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The quarter Dominican continued rambling in Spanish under his breath, continuing toward the crowd. Errol continued ignoring Noa's pleas, his eyes transfixed on the young man stood on a table, above the crowd. His words served to fuel his anger, Errol was so tired. Tired of his existence being questioned, threatened. The hypocricy of it all. They're worried that mutants are abusing their power? Call it karma. Humans have been subjugating each other for centuries, now that they're no longer top dog, they're scared.

Noa's voice finally manage to snap him out of his conquest - however, her assertive tone wasn't directed at him. She called out to someone called 'Martin'? Errol's eyes scanned the crowd for who she could be calling out to. Finally, his eyes locked on to the dark-haired man on top of the table, the one who Errol was preparing to fry to a crisp. Confusion etched on Errol's face, how could Noa possibly know this guy... this Martin?

Errol watched the man approach Noa through the crowd and promptly pull her into an embrace. What was going on? The mutant continued to display his bewilderment while taking some steps closer to Noa and Martin, just within earshot but still far enough to not be noticeable to the pair.

Listening to their exchange, he quickly deciphered that the pair clearly had a past but was still unable to figure out the nature of Noa and Martin's relationship. Noa never really spoke of her past, despite how close they were, he respected that and never pried. But now, not knowing much context to what was happening between the two was frustrating. Were they related? Past lovers? Old friends?

However, once Martin called Noa a mutant with an accusatory tone and a look of discomfort, Errol's instincts kicked in. Involuntarily he stepped between the two, his back facing Noa while he stared down Martin's familiar blue eyes through his black shades. Suddenly, it clicked, Martin was her brother. The pair's eyes were almost identical. Regardless, realising their connection didn't detract from the words that would leave Errol's lips.

"Yeah, and what?" aggression could be clearly heard in his tone.
The humanitarian act was starting to get old. Although Errol didn't have the energy to debate with Duncan, he scoffed at his brother's words. The world already hates and fears them, why bother trying to prove them any different when mankind jumps at the chance to label them as freaks. Monsters. Other. One could only take so much unjustified hate and oppression for so long before they turn it back on their tormentors.

Duncan lived the luxurious life of being an X-Man, shielded away from the plights of mutants in that mansion. He didn't understand what it was like, to have the warmth of your own family's love turn to cold hate, to have those who you thought would always be there for you suddenly turn their back on you. To be ripped away from all you've ever known because you were born different.

If the homo sapiens believed him to be dangerous, he'd show them the true meaning of the word. Errol had no quarrel with harming those who would do the same to him given the chance. Mutants were the next step in human evolution, why should he have to bend over backwards to cater to humanity's fear. It's not his fault they're obsolete now.


"Oh, shit." escaped Errol's mouth upon seeing what had just transpired between Duncan and Noa. He didn't expect this to go that far and before Errol could do or say anything else, Noa had been launched through the driver side door and out of the armored truck by Duncan's powers. "¿Qué carajo? I oughta give you a permanent stutter!" Errol exclaimed at Duncan as he shot out of his side of the car and rushed over to Noa.

"Cabrona, why'd you have to go and slap him?" Errol reached for her unexposed arm and lifted her off the ground. His attention quickly turned to face Clementine who had rushed over to Noa too, but not from concern, she too came to give Noa a piece of her mind. Seeing her defend their father with such loyalty and ferocity never failed to trigger Errol. "Back off, Clem. She was out of line but she's right. Dad's a low-life piece of shit. Why the hell are you so loyal to him?!"

Before things could escalate however, Nathaniel had arrived. Examining him, he wore a three-piece suit and despite his messy hair, still managed to look somewhat smart and presentable. What an uppity looking tool. Of course Duncan was familiar with a guy like this. After he ushered the group over to his car, Errol stayed behind for a few moments to check on Noa. "All things aside, getting knocked on your ass by Duncan is pretty embarrassing." he knew Noa was physically fine but something else was bound to be hurt "How's that Loxley pride doing?" he playfully asked, gently nudging her chin with his fist, not before erecting a small electromagnetic barrier around his fist to protect himself from Noa's skin.

