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    1. WriterRaven 10 yrs ago


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It's been a while, hey?

Just your average Kiwi writer, TTRPG enthusiast, and librarian looking to escape from the troubles of the world. Cats are great. He/they.

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Hana had gone into the Oak Research Laboratory expecting some degree of ceremony and reverence around registering a group of Trainers. As the group began to assemble into a solid half-dozen, she had recalled Satomi back into her Poké Ball both as a courtesy to the others and in line with her expectations for registration day.

Upon her first sight of the ageing Professor and his makeshift wig and glasses, and seeing the direct invasion of personal space, her expression turned into one of abject mortification. She tried her best to retain her usual composure, but it wasn't working. A half-dozen thoughts all ran through her mind at once: This is the internationally-renowned Professor Samuel Oak? This is the man who starts Kantonian Trainers on their Pokémon League challenge?

This is the man who is going to start me on mine?!

This man needs supervision and care, and he most certainly cannot be left to his own devices in a laboratory by himself all day! Surely a successor is due to take on the role of Professor! Are the authorities aware of the state of the Indigo League's beginning? If so, why has something not been done?

However, she said none of this aloud immediately; it would be out of place for her, a complete stranger, to launch into such statements out of the blue. Inwardly, she thanked the heavens that there was at least someone here today to do what the Professor seemed eager to handle himself but, in her opinion, was clearly ill-suited to the task. Before speaking up, she shot a quick, still somewhat shocked glance at the rest of the group who had gathered. Each of them seemed to already possess a Pokémon, so perhaps their visit would be shorter than she expected.

"I, er, have one question, sir." She faltered as she spoke up, but soon regained a modicum of composure. "Where do we begin? With yourself in Viridian, or another Gym?"
Hana had been keeping an eye on Satomi, but she sat up straighter and looked up as a voice reached her. "So, is this the line-up to see the great and powerful Professor? If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was a peasant bus stop instead. Rather disappointing." The newcomer, dressed in black and orange with a candle-shaped Pokémon on her shoulder, sounded particularly disappointed in the research lab's exterior. Hana felt that she took her descriptions a little too far, but she herself would never say such things to a complete stranger.

"I would say 'rustic' is the most apt descriptor," she began. "The Oak Research Laboratory is renowned across many regions, and is doubtless popular; perhaps renovating it might have had an impact on that popularity. Are you here for League registration as well?"

"That is a fair assumption," Lilith confirmed. "I figure since I'm here completing research, I may as well take the chance to relieve some poor fools of their money and prizes to help assuage the spirits and provide them penance for their previous sufferings. Besides, my Pokemon could use some fun." Sia had taken the opportunity to ghost herself. She knew how Karen played this game, and she played her part well.

Hana blinked. It was the one giveaway that suggested the other girl's choice of words had surprised her. Because it absolutely had: she knew of no-one who spoke in such a grim and dour tone, not even the folk who came from the northern mountains where Ghost Pokémon lingered. And at the sight of her Pokémon - or more accurately, the lack thereof, as the shoulder-mounted candle was no longer visible - it soon became clear to her that this gloomy Trainer had a certain affinity, much as she did.

"I see." She got to her feet. "Perhaps some introductions wouldn't go amiss. I am Hana Tatsuyama, of the Sengun region's Kingdom of Platinos." She sketched a short bow of greeting, in the style of her people: bending from the waist, with her arms at her sides. Straightening up, she let her ponytail rest on one shoulder and indicated her own Pokémon. "And that is Satomi. If I may ask, who might you and your Pokémon be, and where are you from?"

The intro caught Lilith by surprise. Sengun? Do I know a Sengun? I don't think they have a league. At least not when I was doing my research....wait.... wait, wait, wait. Montfroza. The Ghost Mountain. That's where that is! Still a long way from here though...

"Reveal yourself, Sia,"
the Unovan stated as her Candle Pokemon reappeared on her shoulder.

Sia gave a bow in response, dipping its flame forward. "Litwick!" she chimed.

"I go by Lilith, the Mistress of Lost Souls," she informed Hana. "I am a child of Icirrus and have traveled here from Mistralton City in Unova to complete my thesis on the Ghost Pokemon of Kanto and how the aural energy of the continent was altered when their home was destroyed to make room for a radio tower, among other things. Sia here is my partner in that assigned task." The young Litwick gave a smile. "She is a good ally, as her light keeps me going in those long hours, even if she requires a bit of life force to do so."

Lilith and Sia. Hana committed the names to memory, matching them to both face and voice. She chose to bypass the comment about the Litwick needing to siphon life energy from Lilith, though. That was a less than proper subject to discuss so openly, she thought. "I see. I am here for the Indigo League, but also to act as an ambassador for Sengun if it is required of me. Shall we wait and see if there are others coming to register before going inside?"

