Avatar of Zamokra41
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  • Old Guild Username: Zamokra41
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Zamokra41 10 yrs ago
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Hey, :D

People call me Zamokra, Zamo or Sylas for friends. What can I say about myself? Am a simple bloke in his early twenties trying to find his place in the world. I'm also a practitioner of the arts of drawing, writing, gaming and procrastinating.

I like roleplays of almost any color though I tend to stay away from those based on TV shows/series, don't ask why. I usualy preffer Mid-Casual to High-Casual and although I 'specialize' in Fantasy-based RPs, I also like every other type, ranging from Slice of Life to Ultra-Futuristic-Sci-Fi and everything in between.

No off-site info on me, I like to keep my privacy private :D

Jokes? Alright then. What is red and bad for your teeth? A brick.

Most Recent Posts

Important Personalities

More to come as our characters meet them.

Places of Interest

More to come as we both build and visit them

Still OPEN, Come on in!

Welcome, Adventures to the ‘Darkness in the Light. This is a Casual High-Fantasy RP where we play a group of misfit adventures seeking our fortune and getting ourselves way in over our heads, like in the good olden days. This RP is meant to be more-or-less relaxed and while the story, lore and the like should be treated seriously, moments of levity are highly encouraged, the main purpose is to have fun.

That being said, there are a couple of Rules that should be kept in mind :
1. No God-modding
2. Be nice
3. No excessive swearing or gore
4. NO adult situations
5. 3-4 paragraphs minimum per post, please
6. Decent grammar
7. If you wish to retire, announce us please

Please take your time to read through the LORE section as it will allow you to familiarize yourself with this world. Keep in mind though that this world is continuously expanding and we are basically creating it together, what you are about to read is something of a ‘ground-work’ from where to start.


The Ruling Races of Auguria

Notable Sub-Races

The Plot, where do we start?

As I mentioned in the introduction, we will be playing as a newly formed band of misfit adventurers and would-be-heroes seeking our fortune. Our characters have recently been acquainted with eachother and have been hired by a rather surreptitious Elf merchant named Timothy to assist him on an expedition in some forgotten ruins. He refused to reveal much about the exact purpose of this expedition but we were all promised a handsome reward and quite frankly we need the money and couldn’t afford to say no. Super basic stuff, yes I know, but the story will evolve from there.

Character Sheet

Appearance : Image is good, description is better, both is awesome.

Name : The name and/or nickname of your character

Title : This is your ‘class’ so to speak, something that gives us an idea of particular set of abilities your character has. Someone called ‘The Defender’, for example, would be proficient in using a shield and essentially guarding the more squishy members of our party.

Gender : Self explanatory

Age : No younger than 20, please and no older than 50 either. Regardless of race

Personality : What is your character like?

Abilities : Tied to the ‘title’, this is where you go into more detail about your character’s particular set of skills is. Be as imaginative as you like but I would like to point out that we are all simple adventurers with not a lot of experience, so no overpowered legendary skills please, do your best to keep your character balanced. Everyone hates a Marry-Sue, right?

Skills : This where you describe what your character’s skills that are unrelated to their ‘title’. Things such as cooking, singing or juggling small rodents while riverdancing and the like should be written.

Gear : Only describe what your character has on them in terms or weapons, armor and other useful gadgets and trinkets. Miscellaneous items such as food, rope, sleeping bag or cough syrup will be implied to be present according to the context of each situation. Again, we are simple adventurers, no legendary Deus-Ex-Machina-like items please.

Bio : A description of your character’s history. It can be as detailed or as brief as you like.

Other : Anything else you would like to mention?

Check the Character-tab for an example of an ordinary CS

If there are any questions with regards to anything, feel free to ask
The generals were attentive and listened to their Emperor’s battle plans, his detailed knowledge of the zone combined with the element of surprise would surely prove to be their greatest advantage. Indeed, Aleko’s plan was reliable and cunning, sending Wizards first to prepare the field for the arrival of the main force and then storm the city while the enemy is hindered. When asked who would join him in battle, all Generals threw glances at eachother, all were ready to serve yet they thought about which of them would do best in this situation. In the end, after a brief discussion it was none other than General Bojor Ironfist who stepped forward “Aye, I’l be joinin’ ye lad. Sum one’s gun’ need ta’ coordinate them Grenadiers an’ I’m tha bes’ candidate fer tha’t job.” The Dwarf paused for a moment to throw a glance back at the other generals “Just let me know when’ ta go.” He concluded.

Then it is settled.” Cyrus spoke “The Infiltrators will prepare the ritual site for our troops. The Wizards will be transported first and provide disadvantageous weather and terrain conditions for the enemy. The Grenadiers led by General Ironfist will arrive 2 or 3 days later along with the Elite Rangers led by his grace himself and begin the assault”.

Aye’ was head from each of the generals while Aleko simply gave a silent nod in approval, after which the meeting was adjourned. In the hallway, the Imperial Wizard caught up to Aleko for a brief report while no one was listening “It will take the Infiltrators about a week to prepare the ritual site, sire. In the meantime I will promptly begin investigating this…possibility of a traitor in our midst.” He bowed respectfully and then walked in the opposite direction at the end of the sentence.

