• Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: xRobynx
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 271 (0.07 / day)
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    1. xRobynx 10 yrs ago


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Le poke
Robyn gave an estranged look, and felt rather insulted as Jamlamin laughed at her response.

"You believe that don't you? Well I know your new friends wouldn't like that, us included."

What did he mean by that? She couldn't tell. She continued to find comfort in stroking her fingers through her hair as he continued on his rant.

"Or maybe I'm trying to pick your pocket," Jamlamin finally said.

 Rilden walked up upon them, but did nothing to stop Jamlamin's advances, maybe he did not see them, she didn't know.
 She instantly began to feel most uncomfortable as she could sense his hand moving closer. Her body tensed with his words as his hand moved closer. What in the world did he want from her? Why was he saying such things? Why was he doing this? From the corner of her eye she saw his warm smile, but it only served to further strain the air between them. Her fingers stopped their gliding just as rested as she anticipated him touching her. She wouldn't allow that to happen.

Rilden said something but it fell upon deaf ears, the words went unnoticed, but the tone was sincere. She was waiting to retaliate. He finally halted his advance, "Uhhh... if you will excuse me, I forgot something back at the house." With that, he was gone.

A chill ran up her spine as she gripped her mane, seeking comfort in its warmth. Was he really gone? She couldn't know. Maybe he was her shadow right now; she'd never know and didn't know how to find out. She brought her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. She didn't want to look at either Chiron or Rilden.
What could I even say? Jamlamin creeps me out? Sure, that would be enough of an excuse to have the centaur fly off the handle, but what of Rilden? Am I just overreacting?

She thought back on the short time she has known him. He appeared looking into her home from a window. Why would he do that? What was his purpose? Was he there to rob her? Was he or is he still under the authority of Fusos? Was she to be a captive? She could see what kind of asset having a healer would be to Fusos. What of Rilden? Was he after him too?

The more she thought the more uncomfortable she became. She had to break the silence lest they get curious.

She allowed her hair to block her face as she focused on the horizon. "So how do you think the story should've ended?" she asked no one in particular.
Robyn wasn't aware that Jamlamin was paying her story any mind; it was a kid's story after all. Still, he approached from behind and spoke words that caused her to think.

Free of his abilities? A bastard?

She listened well to his words, even noting a certain bitterness among them. She did not make eye contact as she pondered his words for a moment, her eyes still fixed on the water's glittering surface. The thief's words were much as he said, unpredictable. While she was generally a very good read of people Jamlamin left her stumped. He seemed like a very conflicted man, but she could gather little more from him than that.

“You talk as though the thief's abilities make the whole of him and even control him, “ she said without sparing a glance back at him.

He sat down beside her on the grass,"but besides all of that I think the mage needs a happier ending."

This time she did spare a glance as she caught him sharing her view of the river before them. Chiron apparently overheard the story as well. She almost was ashamed at herself for forgetting their presence, Chiron's in particular was hard to forget.

"This might be the only time, I will ever say this, I agreed with the...spy, the mage should have a way better ending. I like the centaur part, he sounds like an amazing fighter, brave, strong, handsome. He sounds familiar."

She refocused her gaze back at the water, and pulled her hair over her shoulder and let it rest over her breast before mindlessly running her fingers through the red locks, “Maybe to the mage, that was the best ending she could have hoped for.”
Just so you know. I love how you play your character, Enalais. He's really a conflicted character; makes things interesting. =)
"We really need to find out what the he-"

Robyn quickly stopped her story and fired a glance over her shoulder just as Chiron cut himself off. Satisfied, she passed a glance over the other two as well. She couldn't tell what Jamlamin was up to, maybe thats what got to her so much about him. Rilden, however, seemed content in overlooking them all. She could only imagine the thoughts going through his mind as he looked out at the scene before him. Could a rag-tag group really overthrow a King?

For the purpose of her story, the answer was yes. She turned back to the children and continued on.

“Then the orcs attacked!” She threw her hands up like claws and make a roaring sound at the group, one halfling jumped slightly.

“They fought and fought as the orcs got deeper and deeper into the town, looking for the incarnates. Even with the true King's mighty sword and the aid of a mighty centaur there were too many to take on. They would have to find another way. They retreated, but not before escorting civilians to safety. “

“The true King lost?” one spoke up.

She paused her story, “Not quite. They just needed to think of a plan.”

She continued on.