"Hmmm, I suppose," Lilith agreed. "Although hopefully we aren't kept waiting for too long. The sun is rather bright here in Pallet. I don't care for it."
"Satomi! Don't go too far ahead!"

Having found the main road to the Oak Research Lab, Hana and Satomi had begun the uphill trek to the front doors. Being both lighter in weight and not having to carry a backpack and suitcase, the little Pokémon had simply dashed ahead as if she were in a race with Hana. She paused about twenty feet ahead of her Trainer at regular intervals, then sped uphill again as Hana got closer. But eventually Satomi ran out of road to travel, and Hana caught up with her at the top of the hill.

"You're a little rascal sometimes, you know that?" Hana crouched down and lightly scratched the underside of Satomi's helmet-shaped head with one fingernail. It was a ticklish spot that she'd discovered early on in caring for Satomi when she was still super young. Even Steel-type Pokémon could be ticklish, and Satomi wriggled away, half-squeaking and half-laughing as she did so.

"At any rate, we're here. But I think we might need to wait for more Trainers to arrive for registration." It'll be easier to speak with the Professor as part of a group, was the part she left unsaid. There were some wooden benches outside the Lab, looking down at the rest of Pallet Town, and Hana took a seat, setting her suitcase and backpack down as she did so. From the former, she dug out a half-finished case of Pokémon food and set a cube of it down on the grass. Satomi instantly rushed over.

But Hana raised a finger. "Not so fast. You can have half now, and half when we start on the road out of town. Okay?" Satomi raised one bladed arm and obligingly cut the cube down the middle, taking one piece for herself. As she returned the other half to the case and put the food away, Hana sat back on the bench and did her best to relax after the effort of the walk.
Kanto International Airport, Celadon City Outskirts, one day earlier

With her passport and international arrivals card in hand, a young woman with a suitcase stepped up to the security checkpoint when one of the men on duty waved the queue forward. "Anything to declare, Miss... Tatsuyama?"

"One Pokémon, sir," she promptly answered, presenting the passport and card for inspection. When in doubt, declare it, she remembered her parents saying. That was just one of the considerable number of recommendations she'd taken on board while making final preparations for the trip. So she had chosen not to pack any foodstuffs, in the hope of finding suitable ingredients after passing through Customs.

"Pawniard species, young female, hatched in the Sengun region. That correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"And you're here to take on the Indigo League?" He surveyed Hana with what she thought was a look of curiosity as he asked this question.

"Yes, sir."

"Do you have any food or similar on you? A sandwich from the flight?"

"No, sir."

"All right. Take the first left, follow the blue line to Pokémon screening."

"Thank you, sir." There was no need to be overly formal in her dealings with the airport staff, but Hana wanted to make a good impression. She was quick to collect her things and move along. No need to cause a disturbance; everyone else in the queue just wanted to get through and out to the airport proper as soon as possible. She soon found that Pokémon screening was a similar experience, though a smaller queue had formed here. People had Poké Balls close to hand, or containers holding large Eggs. Eventually she found that the queue split into several smaller lines. A computer terminal featuring recessed spaces to scan Poké Balls was installed at each line, with more staff on hand to check over the scan results.

This time a woman was on duty to double-check the details. Soon Hana's turn came around, and she presented the arrivals card and Satomi's Poké Ball, the latter typically secure on her belt.

"Any internal modifications to the Poké Ball?"

"No, ma'am."

"Has your Pokémon contracted any diseases recently? Infections, viruses, open injuries?"

"No, ma'am."

"Place the Ball in one of the slots for examination." Hana did so, and soon enough, a green tick mark showed up on the screen along with a Pawniard stock image. The attendant waved her through; with a brief word of thanks, Hana collected Satomi's Ball and began making her way to the designated carousel for baggage claim. She passed another security team with a pair of Growlithe on leads, and smiled at the sight of the hard-working Pokémon. One briefly pointed its nose in her direction and sniffed, but didn't react in any particular way.

Unfortunately, there had been several signs in the area discouraging people from giving the dogs on duty a scratch behind the ears.

Hana didn't have to hurry. But she wanted to make sure everything was all right. She hadn't packed her cooking tools in her carry-on. That much metal, especially the knives, would have set off about a dozen red flags the moment it went through a metal detector. She knew she could be trusted with such things, but security staff didn't, and they held higher authority than she did in this situation.

Others from the flight were already here, having cleared security before her. So she simply took a place by the carousel and waited. She had patience. It ran in the family. Her first priority after collecting her bag was to find a decent meal. Then she had to make her way into the city, where she needed to find a supermarket. There she would buy staple travelling needs according to the list she'd written on her phone. And then...