The remainder of the day Aleko felt rather out of sorts. The morning incident and the slight blur in his vision were clear indicators that he may have caught an illness of sorts, which made the Halfling consider going to the sickbay for an examination, a fleeting thought which he ended up heeding after a long consideration. The Sick-Bay was not nearly as cluttered as it was the first time he visited, some 2 weeks ago, the equipment on the table had been neatly arranged and a number of stacks of papers could be seen here and there along with a few thick books, yet all were placed in such a manner as to not hinder circulation through the room. A small brass bell chimed loudly the moment Aleko opened the door, as if it wasn’t enough to announce his presence, the heir coughed loudly soon after. The noise attracted the physician’s attention, Stephen Hawke appeared from the adjacent room, clad in a pristine white formal shirt and black doctor’s vest over it, adorned with a multitude of small pockets, no doubt containing a number of medical remedies. His glasses gleamed for a split moment as he walked through a ray of sunlight that shot from the window to Aleko’s right, his stern gaze affixed at the newcomer as he pulled a rather messy glove off his hand and tossed it on a chair next to him.

Ah, sire. I was not expecting you. Please, no need to be coy. Come in, Come in.” Stephen beckoned the heir inside and indicated he should seat himself on the rather simplistic sofa placed just under the window, while the Halfling physician sat on a chair right next to it. “So..” he spoke after waiting for Aleko to make himself comfortable “..What can I do for you today sire?

Aleko explained his symptoms and underwent a quick examination from the deft physician, to which he concluded “Your grace appears to have a mild fever yet it is nothing to be concerned about. That being said, I would recommend you try to rest more. Your fatigue and indigestion are tied to it, in the sense that I believe it is stress which lies at the root.” Stephen the quickly pulled a small white pouch from one the pockets of his vest and presented it to Aleko “Take one of these pills about an hour after each meal, it should help your stomach.

The heir couldn’t help but notice the rather hastened pace to the physician’s tone and the rushed examination and conclusion. Apparently Aleko may have interrupted him from something? Something he was rather eager to return to after tending to the heir. Not wanting to keep him from his work, Aleko thanked Stephen and proceeded to leave, medical pouch in hand, yet for whatever reason felt the need to inquire about his…strange occurrences during his sleepless nights as well as the nightmares he seems to experience rather regularly. To this inquiry, the physician seemed confused, raining and eyebrow and crossing his hands “Hmmm…The stress seems to affect your sleep, causing you to have these night-terrors. As real as they may seem, they are just that. Dreams. If you wish, sire, I could provide a sleeping draught for you.

After his visit to the Sick Bay, Aleko felt the need to retire to his private chambers, resting for the remainder of the day and having food and drinks be brought to him by the servants.

The next couple of days would be more-or-less uneventful, the meetings with the envoys would be brief, Aleko presenting himself only to listen to their reports and then moving to the Map Room for more strategizing about the upcoming battle.

Day 15

After feeling a little better and being capable of keeping down what he ate, Aleko made his rounds to the Council Chambers and the Map Room before heading to the Dining Hall, where he delivered on the promise he gave to Master Gwynpath.

The two sat at a table, enjoying a cup of coffee as the rest of the people went about their usual business. Master Gwynpath wasted no time to express his gratitude and honor to the heir’s invitation and the two began to talk about one or the other. Eventually, the conversation led to Aleko asking Marcus about his motivations behind his allegiance to the New Empire and, more specifically, to him. The Human envoy fell silent and averted his gaze for a moment, it was obvious that the question seemed to…affect him somehow. Before Aleko could do anything, Marcus smiled and spoke “You are a very direct approaching person are you not, sire? I mean no disrespect, of course, I was simply…surprised by your inquiry.” The Human took a sip of his coffee and then resumed “My allegiance to the New Empire is as truthful as it seems, yet I will not lie, it also happens to align with a more…personal aspiration.

Marcus paired his gloved hands together, leaning with his elbows on the table as if in contemplation “You probably assumed out of pure intuition that I originate from Winterpeak, yes? It is quite obvious, I am told. Well… in this case I assume you understand how …problematic it is for one to like myself to reach a respectful position in that Kingdom. What I mean by ‘someone like myself’ is someone who…” The Human paused for a moment and sighed “..Someone who is magically impaired.” Marcus chuckled “In actually, perhaps ‘magically defunct’ is more fitting, yet the point remains the same.

I was raised in a noble house which nourished magical talent like any self-respecting noble house of Winterpeak. I suppose one could imagine the disappointment I brought when my…defect was made obvious.” Marcus leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms “Yet, despite all I proved to be quite resourceful, magic or not. I relied on cultural-social knowledge and assessment, traveling for the better part of my life in order to deepen my understanding of the subject. Everyone back home assumed I would end up some librarian’s apprentice if I was lucky, yet due to my expertize and hard work I actually became one of the representative ambassadors of Winterpeak.” A proud smile made its presence on Marcu’s face “Not bad for a non-mage, if I dare say so myself.