Making his way over to Nathaniel's car, he watched as he ordered Noa into the front seat and raised an eyebrow as Nathaniel handed her a hoodie. Was it his? That's a little forward, right? Errol wondered if this was something Nathaniel tried with all the women. But that wouldn't work on Noa... right? Errol caught his internal thoughts, ridding himself of them with a shake of his head. She was a grown woman, she could mess with whoever she wanted to.

Nathaniel's eyes then landed on Errol, he folded his arms and eyed the man down through his black shades. A bitter "Truce?" left the lawyer's lips and Errol rolled his eyes and responded with an equally bitter "Whatever." as he entered into the backseat, foolishly placing himself in the worst seat. The middle. Once he realised, it was too late.

The lawyer entered the driver's seat muttering about redheads, Errol's temper quickly flared as he realised Nathaniel was talking about Clementine. Balling his fists tightly, small yellow sparks crackled from Errol's hands. However, they subsided when he apologised to her. Upon hearing that they were going to Jersey, Errol threw his head back and sighed "Fucking Jersey. Imitaciones baratas, de mierda y que dan mal nombre."

A snicker escaped Errol's nostrils when Duncan snapped at Noa. For 2 reasons: one, it was always funny watching the super composed Duncan Fraser blow a gaskit. Two, he had no idea what he'd just unleashed on himself by yelling at Noa. Noa was an otherwise level-headed individual, Errol's 'straight man' but when she, rarely, reached her boiling point. It was a sight to behold. So, instead of speaking up for Noa he just bided his time and prepared for the chaos to unfold.

Errol didn't visibly react to Duncan's disclosure of their attackers, the U-Men, but he took on what he said. Humans who cut up mutants and give themselves their powers. It made him think of that saying "They hate us, 'cause they ain't us." which felt relevant to the current situation. So, what? Were they intended to be the latest victims in the U-Men's campaign?

Duncan's anger shifted to Errol after he attempted to lift Clementine's spirits. However, Duncan quickly answered a phone call he received before Errol was able to say his piece. It didn't matter, he'd get in his last word regardless. Listening quietly as whoever called Duncan was put on speaker, he realised the voice sounded familiar. "Dimwitted lowborn mutantspawned leech" guy? You know what, it didn't surprise Errol that Duncan kept company like him around.

As soon as the call ended and Noa headed to the location they were directed to, Errol picked up where he and Duncan had left off "Sorry for trying to cheer up our injured and traumatised sister." he retorted sarcastically, rolling his eyes at the following statements Duncan made "The body I caught? Self-defence, kill or be killed. Blowing up the car? It was either that or let them keep shooting at Clem." Errol paused for a brief moment before continuing "Everyone's alive and sort of unharmed. My conscience's clear." he concluded as he put his jet black shades back on.

As they arrived at their destination, Errol was startled by Noa suddenly hitting the brakes. Almost slamming his face into the seat in front of him, he exclaimed "Maldita chica!" Then he realised that this was it, Noa was about to tear Duncan a new asshole. Errol watched the nuke that was Noa go off with a mischevious smirk. She raised several good points too.

That was until she went for the jugular, for all three of the Corleone children. Errol's smirk quickly disappeared and he averted his gaze, turning away to face the window. Noa made a remark about their father, linking him to Clementine and why she behaved the way she did. Highlighting an insecurity Duncan was sure to have about being unable to spare Clementine from their father. But not only that, she called attention to Giovanni's adultry which resulted in Errol's birth - and the main point of contention between him and his brother. It was a multi-layered sore topic for all three of them.

Biting his lip, Errol turned to face Noa as she continued to curse Duncan out "Noa, Duncan, that's en--" he started, only to watch in shock as he witnessed Noa send the palm of her hand toward Duncan's face. Was she going to land it? Or would Duncan stop her?
The escape went as smooth as it could. Errol managed to pull Duncan into the back of the truck alongside Clem. Now that they were relatively safe, Errol could feel his adrenaline begin to subside and heavy breathing to catch his breath followed. Recalling Clem's failure to respond to what he said to her a second ago, he turned to face his sister.

