Avatar of Zanavy
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    1. Zanavy 9 yrs ago


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1. I'm in school to become a physical therapist assistant!

2. I will quit any roleplay that has been inactive IC for one month for any reason. I've been in too many Schrodinger's RP's and I'm not doing that anymore.

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@Balthazar007Thanks for waiting for me. I haven't been in a good mood to do this, but tomorrow I'll try to post whether or not I feel like it.
I'd allow marijuana as long as the player is mature about it. I'd also ask the others players if they feel okay with it.
Ty Westgrove

Near Vareena Gym

After the Litleo finished her chips, Ty looked at her thoughtfully.

"What should we name you?" the punk trainer thought aloud. "Maybe Pepper? Do you like that?"

The Litleo glanced up at Ty indifferently.

"Hm, so not a no, but not a heck yeah. What abooout Scarlet? ..... Hello? You listening?

The fire-type was not listening. Her eyes dilated in intense focus on something in the distance. Ty turned and looked just in time to see a couple people in hooded uniforms mess with the bushes around the gym and then slink away... but not very far, it seemed.

"Huh, I wonder what they're do-" Ty began before a chilling thought stopped his breath mid-sentence. The others had JUST run into Team Noble... could that be them? And did they see him out in the distant field? Even if they weren't Team Noble, they looked to be up to some kind of no good. Panicking, Ty slowly backed away to hide in the nearest patch of bushes, his Pokemon quietly following suit.

"I know you're strong, son, but... you have to let someone else be the hero, okay?"

Medic noted her trainer's fast breathing and puffed her body in and out, a cue for him to take slower breaths. Sometimes Ty ignored the overly concerned gesture, but this time he followed the Igglybuff's lead. His mind cleared a bit, and he flushed in embarrassment from hiding like that. But he also had a thought: Saki. Saki could be the hero. People like Sophia and Alexis, they could help. They just needed somebody to tell them something was fishy.

Ty frowned at the three small Pokemon around him. Usually Reaper was the messenger, but a giant bug would not be great for a stealth mission. His best choice was obvious - but should he trust the brand new team member?

"Medic, translate as needed," Ty began, barely above a whisper. "Litleo, I hope you're stealthy, 'cause you're for sure a better bet than anyone else here. I want you to go into that big building where you saw the hooded people, but don't let them see you. Once you're inside, find any humans and get their attention and lead them outside. Try not to get caught, but if you do, I'll come help you out."

The Litleo listened intently as Medic clarified some details that a newly caught Pokemon might not understand of human language. Then the feline slipped into the brush and disappeared from sight. She was, in fact, stealthy... perhaps too much. Now came several minutes of helpless waiting. Wondering if the Litleo would succeed, or get caught, or might just decide this was a convenient way to run away...

Meanwhile, the Litleo prowled through the brush, crawling low to the ground in gaps between cover, taking a winding course to maximize the terrain. She never caught a glimpse of any hooded humans, but she kept her eyes and ears alert to any that could be sneaking around like her. The Litleo froze still yards away from the door for over a minute, prepping for the final lap. Then she silently sneaked up to the door, carefully nudged it, and... it didn't open. A firmer nudge and... still not opening. It was too heavy.

The Litleo heard something shift in the near distance and her fur stood on end. Now or never, time's up for stealth. The Litleo backed up and ran forward to Tackle the door with all her might. That force was enough to swing the door open, and she tumbled inside.

Now in the gym, the Litleo gazed around in confusion. The predator was well trained in stealth... the 'getting attention' part was foreign to her. When she noticed the first human, she let out a mumbling roar, almost like a nervous laugh. Then she roared a little louder but still awkwardly and stomped on a nearby flower.

@Crimson Flame@fer1323@Heckno12@LuckyBlackCat@OtomostheCrazy
Myra Hayes

Knoxville, TN, United States

Flicker stood rigid, stunned by the fast sequence of events. She looked vaguely toward Reno as he spoke and then numbly glanced around the battlefield.

"Flicker!" a voice called out. "Use Ember... on the left... one, too!"

Myra arrived at the scene, stooping forward to pant after the jog. Perry had managed to catch a glimpse of a Litwick as it floated behind the hovercar. Myra was able to park and reach the battle site not long after Reno - though Perry the Bulbasaur was still working toward reaching the scene with his stubby legs.

The Litwick snapped out of her daze at the sound of her trainer's command. A mischievous smile came to the ghost-type's face as its flame burned large and bright. Then part of the flame burst up and sailed toward the left Spinarak.

After her attack, Flicker spared a moment to give her trainer a sunny smile. The gesture was met with an irked eyebrow raise. Myra straightened up and gave the other young trainer a brief nod. Any further explanation may have to wait a minute.