“They hid for the night in a nearby town and began to think. They would need a good plan to save the kingdom from the evil tyrant. They quickly thought of a plan. They would have to sneak in to the castle. As luck would have it, the shadow incarnate was happy to help. They made their way to the castle and waited till nightfall to sneak in.”

“They made their way inside through a secret passage which lead them right under the feet of the castle guards. BUMP-BUMP BUMP-BUMP” she said imitating the sound of feet on the ground, “They had to be quiet for they could be found out. The passageway lead them not far from the throne chamber where the evil King's voice rang out. 'I WANT THEM FOUND!'” she tried to say in her deepest most sinister voice.

“Guards rushed from the room leaving the King alone with his thoughts. They rushed inside. Now inside the centaur barricaded the door so the guards couldn't get back in, but they also couldn't get out. It would seem the King was about to be overthrown but he was also a very powerful sorcerer. His powers knew no limits. They rushed into battle.”

She waved her arm as if wielding a sword in the heat of battle, “CLANG! CLANG! They fought. In a fair fight it would've been quickly over, but the Tyrant was no fool, no sir. He cast a spell that sent the entire group: the heir, the two elves, the mage, the thief, and even the mighty centaur were cast aside like toys. Thinking all was lost the two elves clasped hands, and the mage looked up awaiting their demise. It would be the heir that would fight to stand again. He summoned all his courage and with the last of his might struck down the tyrant.”

She paused as she took a slow breath before continuing on.

“Of all the powers found in the group, the power of courage was the most powerful. It was courage that won the day, not blessings. Courage in the heart is much more powerful than any gift bestowed upon a life. Courage alone has more power for change than healing, or even lurking in the shadows ever could. The best part? Courage doesn't only have to reside in one person. It can reside in everyone, in their own little way. You don't have to swing a sword to be brave, you only have to stand up.”

She sighed and leaned back a bit at the completion of her story. One of the older children gave the others of her group a speculative look. His eyes first went to Robyn, then the centaur, Jamlemin, and Rilden before returning back to her. She could already tell he pieced it all together in his mind.

“What happened to them after?” the little girl spoke up.

“Well,” she said contemplating an answer. “The kingdom once again became prosperous and the people lived without fear of war for many generations. The heir married a noble woman from across the Kingdom and had many sons. The two elves became ambassadors for the King's court. The shadow incarnate started this own business and became very wealthy. The centaur remained doing what he loved and roamed the forest, but visited the castle often.”

“And the mage-?” one asked.

She fell silent for a moment, unsure of how answer.

“The mage didn't know what to do after it was all over. She finally got her chance to see the ocean and sailed away on a ship. Never again did she step foot on land.”

Robyn let out a heavy breath at the end of her story just as a motherly voice called out to the flock.

"Thanks for the story Miss Lady," the eldest said as he led them towards the voice, "Coming!"

Robyn watched as they headed off before turning her gaze back to the sparkling river.
Several locations are active. Read and see which would be most prudent. However, be advised that faycreast is well hidden and probably not the best starting point
"Everyone alright?" a familiar voice called out.

She turned to meet the voice, but instead met his hand extended in her direction; a kind gesture, not one she'd expect from him. She took it and pulled herself up.

“Thank you,” she said dusting the dirt from herself. Rilden and Rhovanor rushed from the tavern expecting danger. They scanned the area and wound up just as clueless as she.

"Is everyone alright?" Rilden called out this time.

“Yeah,” she responded, “everyone's okay.”

The children quickly grew unnerved and one even hide herself behind Robyn's leg, peeking out at the others with large green eyes. Instinctively she placed her hand on the back of the little girl's head.

"That didn't' sound good... Tonight we will all meet in the barn, and discuss where we go next..."

Robyn responded with an affirmative nod, before quickly turning her attention to the frightened child, “Noone's going to hurt you. Come, I'll show you another trick.”

She lead the tiny flock towards the grass just before the bank of the river and sat herself down in the grass. She looked back at the others with a small smile. She had to admit, she never got to do this before, but she was having fun with it. All their smiling faces reminded her that there was still good in the world.

Turning her attention back to the children, who now looked eye-to-eye with her sitting, she closed her hand and looked around at them.

“You ready?”

“Yea!” several responded.

She threw her hand into the air as if ready to throw a ball; a sparkling ball flew from her palm and into the air. The ball sparkled as it flew higher and higher into the air. Not far by her standard, but far enough for the halflings when suddenly it exploded with an audible POP! sending different colour sparks in all directions.

The children stood in awe as she sent a few more into the sky, but were quickly disappointed when she stopped.

