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Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 23 min ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Forest
@Nanaya, @Sifr, @Psyker Landshark

Ciara stared down the sword pointed at her throat, shadows freezing in place. This wasn’t fair. She was so close. So close! She was about to get all her questions answered, she just had to grab the little shadow and be gone. Why was Iraleth interfering?

It infuriated her to no end.

It wasn’t fair.

“I would have spared you and left your fate to the faculty should I have won officially. Here? If you lose, I will put you down.”

Ciara openly bared her teeth, glaring. An open threat. One that sent a shiver crawling down her spine. Iraleth had every justification to go with what she just said. Every possible motive. The perfect mindset of a holy killer ready to let loose.

And that scared her.

Then Iraleth’s tone changed, more pleading, begging.

"Stop making me have to try to kill you. I never wanted this to end in violence, you absolute idiot."

“Stop getting in my way,” Ciara bit out. “You can still turn a blind eye to this.”

She didn’t make a single move, though. Didn’t dare to even move a finger, or a breadth of a shadow. Now? Now, she was enjoying her little tantrum, knowing full well what would come next.

"Excuse you? Put her down? I am not burying another body in the fucking woods,"

Ciara blinked in the liminal darkness, illuminated only by the light of Iraleth’s sword. Was Hildegunde… siding with her? Coming to her defense?

Ciara’s lips pursed, feeling an emotion stir within her as her eyes grew hot.

But wait… Another body?

Hildegunde spoke directly at her.

"And you - I don't know what kind of answers you're looking for, but are you that desperate to endanger yourself and others for answers you may not even get - answers that surely have leads elsewhere? Is it worth biting the hands of those who want to put faith in you?"

Ciara finally fell silent at that, slowly moving a hand to press her eyes as she turned her head away. Anger bubbled up in her again, and regret, and a smothering sensation. She was getting smothered. By what, though? …Care?

Air hissed through her teeth as she took a breath, remembering the imp that lay at the other side of Hildegunde. To her, a surefire way to at least get something, answers, or whatever. To hell with the consequences.

But these girls. Her… her friends, if that was even the right word, were adamant and unmoving on this.

It infuriated her to no end.

"Why do you two insist on seeing enemies in each other? Our aggressor is right here,"



By those intents and purposes, she was an aggressor, too. All the orphanages of Vaal Kastrix knew that.

Ciara’s eyes fell on the imp, regret flashing in her face, as she finally relented. Her head bowed as she released the shadows, and sunlight poured in as the darkness fizzled out. With palms up, she took a step back from Iraleth, her face grim.

“...Fine. Have it your way. But I want the thing’s fate decided by the faculty, not by you.”

She twisted Otis’ sword in the grip of her palm as she turned away entirely, jaw clenching as she thought of the fate of the shadow being.

Iraleth and Hildegunde were resolute on this.

There wasn’t anything she could do.

And she hated it almost as much as she hated the swirl of other emotions in her - solidarity, companionship, an understanding. Something entirely foreign, giving pause to her thoughts, stress in her system. Could she really trust this? Trust them?

It was impossible, wasn't it?
Hidden 18 days ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Iraleth Kyrios

Finally. Finally. The first bit of reason Ciara had shown over the past day. At long last. Iraleth dared to let loose a breath, her body untensing ever so slightly.

Hildegunde's choice of wording was curious. Another body in the woods? Though that could be anything. Especially self-defense. Still something to keep in mind for later, though. The girl's other question was brushed off for the moment. Too much to explain here and now. Back to Ciara.

The cynic in Iraleth said Ciara wasn't seeing reason so much as realizing she was outnumbered two to one if she tried to persist, even if Hildegunde was opposed to killing her. But it wasn't as if Iraleth was exactly chomping at the bit to. She just had to have some kind of leverage over the witch at this point. That, or Ciara thought she'd lose regardless. Which begged the question of why she was even bothering with the duel.

Some sort of desperate lifeline to delay the inevitable was Iraleth's best guess. Much like her request to have the imp be judged by the faculty.

"Fine." Iraleth nodded her assent, lowering her sword. It wasn't as if Wingram's professors and headmaster would allow the damned thing to run free, after all. "I accept these terms." She moved back a few steps, walking behind the imp and raising her sword again to point the tip at its back.

"You. Hands up and behind your head. Start walking. We're both aware of what I can do should you try anything stupid, and it has already been a very irritating day. Do not test me."

@Sifr @Estylwen
Hidden 18 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 18 min ago

Six years.

