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    1. XmasForJuan 7 yrs ago


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Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

"I am grateful, counting on your support from now on is quite a relief. Oh, and I will have my tea without honey for now", Saber nodded in thanks before deftly picking up the tray and following her Master out of the kitchen.

As she placed its contents on the table however, Angelina brought up a troublesome topic.

"Let us hope it will never come to that..." Saber spoke in a calm and despondent tone, "The taking of one's life does not and should not come easy, and while the people of my time were denied the privilege of choosing, the same does not hold true for you. Please do not rush this choice. It is not one to take back easily, nor one that I wish for you to make this soon."

Saber waited to seat herself only after her Master had taken her place at the table, but meanwhile realized that she had returned the atmosphere to an uncomfortable weight again when her intent was to cheer Angelina up. A thought flashed in her mind.

"Neither should you face your troubles alone however. I have an ally whom I have yet to call upon for aid, one who will no doubt be paramount to your safety as well as mine. But... reaching out to him may only draw undue attention to ourselves."

Seeing as now was a good a time as any, Saber continued to divulge to her Master the quirks and conditions of her abilities. To know how best to use a tool one must first be aware of its specifications; only then could one formulate an effective strategy.

"And as such I will leave the choice in your hands. Acting rashly while we are unprepared might be unwise, so I elect we wait until the time is right...", it was the sensible choice to make, but Saber could not help but feel saddened by the wait.

Before she even realized it, the glass in her hands had already been drained, a subtle hint of cranberry-like flavor lingering on her tongue. Slowly pushing her empty glass towards her Master, Saber sheepishly asked for more.

Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

A chuckle passed over Saber's lips as she regarded her Master with something akin to parental warmth.

"There is no shame in being a healer, Lady Flores. It falls to people like me to fight wars, but it is thanks to people like yourself and your father that we may prevent the spilling of undue blood."

"However..." she crossed her arm as her eyes narrowed to appraise the girl before her, "It would be a lie to say that your lack of combat ability does not worry me. As your Servant it is my duty to fight your battles for you, and such should be the fundamental structure of this ritual. Servants competing against other Servants. But as our anchors to this world you continue to be our greatest weakness, and consequently, will receive no shortage of attention from our opponents. To lack the means to fight is to lack the means of protecting yourself should I ever be separated from you."

If Saber appeared cold then it was because she had stripped herself of her familiarity to offer her Master an honest opinion. With Angelina's very life on the line, it was best to address things as they were.

"You lack the will to inflict harm on others, and should the time come when you are left with no other choice, your hesitation could no doubt cost you your life. It is an unsuitable stance to uphold during a War like this one, but as problematic as it is, it is also admirable."

Saber's expression softened as she comfortably leant against the surface closest to her Master.

"Your intention of asking the Grail for an end to conflict is a worthy cause to champion, and though you may lack offensive abilities as of now, were you not already deemed worthy by the Grail to claim it the moment these Command Seals appeared on your hand? So please do not fret over the things you lack. In fact...", Saber took on a playful smile, "I must confess that I am quite weak for a Servant of my Class, so I am certainly prone to receiving no lack of injury. A warrior like myself knows only how to swing a blade, so I would be in trouble if I had no one to mend my wounds."

Funny. How an act as trivial as talking to her was enough to put her heart at ease. If possible Saber wished for conflict to never come, for the Grail to choose its victor on its own accord, but of course such a thing was impossible. Six other pairs had gathered in this city. And while Saber counted herself extremely fortunate that her Master ended up being a girl of gentle disposition, she couldn't expect this miracle to repeat itself sevenfold. The dusk of war would soon settle upon them, an inevitability Saber kept in mind, but for now she had her Master to attend to. Ensuring Angelina's physical and mental health came before all else, since she wasn't sure for how much longer she would be able to guarantee it...

Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

Saber took Angelina's assent as confirmation and fully rose to her feet, relieving herself of her outer armor as she did so. The iron splints and plates as well as the leather they were sewn into fractured into numerous specks of bright blue, her set-aside sword being no exception. This left Saber only with her custom Shitagi, narrowly cut to accommodate for her preference of light-weight equipment in favor of the Tosei-Gusoku that were prevalent in her era, though it wasn't quite enough to make her appear indecent. The additional length of the Shitagi tucked-in at her waist spilled out now that the armor-restraints had faded into glimmers of light, dangling all the way down to her mid upper-thigh while her legs were covered with fitting black pants no doubt inspired by the Jesuits that had visited her homeland during the time. They appeared less like traditional Hakama and more like Kyahan that had been made to cover the full length of her legs.

To put it simply, Saber was now dressed in her under-armor consisting of a long-sleeved robe and black pants.

