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Sorry I'm taking so long with my post, guys. I've been working lots of overtime and just coming home burnt out every night, can't seem to muster up any creative juice, you know the drill. Gonna try to get Emilio and Gaspar's conversation moving again soon.
Still here, just being a lazy asshole.
Working on a post in TP. Sorry for my absence.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I'm kinda hitting a block. If anyone wants to do a collab let me know, that may help me out.
Gaspar stuck to the captain's cabin as the afternoon wore on and the hour of their departure neared. Gazing out the window to the west, he watched the descending sun and pondered the voyage ahead. A crew-mate had brought in a bed for him shortly after Emilio left, and though he had attempted to catch a nap he found himself too restless to sleep. It was a pity too, for he was exhausted.

Presently Gaspar left his post by the window. The captain’s lavish quarters housed what appeared to be the only rug on the ship; a rich expanse of mottled wolf fur; and he took a moment to revel in the feeling of it against his feet as he crossed the room towards his bed. He still had no shoes. Thankfully the floors of the boat were worn smooth, so he’d not have to concern himself with splinters. Even so, much of the lower decks were rather grungy, especially in the crew quarters; and it would only get worse the longer they were at sea. It would be imperative for him to find some manner of footwear soon.

The thin mattress that had been afforded him sat wedged into one corner, his chest beside it. Gaspar picked up the small oaken container with a grunt, moved it to the table opposite Emilio’s desk, and took a seat. The lid made a familiar creaking noise as it was opened, and in a matter of no time Gaspar had littered the table with the chest’s contents.

His own personal writings, having been kept in his back room, were most of what had survived the fire. He had tried to salvage some of Adalberto’s things that morning, but a few scorched books were all that remained. Gaspar felt a pang of sadness as he set those carefully aside. Of his own affects many were journals or loose papers written on various subjects; notes, ideas, or letters from friends and family. Books there were also, on many and varying subjects. Some regarded history, some science, others art or culture. A few volumes contained information on writing itself, such as the practices of book-binding and calligraphy. There were fictions and mythologies as well, and a scant few manuscripts that he knew to contain passages on the occult or arcane. One work in particular caught Gaspar’s eye as he scanned the collection; A Bestiary of Northern Europe and the Scandinavian Countries. He recalled "lindworms", possibly the northman's dragon, being mentioned numerous times in that book. He knew of the rumors that were circulating about the nature of Sintra’s disaster, and he was not quick to buy into such notions. He had seen no winged beast; but then again, he had not spent much time looking up at the sky that night.

In any case, those passages could prove useful should the topic arise. He placed the bestiary and his other books back in the chest, and examined what material he had for writing. For loose paper he had perhaps twenty sheets, some damaged, and for unused journals he had but three. A good number of quills and wells were at hand, but only one half-empty jar of ink. These meager rations would last the crossing, but no longer. He would have to restock in Morocco.

The sound of heavy boot traffic thundered above his head amid a chorus of shouts, and Gaspar guessed that their time of departure was at hand. After quickly gathering his things back into his chest and returning it to the floor next to his bed, he hurried up to the main deck to catch a last look of Sintra before they set sail.
Working on getting something up.
* A collaboration between myself and Peik*

Despite a general knowledge of ship layouts, Gaspar found himself at a loss once he descended below the main deck. This new environment was dark, smelly, and incredibly cramped; and although the inner space could not have been more than three-hundred square yards, it felt like a labyrinth. Burly men of foul tongue and even fouler odor scampered to and fro on unmarked highways, carrying and pushing and pulling and bantering. The controlled chaos of departure, easily navigated and utilized by the crew, was a complete enigma to the young boy.

Anxious to make himself as congruent as possible, Gaspar made haste to find a bed of some sort that was out of the way. He felt the familiar sensation of panic beginning; a numbness of the fingers, lightness of the head, and tunneling of the vision. His jaw was tight and his eyes wide as he plunged ahead through the tangle, dodging obstacles and crew. Eventually, Gaspar found himself a hammock in an out-of-the-way nook near where he guessed to be the bow of the ship.

"You're fine." he muttered to himself as he sat down, clasping his hands together and staring at the floor. He had not anticipated how nerve-wracking this experience would be. Not two minutes aboard the ship and already he was shaking. It was not so much the prospect of the voyage that had upset him so, but the knowledge that he could still go back; that the safe life he had known was mere steps behind him.

Amelia did always act up more when mother was nearby. Gaspar thought, with a slight smile. He knew that he would feel better once the ship had departed and there was no way back. It was the same as when his mother had left him in Sintra with Adalberto the first time; he had felt a knot in his stomach only until she was out of site. Once she was gone, his mind had turned to the excitement of his new opportunities.

