Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

This is the place where WIP posts go so I can work on them on any Internet-connected computer the fates will grant me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Akamagaseki → Shimonoseki (1902)
Asahi → Owariasahi (1970)
Edo → Tokyo (1868)
Fuchū → Shizuoka (1869)
Fukase → Matsumoto (1582)
Goka → Hiroshima (1591)
Heian-kyo → Kyoto (1899)
Hiroshima → Kitahiroshima (1996)
Hizaori → Asaka (1932)
Imahama → Nagahama (1575)
Inokuchi → Gifu (1568)
Kameyama → Kameoka (1869)
Kōriyama → Yamatokōriyama (1954)
Koromo → Toyota (1959)
Kozukata → Morioka (Keichō era)
Kurokawa → Wakamatsu → Aizuwakamatsu (1955)
Kurume → Higashikurume (1970)
Murayama → Musashimurayama (1970)
Nagaoka → Nagaokakyō (1972)
Naniwa → Ōsaka
Ōminatotanabu → Mutsu (1960)
Ōmiya → Hitachiōmiya (2004)
Oshi → Gyōda (1949)
Ōta → Hitachiōta (1954)
Ōtsu → Kotsu (672) → Ōtsu (794)
Ōtsu → Izumiōtsu (1942)
Sano → Izumisano (1948)
Sayama → Ōsakasayama (1987)
Shinobu → Fukushima (1592)
Takada → Bungotakada (1954)
Takada → Yamatotakada (1948)
Takada → Jōetsu (1971)
Takaoka → Hirosaki (1628)
Tambaichi → Tenri (1954)
Tanabe → Kyōtanabe (1997)
Tsudanuma → Narashino (1954)
Yamato → Higashiyamato (1970)
Yabo → Kunitachi (1926)



Hidden 8 yrs ago 3 days ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Kazenosuke's House


"I have a sneaking suspicion they're trying to eliminate two birds with one stone. Kazenosuke, one of the most skilled fighters in the land, and three monsters that had just exhausted him. Strategically speaking, killing us all now while we're exhausted cleans things up nicely, Oh, and, if these are Varjans, I will have to remind you that you were indifferent to those who'd have a knife at your back at the earliest convenience."

Kazenosuke was not swayed by Zeka's or Vară's words, but Vivian's assumptions elicited a reaction out of him. "Pfffft... Bahahahahahaha!" He laughed out loud.

The dancing swordsman waved a free hand, and all the crows that perched in the surrounding trees flew away to resume their lives. "Unfortunately, no Varjan I know can do what I can." Kazenosuke allowed the three yokai a moment to realize he had power over the black-plumed avians. "But they have their own ways in wielding animals in combat. Good old-fashioned training, which I suppose makes them better than me."

With the crows all gone, the exhausted Kazenosuke leaned back into the wooden wall of his abode. "Alright, alright. You girls win, I give up." He surrendered, tiredly sheathing his blade.

Kazenosuke closed his eyes before raising a finger at the yokai. "You girls fought pretty hard. You fought to win. I could feel all that in our spar." The dancing swordsman surmised. "But what I can't figure out is why? Why fight this hard for an island with no yokai and whose denizens hate you? You three could be out there living... I don't know, peaceful lives literally anywhere else." Kazenosuke was almost complaining in the taskforce's behalf. "...There are no riches here. Nor is the island strategic, I think. Yokai only come here for men, and I can feel that none of you are particularly looking."

"And you three do realize that no matter what he says, Takeshi can just stab you in the backs once the Varjans are vanquished. Right?" The swordsman finished. "You have to know that. None of you are stupid."

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Okay! So, Lord Takeshi has gotten help from Lady Kyouko, who's sent monsters from Zipangu like me, and others from other places here to help you all out. I think its because nobody wants Varjo to have a big foothold out here,"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Lord Takeshi... willingly collaborating with yokai." The shinobi girl remarked darkly. "Grim tidings..."

"...So anyways, I'm just super glad that I found you! Takeshi said there was a whole other wave of Shinobi that might be with you, so...are they also hiding out here in the forest? Takeshi can use all the help you can provide!"
Matsuri Okitsu

"Indeed, there are still many of us. Lord Hideo, Lord Takeshi's father, actually ordered all of us to try and find a way to pass through the Varjan blockade to get help." Kageho suddenly stopped to correct herself. "Human help. We were to keep sending out operatives until someone succeeded or all of us died. It was Lord Takeshi who rescinded the order behind his father's back, instead ordering us to simply hide and fortify what we can."

