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Alicia arrived at the deck fairly quickly, holding a hand up to prevent her hair from blowing into her eyes as she observed the situation around her while her other hand gripped the rail. Lightning arched across black clouds before a loud boom followed after it creating momentary shadows to flicker across the deck of the Coral Pearl. She gripped tighter as the ship rocked, threatening to topple them over before Danny would catch it just in time. Alicia wasted no time as she rushed to the deck before taking hold of ropes to secure everything down, though the sails would require a few people to work the pulley's to raise them while someone tied them from the top. The scene reminded her of something which happened a long time ago back on her home island, a war which threatened to leave her home in ruins and end her people

ooo000OOO Three years ago. Coast of Yula Fei - Port Hurasai OOO000ooo

~"The orchestra of Yula Fei played a song to our people on the eve of battle... we walked tall against the morning rain with the sound of beating of drums against our iron hearts"~

The sky tore with vicious strikes of lightning, the rain sliding down the gentle curves of her face as Alicia stood on the beaches of Yula Fei beside her sister, father and a small group of the greatest swordsmen trained at her families dojo. Thunder echoed the sky like an angry god sitting atop clouds of black, casting a shadow over the approaching pirate fleet which were now sailing past the shattered smoking and fiery remains of Yula Fei's navy. "Stand ready! we must not permit them to pass us, lest we lose everything we hold dear to our souls" boomed the voice of her father, each swordsman taking out their swords one by one in response as they looked on towards the large vessels which began unleashing smaller boats to carry their men ashore.

Port Hurasai had been designed in such a way that attackers would be forced up the centre of the beach between the dockyards in order to reach the large town. It was here that the last stand was waiting, prepared to lay down their lives in order to protect their loved ones, homes and everything they held dear. Though with most of the fighting population being defeated trying to blockade against the enemy fleet, only few remained to stand against them. "Whatever happens today" her father began as droplets of water dripped from his chin, his clothes drenched and darkened from the rain, "This will have been my greatest honor, to fight beside friends and family against a greater enemy. I'm proud of you all" he said, a flash of lightning casting their shadows in the sand as each of them stood taller in that moment.

The pirate horde charged up the beaches, their swords and steel flashing with the passing strikes of light from the sky as their shouts and cries began to overpower the roar of the thunder. Alicia took a deep breath, the salty air stinging her lungs as her soaking hands gripped around the hilt of her blade. A second latter and the world around them exploded into a flurry of exchanged blows, the sound of metal impacting on metal ringing in Alicia's ears as the fight began. Enemies in their masses fell before them as the group held strong, refusing to give to the overwhelming odds that piled up the beach to meet the challenge.

It felt like she'd been fighting for days, each blow she struck taking more and more of a toll against her body as she became tired, some of them falling to exhaustion only to be cut down by their opponents. Eventually only a few of them remained, but the enemy forces were greatly thinned and some of them began to lose their nerve, fleeing from the beach towards the shore where they were cut down by their comrades who looked at them with disgust, as if they were no longer worthy of fighting beside them any longer.

It had been hours and hours before the remains of the attacking pirates turned and fled, withdrawing from the island entirely and leaving their dead and fallen behind, even leaving some of the ships which now lacked the man power to sail. The storm had let up now, a light drizzle falling between grey clouds with a low grumble of thunder to accompany them. The remaining fighters of Yula Fei stood exhausted, a couple of them collapsing to their knees while others simply could not stand any longer. Only Alicia, her father and he sister remained standing, their clothes stained with blood and their bodies just barely able to hold themselves up. For lack of better terms it looked as if they'd journey'd through hell together and emerged the other side.

But it was over now, the attack on Yula Fei had been repelled and the people were safe once more. "It is done" her father tiredly spoke before he too fell to his knees, both Alicia and her sister moving to stop him from falling completely as they braced him. "My daughters... I fall not for the weakness of my body, but for the overwhelming pride of being your father" he spoke, his words soft yet ragged by exhaustion. The towns people had arrived at the beach after hearing the word that the pirates had fled, and were now rushing to their aid, carrying some of them away to be healed and rested. Some cheered while others cried at the sight of what they saw upon their arrival, but even they knew it would be the price of their victory.

ooo000OOO Present day. Coral Pearl. Location unknown OOO000ooo

Once Alicia was finished securing everything which hadn't already been secured by the others she looked to try and find Ray and Luro. "Ray, Luro!" she called to them, "Help me with the main sail! if you hoist it I'll tie it!" she shouted over the wind before running over to the mast, nearly losing her footing a few times from the rocking of the ship against the waves. Once she reached it she took hold of a the foot and finger holds, climbing it to the top with a reel of rope on her shoulder, once they'd raise the sail she'd bind it to prevent it from tearing as Runali had ordered.
Sheet's so far. I took the liberty of linking everyone's sheet in one place for convenience. I'll PM Keyblade so he can tack this to the OP.

Timothy Greyson / Nightwing
Delilah Queen / Black Canary
Hera Wayne / Batwoman
Alexander Dox / Alasand'r / Bluefire
Juliet Dox / Supergirl
Luke Michel / The Crimson Luchador
Malcolm Winston
Danny Wilson / Deathstroke
Is Malcolm seventeen or fifteen? His appearance says he's fifteen.
I guess we'll see :P
You could get one from me, as long as you're ready to take a heavy hook to jaw and possible throw as price :P
Finished ^^
Name: Delilah Queen / Black Canary
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Green Arrow - Oliver Queen
Black Canary - Dinah Lance



- Expert in hand-to-hand combat.
- Canary Cry: an ultrasonic scream.
- Peak level of athleticism.
- Exceptional martial artist.
- Expert motorcycle rider.
- Intelligent Tactician.
- Trained computer hacker.
- Master Archer.

Back Story: WIP

Delilah discovered her parents past lives after an incident during her very early school life. She was in an argument with a friend and after having let out a small scream of frustration, she ended up blowing out the side of the classroom wall, shattering the windows of the cars outside as well as the buildings across the street. Shortly after the incident both her mother and father sat down with her and explained to her what it meant and where it came from.

Throughout her upbringing her mother and father had taught her how to defend herself, spending hours with her in their home gym practising various different martial arts as well as using the home equipment in order to maintain a level of physical fitness. Though she'd never expected them to have lead the lives of heroes, instead having guessed they were just making sure she'd be safe when outside around other people.

After she'd learned about their past lives her parents began teaching her how to control and maintain her power as well as teaching her about restraint on using it. They'd spend hours teaching her their tricks of the trade, such as how to ride a motorcycle and how to shoot an arrow with lethal precision. The time spent together was nice and Delilah felt that since discovering their past, they'd came closer as a family.

When she turned the age of eighteen her mother gave her a set of keys to her own motorcycle, despite the hesitation of her father who felt the things were a death trap. She was told that one day she would become the next Black Canary, if she wanted to be, though her father was very specific that her costume wouldn't be allowed to be anything like her mothers. Though her mother just rolled her eyes and winked at her when her father wasn't looking.

It wasn't until after the events of Darkseid that she stood up to take the name of her mother, deciding to follow in the footsteps of her parents and help protect the lives of the innocent. She didn't fully know if she was ready to take on such a responsibility. But she did know she'd do everything within her power to give it her best shot, and with luck, maybe she'd meet others along the way willing to do the same.
Malikoy said
The house of Mark's wife's relative is nearby the mall, maybe we can finally bump into each other there.

Maybe something can happen and we can escape there?

And yeah if Richard isn't posting, just move on I guess.
Her *

And yeah I'm still here :)
I would say 18 plus would be best. But it's up to the GM.
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