He hadn’t even started learning about everything before six years ago. Had ran headlong since, carried by a voracity and a compulsion. Six years, for the one whose life burned quick in exchange for the one whose life smouldered long into the night. There were plenty of questions Otis had to ask, after all. A great lifespan, even one obtained at the expense of another, was simply a boon for the powerful in this world. If he was not aware of the sheer lack of essence in Rekordia, he’d have suspected Chloe to possess some connection with the immortal Clockwork Empress that ruled his homeland.

He had plenty of questions, but the Strigidae held them back this time around. Instead, with a gaze that possessed the same sort of youthful self-assuredness that Chloe had, Otis said perhaps the only thing that mattered to him in all this.

“Six years is plenty. If no one else can, I’ll find a way.”

Wingram was undoubtedly a place brimming with idiots and incompetents, with stupid fools who sought only the aesthetics of heroism and military dominance. But amidst the boneheaded buffoonery that manifested when teenagers with too much power gathered, there looked to be plenty of projects for him to work upon. Enough so, even, that Otis suspected he’d need to start taking proper, physical notes soon enough.

But that, of course, will come later. For now, however, the Door opened up once more and he offered Chloe a shoulder to lean on. Banged up as she was, she’d probably leave too big a mess if he re-orientated gravity to simply drop her out. And with that, Otis pulled her out to the clinic, waving at the first nurse to spy the strange pair.

“She was attacked by our instructor during class, as can be seen from the burns. After that, during lunch, she was attacked by an Ethos-wielding monster in the form of a wolf, which caused the cuts. Could you help her out of her clothes and give them to me?”

The clinic and the secret was one thing; he wasn’t going to renege on his statement to fix up her dress because of this.
Hidden 16 days ago Post by Nanaya
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@Sifr@Estylwen@Psyker Landshark


Throughout the entire conflict, the silhouetted imp simply shrugged its shoulders and stood where it initially surrendered. As things settled down and the group came to a consensus, it tapped its foot impatiently, its toothy grin flipping down into a tired frown. It remained silent until it was addressed, all the same, its vacant face taking the time to stare towards each of the girls even with its notable lack of eyes.

"If you have reached an agreement, then off we stroll," it mused, raising its arms above its head, the last wisp of a shadowy tether to the grey wolf's corpse fading away. "Cover yourselves."

After taking a few steps away while now at the mercy of its new captors, the flesh of the newly detached wolf corpse would rapidly bubble just under the skin as if boiling, before bursting apart seconds later, bringing a brief crimson rain to the surrounding area. The imp scoffed as it walked, arms still raised in submission.

"I suppose a wolf's body cannot meet the endurance threshold for long. A shame."

The imp's head would spin to look towards Iraleth, trying its best to continue speaking before the paladin could think about holding to her words from seconds prior. "But you should know it was an inevitability. By the time its body had been pierced by a bullet, its fate was already sealed. It was no conscious decision of mine to waste perfectly good flesh," it would finish that sentence by turning its head towards Hildegunde, continuing to walk down the forest path.

"And you," the imp would sing while finally cocking its head on a swivel towards Ciara. "You dance with the darkness well. Your movements are more rigid than a bride's, so clearly you are not one, but I remain impressed even so. Were it under different circumstances, a talk between us would serve well."

The being would go quiet after that statement, progressing obediently as the group reached the end of the forest path. Once more, they had returned to the campus proper.

Off in the distance and echoing towards them through faint loudspeakers, Principal Raja's voice could be heard once again. "We will now be conducting the Leyline Attunement Ceremony. We will be starting with students belonging to the 'Standard' curriculum, and conclude with students belonging to the 'Compact' curriculum! As each individual makes contact with the convergence point - the golden pillar - they will simultaneously declare themselves a Shield of Nero or a Sword of Wund! Contact with the pillar will amplify one's voice during their declaration, such that all of their peers may hear their resolve! That will be all. The students of Standard 1 may now progress in an orderly single file line towards the pillar when ready."



"I... well, you don't need to. But if you deem it a matter worth devoting time to, then I would thank you all the same," Chloe muttered and turned away, a pout creeping across her features, the faintest smile resting there beneath it.

As they exited into the clinic, the receptionist immediately rose and sighed, almost appearing to develop bags under his eyes in real time as he waved them over. "More, huh? What a painful first day for the students. We'll see to it that she's taken care of. Would you kindly take a seat, my boy? Give the girl some privacy."