Although it would have otherwise been rude to present herself in such a state of undress, Saber figured that accomplishing household chores while in armor would have been just as troublesome, and more importantly, her Master didn't seem to be one used to the customs of her homeland to begin with. Just as she caught up with her Master however-

"Ah...", to her horror Saber realized her blunder.

At the mention of tea Saber had instinctively pictured a Tea Gathering of the informal sort, the mention of a tea unfamiliar to her written off as a type she simply did not know about, but the modern appliances Angelina was currently operating were tools she only had cursory knowledge of thanks to the Grail. Neither did she know the lay-out of her Master's kitchen, nor could she assist her in preparing tea of a land she had no knowledge of, and while it appeared simple enough, it would be a great insult to its presenter to assume that an inexperienced party could interfere with the process.

And so, as these thoughts flashed through her mind, Saber found herself simply standing by her Master's side with a slightly troubled expression. To be served when one was but a Servant was the height of irony, though what made the sight even more absurd was that Saber's height only barely matched Angelina's, lending the scene a comical air.

Resigned to the fact that it would probably be for the best to let the expert do her work unhindered, Saber merely hung her head as she spoke, "...I will carry the drinks once you are done then."

That being said, Angelina's practiced movements were accompanied by a familiar ease only found in those that enjoyed their craft, the process of preparation, albeit simple, an entrancing sight.

While the silence was strangely comfortable, Saber elected to fill it nevertheless, "I realize that this might be rather direct to ask of you, but would you tell me about yourself, Lady Flores? Your demeanor and your hobbies... even your body does not seem to be forged into the mold of a fighter. Why would someone with such an appreciation like yourself join this War?"

Saber realized it almost seemed like she was prying into her Master's affairs, nary a minute after being summoned no less, but it was for a good reason that Saber had been so flustered by her Master's behavior. She had expected a veteran of war to hold her reigns, a commander whose orders she would follow to attain victory, but instead she had found one pure of heart as her contractor. One couldn't help but grow curious, and the pleasant fragrance of the flowery tea only encouraged discussion.

Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

"I see" Saber nodded, "If you have no experience with swordsmanship then there is little we can do, although... no I believe it might be better this way. To arm oneself is to invite others to respond to your provocation, so it is fortunate that you have yet felt the need to learn the way of the sword."

Saber caught herself dangerously close to veering off topic into one of her lectures, so she had Angelina to thank for brining up the matter of refreshments.
Saber currently existed in physical form. Her feet prickled from the weight of her sitting posture and her tight-fitted armor pressed pleasantly against her chest. Now that she had taken physical form, she had become conscious of even the most menial tasks like breathing and blinking; they were all pleasures of the flesh reserved for the living after all. Though her manifestation was limited and only temporary, these trivialities nevertheless brought with them a certain sense of joy, and Saber reveled in her newfound sensation of being alive. If this alone was so painfully nostalgic to her, then what about the promise of refreshments? Her ears perked at the mention of tea, but her eyes were overcome with flustered concern as her Master had already crossed halfway into the kitchen area.

"Ah, I would love to partake Lady Flores, but please, there is no need to prepare it yourself", Saber hurriedly stammered as she rose to her feet.

She had dealt with nobility and military alike and was able to remain composed during negotiations thanks to the teachings of her father, yet when faced with a superior that considered themselves inferior, Saber admitted to be at a complete loss. Had this girl no regards for her rank and authority? If so, all the decorum Saber had relied upon so far would be of little use... but neither could she treat her as her equal, could she?

Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

Saber's eyebrows arched upwards at the very... unexpected reaction from her Master.

She chose to courteously ignore Angelina's initial outburst in her native tongue, decipherable to Saber only thanks to the services of the Grail, but upon noting the low thud caused by the impact of her Master's butt meeting the hardened floor, Saber decided that averting her sight would be an act of formality no longer.

Raising her gaze while keeping her body naturally lowered, Saber laid eyes on her Master for the first time.

"...?" and the crease in her brow widened in surprise.

Though she had guessed as much from the pitch of her voice, the Lord Lady she had pledged her allegiance to appeared dreadfully young at first glance, though upon further inspection she seemed to carry with her a sense of understanding that only came with age. Nevertheless she seemed flustered for some reason, and upon further reflection it became clear to Saber as to why. Her brown eyes briefly darted towards the catalyst she had instinctively placed at her side, its blade so familiar to her that her body had acted before her mind, but it wasn't an armament originally belonging to her. Her Master must have intended to summon her father instead of herself. It only went without saying seeing as he was much more accomplished and famed for its use, so Saber resigned herself to fill her dear father's reputation in his stead when...

"...or not?", she noted the flushed expression of the girl before her.