"I thought it was a mercy from Lord Takeshi, but now I suspect darker motives if he sought help from yokai..." It appeared Matsuri's phrasing had caused a misunderstanding in Kageho's mind.

"...I cannot promise aid, but I will meet with Takeshi for an explanation." Kageho put away her sickles, the blades gleaming ominously at the young Inari. "Make your way back to Lord Takeshi. I will follow you from the shadows." And with that, the shinobi disappeared into the darkness of the night. Seemingly leaving Matsuri alone.

With her objective accomplished, Matsuri can head back to Terauchi Temple or go somewhere else.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

”Uh...Perhaps we should leave these two along, Ayu-san?”
Kirei Kannazuki

"Yeah, I think we should." She replied with a sigh. Unfortunately, the sisters would be done with their 'session' before either Ayu or Kirei could leave.

"Spywoman, where’s Takeshi at? I’d rather not wander this place on a fruitless endeavor."

Ayu was looking away from Ripcord and Umami, but returned her gaze once her attention was called. "He's here somewhere. Don't you worry." She replied, again with a sigh. "Let me fetch him so I can just leave him to deal with you two."

"I am being summoned?" Just as Ayu turned around, Takeshi had arrived after overhearing his name being uttered. "I was curious on why some of the refugees were moving away from here so I came to check. It seems someone's looking for me."

"Yep. The sisters over there seem to need your help." Ayu pointed at the Claremont sisters with a thumb. "There's a mark on the Shoggoth girl's neck that won't come off."

"Hmm, let me see." Takeshi approached the sisters, Ripcord in particular, and immediately found and recognized the mark. "Huh, so the Varjans know how to put one of these." The young lord said. "I don't know what the Varjans call it, but here we call it 'Marked For Death'. It's a fairly simple marking spell that helps hunters designate prey, preventing the targets from effectively hiding. Other than that, it's quite harmless albeit annoying. The spell isn't that used anymore since it's more work preparing the spell than building a trap or something similar."

"Removing it is also fairly simple, although quite intimate and some might call disgusting. I can perform the removal process if you want it gone immediately." Takeshi offered to Ripcord. "I would teach it to your sister, but the ritual requires Spirit Energy."



Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Pic sources
shingoku no valhalla gate
valkyrie crusade
brave girl ravens
gemini seed
Hidden 8 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Welcome to the Paul of Recaps. This is Razelia: The Kingdom of Magic Season 1.

The kingdom of Razelia is the most magic-centric nation in all the land. Its capital, Zauberheim, is home to the most prestigious magic school in the country, Seraph Academy. Every year, a tournament is held as celebration for the graduating students. This tournament regularly invites outsider fighters so the students can fight someone 'outside-of-the-box'.

One of the student competitors is Seleth Thenri, a Dark Elf who's staying in the Radiant Cathedral. She's a bit arrogant and rough but she's a good person. She's also friends with Alicia de Florencia who is, a a bit of a dumb jock, but also a good person.

Also a student competitor is the Princess of Razelia herself, Lisianthus von Zauberheim. She's pretty much The Ace in Seraph Academy. However, also an Ace and also a competitor is Varjan Caldeyron. He's lauded as a child prodigy and a potential rival to Lisia but he's kind of aloof and does little to stand out so they've barely met each other.

Arriving in Zauberheim is Hisana. She plans to participate in the tournament for the lols. She is also a criminal when she steals this guard's pocket money. At the registration tents, she meets Keith North, apparently a better criminal by stealing the money that Hisana stole. However, he gets caught for the crime that Hisana committed so maybe not. He was also a would-be competitor, but then he changed his mind and now wants to leave Razelia. Ominous.

Following Hisana is bounty hunter Enishi. He is also here for the tournament but he gets caught for being in close proximity to Hisana's crime so he doesn't get to participate in the tourney.

The Grand Academy Tournament begins. Seleth fights this fat knight and wins pretty easily. However, one of the knight's friends approaches her. This guy has a sleeping cap for a helmet but then he tells Seleth about dreams involving a burning city and monsters attacking it. Ominous.