The first few bags were making their way along the carousel. Hana briefly studied them, looking for a familiar shape and colour. None to be had just yet. So, not for the first time, she reviewed her plans. She had to set out for Celadon, then Vermilion, she remembered. And from there, a ferry to Pallet Town to meet with Professor Oak. He would be able to point her in the right direction. And then she would travel on foot throughout Kanto, to explore and begin training Satomi against the local Pokémon. Perhaps catching some of the local species to start building a team. The idea of adventuring in a new land, sleeping under the stars, was exciting.

Minutes passed. Some folks were fidgeting with their bags or trolleys. Hana was comfortable with waiting, even if she did pace back and forth while she did so. That wasn't because she was restless: it was to help bring back the feeling in her legs. Being stuck in a plane for hours on end was not something she was used to. The skyship on which she'd travelled to Eyria from Platinos had been much more comfortable. And eventually, there it was: a black, white, and silver backpacker's pack, with the Tatsuyama family's silver shield emblem sewn prominently into one side.

Pallet Town, present day

Dressed in her usual style of a white T-shirt with black hem, blue ankle-length skirt, running shoes, and lightweight coat, Hana Tatsuyama was among the first off the hourly Vermilion-Kanto ferry, making her way off the wharf and onto land as soon as possible. Travel by sea was not something she was used to in the slightest, as she found a bench and sat down to collect herself. She didn't even bother to shrug the backpack off her shoulders. Several minutes passed as she attempted to gather herself and get reacquainted with solid ground.

"All right... all right," she eventually said to herself as she pressed the base of her palms to her temples, holding it for a few seconds before letting go and finally opening her eyes again. She felt better for doing so. At least it was a reasonably short trip; all the fitness training and mental preparation for this adventure hadn't saved her from the unfamiliar experience of travelling by boat. But what mattered was that she was here now. The first leg was done: actually making the trip to Pallet Town for League registration.

She got back to her feet, lifting the backpacker's pack with no difficulty and collecting her suitcase in one hand. With her free hand, however, she took the Poké Ball from her belt and released Satomi. Eyes narrowed, the young Pawniard raised her bladed arms as if to start a fight, but Hana intervened. "Patience, Satomi, we're just going for a walk right now. Stretching our legs after the ferry. Okay?"

Satomi's combat tension began to fade away as she turned to face her Trainer, stretching her limbs for a second before she lowered the sharp edges. "Pawn... Pawn-ya."

Hana quickly translated: Okay. But we haven't properly trained in some time. She just smiled. "I know, Satomi. We haven't had the time, what with the flight and everything. We'll go as soon as we meet with the Professor. And that's our first priority. Stay close, I'll lead the way." With that, she led the way to an intersection, and from there began to find her way. The streets were labelled, and additional signposts pointed the way to notable buildings. Oak Pokémon Research Lab was one of the most prominent signs, well-maintained with a clear arrow pointing the way. Perfect.

Content to let the signposts guide her, Hana soon spotted the research building that was quite apparent as one of the major features of Pallet Town. But as she walked, she began to fidget with small things about her person, making sure her shield pin wasn't crooked, tucking loose hair behind her ears, and double-checking the clasps on her suitcase were properly secured. Everything squared away? ... I think so. Okay. Nothing to worry about.

This was a Professor she was about to see, after all. She had to make a good impression. She'd do the same for either of the Ilex siblings back home - fidgeting included.

Here we are, one character sheet and supporting notes for the homebrew region (for which I have permission to use).

Hundred percent on board with this. Just need to format a character accordingly.
I tend not to pick favourites when there are so many good options. Top three in no particular order: Meloetta, Articuno, Reshiram.
The road out of Hau'oli City was rather uninteresting... though Kazurai could not say the same, however, of the sea view. It was nothing like the coastline back home: it had its own sort of charm to it, rather like what he had seen of Mystriver Lake in that regard. There wasn't time to pause for a photo, however, as there was a long road ahead before reaching Iki Town. Past another Pokémon Center, Kazurai spotted a signpost leading the way.

With Kei content to run beside him, Kazurai took the hill in stride. All those years of fitness training by running up the hills at the base of Platinos's mountains were paying off. By the time they reached flat ground again it had taken a decent chunk of time, though neither of the two were showing signs of tiring. Soon, music reached Kazurai's ears as they approached the outskirts of Iki Town, and he paused to take in the sights.

The place had a bit of a rustic look to it, Kazurai thought as he passed the archway, following the music up ahead. The statuary around the place was odd as well: he couldn't pick out any recognisable insignias or Pokémon in the carvings. "Hmm... I'm not sure how I'd properly describe something like this to the family," he noted as he passed one of the statues. Kei stuck close to him, though when Kazurai glanced down at her, she had a look on her face as if she was hungry. Probably from all that running. And if he was being honest with himself, he felt the same. He hadn't eaten since getting off the Stormchaser... and even then, it wasn't much.

"Let's see if we can find some food. Something bigger than snacks. There's got to be a table or three at an event such as this," Kazurai thought aloud as he moved through the festival grounds, Kei hot on his heels.
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