She was in distress, of course she was, after what she just went through and what she just did to that woman. There was no doubt she was going through all the motions. Errol scooted closer to Clementine and examined the graze on her shoulder. He was no doctor, but from his experience, he knew this wouldn't be life threatening.

"There's gotta be some first aid in here." he muttered to himself, climbing over into the passenger seat. These guys looked like some sort of paramilitary organisation, mercs or something. They'd be pretty stupid not to carry first aid in their vehicles, right? Rummaging through the glove compartment, he found a small first aid box.

"Thank you, Noa." he said, placing a hand on her shoulder "For looking out for Clem."

Errol climbed back into the back seat and opened the kit. Thankfully the contents inside had everything he would need to treat an injury involving a bullet, due to the work these guys seemed to apparently be involved in. "Roll up your sleeve." Errol pulled out a disinfectant wipe and quickly warned his sister "This'll sting a little." before placing it on her wound and wiping around it.

"I'm proud of you." he said with a smile "You did good. Not dying is pretty impressive and you took a bullet like a champ." Errol hoped Clem would at least crack a smile with this.

Once he was finished disinfecting her wound as best he could, Errol began to cover it with some bandages. Hopefully, Clem's mutation would allow her to heal from this faster than most... or something. As he continued wrapping the bandages around her shoulder, Errol addressed Duncan "You used to run with the X-Men, yeah? Buddies of yours?" he asked.

"Also, some asshole called me a "mutantspawned leech". The fuck does that even mean?" Errol wasn't a stranger to mutant prejudice, but he had to admit, he'd never heard something as colorful as "dimwitted lowborn mutantspawned leech" been hurled his way before.
Noa Loxley and Clementine Fraser; the only people on this Earth who could coerce Errol into doing something he didn't want to do. Laboring? Painting? It was beneath him, and a completely unsatisfying method of making money. But, he knew this was something Noa enjoyed - a semblence of normalcy, a brief break from the Strays and what working with them entailed. He understood completely that if Noa had the option, she wouldn't be with the Strays but thanks to her status as a mutant - she had to make do with the cards life had dealt her.

In her heart, this life wasn't for her... but it was adapt or die. For Errol though, this was all he knew really. Almost as if he was bred for... the unsavoury lifestyle. Sired by a crime lord, then groomed to take over said crime lord's empire, it felt like this was some sort of destiny he couldn't escape. As if it was in his blood. Why not embrace it.

Regardless, as much as he hated this. Errol was more than happy to support his best friend. The shade wearing mutant stood in the doorway of the front door, watching as Noa received the cash for a job well done. He smirked to himself seeing the small amount of paint she'd accumulated on her clothes, always hands on she was. Errol had managed to avoid getting any paint on him luckily, simply due to putting in lackluster effort painting.

Errol backed out of the front door, turning to walk alongside Noa as she passed him, patting his back. He playfully nudged her with his elbow in return. Resting his hands in his pockets, he tilted his head in Noa's direction "A woman after my own heart." he retorted following a snort at Noa's offer.

Errol's electrified yellow eyes peaked through his shades "How much did you make anyway?" he pondered. He knew Noa was planning on splitting the cash with him but a hot dog would suffice, money... in this instance... wasn't an issue for him. The gesture of spending time with Noa was more important than the money in his eyes.

The sound of angered voices overlapping each other, with some amplified by megaphones caught the attention of the duo. Errol watched as Noa listend in to what was being said, assuming she was using one of her gifts to focus in on the words being used. Her demeanous shifted and the reason why was soon shared.

An anti-mutant protest was ahead of them. It was mutantphobia that tore him away from his mother - mutantphobia spread by his own family. Once his grandparents had found out he was a mutant, they demanded that his mom get rid of him unless she'd be disowned too. He never blamed her, she did what she had to do and if she had chosen to keep Errol - she had no way of supporting both of them. Not in this economy, not in New York. She did the best she could in a shitty situation.