She had introduced herself as Angelina Flores, but had furthermore described herself as simple while admonishing Saber's use of her appropriate title. She was as humble as she was kind it would seem, but furthermore, she appeared to have no qualms with having summoned the 'daughter' rather than the 'father'.

Saber allowed a smile of relief to grace her lips, "I am grateful. This a Master I may serve without complaint" she whispered soundlessly to herself.

With renewed vigor she dared to straighten her back as any undue formality only seemed to trouble her superior, her earnest excitement filling her chest with joy.

"Lady Flores then. It would be my pleasure to be of service to you in this War", Saber inclined her head as a replacement to a bow before shifting her attention to the naked blade at her side.

Carefully grasping the cold metal at the very base of the hilt while still in seiza, she offered the sword upright to her Master with the edge pointed towards herself, "But first I must return to you your possession. This was the catalyst used for my summoning, was it not? In that case it must be a prized magical artifact of some renown, one that I would be loathe to deprive you of. Though I feel it remains yet hollow, I do not doubt it can still be of much use to you, Lady Flores. Perhaps we could visit a craftsman to furnish the blade with a hilt and sheath after you have ascertained the scope of my abilities? As my Master, I would be happy to answer any question you may have in regards to my Noble Phantasm as I realize that it is... rather unconventional.", she admitted with a modest smile.

Saber may have gotten too relaxed in much too short of a time, though that only spoke volumes of the disarming attitude Angelina employed to make her feel at ease, intentional or not. After all, for someone like her, she was not used to be treated in such a manner, and by her Master no less.

Saber - Servant of Angelina Flores

Brightness begot darkness.
Lightning begot thunder.

Just as Angelina had fulfilled all the requirements asked of her to reach out towards the Heroic Spirit bound to the blade she had offered, so did the Heroic Spirit answer in kind. The swelling light of her established Magic Circle trembled upon reaching its peak before dispersing into the room, giving way to a nigh oppressive cloud of magical energy, partially composed of Angelina's very own Prana she had sacrificed to this deceivingly simple ritual, while the remainder of it exuded a dense weight which clearly marked it as separate. And yet they mingled. Swirled. Became one. Congregating around the very center of the spent Magic Circle, the unified mixture of energies took shape; a perceivable bond now linking it to Angelina.

Saber took her first breath as Angelina's Servant.

Her black hair was long and thick, yet groomed to a glossy shine even as it was tied up in a high ponytail to keep it from obstructing her view. A delectable pair of curved strands ordinarily framed the sides of her face, yet currently they dangled away from her and pointed to the ground as she had assumed the position of a kneeled bow. Her skin was likewise smooth and milky, the sheer quality of the care put into her appearance marking her as either nobility or the daughter of a wealthy family, and it was in fact quite easy to picture her asian features garbed in the expensive oriental dresses of her home-country. She bore the attributes of a princess, not a warrior, and yet despite that she wore her armor with comfortable familiarity and trust.

Limiting the amount of inlaid metal plating sawn into her arms, shins, shoulders, and waist, her equipment consisted of studded leather worn over a base of thick clothen under-armor dyed in a rich blue and displaying an elegant pattern. The studded leather was tightly fastened with red decorative cord, the piece adorning her chest even sporting a pleasant design alongside the protective plating as proof of its high-quality make and no doubt exuberant price. It was clear that this armor was crafted with the intention of being equal parts functional and regal, no doubt to separate her from the common foot-soldiers in the field of battle. Red tassels hung from her waist and shoulders, a snow-white sash wrapped thrice around her hips and tied into a neat bow, and around her neck rested the cords that kept a modest cape from sliding off her back. Its edges were trimmed with gold and its outer fabric shimmered in a pure white, the underside dyed in a mellow blue, and its function seemed to simply serve as protection against wind and rain and nothing more. Though it wasn't as thin as her silken sash, it also was not made to be needlessly thick lest it obstructed her movements, so it would prove to be a paltry defense against anything other than the subdued forces of nature.

Her sword.

Unfastened from its place by her left hip, it now lay parallel to her body to her right, its curved edge pointed towards her even as it still rested in its vibrantly ornamented sheath. The sheath's lacquered wood as well as the blade's handle were painted in a pale electric blue and covered in beautiful metalwork of glimmering gold from pommel to tip. Almost like a reoccurring motif of her appearance, a striking red cord adorned even the handle of her trusted blade and was fashioned to grant her a secure grip even if it were to be covered in blood and sweat.

But for some reason it had been removed from her side.

