Avatar of Yuuta
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    1. Yuuta 8 yrs ago


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Ayana huffed at the Dwarf's dismissal of her indignation. She didn't like that he thought certain work was beneath him either. But, she didn't want to start a fight the first day on the trip so she left it at that. Maybe he didn't like shoveling dung because he was so short and his nose was so close to it... The thought of it made her giggle and her good spirits were restored. And so, she joined the group as they began walking toward the mountain that loomed on the horizon.

Then, their group leader, or at least the person who was acting as the leader, came up with an idea. "A watchtower? I think that's a great idea! Ayana said brightly. "We can even put a weather vane on top of it! I'm no carpenter, but I'd be happy to help you build it. I helped my family fix up their bar all the time when it needed repairs. It can't be that much different." Ayana walked in stride beside Esailia. She liked the Mithra's "let's get to work" attitude. Plus, she didn't have to feel weird about being the only person with animal ears. It was odd how few kitsune their were in the more urban areas.


* * *

As the party neared the mountains, the grass became thinner, more sparse, and more prickly. The soil gradually faded from a dark brown to a light tan. The temperature was still pleasantly warm, though it was beginning to cool as the sun drooped lower in the sky. By its position, it was now late afternoon, approaching the evening. The mountains were still a half-day's hike away and it would likely be dark before they reached them. Still, the party drew close enough to them now to discern some of their features. They were a series of peaks that seemed to have valleys running through them, and swirling patterns in the stone that were made more intense by the orange backdrop of the sky. By the looks of it, the sun would be setting about 45 degrees away from them, making their mountains North-West-ish by virtue of sunset.

@sntabe Ah, sorry, I must've missed that. I'm going to say no calculus, thereby no Newtonian mechanics yet. Though, if you want, you could have your character working such problems out, as he's a pretty smart dude. The earliest lenses were a 12th century invention according to google, so Zeke is cutting edge, but not in the realm of implausible. Microscopes, however, were a 17th century thing, so no cell theory. Heliocentrism is fine. It's really the church's fault it took so long to catch on. Hope that answers your questions.

@ReusableSword@Force and Fury Well, if you guys don't mind, he can jump in. Just make a profile, Sword, and I'll take a look.
@ReusableSword Unfortunately, we've got a full party. Sorry.

Also, I'll be having my post up tomorrow.
@DocTachyonJump on in. We're just getting started.
@Nagariin Well, as a fighter you're probably very fit. You can take a beating as well as dishing it out. You're probably made of sturdy stuff and won't succumb to the elements as quickly as others. You're strong and can help with heavy lifting. Basically, you're a tough guy. There's plenty you can do with being a fighter. And you don't need to explicitly state every mundane thing you can do.

Ayana watched the horse peacefully munch on the grass with a serene smile on her face. She slipped off her sandal and set her foot down on the earth. "Heh, first person to touch the New World," she said to herself as she gave a soft giggle. The soil was much different than her homeland, though. It seemed more coarse and a bit drier despite the fact that there was ample vegetation. She wriggled her foot around to get a feel for the land. The grass was stiff and prickly; it didn't hurt, but they probably wouldn't want to be spending any time in the field barefoot. Maybe they'd find softer ground somewhere else.

She was ripped out of her little reverie by an authoritative voice. The Mithra was trying to get everybody organized, which was perfectly fine with the kitsune. It was always good to know who was in charge of what. However, when she declared what the groups were be, Ayana stood confused for a moment. She took a few steps towards food, because the end result of her farming was usually some tasty veggies or wholesome grains, but then she stopped. She produced the food. Did that me she should join the production group? She scratched her head, but ultimately decided to stand between the two groups. It made her look out of place, but it made sense to her; she was a mix of both, so she should stand between them both.

She listened with a calm smile as her companions introduced themselves, but then the dwarf said something that irked her. "Hey, shoveling dung isn't demeaning!" Ayana put her hands on her hips and glared down at Treekle. "When diluted properly and given time to break down, horse dung can actually be made into some very good manure. My family has sold such manure to palace gardeners, so don't look down on it, Mister."

With that out of her system, she glanced around at the party, suddenly aware that she had made a rather hostile first impression on them. She quickly took a more relaxed posture and put back on a cute smile. "Oh, and umm... My name's Ayana Takashi. I'm a farmer.
I hope we can all get along, otherwise this will be a loooong year."
She rubbed the back of her head and gave an awkward laugh. She also hoped she wouldn't make a fool of herself in front of all these impressive people.

@Nagariin Advanced survival skills make more sense for somebody with a ranger background. Part of this RP will be working with people who possess skills that you don't, so I'm going to decline your request.
@Nagariin Your role in the party is a fighter. What other skills do you need?
@Esailia I will not be implementing a strict post order. If you're having a back and forth with someone, just wait for a couple of other people to post between your exchanges so you don't dominate the thread. I definitely support mentioning in IC posts since it helps people keep track of what is specifically directed at them.
@Regitnui@Rune_Alchemist@Drunk Uncle Bob@ThriceDefied@Esailia@LunarValkyria@BangoSkank@Force and Fury@DocTachyon@Dusty@Nagariin@sntabe@checkeredsoul

The first post is now up! Feel free to make your entrances and start interacting! Any questions, just let me know.
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