Regardless, anything mutantphobic was sure to trigger Errol. Forcing bad memories to bubble up to the surface, as well as strong feelings against racist humans.

Noa attempted to get Errol to go another way, but her words fell on deaf ears. Not responding to her words, Errol followed the disgruntled and passionate voices spouting anti-mutant rhetoric.

"¿Quieres odiarme? Te daré una razón para odiarme." Errol muttered angrily under his breath, small yellow electric sparks began to pulsate from his hands as he drew closer to the crowd.
Errol finally made his way to Clem and Noa, placing one of his hands on Noa's arm, holding her while reaching out to Clem but quickly pulling his arm back once he felt the heat emanating from his sister.

"This is fuckin' crazy!" he exclaimed, still processing what Clementine had just displayed with her powers.

His electrified yellow eyes locked on to Noa's, returning her concern through his brows. So much was happening but his concern for Clem outweighed everything in his mind. However, Errol was forced to return his focus to the immediate threat as more of their adversaries threatened them. Noa, as always, was quick to think under pressure and immediately resorted to a solution - ordering him and Clementine to get in the truck.

However, Clementine wasn't all too thrilled about potentially leaving their brother behind. Errol wouldn't even be able to grab and pull her to the truck due to her current state, radiating all this heat. And if things couldn't get worse, the 12 pulled up. A bead of sweat began to trickle down from Errol's temple, whether that was from Clem's heat signature or the stress of the situation was up for debate. He knew he needed Clementine to be safe, and that she needed to get to the truck.

"Right now, mine and Duncan's priority is keeping you safe! The longer you take to get in that truck, the more--"

The sound of gunfire echoed throughout the area and a cry from Clem quickly followed. A small splatter of blood left her shoulder and the heat surrounding Clementine dissipated almost immediately. "CLEM!" he exclaimed, fury in his features. A sphere of electricity surrounded Errol's left fist and he promptly fired a torrent of electricity at the police cruiser, blowing it up.

Thankfully, Noa had caught Clem and was already directing her toward the truck. Errol followed after them and launched himself into the armored truck's backseat. Noa immediately hit the gas but not without direction from Errol "We need to get Duncan!" and quickly addressed his sister "How you doin', Tangerine? You still think its a good idea to live my lifestyle?" it was a stupid question to ask, but he hoped it would at least temporarily distract her.

As Noa drew the truck nearer to Duncan, Errol kicked one of the door's open and positioned himself on the edge of the exposed side of the truck's seat. Clasping one hand of the grab handles on the truck's ceiling, he outstretched his free arm as he called out to his brother.

"Hermano! Duncan!"

Errol shook his free arm, signalling for Duncan to grab him as they were about to drive past him. This was going to be tricky, and they'd both have to time this perfectly as this was their only chance at escaping together.
Errol lifted his head off the ground, rising into a seated position. Once more, he took in his surroundings while ignoring the granite behemoth headed his way for another attack. He heard Noa call out to Duncan, ordering him to send Clem her way. He felt relief in his chest, knowing she'd be safest with Noa and Duncan would be able to divert his full attention on his attackers.

Errol's attention returned to Rocky, who was even closer now. Coming in for another attack, Errol lunged out of the way as Rocky smashed his hard fist into the ground where Errol was originally sat. Landing into a roll, Errol pivoted his body to face Rocky and shot to electric bolts from his eyes. Hitting Rocky's shoulder, they had no effect on him.

"You ain't bright are you?" Rocky growled at Errol with a smug tone.

"Hell nah, perra. Just stubborn!" he retorted.

It was all talk, in truth this was a ridiculously humbling experience. Throughout his entire life, Errol was constantly told of his power and more than made up for it in his actions. Running with the Strays, Errol had his fair share of fights with both humans and other mutants, never once losing a fight or even worrying about who he fought. He even developed a reputation from it, people feared him, he never lost and always dealt with his rivals quickly and efficiently.

Naturally, Errol would develop an inflated ego from all this. Now in his current position, being so helpless and useless against who he was fighting. The young mutant had a lot to reflect on. If he survived this.