However, not all was fine and dandy. My…colleagues…” he spoke the word with a heavy bitterness “..would look down on, ridicule me and hardly take my approaches and advices seriously. Understandable, I suppose, how ridiculous is it for them that a magically impaired man would consider himself their equal?

Marcus sighed deeply and wearily gazed at Aleko “When the War of the Three Empires started, I saw an opportunity with the New Empire. I believe in the cause, certainly and it helped that Cyrus Weaverstar the 12th of his name, a man I deeply admire, was leading the effort and I have the chance to do good, real work here that matters. Yet…” The Human stopped for a moment to ponder and lowered his gaze “It may come out the wrong way, sire, but probably the biggest reason for my allegiance is the hope for change. The New Empire promises a new age for all Kingdoms, a new approach to all problems and a cultural evolution.” Master Gwynpath’s gaze returned to meet Aleko’s, with a gleam of determination. “It is my wish and desire that this chance will apply to Winterpeak as well. So that the magically gifted can no longer claim dominance over the ordinary and all have an equal chance and opportunity. I believe it is achievable and I believe that securing your position on the throne of the Avalon Empire will have such an effect.

A deep sigh escaped him “So…there you have it. The truth behind my allegiance. I hope you do not think less of me due to my….personal ambitions, your grace. I am still as loyal as ever and will serve you faithfully to the best of my abilities.” A slow clap could be head from the vicinity, interrupting whatever the Human Envoy was probably going to say. Upon the tracing the source of the sound, Aleko and Marcus discovered that Ethel Shroudmyr was slowly and elegantly approaching their table. The sly smile on her pale face indicating that she may have overheard their conversation.

Quite the story, Master Gwynpath. Color me impressed.” She said, yet the tone of her voice sounded anything but that. The Human envoy was visibly displeased

My lady Shroudmyr. It is not polite to eavesdrop on a private conversation between two gentlemen

The Dark Elf envoy ceased her slow clapping and bowed her head, feigning an apology “I do apologize, yet the fervor with which you spoke, Master Gwynpath, made me curious.” Her mismatched eyes fell on the Human and Aleko for a few short moments “And we Drows are nothing if not curious by nature.” “That may be applicable for Drows yet, pardon me for saying so my lady, you are also part Human” The retort made Ethel chuckle “Which means that the curiosity of both Dark Elves and Humans is applicable in my situation. Quite a struggle, would you not agree?

The Human remained silent, feeling as if the woman may lure him into some kind of trap with every sentence uttered. It only took Ethel a few moments to approach the table and politely ask if she could join the conversation “..The company I previously kept were becoming quite dull and you both seem more like the sort of gentlemen who know how to treat a lady.” She added while pairing her hands together over the buffs of her black dress.

If his grace has nothing against it, I will not object either.” Marcus responded, followed by Aleko giving his permission, feeling as if any other answer would be insulting. “I appreciate it, sire.” The Dark Elven envoy responded and elegantly sat herself on a chair between the heir and her colleague, asking a nearby servant for a coffee which was quickly brought to her. The woman took the smallest of sips from her cup before engaging in the conversation.

If I may ask, what was the subject of your conversation that led you to recollect your past, Master Gwynpath?” “His grace inquired about the nature of my allegiance to the New Empire” the answer made a smile appear on the woman’s face as she turned her attention to Aleko “Ah! Of course. A wise Emperor must know the motives of his most closest of subjects, thus knowing in whom to place their trust.” A slight frown passed through Marcu’s face, feeling as if that remark may have been yet another jab at him somehow. “Well, sire. I suppose it would only be fair if I shared my own story as well.

Aleko agreed and politely inquired the same thing from her as he did from Master Gwynpath.

I will not bore you with the details of my early years. Suffice it to say that my father was a distinguished nobleman among the Dark Elves, whom took a Human for a wife after the untimely death his first spouse. I was the second daughter and last child born, as such most would assume that I wouldn’t have amounted to much, probably fated to becoming a lady-in-waiting and marrying some other noble deemed biddable enough. Luckily for me, I became my father’s favorite child and was spared such a fate, higher education and even teachings in the mystical arts have been provided.” The woman paused for a moment to tuck a loose hair-lock behind her ear. “After years of study I eventually decided to become an envoy for the Dark Elven people

What made you choose this line of work, my lady?” Marcus asked, to which Ethel answered with a smirk “It is as you said it, Master Gwynpath, I am part Human and bear the curiosity of both races. This same curiosity has made me wish to see the world beyond the subterranean home I always knew and interact with civilized members of the other races. An envoy combines this curiosity with the advantages of a noble birth, wouldn’t you agree?

