Avatar of Zeropathic
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  • Posts: 42 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Zeropathic 10 yrs ago


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In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
- I accidentally double posted, ignore this. -
In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Thank you. I appended another question to my last post, in case you missed it.
In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Thank you for your quick reply. I should elaborate on one question, though:
What became of Sodom and Gomorrah? The people, I mean, not the cities.

By that I meant to ask about the original two, the seeds preserved by God, the ones who founded the cities. What became of them?

Edit: And one more question: how many giants are there? And what happens to the ladies giving birth to them? Somehow, it doesn't sound so healthy for the mother.
In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
My sheet is coming along a little slower than I anticipated. I was stuck for the last two days, but I seem to be getting somewhere now. I doubt I'll have the sheet ready tonight (central European time, that is), but I'm hoping to finish the rough outline of it. Seeing as no one has finished their sheets yet, it seems I still have time.

However, my main reason for posting is to ask a few questions:

  • What became of Sodom and Gomorrah? The people, I mean, not the cities.

  • How advanced is out metallurgy? Azazel taught us to work the metals of the earth, but are we working bronze, iron, or steel? Bronze seems to me more "proper" for the time period, but since we're taught by angels in a fantasy setting, I suppose historical accuracy might not be that important.

  • How much time passed between angels banging the daughters of men and the purge of the two cities?

  • How long have we the characters been imprisoned at the start of the RP?

  • How would warlords go about making a giant fight for them, potentially against other giants? They seem like an unruly bunch to me. Kidnap their mothers and threaten them? Sweet-talk their dad? Does the angel pact come with a free giant? And are they really three kilometers tall? That's pretty tall. Which kind of ell are we operating with?

Also, I may be a few days late, but welcome to the thread, Xander. I do hope you'll stick around.

Edit: I have one more question: how do we go about making pacts with the angels? Do they seek out humans, or do we summon them?
In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I'm still interested. I apologize: it's been a busy weekend for me. I intend to have a sheet ready in a couple of days. I have a few rough ideas, if you'll allow me the time to work on them. And knowing Ashgan (which I do) he most likely still wants to be a part of this.
In Judah 10 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Hello, there. I've got a question regarding the affiliations with the fallen angels. What, roughly, would each grant as a boon? And what is the difference between the knowledge of astrology and the knowledge of constellations? Doesn't the latter fall under the former?

Edit: Also, would it be expected to give something back in return for the powers gained through the covenant? A sacrifice, or an obligation to do certain things?
I, too, am interested in this. The setting and your writing both appeal to me
Hello there. Nice to see you again. Shame about the Dead Cairn.
I'd like to announce my interest in this one. I'm thinking of playing perhaps an inquisitor, or at the very least a human, though my character is not something I've decided on.

I have a few questions pertaining to the Empire/Coalition in general, if you don't mind.

  • What is the role of the church, and how much power do they hold within the Empire? And what is their religion really about? How widespread is this religion throughout the populace?

  • What kind of people constitute the council? Is it exclusively human, or are alien species admitted? How are alien species treated by humanity in general? What do aliens think of humanity? Also, what is the balance of power between the council and the church, and do they hold any opposing views? How tolerant is the ruling body (or society at large, for that matter) of opposing ideas?

A more general question, but what is expected of our characters? Is there anything in particular or in general that you want from us?
Saber said
Accepted, Zeropathic. Looks great. Sorry for the delay.Sorry to everyone else for not being around regularly, but it seems things are finally starting to actually slow down for me IRL.
EDIT: The deed is done. I need a couple of folk to volunteer to be on Morben's team. The rest of you will be following Atheri. If there are any questions as to what is going on, or any questions in general; don't hesitate to ask. Again, sorry it took so damn long.

Thank you.

A question regarding the teams: what is the purpose of each one? Do they do different things?

If I'm to understand this right, both teams travel on the same ship, correct?

I have some additional questions relating to my character, so I shot you a PM.

I'll try to push Ashgan to finish his character sheet when I can get a hold of him, though I understand he's been rather busy lately.

And Sicarius, I hope you get well soon! I can imagine pulling all four wisdom teeth to be tough; I only had them pulled one at a time myself. (Though for the sake of the cost, I kind of wish I'd taken them all at once.)

EDIT: Since no one seems to be taking the initiative, I'll volunteer myself to Morben's team.
Got my sheet done!

Is it Worsenthian or Worsenthine? Or something else? I couldn't quite figure that one out myself.

Edit: I'm sorry about the readability, the formatting functionality is a little limited and /indent is not on my side.
Edit (05/27): Added a journal to her list of possessions.
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