She gets back to the Radiant Cathedral to find Varjan Caldeyron hanging out here. Like always, Varjan is quiet and reserved but then he has a breakdown, asking Seleth to kill him. Seleth's like 'No! You're crazy!'. A woman then bursts forth into the cathedral. This is Varjan's mom, Iona Caldeyron, and she begins ripping into Varjan right in front of Seleth. Iona goes 180 on Seleth though so yeah, she's pretty plastic.

Meanwhile, Princess Lisia fights this purple-robed martial arts guy who can shapeshift into her so that's cool.

Back to Enishi, the confusion was cleared but he's still bummed out that he couldn't join the tournament. He's instead recruited for a secret investigation headed by Athos, ripped straight outta Fire Emblem down to the name. Athos is the Court Mage of the royal family and explained that the investigation is about a crime ring that's suspected to be selling drugs and enhancers to participants of the Grand Academy Tournament.

They need hard evidence to get a manhunt launched though so Enishi and a bunch of other agents sneak into a suspicious warehouse where they see drugs being manufactured and Keith North?! How'd he get out of jail? The sneaking fails though and a fight breaks out. One of the agents is about to get thwacked when a Beastkin girl comes to the rescue.

She is Lumina Lusteria, a new arrival at Zauberheim but she's not here for the tournament. She comes from a faraway land across the ocean. The seers of her land told of a great catastrophe that will befall a magical kingdom. So, Razelia. Lumina volunteered to go and find out what it is and stop it if she can.

Back at the warehouse, Keith declares 'Code Orange' and the warehouse is set on fire to destroy the evidence. Fortunately, our heroes' combined efforts drive off Keith and snag some hard evidence.

It's the second day of the tournament. Seleth is fighting this funny leopard Beastkin and wins albeit with some awkwardness. She meets with Alicia and Mira Yasunori, a girl from the Eastern Isles. After some Ship Teasing, the conversation turns to Varjan and Seleth discovers that Alicia, Mira and a dude named Ecthel are friends with the aloof, friendless Varjan because they were planted there. Mira says they're genuinely friends but Seleth rightly calls them out on this deception.

Meanwhile, Lisia defeats her Beastkin opponent and encounters a heavily despondent Varjan with a maid girl. The maid's name is Anesh who gets all b****y at the Princess, pretty gutsy. Varjan dismisses her before things escalate and Lisia asks what's wrong and Varjan goes all edgelord on her and leaves.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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The Twin Goddesses

Minor Gods


Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

A world in which humanity has met its end.
A world in which everyone has died.
A world in which nothing more can die.
In which naught stirs but walking corpses.

The protagonists of Nechronica are the girls of this world unfortunate enough to possess hearts - the Dolls.
To put it simply, it is a game in which the players become zombie girls and fight against other zombies.

The one who caused the dead to wake - the ruler of this shattered world - is the Necromancer.
The Necromancer serves as both the master of the game and the archenemy.
For it could be none other than the Necromancer who gave hearts to the Dolls.
For in a world filled with mindless puppets, the Dolls - they alone whom possess wills of their own - are no more than toys.
For the tragic comedy wrought by the foes sent against them is a delightful spectacle.

Since Dolls are already dead, they will find no rest when they are broken.
The peace of death came to an end long ago, just as did the world itself.

As we have a cup of tea, beneath these skies as gray as lead-
let us tell the tale of this long, long epilogue.

Hello everyone! Your failure of a GM over here, here with his first attempt at a Tabletop Roleplay starring with a somewhat obscure Japanese tabletop RPG. Said RPG is...

Nechronica ~The Long, Long Sequel~

The Rulebook (and other stuff) has been translated over here.

This is the PDF of the translated Rulebook.

This RPG is built for Live sessions and not Play-By-Post sessions. Thus, I will be modifying and/or structuring the RPG for a Play-By-Post session and will be posting the new-and-improved Rulebook in the OOC once it comes up. I'm working on it right now but I want to know who's interested in playing as an anime zombie girl. (And if you are interested, I recommend reading over the Rulebook and planning your character 'cause this RPG's meaty)

If you have any questions (especially about the RPG's mechanics and how I will be handling it), ask away~!



You can read more about the setting over at the website located above.


Here will be described the various mechanics that are featured in Nechronica.



Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Battle Map


Goliath A


Soldier (x5)


Hound A
Hound B
Zombie (x10)







Enemy Data

GOLIATH A (Max AP = 10)

HOUND A (Max AP = 9)

HOUND B (Max AP = 9)

ZOMBIES (Max AP = 8)


Hidden 5 yrs ago 12 days ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 11 mos ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


- No weapon durability
- Yes weapon skill
- Class Skills and Personal Skills
- Separation of 3 magics

- Sacred Stones class system
- addition of Dark Fliers, Kinshi Knights, Malig Knights
Hidden 5 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Hey guys, this is my first time managing a CYOA quest thingy. I hope you guys can guide me in this endeavor and I hope this will all be fun.

This CYOA will be about Girls' Frontline, a Chinese mobile game that features characters that are the (metaphorical) manifestations of real life guns. The game features cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, alien viruses and lots of government conspiracies. The player character is a T-Doll Commander in Griffin & Kryuger

The story will mainly be a retelling of the game's events with small yet significant changes to it. Especially regarding the nature of the Commander as well as the gameplay mechanics.

There will be mechanics in this CYOA but they will be, obviously, quite different from that of the game. These will be explained below.

Maps will be provided by me and each node will have a designation on them to make things easier for all of us. However, I am no wizard so there will be times when the situation will be confusing. I'll try my best to keep track of it all so just ask if there is confusion.

Unlike in the game, enemies in this CYOA will behave intelligently. While they cannot take the Command Post, they will do their best to hamper and hinder the operation as well as score as many kills on T-Dolls as they can. They cannot be underestimated, though even they cannot know what the Commander has up their sleeve.

T-Dolls are the backbone of G&K's forces. They may be numerous but they are not exactly replaceable. They come in six classes: Handguns (HG), Submachine Guns (SMG), Assault Rifles (AR), Rifles (RF), Machine Guns (MG) and Shotguns (SG).

T-Dolls are put in five-man squads known as Echelons. In the game, each T-Doll gives buffs to their echelon mates which makes echelon composition and placement very important.

This CYOA, however, will focus more on the narrative rather than any hard numbers. Generally, HG-RF echelons will beat enemy RF teams, MG teams and armored teams but are vulnerable to mobs and AR-SMG teams. AR-SMG echelons will beat fellow AR-SMG teams and mobs but vulnerable to RF teams, MG teams and armored enemies. MG-SG echelons will beat enemy MG teams, AR-SMG teams, armored enemies and mobs but are vulnerable to RF teams and special enemies.

I will be the sole arbitrator of what the outcome of the battle will be. I can only give you my word that I will be fair in this as possible.

In this CYOA, new T-Dolls are acquired after each mission. They are randomly chosen and they cannot be acquired again until they are lost. For example, if IDW is acquired then she is removed from the pool of possible acquisitions until she is lost.

A T-Doll is potentially lost when an Echelon loses a battle or sustains too much damage, usually in a disadvantaged fight. Some T-Dolls, however, cannot be lost as they are essential to the story. Lost T-Dolls can be re-acquired but her relationship to the Commander will be reset.

G&K's newest commander has a past, one that he or she can call upon in times of ordeal. But be wary, these gifts have a price. Both in the short-term, and the long-term.

1) The Astral - Separate the flesh from the spirit. Allow the soul to escape its mortal coil and seek out another vessel to contain it. But no matter how mighty the ethereal is, it still needs a house. A spirit without a home is like a ship without an anchor. It will drift and float away until the boundless ocean puts it out of its misery.
2) The Beast - A primal, brutish force lies shackled within. It is powerful, unbreakable and relentless. Break the chains to unleash it at the foe. Watch it rend and rip. Watch as the enemy crumble before it.
3) The Chosen
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago



The world of Lamalla is in peril! ...Or rather, was in peril.

Years ago, a Light Elf King named Feazon earned recognition in the world with his outstanding talents and tremendous skills in practically all walks of life. His prowess in combat was allowed to slay the great beasts in the wild, his proficiency in magic allowed him to master many arts in spellcraft and his charisma made him a peerless leader. All across Lamalla, he was respected and praised.

However, his fiery personality came with an arrogant pride and great vanity. It reached its peak when he demanded the power to create life from his patron goddess Amalya after years upon years of tribute and worship. The Goddess Of Light refused, saying that his deeds, though awesome, did not make him worthy of that power and that he already could create life same as everyone did. Angered by the deity's insolence, Feazon forsook Amalya and insulted Aylama before attempting to take his people from the lands of the Elves to a remote part of the world and away from the godesses.