The Dark Elven woman returned her attention to Aleko “When the War of the Three Empires started, the Dark Elves were slow to answer and choose their allegiance, yet it became obvious that the Magisters, our…leaders, would most likely favor the Old Empire as a return to the old Ways would ensure them regaining the power over the guilds that they lost after the Dark Elven Civil War all those years ago. Once that became ‘official’, the people divided and chose their allegiances in regards to their own needs and interests, like any other nation.

The heir listened and waited for the woman to finish her sentence before noting that this does not explain how her allegiance to the New Empire benefits her in such a way.

The woman smirked at Aleko “Oh, is it not obvious, your grace? My family is a supporter of the guilds and as such, I do not hold much love towards the Magisters. Furthermore, my origins as a Dark-Elven-Human Halfbreed would secure a most gruesome death at the hands of the Stainless Empire. As such, one could say that joining the New Empire was my one and only choice if I hopped to live a proper, respectful life or live at all.” She chuckled before continuing “Ah, but please, sire, do not worry. Knowing myself, I would have chosen this allegiance regardless of my origins or views on Dark Elven politics. It is just…the way I am…” her mismatched gaze never left Aleko and it seemed to grow in intensity as she spoke “..Curious. Curious as to who this heir of the Sendrakon bloodline could be…Curious how this heir would take the splinters of a broken Empire and make it whole again…” The heir felt as if her gaze was trying to reach down to his very core, beneath any and all layers, examining his very essence left bare “..Curious about….you…my lord.

Ethel leaned back, closing her eyes and gently took another sip of her coffee, letting silence settle at the table for a few moments before letting out a small sigh “And now, you know, sire. Why I chose the New Empire over the others. I hope this knowledge will only help deepen our trust and understanding..” she then turned to Marcus “And also between ourselves, Master Gwynpath. So that we may better serve his grace and aid in the New Empire’s victory in our own ways “ The Human envoy nodded “As do I, my lady.” He responded briefly.

Ah, but sire.” Ethel spoke after allowing Aleko to comment on her previous statements “Now that you know a little more about my colleague and myself, would it be too presumptuous if I were to ask to know a little more about yourself?” Before Aleko could answer, Marcus caught the woman’s attention “My lady, you know better than to ask that. Of course it would be presumptuous. If his grace wishes to keep his past to himself, we should respect that.” The Halfbreed human placed one hand gently on the onyx gemstone on her bosom, her eyes widening as if shocked, yet the tone of her voice made it blatantly clear that she simply feigned shock. “Oh, my! I mean no disrespect, of course. It simply occurred to me that we do not know very much about your grace aside from your heritage. Recent, tragic events have inadvertently given us a small piece of information regarding your birthplace, as such it made me…curious about your story, my lord.

Though he would not admit it openly, it was clear that Master Gwynpath himself was also intrigued by the information, yet as he previously stated, if the heir wanted to keep his past to himself they would respect that.
After the discussions in the dining hall with the two envoys, Aleko felt the need to lie down for the remainder of the day, lest his fever get out of hand.

Days 16 – 19

During these days, Aleko tried to rest more, not by his choice but simply because his body demanded it, feeling fatigued rather easily. Thankfully, he appeared to recover soon and was confident he would be as able as ever when the time came to storm Zeiserberg and find his mother.

The envoys had close to nothing to report. The small matters were taken care of quickly, each in its own way. Cause for concern seemed to be current financial situation which apparently somehow slipped to the knowledge of the common man, causing the population to worry…

[Population Morale - ]

Master Eamon Weissnout was pleased to report that the prototype testing for the gas was successful, reporting the composition to be effective against any living thing that breathed it and his own company coming up with an elegant mechanism of dispersing it. All what was left was for Aleko to place his seal on a contract which allowed for the weapon to be distributed to a number of Elite Ranger squads.

Master Marcus Gwynpath also reported that the medical balm from the Mage-Tree sap was a success, proving effective against almost any form of open injury, stopping bleeding, closing the wound and hastening its healing. However, some patients of the Elven and Dark Elven race report having itchy skin and slight fits of nausea as a side effect after application. Master Gwynpath also provided a contract for Aleko to seal, permitting the balm to be distributed to a number of medical centers.

While resting in his private chambers, Aleko was visited by T’chun whom, brought him the food and water requested from a servant, saying that he took advantage of the opportunity to also deliver a report from Master Earthward and Engineer Reginal. The new communicators have been made and already distributed to the higher ranking officials along with the password. The Lizard-Man also presented one communicator to Aleko, this one being a more decorated variant ‘Fit for an Emperor’ as Gudwyn said.

General Planestalker requested a private audience with the Emperor, delivering the reports he received from the Infiltrators to this point. The Infiltrators report that indeed, a large force of the Stainless had besieged the town, structural damage was high and there were significant casualties among both the defending force and the civilians. The general in charge of the siege was never seen, as such it could be presumed that they may have organized the attack but never actually participated in it themselves. The Stainless occupying the town have enforced strict curfews while they properly settle themselves in, patrolling the streets often and in large numbers, as such no civilian is permitted to walk the streets without their saying so, a fact which has made locating madam Matilda nigh-on impossible. Unfortunately, this has also made any possible sabotage attempts futile. The Infiltrators report that in the end, they will keep an eye out for any changes but will primarily focus on establishing the ritual site.