Had it been placed to her left with its blade pointed outwards, it would have allowed her to draw it at a moment's notice should the need arise, and yet it currently occupied the exact opposite position. She had purposefully removed her blade from herself and placed it on a side difficult for her to reach, and what was more, between herself and her trusted sword existed one more. Naked. With neither sheath nor guard to furnish it, this blade lay naked between the two, creating even more distance between them. It was the catalyst in fact, the artifact provided by Angelina to call upon her Servant, and while it had occupied the center of the circle only moments ago, it had now been carefully arranged beside the entity that had heeded its call.

She was currently formally prostrated on her knees before her Master.
Her still features were obscured by a wavering curtain of her own black hair as she was bowed deeply before her liege, her lean muscular body tensed in apprehension, though not to an uncomfortable degree.

Even when she finally began to talk, her eyes were firmly fixed towards the ground.

"The life you have granted me shall be yours to command," her voice was that of a raspy whisper, quite deep and mature for a woman, "The blade at my side is now sworn to your service. I am your Servant, Warrior of the Sword, and I hereby swear to shield your body from any harm that may befall it with mine own. From this day on until the day we part you are my Master."

Her words were articulated and precise, her speech presented dutifully and reverently.

"If you consent to these terms allow me but a single inquiry..." her long lashes closed as she paused briefly before addressing Angelina once more, "My Lord, what is your name?"

Ah, thanks then.
Though I'll still try to be more brief next time around~
Ufff. Hahaha, sorry @Dealdric, I tend to ramble so that ended up longer than I thought...
I'll try to stop myself from veering off next time.
Oh, well there's a short version and a long version, but I think the former is probably better for this scenario.

Essentially the Servants themselves aren't the main aspect of the Holy Grail War based on the Fuyuki Grail (so far the only one shown to employ this method... and this isn't the actual Holy Grail from Biblical and Arthurian Lore, but a modern imitation or fake made by makes in their attempt to perform high-thaumaturgy), but what lies at the core of the Grail War is the... well the Grail. At this point we can even go further and differentiate between the Lesser and the Greater Grail, but let's leave that out for now. All that matters is that in 1790, three powerful mages came together and created an incredibly complex and powerful Magical Ritual which would allow them to amass incredible amounts of magical energy which they could use to summon and materialize the souls of Heroic Spirits in order to use them as batteries. You see, the true purpose of Servants is actually just to feed the Grail and fill it with enough energy so that it can eventually gain enough power to break through to the Root... another pretty complex term that basically amounts to the Akashic Record if you are familiar with it. If not then don't worry about it since it's a bit of a long story, but essentially whoever reaches this "Root" will gain unimaginable powers like the True Magics, which include Time-Travel, Travel between Parallel Universes, the Materialization of Souls, etc.
Well that, or they could do god know what while in contact with what amounts to the very core of the Universe. It's a place that exists outside of time which stores and archives information of all possibilities and events, past, present, and future, so some mages just want to reach it find the "truth". After all, once in contact with such an almighty... thing, you could literally ask it ANY question and you'd get a definite answer, so consider that thing to be Be All End All of the universe.

In any case, so long story short: Servants are Heroic Spirits summoned by the Grail to serve as its batteries so that it might gain enough energy to reach the Root.

The Servants don't know this of course, and neither do most Masters (aside from the core three families that started this to begin with), and all they know is that "If I win this competition I'll get a wish granted, yay!", while being utterly oblivious to the true objective of the Ritual. So yeah, the Servants are pretty much screwed since they only exist to die, and the easiest way would just be to order them all to kill themselves at the same time and wrap this thing up, buuut just because the Servant's wishes can't be fulfilled doesn't mean that Master's can't. They obviously want that treasure all for themselves, so they use their Servants to kill everybody else until they are the last ones remaining, seeing as Heroic Spirits make for much better weapons than any gun or nuke could ever hope to be.
But again. Most Masters don't know about this, so they're usually just in this to get a wish fulfilled.

Oh, and one last thing. Just because the true purpose of the Grail is to punch a hole through the Root, doesn't mean it can't fulfill wishes. It's still perfectly capable of making you rich, famous, handsome, or any other basic wish you can think of. At the end of the day it's still a huuuge cauldron filled to the brim with magical energy, so even if there's still some Servants left that haven't been killed yet, you could technically just sneak in and get your wish granted anyway. So yeah, you basically have an incredible amount of magical energy at your disposal to wish for whatever you want, so as long as it isn't anything impossible, it should be able to grant most "normal" wishes, though I think for something like true reincarnation or attaining godly powers you still need to beat all 7 Servants, but take that with a grain of salt. Nobody actually ever won a Grail War in the main Fate Series, so it's hard to really know the details xD
I spent a few too many hours of my life obsessing over Fate lore, so I could help you fill in the blanks if you want to @Dealdric. So long as they are only general questions of course, since I can't really do much if it's in regards to your Servant for obvious reasons xD
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