Turning to the chest by his side, Gaspar hurriedly undid the latch and lifted the old wooden lid. After a few seconds of rummaging he pulled out a small journal, its red cover still vibrant and unworn. He leafed through the blank pages with a smile, feeling the crispness of the paper against his fingertips. His shaking calmed a bit as he imagined this diminutive tome filled with accounts of grand adventure. It would be the perfect book to document his journey.


''Ugh, dear God. It hurts.'' Perhaps due to the fact that his adrenaline had recently worn off, Hata'i was struggling with the fresh pain of his bladder. He had left his bag and equipment where he had decided to spend the journey, and now, was busy traversing through sailors preparing to get to the head of the ship, where he could relieve himself safely. ''Shit.'' He found himself on the ground after tripping on the foot of an extremely large sailor, who seemed to be quite angry since now he had dropped the barrel of gunpowder he was carrying. Not that anything had happened to the barrel. The barrel had fallen directly on the man's toes. Attempting to calm down the man, Hata'i tried to reason with the man's friends, who were now watching the man, hiding behind their cannons, waiting for a show. The ground creaked as the large sailor threw himself towards Hata'i, and then almost burst as the man fell on the ground after missing his target. ''Can we please get this over with later?'' Hata'i asked to the man, barely able to contain himself. He was answered with the sound of a dagger whizzing through the air.

Deeming death-by-sailor to be an end too degenerate for him, Hata'i threw himself quickly down the stairs to avoid the man. He quickly started moving through the labyrinth of crates in an attempt to lose the burly Spainard who was right behind him. He could hear the stairs croak and the man's feet thump. Moving with deftness that would be unexpected from a man of his stature, he quickly moved to the head of the ship, and after a few seconds' time of bothering with his pants, started to relieve himself of the liquids pent up inside his bladder. The painful feeling of pissing, alongside the immense relief, gave him a pleasurable feel that made him shiver.

The euphoric shivering didn't last long, however, as Hata'i heard a roar that made him jump out of the way. The Spainard had lunged at him again. And once more, he had failed to hit his target. Now, the man was lying face-down in a puddle of piss, and immensely angry. Hata'i looked around his surroundings to defend himself but could not find anything as the Spainard, face tinted yellow, started running at him again. Instead, he simply kicked the man in the gut. The man fell on his knees, and Hata'i started slowly walking backwards. Undeterred, the Spainard attempted one last attack, and ended up getting blasted in the face with piss. Hata'i quickly left the area as the man fell crying into the ground, his eyes hurt from the acidic qualities of Hata'i's urine.

''God forgive me,'' Hata'i kept saying to himself as he walked back to his hammock after avoiding the Spainard's friends, who were thankfully too distracted with the man, and tucking his important parts back in his pants. However, where he had thought would be his resting place was now a young, nervous, wiry man. ''Hello?'' Hata'i asked, ''What are you doing here?''

The young man looked up from his book abruptly. "I...I am coming on this voyage." he stammered after a few seconds. His manner seemed almost defensive. "My name is Gaspar, I'm from Sintra."

Hata'i realized that he was caught in a somewhat odd situation. The young man seemed to be somewhat afraid of him, and understandably so - nobody would like to be near a large man holding his privates in a ship. His answer was, to say the least, unsatisfactory. ''I'm not saying that.'' Hata'i said. ''That's the hammock I was planning to use.'' Hata'i pointed at the hammock Gaspar was sitting on. ''You couldn't find a vacant spot?'' He asked, hoping this conversation wouldn't turn into a piss-tinted fight like the last one.

"Oh, I..." Gaspar looked at the hammock in question as if it held the answer to Hata'i's question. "No, I'm sorry, I didn't know. I can find somewhere else." He hastily stood up to leave. "Sorry."

Hata'i sighed and shook his head. ''Nah, don't bother.'' He said to the young man as he walked towards one of the barrels and reached behind it, pulling his bag out of where it had been stashed. Afterwards, he reached one more time and pulled out his carbine, checked the lock (lacking triggerguards, Turkish muskets were much more likely to discharge when not needed), and then moved out of the place, looking for another spot to sleep in.

"Um, thank you!" Gaspar called after him as he left. The young man shook his head and sat down again, a look of regret passing over his face as he turned his attention back to the journal in his hands.
Gonna start on my next post now on Titanpad. Peik and I are planning on collaborating, but if anyone else wants in on it feel free. The more the merrier.

EDIT: What's the name of their ship?
Cool! I hope I get to do some collabs soon, it looks like fun.
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