However, most of his people were still Light Elves and refused to go with him. In an act that shocked Lamalla, an angered Feazon started killing those who would not follow him resulting in a bloody battle between Light Elves. This act was so grievous and unprecedented that Amalya was said to have wept for a year. Feazon emerged victorious and he sailed to an unclaimed land to build a Rogue Elf kingdom called Feazar, named after himself.

In his newly-built kingdom, Feazon attempted to wield the power to create life by himself. He found that he could not, but he did discover that he could twist healing magic in order to restore flesh and life to corpses. However, the revived dead were soulless husks and had no drive to do anything. The Elf king then experimented with illusion magic to make the resurrected think they were alive and were sworn to him. To this end, Feazon discreetly convinced some mighty but unscrupulous Dark Elves to help refine this twisting of the undead mind through magic. And it worked! The undead believed whatever their masters wanted them to believe.

Seeing how far he and his people have fallen, Amalya and Aylama sent prophets to Feazon to tell him to stop this corruption of magic and that should he apologize, he would be welcomed back. Still resentful of the goddesses, Feazon captured the prophets and held them hostage with the demand that the goddesses apologize to him. A stealthy squad of Wood Elves took the initiative to rescue the prophets but Feazon took this as an act of war.

Feazon and his fellow necromancers sent forth their undead legions against Elvenkind. Aylama called upon her children, the Beastkin, to aid the Elves while Amalya requested help from humanity of whom many kingdoms answering the call. This gigantic conflict would soon be known as the War Of Feazon or The Dead War.

The war against the undead went well for a while until Feazon took the field. The Rogue Elf King was still a mighty warrior with a plethora of spells and a thousand strategies inside his mind. He won battle after battle, scattering the alliance of Elves, Beastkin and Humans. A stalemate then occurred, one that favored Feazon since every enemy he has slain was another recruit for his armies.

Desperate, Amalya and Aylama summoned a hero from another world, named Rex. Though this hero started out unremarkable, he quickly grew into a mighty individual with talents and skills to rival the Rogue Elf King. When he took the field, he turned the tide of the war. But despite rallying the alliance, Rex knew that talent and skill alone will not break Feazon's forces. And so, he traveled Lamalla to gather all sorts of allies to aid him in defeating the Rogue Elf King once and for all.

Soon, the time came. Armies from the alliance assembled to siege Feazar and end the Mad Elf's reign once and for all. Rex and his band of allies infiltrated the main keep and there they battled Feazon in his throne room and after a grueling fight, Rex was triumphant. Feazon's undead legions dissipated with his power and he was captured to answer for his crimes.

Feazon was judged by the goddesses themselves and he was sentenced with banishment from Lamalla, to an unknown world from where he could not return.

The world celebrated Rex's victory for a week, but the hero asked of his greatest reward: To return home. At the final day, with all his friends and allies present, Rex bid farewell to Lamalla and everything went back to normal.
Hidden 17 days ago 13 days ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 6 hrs ago



Main Title:
Additional Titles: (Optional. List as much as you want.)

Size: (This is basically Model Type. Optional. Has no effect in gameplay.)

Birthday: (Optional)
Constellation: (Optional. Can be name only. Has no effect in gameplay.)

(At the very least, include why they are now currently in Mondstadt specifically in Springvale. Keep in mind that Varka's return is widely-known news, at least in Mondstadt, and there is a contingent of Favonius Knights greeting them in Falcon Coast.)


(Your character's base HP and ATK are determined by your Weapons. You have an extra 2500 points to distribute to the 2 stats.)



Elemental Skill: (Put here the name of your character's Elemental Skill and the effects it will do. If playing a canon character, I'll trust you on how you will translate their original game effects into this roleplay.)

Elemental Burst: (Put here the name of your character's Elemental Burst and the effects it will do. If playing a canon character, I'll trust you on how you will translate their original game effects into this roleplay.)

Talents: (You can have 3 Talents that can help your character manipulate the combat mechanics in their favor. Try being creative without being too broken. As a general rule, each Talent can only affect 1 stat of either the user's, an ally's or an enemy's.)
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