“It works better when its dark. I'll do more later tonight okay? Besides, anyone like stories?”

Several of them nodded and some sat down beside her. The little girl from earlier even chose to sit under the crook of her arm.

“Once upon a time there was this evil king....”
Her temporary absence of mind apparently did not go unnoticed.

“..You look as if something is troubling you.”

She grabbed her glass of water and took a drink. In truth she was not thirsty, but wanted the extra time to think of a response. A second or two would pass before she set her glass back down.

“Its nothing, just thinking,” she replied with a smile, even if it was a bit forced nothing was truly that much of a bother.

“Excuse me,” she said as she excused herself from her seat and started to leave, but not before dropping a few coins to cover her order on the table.

She headed back outside and across the road to overlook the river again. Water was always so peaceful to watch. A a light breeze carried a fresh waft of salt from the nearby ocean. The scent was one of her favourites. Eventually, she promised herself, I'll get my chance to be on the ocean, at least once.

She smiled at the thought. She'd always heard stories from the sailors that frequented her clinic, and they were always fascinating. Her thoughts were interrupted by something moving from the corner of her eye.

Several small halfling children were gathered giving her a collectively estranged look.

She couldn't help but crack a small grin, for once in her life she was a giant among the community. “I suppose you don't see a lot of humans around here,” she said with an extra soft tone.

They whispered amongst themselves intelligibly. She could see they were not sure what to think of her, and the rest of the group who for the moment, was nowhere in sight. She crouched down close to the ground and picked a single leaf from a nearby plant and showed it to them.

The children did not say anything, but met her actions with confused looks. She picked several more and enclosed both her hands around them. Several silent moments passed before she opened her hands.

The faces of the six or so halfling children went from confused and scared to a blush of amazement. From her hands the leaves had started to take flight like several small green butterflies. The small swarm circled the children just over their heads for a couple passes before gliding back to the ground as lifeless leaves.

One little girl was for a moment scared, but quickly turned to her mouth agape with amazement, then laughter. Another boy attempted to catch some. Robyn couldn't help but chuckle.

“Do it again!” one yelled excitedly as some ventured even closer to the redhaired giant.

She was picking a couple more leaves and just enclosed them in her hands when the ground gave a small tremble. The tremble was small, but still enough to throw Robyn off balance from her crouch.

The children backed up, as if she was responsible. She looked around in surprise but saw no cause for such a tremor, “What was that?”
Back inside she noticed Jamlamin did not follow. Still, she sat in her seat just as an arm extended through the window from behind her and grasped the flagon affront her. She was a bit taken aback by the move, apparently he forgot the part about her handing it to him. As the vessel disappeared out the window with the arm a gleeful “Cheers!” rang from outside the window.

Food quickly being served as the waitress handed out their plates to each person. The plate sat down affront of her and she looked at it with anticipation. She was famished. She could feel her mouth water with the promise of a good meal. And with that they began to eat. She ate with all the propriety one would have come to expect from her maybe even a bit more than before. Now that danger had passed for now, she was with several strangers on a suicide mission. The thought that she had only yesterday met these strangers and now they were eating together as friends... as compatriots for the throne.

Some, she mused to herself, might be more than friends soon enough. She glanced over at Alura as the thought crossed her mind. She wasn't sure if Alura noticed, she seemed a bit reoccupied.

The thought made her thinking of the whole situation. Was it wise to do that so quickly? There is a very real possibility that some of them won't live to see the throne restored. Maybe it was the real possibility of death that drives the heart. She didn't know. She sighed.

As she took another small bite she thought about her own life afterwards. What would she do? Would she return to her clinic? Would she get married afterwards? She couldn't know and maybe, she concluded, it was just best not to think about it. Even if she did who would it be to?

The peeping tom? No, probably would sneak off all the time anyway. The elf? Not if she didn't want Alura to kill her in her sleep. The blue-blood? She wouldn't have a chance, even if. The centaur? she paused as she visibly cringed at the thought, Most defiantly not!

They were all good allies, but she doubted she had a future beyond this endeavor. Maybe it wouldn't even be an issue because she might die.

Why am I even thinking about this?

It must be thinking about Alura, the poor girl, she reasoned.

Robyn had no idea how long she had indulged herself with her mind's revelries but had only realized she hadn't said or heard a single word the entire meal and even she was finishing up. She looked around sheepishly.
I'm in that group as well. Forgot about myself. Damascus was ransacked as well by Fuso's men
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