Chloe would go through the registration process of the clinic, syncing her Adapa with the clinic's terminal, before being led through a door and down a hallway by clinic staff. There was only one other individual in this waiting room, though he appeared to be in no rush - Gulliver Bronsteel, seated in a chair on the opposite corner of the room. He had no visible wounds on his body, nor were his clothes in tatters, but there he sat. A small plastic smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he stared at Otis, but he said nothing otherwise.

Moments later, the tattered dress was carried out by a nurse and handed to Otis. "She stated that this is given to you under the condition that you take no creative liberties in its repair process. And that she, er, would 'much rather pay good money for perfection than receive an amateurish job as charity'. Passionate, that one."

With a chuckle, the nurse left the waiting room, returning back down the hallway.

Over the radio within the clinic by the front desk, and muffled from loudspeakers outside, Principal Raja's voice could be heard once again. "We will now be conducting the Leyline Attunement Ceremony. We will be starting with students belonging to the 'Standard' curriculum, and conclude with students belonging to the 'Compact' curriculum! As each individual makes contact with the convergence point - the golden pillar - they will simultaneously declare themselves a Shield of Nero or a Sword of Wund! Contact with the pillar will amplify one's voice during their declaration, such that all of their peers may hear their resolve! That will be all. The students of Standard 1 may now progress in an orderly single file line towards the pillar when ready."



Chunji would witness as Rio walked around the curved walkway back towards the front of campus, without another word. He made his way to the plaza upon which students had first entered in from yesterday, by the bridge. However, rather than head towards the bridge, Rio instead moved towards the fountain that had found itself repaired after yesterday's battle. He stood in front of it for a few breaths, scanned around to see if anybody was watching, and upon confirming a satisfying lack of people, dug into his jacket pocket.

He'd procure what appeared to be some kind of coin from his wallet, and after once more confirming there were no witnesses, flicked the coin into the fountain. The moment it splashed into the water, Rio's body seemed to be sucked into the fountain as well, leaving no trace of the boy after a mere blink of the coin's descent.

Over the loudspeakers, Principal Raja's voice could be heard once again. "We will now be conducting the Leyline Attunement Ceremony. We will be starting with students belonging to the 'Standard' curriculum, and conclude with students belonging to the 'Compact' curriculum! As each individual makes contact with the convergence point - the golden pillar - they will simultaneously declare themselves a Shield of Nero or a Sword of Wund! Contact with the pillar will amplify one's voice during their declaration, such that all of their peers may hear their resolve! That will be all. The students of Standard 1 may now progress in an orderly single file line towards the pillar when ready."
Hidden 14 days ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 18 min ago

Otis received the tattered dress, taking a few moments to fold it up into a neat bundle before sliding it into one of his many belt-pouches. Amateurish? Who did she think he was? When it came purely to the art of sewing, the Strigidae severely doubted that there were any wannabe heroes within Wingram who could sew even half as well as he could…but it was a shame about not being able to take creative liberties.

He'll have to be a touch more subtle then, with what he would be adding. Would have to take a look around campus for a proper fabrics store as well. Another item on the list, to be sure. His eyes closed. Another few moments spent on engraving that particular thought into his mind.

And when they opened, that amber gaze fell upon Gulliver Bronsteel.

“I know what you are.”

That was all that needed to be said, before Otis left the clinic. The Attunement Ceremony was beginning, after all, and with it came the faction selection. It would be useful, then, to see where the students fell. It would be important as well, to see where Valen fell.

His steps picked up in pace.

This ceremony would determine what his tools were, and who his test subjects were.
Hidden 14 days ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 43 min ago

Perhaps it was the norm to have inexplicable entrances that Chunji wasn't aware of. From the auditorium to the leylines, there was now a fountain that Rio had disappeared into. It did stoke curiosity but also made Chunji more cautious about his future activities, from Rio and Chloe's secret to Davil's incompetence to his other classmates' eccentricities.

A sigh escaped before Chunji turned and headed back to the Attunement Zone. He'd make it in time if he started walking now.

There were a few things that perturbed Chunji. One was the lack of address regarding potential problems. If Principal Raja had been informed and aware of everything, Chunji did not perceive a reaction on her part. The woman was an enigma to the school's slogan. At the end of the day, her tenure as Principal may be just another step in her career. Chunji was sure that Rio would have a snarky remark or two about her.

However, what happened next at the Attunement Zone would no less lead to unnecessary conflict that Chunji would seclude himself from. Whatever rivalries may develop, Chunji had no interest in them aside from making Rio's life a little harder than usual.
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 23 min ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Campus
@Nanaya, @Psyker Landshark

Ciara grimaced as she saw the fizzle of rain, and a sweeping shadow made an umbrella over the group, shielding them from the worst of the bloody spray. “...Gross.”