Cyrus reported that his attempts at scrying for a traitor have not yielded any significant results and with Aleko’s permission, he would like to place a number of magical wards all over the Escalyber. The wards would be visible only to the Wizard himself and would function as ‘hidden observers’, Cyrus being able to access their ‘vision’ at anytime from anywhere. This would help greatly with the investigation yet would prove quite the invasion of privacy.

General Leafdancer reported his return at the Escalyber and was brought up to speed on the current situation, lending his support whichever way he can.

The nights were more-or-less restless. Was it the fever or the anxiety of the upcoming battle? Whatever it was, it was enough to keep Aleko awake until late in the night. When he did sleep he would still suffer from the same nightmares as he did prior to the Battle of Castle Northspark. In the end, he had to return to the physician and request a sleeping draught if he did not already.

Day 20

Aleko was starting to feel much better compared to the previous days. His appetite returned and his fever had all but vanished. Fatigue was still an issue yet nothing he couldn’t handle, confident that this too would pass sooner or later. For now, the heir was more concerned about the situation at Zeiserberg.

Cyrus reported that the Infiltrators successfully manufactured the ritual site within the borders, an eventual hidden camp being established at no more than a couple of hours march away from the city. The Imperial Wizard had already summoned for a few well-versed Wizards to assist him in the spell and would begin teleporting the Wizard squad as soon as possible for them to begin manipulating the weather, creating all sorts of hindrances for the enemy and their supply lines. “They shall regret ever stepping foot on Anthro soil, sire.

General Ironfist reported that he would also leave the Escalyber immediately in order to organize the Grenadier squad and that they would meet on the fields of Zeiserberg 3 days later before the main battle. General Bulkwyn also reported that she relayed her orders to the Elite Ranger squad via the new communicators and that it was going to be ready as soon as Bojor’s Grenadiers were.
All that is left now was for Aleko to make his own, personal preparations for in 3 days time he would have to organize and fight in the reclamation of his birthplace.

The spirits of all those present in the council chambers had lowered as they witnessed they emperor in such a tiered state. He looked as if he had endured intense manual labor and even his voice sounded raspy and unenthusiastic, yet the men and women present at the table knew better than to assume that this was a physical burden, no, it was spiritual. Aleko sat after generously hydrating himself and awaited for the envoys to speak their piece. The first to raise from his seat was none other than Cyrus, his words steering the conversation to the one direction everyone was already thinking.

I believe I speak on everyone’s behalf when I say that we feel honored by your kind words, sire. As such, we shall not dally and get to the point.

All gazes were now affixed at the white-clad wizard and tension only became thicker as the old man continued.

Zeiserberg. A small province in the Eastern part of the Anthro Kingdom has been recently conquered by the Stainless Empire. We believe this to be a premeditated assault, aimed as both a challenge and an insult directed to our faction and our Emperor in particular.

After hearing those words, Gymor Cloudkeeper spoke up “Premeditated? A targeted attack meant to challenge and insult our Emperor? Master Weaverstar, what makes you believe that?

Simple deduction, I assume..” Ethel Shroudmyr joined in “From what I know, Zeiserberg is a small province which declared neutrality. It has no particular strategic importance, nor any valuable resources to speak of. Such an attack would be wasteful, so the enemy must have a particular reason in mind.”

The ever-silent Durran Windsteel nodded in agreement before saying “So the Stainless meant this attack as an insult towards our Emperor considering his Anthro heritage?

Perhaps…” Cyrus sighed deeply and gazed briefly at Aleko before continuing “But his gra… We believe that they specifically targeted this province…because it happened to be the birthplace of our Emperor and the current residence of his mother.

The news shocked the attendants, some more obviously than others yet it came as a surprise for all. Moments of silence passed before anyone persuaded themselves to spoke. “Sire…I am…so sorry. You have my word we will do all we can to..-“ Marcus Gwynpath’s hushed words towards Aleko were interrupted by the sound of metal against wood as the mechanical-prosthetic arm of Eamon Weissnout slammed on the table, sending vibrations through it and nearly tilting the glass of wine next to mistress Shroudmyr. “This is an outrage!” the Anthro envoy bellowed “Targeting the former home and own mother of the Emperor? Outrageous! Inconceivable!” the wolfish snout had contorted into a snarling-like appearance “We simply cannot let them go unpunished! We will have their heads for this…-“ “Master Weissnout, calm yourself!” Ludwyn Groverunner rose from the table, raising his voice to match master Weissnout’s which seemed to have snapped him back to his usual polite self, excusing himself for his outburst, rearranging his tie and seating himself back right before master Groverunner followed suit. After a few more moments of silence, the Dwarven envoy cleared his throat and spoke. “It is indeed an outrage and I speak for all of us present, nay all of us of the New Empire, when I say that we will do all within our power to rectify and punish those responsible, sire.

