Avatar of xXSINXx


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10 mos ago
Current Returning from family reunion today to all my friends I'm currently role-playing with I will get posts out today
11 mos ago
In the name of Shenan, if one shenans, they will shenanigan
2 yrs ago
I'm not man enough to be human, but I'm trying to fit and and I'm learning to fake it ;)
7 yrs ago
Tried making cheese sticks for the first time...... well more like cheese logs now
7 yrs ago
Looking for a 1x1 partner pm me to discuss ideas.
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I'm interested in working with you. I sent a PM
LE BUMP, Accepting Key Character Claims, and OC Knights and servants for the house.
Name: Rebecca "Ghostie" Cave

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Height: 5'5"

Weight 125 lbs.

What Do they skate? Street and Freestyle, a Queen at manual tricks and grinds, and highly known for her speed on a board.

Role: Rogue Skater/ Maybe future instructor because oh her talents??


Personality: at first Rebecca can be quite and tends to appear shy, but when she gets to know you. She's a pretty rad chick and can even be bubbly at times. She absolutely loves to skateboard, day or night, it doesn't matter, its freedom to her. When it comes to skating, she's quite the daredevil, at least on the street side and massive hills to manual down, vert however scares her a bit, nor did she have much success as a vert skater. Low key, she is also a hopeless romantic and has an interest in both genders.

Around her friends, Rebecca is a much different person the the shy girl one would first encounter. She's a punk-rocker and sometimes has some wild moods, non of which are bad, she can just be too much sometimes, but she really cares for her friends.

Background: Rebecca actually moved here not too long ago with some fame as a novice, just turned pro skater. She had been at it for about seven years now and she excelled in the street game for a while. Her inspiration for skating comes from the American Manual King Rodney Mullen, which is mainly why street is her style of choice.

Currently she's landed a part-time job at one of the local skate shops in town, doesn't pay much, but she gets to have fun and work with boards, as her main job was board maintenance, changing out bearings, fitting grip tape, if a board needed an operation, she was the doctor.
@Deja I'll have one up later this evening when I get home.

@Crimson Flame Nice to see you again :D
I've been wanting to get a good skate RP going for a while, tried once before to no avail. So count me in!!
bump in need of characters!!!
I'm interested in finding a 1x1 partner, if you'll indulge me, shoot me a pm and we can discuss some plots
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