It intrigued her to see the imp walking on its own two feet. Immediately, she had assumed it needed a host to survive. Yet here it was, talking and breathing - though, she wasn’t sure for how long. She didn’t know what the faculty would do with something like this.

Those tainted with shadows never had easy lives, it seemed. Always misunderstood…

Almost as if reading her expression, the imp turned to her as they walked. ”Were it under different circumstances, a talk between us would serve well."

Ciara bowed her head. “Yeah… under different circumstances.”

Inside, she seethed.

Too soon, they found themselves in the campus of Wingram, and Ciara, swallowing her anger, turned to Iraleth. “...Going back to the attument zone makes the most sense. The principal is there.”
Hidden 9 days ago Post by Psyker Landshark
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Psyker Landshark return to monke

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Iraleth Kyrios

Iraleth prodded the imp onwards in silence, keeping a watchful vigil on it. One wrong move, and it'd see purification. She knew it, Ciara knew it, everyone involved knew it. The imp's suggestion to Ciara led the half-elf to give it an annoyed prod with the flat of her sword, shoving the little bastard forward just a little.

They walked ever onward until the quartet made it back to campus. Just in time for the ceremony to begin, it seemed. At this point, their tardiness didn't particularly matter to Iraleth. Not in the face of something more important like this. Still, that left the matter of who to go to.

"What now, then? Ought we take our chances interrupting the ceremony? We'd have to head that way at some point, anyway.

@Sifr @Estylwen
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Nanaya
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The school grounds came alive with the rush of eager students. One after another, the protectors of tomorrow couldn’t help but declare their platitudes and swear their vows. Some spoke of their future glory as champions that would arise to ensure the death of villainy, while others kept it short and sweet, and more still simply saw it as their opportunity to put themselves in the spotlight for a brief moment.

Amidst it all, Raja watched on, ensuring that no matter how vapid or longwinded the speeches were, they all ended with one notable confirmation. Whether confident or hesitant, anxious or proud, all needed to say it before the near entirety of the campus’ residents. She observed the future potentials of the nation stand on the podium and, after attuning to the golden pillar behind them, would make their choices.

“I’ll become a Sword of Wund,” one student or another would state. Others would instead move to exclaim, “For I, a Shield of Nero!”

Slowly but surely, those of the standard curriculum would be filtered through, planting themselves firmly on one side or the other of the pillar. From further north of the pillar, where the group exiting the forest would witness the ceremony, the imp would groan with disdain at Iraleth's prodding, before turning back to the group while they deliberated. "Perhaps you could leave my fate until after the ceremony? Leave me tied up to a tree where I can't get away? It is, after all, a moment for your future yearbook - a glimpse of yesteryear's joyous days, innocent and full of fire. Certainly you lot would prefer that over reporting a humble shadeling like myself, yes?"

As Otis entered into the ceremony grounds as well, he'd have felt a violent glare threatening to burn into his back as he left the clinic. Gulliver hadn't said a word, nor had his plastic smile broken, but the aura of aggression was nearly tangible. This vanished as he entered the vicinity of his peers, where ideas of assault were surely the furthest thing from possibility.

As time drew on and the standard students had finished their attunements and declarations, the split between sword and shield seemed even. If one were to take the time to count each and every entrant to each side, they would find that it would have a slight lean towards Wund over Nero, but not notable enough for the untrained eye to catch on to. The loudspeaker would ring out once, blaring with Raja's voice, "The standards have said their piece and made their sides known, and so we will be moving on to the compacts! Proceed when ready, Compact 1."

And so they would. Much like Compact 3, the groups of Compact 1 and 2 also contained exactly eight students, as did the remaining groups that bore the 'Compact' name. While standard classes seemed to ballpark the number of students into a rough range of late twenties to early thirties per class, the eight-person groups remained entirely consistent and exact within compact classes.

Eventually, as Compact 2 had finished with its last attunement, Compact 3 was called to move towards the pillar, attune, and declare their faction. From further back, Valen - who had yet to attune - would observe expectantly, were Iraleth or Ciara there.
Hidden 3 days ago Post by Estylwen
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Estylwen The One Who Knocks

Member Seen 23 min ago

Ciara Ventura

Wingram, Campus
@Nanaya, @Psyker Landshark

"Perhaps you could leave my fate until after the ceremony? Leave me tied up to a tree where I can't get away?”
The Imp

Ciara stared at the shadeling for a long moment, before her eyes narrowed.