A confident nod came from all those present at the table yet right after, the Dark Elven envoy attracted everyone’s attention “This is indeed problematic, yet you are all missing the point..” her composure was as elegant and unfazed as ever, her voice accompanied by the sound of her long nails, tapping along the surface of her glass “How did the Stainless Empire come to know such…personal details about our Emperor when even we, his own council of envoys, have only now been made privy to this information?

A second wave of shock had struck the table, some gasping at the sudden realization of this obvious fact. “Mistress Shroudmyr…You don’t mean to suggest…” master Windsteel stopped before he could finish his sentence yet Korvius Frosthand confirmed his suspicion. “I believe she is correct. My fellow colleagues, esteemed Imperial Wizard, your grace. We should consider the possibility that we may have a traitor, spying for the enemy in our midst.

Who would dare…This can’t be true.” Master Gwynpath spoke, to which the Undead envoy replied with a sly grin “Already denying Marcus? You just made yourself suspicious..” The Human envoy was obviously angered by the accusation yet he it was mistress Shroudmyr who retaliated against master Frosthand “So did you, Korvius, by already throwing accusations around.” The onyx-stone on the Half-Breed’s bosom glistened as she crossed her arms, a faint smile creeping on her pale visage, satisfied with herself by turning the Undead’s grin into a frown.

Esteemed Envoys, please!” Cyrus spoke up, silencing all around “We cannot deny the possibility of a traitor yet we accomplish nothing by pointing fingers.” The wizard leaned heavily on his staff and wiped a few beads of sweat from his brow before continuing “With his grace’s permission, I shall personally conduct an investigation into this matter and find out if and who this traitor might be.” His gaze turned to Aleko, waiting for a reaction. “For the moment…” he continued shortly after “We should concern ourselves with the situation at Zeiserberg and what we can do to remedy it.

It was Korvius who shook his head dismissively “In this case, we are simply wasting our time here. The Stainless Empire will obviously not be interested in negotiations or diplomacy, otherwise they would have sent us a list of demands or something of the sorts.

Master Groverunner stroke his chin in contemplation “Which means they await a reaction from us. Capturing the province where our Emperor’s own mother resides is meant as …an invitation..

It’s a trap!” Gymor bellowed and shortly sat back silently as all gazes had momentarily shifted to him.

A deep sigh escaped the Elven envoy “In any case, I have to agree with master Frosthand. Diplomacy will have no avail in this scenario.” His sparkling green eyes fell upon Aleko “Sire, you must consult with the generals on this. Considering the …delicate situation at hand, we shall take care of any political matters and postpone the ones that require your attention for another time.

We understand the personal importance of the matter, sire. You can count on us to keep things under line until your return.” After Durran said those words, all envoys promptly stood from their seats, signifying that the meeting was over and Aleko was free to head towards the Map Room to discuss the matter with the generals. “Sire..” Marcus Gwynpath caught Aleko’s attention just before he was about to pass the door’s threshold “Please, allow me to accompany you to the Map Room.

During the walk through the halls, master Gwynpath made sure to express his previously interrupted sympathies “I am terribly sorry for what has happened, sire. I cannot imagine how you must be feeling… you have my sympathies…” the Human’s uncharacteristically mature voice seemed sincere even if the choice of words may have not been the best.“If there is anything I can do to assist, please do not hesitate to appeal to me. I will all I can, limited as I might be.

Eventually, Aleko reached the entrance to the Map Room at which point the Human envoy excused himself and left. The heir found all generals accounted for save for General Marteen Leafdancer whom has yet to return. After exchanging greetings, the generals listened intently as Aleko explained the situation in detail to them.

Fouckin’ cowards..” General Ironfist spat “Tha’ nerve o’ em Stainless bastard’s! Somethin’ needs tha’ be done ‘bout ‘em. Somethin’ permanent!

Mmmm…Zeiserberg…” General Primelyt manipulated the enchanted map to show the province in question. “Wresting it from the Stainless will not be easy…” The Human General then outlined a number of neighboring provinces in two colors. Two of them in blue and three others in gray. “These two provinces have pledged their allegiance to the Old Empire..” he explained “..while the rest are neutral and I believe they intend to keep it that way.

Don’ we ‘ave any places on our s’ide?” The Dwarven General inquired, crossing his arms and looking skeptically at the map, which was once again manipulated to show a distant province outlined in red “The closest allied province is Wunderhelm. Amassing troops there would no doubt raise the suspicion of the neighboring provinces and would take us about 3 weeks to march against Zeiserberg

General Ashade stepped forward and manipulated the map back to Zeiserberg’s position “It won’t matter since we cannot secure a trustworthy passage. Reaching Zeiserberg from Wunderhelm would require us to either trespass through enemy territory or march through stoically neutral provinces which attracts the same risks.

Silence had overcome all present in the chamber as their gazes were affixed on the map, pondering the seemingly desperate situation. It was General Stonestorm who broke the silence with a curse “Shit! We need a plan to reliably reach the province and kick out those Stainless sons of bitches before it’s too late..

