Avatar of Zynros
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 117 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Zynros 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current On the day the world ends, I shall be waiting.
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
I'm dying. It's pretty boring really.
8 yrs ago
Ahem, I am still willing to buy any, unnecessary souls one may be holding on to. It's a good deal?
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Someone once asked me, "Who are you?"

I told them, "I am whoever I decide to be."


Most Recent Posts

Is that not what you normally do when meeting an NPC?

Stare at them as they monologue about story events?

No comment on the above mentioned action.
A little... Loud, I guess.

At some point during the confusion of the past minute, the abyssal monstrosity that had seemed intent on chasing Morgan had been distracted by the overwhelming mass of attacks against it letting him slip away from the chaos and back into the ruined church. Originally, he had found a better place to his, the second biggest structure in the small group of ruined buildings, but he chose to escape after noting the damage it was taking in the crossfire.

Those guys were also cadets, right? They should have no issues with that thing.

Nodding to himself, he wandered through a few of the now empty rooms around the building. It took him a little while to find the place he was looking for, the room the soldiers were using as their temporary armory. After a bit of sifting around, Morgan pulled his pistols out of a box they had been stuck in and grabbed a rifle from where it leaned against the wall.

After pocketing any spare ammo he found lying around, he made his way for the roof of the church, climbing up from one of the windows. Taking a position with his newly acquired rifle, he watched as a brown haired girl hurled a bundle of grenades at the creature, and a green haired girl followed up with a melee assault.

Huh. Those two make a decent team.

Looking over the rapidly regenerating wounds the efforts of the two had inflicted, he nodded and aimed the rifle at the creature as he muttered to himself.

"The current rate of regeneration is about five seconds to repair any given wound, but there doesn't seem to be a limit on simultaneous repairs. In that case..."

He fired, and the creature staggered, a hole opening the left side of its mask-like face. As he rapidly reloaded and fired again, he finished his prior thought.

"Just aim for the obvious weaknesses."

As a second bullet pierced the the creature's left eye, a dark grin formed on Morgan's face as he let out a small laugh.

Farewell friend.
Yes. No one's posting, but it's still running.
"Night Flower. The name's decent."

After the hologram disappeared, Morgan took a moment to think over what the girl had said. He had just noticed the flash drive in his pocket a few seconds before the drone arrived, and since the girl's hologram seemed to be sharing important information, he carefully noted what she had said.

So I'm supposed to find someone I've never met before on this island of indeterminable size, and I only have three days to do it?

Sighing, he stood from his seat beneath the tree and, dusting the sand from his clothes, set off down the beach muttering to himself.

"I really hate search quests."
Well. This is new.

As Morgan evaded the strike of the shadow-like monster currently trying to kill him, his thought strayed elsewhere. Whatever the creature was, it was capable of injuring him in his Ethereal form, something only vessels were capable of doing prior to this.

It's rather fast for its size. The regeneration's odd too, I doubt any natural being could be capable of self-healing at such a rate.

Stepping back, He reverted Arcanus to its standard form and ran for the ruined church.

Well, even if something like this has shown up, it should act as a decent gift for those guys who kidnapped us.
Here always. Unless my PC breaks.
In short, the best plan is to run away as fast as you can.

Got it.
Morgan's going to be out of the battle for a bit until something major happens. One failed assault on enemy lines was enough.
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