Avatar of Xartarin
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Xartarin
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 170 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Xartarin 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current not interested in the macroscopic


Molecular Biology major living in California. 21 years old, he/him/his.

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I think I'll have time to post tomorrow evening.
After bolting from the warehouse to the transport planes, Akiba once again decided to forgo reaching the ground once deployed, and was once again suited in the Mark 1 Rodan gear. From his angle, supposedly safe far above the attacking Kaiju, Akiba couldn't really see where the Kaiju touched ground, and their appearance was confusing enough as it is. There was no way for Akiba to tell whether or not the pixellated Kaiju were hovering or sliding along the ground some way, so it wasn't obvious whether or not Akiba was safe up there.

It also seemed like Cia was having trouble getting through the ghosts surrounding Pac-Man, so there was really no time like the present to test his limits. While flying circles around the kaiju, Akiba dipped down to aim the cannon at the ghosts before dipping up again.
Academy Roof

"I am out, I'm on the roof," Erika said with a slight smile as she stood up and took the bundle of cell samples in her arm. Very carefully she walked them over to one of the counters, and unstacked them so they were flat on the only cleared surface in the room. "I'd rather not leave the roof, especially to buy sweets. And I suppose it will be unlikely that I can help you with your orb mystery, but if I find any kind of clue in the Giant Claw's cellular structure, I will let you know."

After that, Erika was pretty much at a loss for casual conversation. As her whole world was now this greenhouse, she didn't really have much to discuss. "When you leave, tell a lab technician to check up on me every hour. I will need someone's assistance to use the machines downstairs, after all. While I wait for the Giant Claw's genome to be sequenced and aligned, I'll start comparing the structure of these cells with my own, and starting some immortalized lines."

Acadmey Warehouse

From a high perch Akiba was able to see the dissection from a distance, with his Rodan suit sitting next to his leg. If asked, Akiba would probably say something about how knowing the Kaiju's anatomy would help him fight kaiju in the future. However, he really wasn't too great at memorizing that kind of information. Most of the academy lessons on kaiju biology went over his head.

If he really wanted to train, there was a simulation for the Mecha-Rodan suit he could use, as actually using the suit just for practice would be risky and wasteful. However, he didn't particularly feel like doing that either.
Anyone want to volunteer for being forced to interact with Erika, or should I enlist an NPC of some kind?
Resting Area

Akiba leaned up against the wall in the chamber where the Kaiju fighters rested after the fight, the corpse of the Giant Claw supposedly en route to be diced up and distributed to every scientist that wanted their mitts on it. His Rodan suit was taken off and laid next to him, both the jetpack and the helmet. Without them Akiba was a guy with a sweaty forehead and a bit of messy hair in his flight suit, leaning back with his eyes closed. One of his eyebrows twitched when overhearing Cia's expression after the days events.

He knew that the strategy or the science of the situation wasn't really his responsibility, he was just a pilot, a soldier. However he didn't really have any interest in just griping about the situation either, or just chatting pointlessly about what happened with the other fighters. It had been a long time since Godzilla first rose from the ocean, long enough that he simply considered this their life from now on. What happened today was only a moderately strange occurrence to him compared to decades of staving off the threat of giant monsters. The only thing he fixated on was how fast King Kong reached his target and escaped, so fast that the Mecha-Rodan suit was powerless to outpace him. 'Maybe if I had the Mark 2 suit I could've intercepted him. There's no way that big ape is as fast as Rodan at his full potential..' Akiba contemplated as his patience started to wear thin.

As far as he could tell, Akiba didn't have anything to say about what had happened. Everything he saw, everyone else saw too, there was no conclusion he came to that wasn't obvious. Akiba stood upright, and then reached down to grab his weapon. The helmet hooked onto the jetpack, and the pack had a handle he could grab, letting him carry it around like a suitcase. "I don't have anything interesting to say about any of this," Akiba announced to the group. "If everyone else is in the same boat as me, I'm going to go catch a look at the Giant Claw's nuts and bolts."

Academy Roof

A greenhouse with several holes punched through the glass occupied part of the Academy's rooftop. Below it was the cellular biology lab, containing powerful microscopes and DNA sequencing machines. However, the door leading to the roof greenhouse has a plastic box next to it, labeled with a sign that read: "DEPOSIT ALL ELECTRONICS HERE BEFORE ENTERING THE GREENHOUSE. ONLY ONE PERSON ALLOWED AT A TIME."

The greenhouse was littered with sprawling vines and untrimmed shrubs and trees, beautiful but cluttered. Even with the holes the greenhouse was very humid. Through those holes vines and trunks poked out, some of the vines spreading out over the outside of the greenhouse, threatening the rest of the roof. While all of the expensive and high-tech cellular equipment was downstairs, two lab tables on either side, the only neat and maintained things in the room, contained the works of old school equipment. Light microscopes, plates, and pipets were stored neatly on top of the tables, which also contained a sink and a few vacuum tubes. The cabinets themselves were filled with empty test tubes, cell samples, and bottles of various reagents. And meditating (or photosynthesizing) in the back of the greenhouse was Erika Shiragami herself, the would-be Biollante successfully reincarnated as her old human self, though the "human" part was now debatable.

When the Giant Claw was shipped in, Erika could see it on its way to the Academy warehouse. It was Academy protocol to send someone with a tissue sample from every part of the body as soon as possible, but there was no way for Erika to request this. She dare not step foot downstairs, and when the Academy installed an intercom or gave her a cell phone, she quickly became frustrated with the devices and chucked them through the greenhouse glass and off the side of the building. Without any kind of messaging or video device she also had no way of viewing progress on the fight, she could only gleam success from the samples brought in. A mailbox would require a human carrier, defeating the purpose. Erika sighed and hoped someone, and only one, would quickly enter from the stairwell door to bring her something to work on.
Wednesday and Thursday I'll have time to catch up and hopefully post.
Akiba was buzzing around the Giant Claw, but drifted away as he heard Blink and Jacque's plan through Jacque's intercom. It seemed like as good a plan as any as far as Akiba was concerned, it was just reckless enough to be up his alley, but there was no reason they couldn't use a little help. Akiba moved downwards, flying around Great Claw on the same vertical plane, firing at its wings with each rotation, trying to fire away from where Jacque's flight path would be but hoping to distract the Kaiju. Hopefully, he would also be close enough to eventually catch Jacque if he needed it.
Are Blink and Jacque talking on any kind of communicator that Akiba would be able to hear them on? Otherwise I'll wait until they do the throw to post.
Sorry I haven't been on recently, I've been busy. I'll catch up on all the posts I've missed and try and reply first thing tomorrow. Well, maybe after breakfast.
This time the kaiju was behind Akiba, and it teleported before Akiba had a chance to circle around and get the monster back in view again. He only heard "What?! When could it do that!?" and an order to decapitate over the communications relay in his helmet, and when he turned around he could see the kaiju had taken to the air again. Akiba didn't know what had happened while his back was turned, but he understood the order. Akiba pulled up and flew higher, rising up past the Giant Claw, and then pointed downwards and fired at the neck again. Akiba was pretty sure there was no way the maser cannon would be able to blast all the way through a kaiju's flesh, considering they were really more used to annoy Godzilla than anything else, but an attack from above might encourage the monster to fly lower near the range of his allies.
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