A new voice had made it’s presence heard from the entrance “I may perhaps be of assistance”.

The taps of the wooden staff on the stone floor echoed through the chamber as Cyrus made his way closer to the map “I believe I may have a solution, if I may speak…” The generals shifter their gazes at Aleko who gave a weary nod after moments of silent pondering, allowing the Imperial Wizard to explain his proposition. “General Planestalker, you have the possibility to send Infiltrators in the vicinity of Zeiserberg if not somewhere within the province itself, correct?

That is correct, Master Weaverstar..” The Dark Elf responded shortly, not revealing that he had already prepared to send Infiltrators as per the Emperor’s orders from yesterday, allowing Cyrus to continue his idea. “I would speak to them and give them a few materials as well as detailed instructions in manufacturing something…special.

The old wizard turned to the rest of the generals and to the heir as he continued “With those materials and my instructions, the Infiltrators would be able to manufacture a ritual site, complete with a mystical spell circle which would allow for the teleportation of a number of troops to the pin-pointed location.” The notion appeared to intrigue the generals as Cyrus continued, dropping his gaze at his feet momentarily as fi to recollect his thoughts “Naturally, this spell will be very strenuous as it involves the transportation of multiple people at once, as such I will need a little time for preparations as well as the assistance of a few select mages for the spellcasting itself.

How long would that mean?” Asked General Ashade, to which Cyrus responded with another question addressed to the Dark Elven General “How long would the Infiltrators need to reach Zeiserberg and manufacture the ritual site, General Planestalker” After a few quick moments of pondering, the Dark Elf responded with “Between 7 to 8 days, depending on how complex this…ritual site happens to be

The Wizard nodded “It would suffice. The only matter left is to decide what troops would go.

General Bulkwyn turned to Aleko “What do you think…uh…sire? This is the best plan we have at the moment. Unless you happen to think of something else?

Before Aleko could respond, Bojor cut in “Time ain’t exactl’y on ou’r s’de y’know, lassy. We need ‘a plan an’ we need ‘t now. As much a’ I hate tha’ shyte arse teleportin’, this be tha’ bets option we’ got.” The Dwarf was about to reach for a cigar from under his coat yet reconsidered in the last moment as he continued, pointing at Aleko “It’s ye’mum. So I assume ye’ plan’ ta’ go yerself, aye? Question, is… who ye’ gon’ take with ye?

All generals seemed prepared to pledge their troops at the Emperors call, yet Aleko had to consider carefully what type of mission this would be and what troops would be best suited for it as well. The task is to liberate Zeiserberg from enemy occupation, which means they would have quite the battle on their hands, strong troops would be recommended considering the limited number they could bring to the filed, he knew that. Aleko assumed that this spell could teleport around 3 squads of anything, excluding himself and possibly one or two generals, so he had to think what and whom was best to bring along. The generals inside the map room and the Imperial Wizard were standing by, waiting for their Emperor to reach a decision and voice his orders.
Cyrus sighed deeply. There was no turning back now, what was said was said and what the heir would do with this new knowledge was up to him. The Wizard only hopped that Aleko would keep his real age a secret, lest the word spread and this secret would become public, not for his own old self, it was the reputation of the New Empire and all those involved that he feared would suffer. Wearily, the old man made his way through the halls in order to inform the envoys of tomorrow’s meeting.

A few eyes were upon the heir as he stormed in the Dining Hall, making his way through the small crowd of people, searching for one individual whom he assumed to be present there. Sure enough, general Planestalker was indeed there, engaged in a conversation with a few people whom were strangers to Aleko, yet the heir did not care, pulling the Dark Elf at aside and wasting no time as he explained his request. The general listened, his expression unfazed, not uttering a single solitary sound and simply letting Aleko talk. Finally, the Dark Elf nodded, after the heir’s detailed explanation, and responded with a simple “It will be done, sire.” After which he carefully tucked the paper with the deceptively important message underneath the collar of his uniform and resumed the previous conversation as if nothing happened.

Aleko remained shut behind the doors of his private chambers for the rest of the day. Nothing of any particular interest reached his ears save for the report that general Primelyt had returned to the Escalyber. His slumber was troubled and often he awoke during the night, sometimes having the eerie sensation that he was not alone in the dark room, that….something was watching him sleep. Whenever he tucked and turned, his gaze fell momentarily on the strange tome he had acquired a few days ago, its black surface barely visible save for the moments when the moonlight glossed over it through the window. A few times he could swear the book had changed its position and resting place to a different one whenever he spotted it, yet surely it was his mind playing tricks on him under the stress and burden of the day’s mind-wracking stress.

Day 14


The Mage-Tree forests have all been cut down, the sap gathered and distributed in equal measure, along with saplings, between the Human and Anthro institutes with sufficient competence in working with them as well as swearing allegiance to the New Empire. Work on both the balm and the gas has already started and both institutes have been promised funds to bring these projects to good end. Some of the Elven folk felt outraged that the Mage-Trees have not been burned, yet officially they show contentment with them being used for humanitarian purposes.

