Avatar of xAsunaWolfx
  • Last Seen: 5 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: xAsunaWolfx
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 788 (0.21 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. xAsunaWolfx 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
My username may contain wolf, however, I'm actually a dog. Give me attention.
8 yrs ago
Do you realize that if you call a restroom a bathroom that has no bathing facilities in it, you're just lying to yourself and the rest of the world? :D
9 yrs ago
I'm back :3


Yo. I'm a university student. I do the honors program with a major in Biomedical science and a minor in microbiology. I might have a brain but I don't always use it (aka I say a lot of dumb shit). I love getting to know people and I've met some life long friends from this site. With that being said, I am very busy during the school year but I hope to be around here a little more like I was before guild fall. I guess I grew up on this site a little. I've been around here since I was 15, so I've been roleplaying for quite awhile. I love fantasy, slice of life, anime ....and the kind of stuff you only RP in PMs *SUBTLE HINT*. Guinea pigs are my favorite animals and tofu is my favorite food. Oh, and I'm not a white person. I'm more of a dark white.. not really black but grey if you will. I'm not really a normal person.

Most Recent Posts

In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
Title: Is RPGuild dying?

You: "A website can't be dead"

No one ever said it was completely dead just DYING, meaning that the influx of visitors is significantly less and may be dwindling as we speak, unless you count yourself as more than one person. I am all for freedom of speech, it just adds to your credibility when you've been around for idk, more than a day and idk, maybe was around for guild fall such as Drakel.
In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
PrincessOfMyBedroom said
Does it really fucking matter?

idk. It probably matters to those who have been around longer than a day.
In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
Master Crim said
DAY BEFORE A HOLIDAYthat might have something to do with it.

In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
TheDoctor said
And the total post count for this site is 2198436. Since this site has been open for just less than a year I just gave a rough estimate and divided 2198436 by 365 to see the average daily posts.2198436 / 365 = 6023 posts per day per average.2000 more than today's post count. Something's wrong with that.

In Is RPGuild dying? 10 yrs ago Forum: News
+Go home you're drunk


.______. hold out for the rest of our lives. It's hard to stand when you've put work into a CS that you got no use out of
This is kinda a little ridiculous
Then it's settled. We await on Ever. I suppose he's going through some tragic manners.
But i'm dropping out unless ever comes back. So it's none of my business anyway.
Thats a possiblity. i guess. But i don't want to piss of the GM who isn't here
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