“It’s smart.”

“We’re all smart, thank you.”

The Voices were very much enjoying the fact that there was something, someone similar to them. All smiles. Ciara could figure why. If they were really alike, it would be a simple thing for the imp to leave through shadows the moment they turned their backs.

Ciara’s eyes dragged over to Iraleth, and she sucked in a breath. Would the paladin realize?

She could hear what was going on in the attunement ceremony from where they stood. If they delayed any further, they would miss the ceremony outright. The imp had excellent timing for being caught, really. Now, the paladin would have to weigh her options. Hildegunde as well.

For Ciara, she knew her choice already. From her satchel, she produced a length of rope that she offered to Iraleth. Her tone was as carefully disinterested as possible. “Tie him if you want. I don’t want to miss the ceremony.”

Whether Iraleth would accept the rope or not, Ciara would find herself walking up towards the ceremony once more. Her eyes glanced to the side, widening as shecaught Valen staring straight at her. Before she glared, holding his gaze fora moment before she huffed, and tured towardsthe golden pole.

She approached it with purpose, reached out a hand to touch it, and spoke resolutely.

“Sword of Wund.”
Hidden 1 day ago Post by AThousandCurses
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Member Seen 43 min ago

Chunji's personal feelings did not resonate with his peer's enthusasim in choosing sides. Perhaps he was too nihilistic or pessimistic about the entire event, but he couldn't understand their passion. From what he saw from his eyes, it was little more than spectacle that would turn into a ticking time bomb with the actors he'd seen throughout the school.

What he saw from the world...

It was indescribable.

The moment someone attuned with the golden pillar, it started many intricate processes. The identifying, authenthicating, assimilating, tethering, imprinting, and many more. It was only simple conjecture that Chunji had formulated, what was actually unknown to him. A present magnum opus of essence that-

The scent of iron interrupted Chunji's thought process. A burning sensation ruminated in his head that lead Chunji to impulsively wipe his nose. A brief touch gave him a quick answer.


Chunji immediately withdrew his Ethos and stopped usage. "Hmmm." A new limit had been discovered. A new limit to be tested. Another subject to be studied at a later time. His compact had been called and Ms. Ventaura had declared her afflilation. An unexpected designation, but something that wouldn't have bothered Chunji.

Finding himself next in line, Chunji walked up to take a spot at the pillar. His hand grazing his pillar itself. Chunji had reminded himself of what the pillar was.

An precipice of knowledge that build its base through blood, sweat, and tears from a suspicious source. He wouldn't stop it from connecting with him, but he could restrict what would it access.

Chunji tried his best to guide the pillar on where it could attune. It was an instinctual process, but one Chunji tried his hardest at. The pillar reached out and Chunji met it halfway. The pillar of the Primal didn't come, as expected, but the others did. One by one, he guided them to only assimilate at his hand. Perhaps it was pointless, but Chunji felt that he needed to try.

Isolating the place of contact to his right hand, Chunji called out his side.

"Sword of Wund."

The delivery in tone left much to be desired.

Hidden 1 day ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 18 min ago

"Adapa, return."

Amidst the speeches and declarations, the ceremony where one sorted themselves into two competing affiliations, Otis retrieved his Adapa from where he had left it in the forest and re-examined the recording. The creature had surrendered relatively quickly and had invoked rights that it did not actually possess...but that the three who stayed were willing to humor. Ciara had found some form of kinship with it, no doubt, and now, she had approached the golden pillar and announced herself as a Sword. So too did Chunji, a sanguine trickle upon his nose the price of staring into the Sun.

And now, the Strigidae ascended. Valen's gaze was set upon another, but that was no matter.


Otis turned towards Principal Raja.

"When I left, there were at least three students who were bound in the clinic. Chloe, Davil, and, as you would know, Gulliver. Rio, from Compact 3, also seems to be missing from the crowd. Now," he gestured the golden pillar, "this would not change my personal intention of joining the Sword of Wund, but for those who have missed the ceremony due to injury or deficiencies, would this event be hosted again? Is there a less ceremonial method of attunement? Or are they simply automatically sorted, as a form of punishment for having failed to attend?" He folded his arms, head tilting to the side. "On a separate note, since you seem to be relatively free at the moment, considering that there's neither a limit on the length of student speeches nor is there any paperwork you need to attend to during this process...Principal Raja, could you provide me with a few examples of the feats one would need to accomplish in order to gain access to the Iris Records?"
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