back.

A quick search of the three men unearthed two cell phones and the keys to the cages. Green Skull turned away from the men and hurled one of the phones against the warehouse wall, shattering it, before removing the back of the second one and removing the sim card. He pocketed the sim for later study, before dropping the phone beside the Clown with the cuffed wrist. "The only number this phone will call now is 911." He said, the moutless mask muffling his voice. "You're going to call it, right now, and confess your sins." He began heading for the warehouse door once more, before casually tossing the keys into one of the cages. "Oh, and once you do, you should pray the cops arrive before they find the right key and let themselves out. Either way, justice will be served tonight."

He left the warehouse, ignoring the cries of terror from behind him. Once he was clear of the building Green Skull paused to check his watch. "Shit." He breathed, he was late, late for the meeting he'd arranged. Lowering his head, he broke into a run, not stopping until he reached the abandoned factory he'd chosen.

Within he was confronted with an awesome sight, some of the best Champion City had to offer were standing, or sitting within. Many of them better, more proficient crimefighters than he himself could ever hope to be, but they'd all answered his call.

"The others?" He asked Ninja, feeling a swell of disappointment as the Japanese man gave an almost imperceptable shake of his head. "Never mind, let's just hope they're running late too."

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." He said, turning to address the room at large. "I am sure you can all appreciate that sometimes our work needs to be put first. Can I assume Ninja has already brought you up to speed as to the purpose of this gathering?"
As we speak mate. Should be up soon.

EDIT: posted, not my best but I'm working from a phone with a dying battery.
All the masks are gathering in a disused window factory. Nothing much has happened so far. Just do an intro post that ends with your character arriving at the meeting :)
El Tigre, Vampyr is in, you got your CS in before I decided to close this.
Oh, and even though it'll be typed on a phone, I WILL get a Green Skull post up today.
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