[Human Esteem +] [Anthro Esteem +] [Elven Esteem -] [Wealth - - ]

Dwarven hunting parties have been formed and sent to thin out the population of Ice Trolls that threatened their settlements, yet were ordered not to aggressively pursue them until further notice. While thankful for the evasion of out-right extermination, the Elves made their outrage clear to their officials. Angry or not, the population feels safer without the danger of Ice Trolls looming over their heads while the military do not relish the thought of confronting such dangerous beasts in the wild.

[Dwarven Esteem +] [Elven Esteem -] [Population Morale +] [Military Morale -]

Work has already started on the mass-producing of the new long-distance-communicators, now equipped with a magical decryption which will render the devices useless unless the ‘password’, “Hail Emperor Frosty”, is spoken before delivering the message. The password was made public to the higher officials which will be carrying the devices and was suggested by a certain General. Already engineers claim that this invention will revolutionize communication and will be well worth the investment made while soldiers agree that the direct and clear uttering of orders and plans over long-distances will present a major advantage over the enemy.

[Population Morale +] [Military Morale +] [Wealth -]

As per the orders of Emperor Aleko Sendrakon, General Asimov Dunngard of the Old Empire faction has been officially released from custody and is en-route to be delivered to a small official force which will meet with the escort on neutral territory where the exchange will take place.

[Wealth +]
Report End

The envoys were all seated at their respective places and waited in silence for their Emperor to appear and state the nature of this meeting. Cyrus was among them, looking tenser than all of them combined. The recent news regarding the conquering of Zeiserbrerg had reached the ears of almost everyone aboard, yet the reason as to why the Emperor is so concerned about it remains still to be speculated. No news came from the captured province and the Stainless Empire’s presence there stirred quite a bit of tension to the surrounding ones, be them allied to either one of the New or Old Empires or be them neutral.

Late as all frack, I know. Apologies. IRL stuff always seems to get in the way, no?

The ringing in his ears became louder. And louder, to the point of discomfort, yet quickly subsided and to his delight, was replaced with something else. At first they were muffled sounds, as if coming from a distance, yet gradually becoming louder and much clearer. The music, the laugher of those around, the groan of the unfortunate fellow lying on the floor next to him. It all became clear in moments. Tarum smiled, he could hear again. Yet before he had a chance to do anything, he heard some other person shout, clearly aimed at him.

Most of that was unneeded! He’s not as strong as you!

Great. Someone was going to play the white knight for that guy Tarum head-butted earlier. He turned his gaze to face this new presence….and was left confused when he saw a muscular man dressed in nothing but a heavily decorated pair of underwear, boots to match and a rather flamboyant mask. Well…. The situation could hardly become any weirder could it? The Beast-Man was silently examining this…well…wrestler, his mouth agape for lack of words. This confusion did not last as the ‘hero’ continued.

"You took his drink and beat the crap out of him. Por que?"

A faint chuckle escaped him. “Kehehe.. ”Tarum clenched his fist and tighten his grip on the metal staff, the orb on its top burning with increased intensity and wisps of fire escaping from his fist. He never used magic before…not to his memory anyway…but he felt as if it was all connected to his instinct, like riding a bike, once you get a grip of it you never forget and even after years and years of not practicing you can still instinctually get the hang of it. Perhaps this would-be-white-knight would prove an excellent guinea pig for his newfound powers. Tarum narrowed his burning gaze on the masked man as he continued his sentence “He bothered me. I would say that is reason enough. And now…YOU are bothering me as well…musclehead…” The wrestler was clearly physically stronger than him, yet no one and nothing is impervious to fire and Tarum had magic on his side.

However, before anyone could do anything remotely hostile, both Tarum and the wrestler were being dragged away…or attempted anyway…by none other than the blonde lady he was holding a few minutes ago. “Yes. Get away. Private. Good. Let’s go!” she intoned with flushed cheeks and rather shocked expression plastered on her face, as if she had just witnessed a whole room-full of ghosts. Her attempts, needless to say, were not bearing fruit as she only managed to slightly nudge Tarum and the wrestler into the direction of the wooden pathway. With an irritated grunt, Tarum effortlessly snapped his arm from the woman’s grasp “What is your problem?!” he barked at her, turning his attention to the wrestler only for a moment to say “We are not finished here..” with a menacing gaze before he returning to the woman. He clasped his free hand on her shoulder to keep her steady and lowered his burning orange gaze to meet the blue of the blonde’s eyes. She was obviously frightened…no, terrified by something, something other than Tarum. Sensing that maybe she knows something of some import, the Beast-Man narrowed his gaze and relaxed his formerly irritated expression, asking her calmly and clearly.

What. Is. Wrong?

Me again. The night got away from me. I'll have a post up tomorrow. Sorry!

@Seravee, not to rush you or anything, but are planning a post relatively soon? If so, I will wait and post my own after yours. Otherwise, I will probably have a post up sometime today. Asking for convenience's sake, nothing more :)
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