Myra Hayes

Knoxville, TN, United States

Flicker grinned as the hoverbike sped forward. It was a much smoother ride now with a better handhold, and a driver aware of her presence.

As the hoverbike slowed for traffic, the Litwick spotted a small yellow hovercar cruising low. Could it be Myra's? With no warning, Flicker hopped off Reno's hoverbike. Fortunately, the ghost-type had some ability to hover, and she floated down slowly for a soft landing. Unfortunately, Flicker was way off on her estimation of speed and timing, and the yellow car was already long gone by the time Flicker passed its level.

Flicker landed next to a big bare tree. She grumbled in frustration and began stomping back toward the main road. Just three steps later, she walked right into a wall of taut yarn or something. The Litwick struggled to pull against the sticky wall for a second. Then, with a little focus, she was able to phase through the object and rematerialize on the other side, pulling at a couple strands of thread that still stuck to her wax.

Though she escaped the web, just the brief struggle was enough to alert the Pokemon waiting nearby. Flicker cried out as a Pokemon pounced on her and struck her with a Poison Sting. The Litwick feigned fainting for a second, just enough to catch the attacker off guard. Then she squirmed around and screeched at the attacker, flame flaring. The Astonish caused the wild Pokemon to flinch just long enough for Flicker to scramble out of its eight-legged grasp. Flicker glanced at the tree to see two wild Spinarak regrouping to attack.

Ok, I like the more concrete explanations. So I guess we're playing angsty teens now. XD

Kinda tracks for my character at least.

nb4 Poke-Thanos tries to solve overpopulation and we have to stop him.
I guess I'd like some more clarification, too. Do people age more slowly in physical appearance AND mental/emotional maturity, or only physical appearance?

Would society consider us "boys/girls/children" or "men/women/adults" at age 30ish?
Hiking Trail

Mara's 'accident' happened plenty of distance away from the cameras and went unnoticed by most of the crew. The surly thin woman standing behind the cameraman startled a bit as the sparks caught her eye. She looked at Mara with widened eyes for just a second. Then she averted her gaze, acting natural, letting the situation pass without a big hullabaloo.

The cameraman did his work well, following the stream of water as it floated through the air, catching John's amazed expression and Conner's proud one. The reporter's trained smile faltered just a bit as Conner decided to start going all Rebellious Teen on the air. Ever the professional, the cameraman predicted Conner's subsequent gesture and only half a second of the bird appeared in the corner of the screen as the camera panned back to John.

"Well there you have it," John said with a bright smile. "A spirited bunch at the conference. We'll be back with you soon!"

The instant the camera cut, John's plastic smile dropped. He rubbed his eyes as he addressed Conner.

"I guess you're probably not mature enough to care, kid, but this is one of the first impressions the world will have of plant essences. For your own sake, maybe think about not making that impression so... abrasive in the future."

John rubbed his temples and turned away, looking ten years older without his well-trained TV personality pizazz.

"Candy," he grumbled. "Go get my smokes."

The thin woman in the background took a breath and braced herself.

"You said they were 'only for emergencies,'" Candace replied in a bored tone. "Your future self would not say this is an emergency."

"My future self can kiss my ass this one time," John practically barked. "Go get just one cigarette, Candygirl. I won't. Ask. Again."

Candace fought the urge to roll her eyes. Both of them knew that statement was a lie.

Before she could reply, a bearded man with a bandaged hand took an exaggerated inhale awkwardly close to the tense conversation.

"You smell delightful," the bearded man addressed Candace with a smile. "I can tell with my dog powers."

Candace froze for a second, pondering.

"Fine, I'll get your smokes," Candace muttered, starting back down the path toward the cabins. At least it would be a nice break from these obnoxious men.

Joseph continued sniffing around, trying to find the source of another delightful smell. He hadn't pinpointed Mara yet but was getting dangerously close.

NatJack continued hovering around the area. She eventually worked up the nerve to reunite with Conner.

"Uh... hah," the redhead spoke. She looked away. All this time working up the nerve to converse with one of the people who had cool functioning powers, and she didn't even know what to say.

"...So, uh, how long'd it take ya to learn howta do that?"

@LuckyBlackCat @Crimson Flame
Would I be allowed to introduce minor NPC's for plot points like wild Pokemon attacking, or would that be overstepping my bounds?

Second question: What wild Pokemon are around here, anyway? ^_^'
She absorbs wholly into the subjects and hobbies that excite or interest her, even if it comes at the expense of a social life and most relationships with fellow humans.

I feel personally attacked XD

Yay new character!

The ages don't really line up with the expectations, though... unusual detail in an alternate universe.
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