Rocky once more rushed toward Errol, this time at breakneck speed. Errol attempted to hit Rocky with another torrent of electricity but met the back of Rocky's hand. Rocky's left arm swung back, connecting to Errol's jaw and sending him in the direction of where Rocky's arm swung. Once more, Errol landed on his back, spitting blood out from a cut lip.

Lifting his head, Errol saw a red blur shoot his way hailing from Duncan. Errol felt the red energy wrap around his left hand, shifting into a construct of knuckle dusters. A smirk crept on his face, and strangely, Errol could feel a small rush of energy enter his body from Duncan's construct. It felt... strange but he could feel that it was also energising him, similar to when he'd charge his own cells with electricity. Errol's eyes shifted to Duncan as his older brother called out to him, telling him "charge" them.

Errol also saw that Duncan was struggling with his two attackers. An eye for an eye, Errol directed his index and middle finger into a "finger gun". Shooting a dart of electricity at the hawk-masked man attacking Duncan with enough force to knock him off his feet, buying Duncan whatever time he'd need. Back to Rocky, he was coming in for another attack. But this time he was now strolling toward Errol, clearly confident in his advantage over Errol's powers.

Here goes nothing. he thought to himself. Channelling the electricity into the red knuckleduster wrapped around his knuckles, the merging of both his and Duncan's powers turned Errol's electrical output red. Electricity crackled around Errol's hand and he rushed toward Rocky, who was still strolling toward him. Throwing a straight cross toward the centre of Rocky's body, the impact created a small explosion, with red electricity dispelling around the surrounding area and destroying the knuckleduster construct in the process.

The punch left a hole in Rocky's armor, and sent him a few inches back. Shocked at what just happened, Rocky was too distracted to see Errol come in for a follow up attack. The mutant slapped his palm on Rocky's exposed skin and sent a large current of electricity through his nerves with enough juice to kill him. Rocky yelled out in pain before falling on to his back, dead. Smoke aporated from Rocky's chest and Errol could feel the temperature getting hot. Was that from his attack?

Then he heard a bloodcurdling cry, Errol turned his attention to see the fly-masked woman's skin practically melted and falling off her wrists. Errol shot one of his arms forward, blasting the woman with electricity and knocking her off her feet slamming her into one of the destroyed cars. Clem did that? He rushed over to both her and Noa, as he did so he thought to himself: he never really knew the capabilities of her mutation. Feeling the heat rise in the warzone they were in, he realised: was she really this powerful?
Amidst the helicopter's arrival, Errol noticed Noa make her way over to their armed attackers. They'd fought together before, many times, and while Noa's mutation wasn't as offensively desctructive as his, Noa could handle herself in other ways. He carried an appropriate amount of concern for her but knew deep down she would be okay. Same for Duncan, while having never seen him fight, his older brother was a card carrying member of the X-Men. Errol knew that Duncan's experience dwarfed both his and Noa's combined.

It was Clem he truly felt fear for. She was just a kid, his baby sister. She'd never gotten into any fights before, let alone had much experience using her powers unlike the rest of them. The most action she had was getting busted for vandalism. For her to be thrown in the middle of a superpowered warzone, he knew it would be a lot to handle. Although Errol and Duncan literally never saw eye to eye, nor did he hold an inch of trust for their eldest sibling. Errol still knew that Duncan, like himself, would tear through armies to protect Clementine.

Errol's attention returned to the four new arrivals. It appeared they were all in a stand-off. Errol's eyes scanned the immediate area. Duncan was still guarding Clementine, he'd used his abilities to create a red construct that took the shape of a spiked ball and chain. He also managed to construct a red protective armor around Clem. That was good. Noa was over by the vans, focusing the attention of the armed men on to her. It was dangerous but it was needed. Especially when it seemed he and Duncan were about to contend with four unknowns.

Speaking of these four alleged mutants, Errol locked eyes with the mutant who's ability seemed to coat his skin in rock-like armor. The rock man peered at Errol like some sort of predator watching its prey. Errol's eyes furrowed and electric sparks crackled in his eyes. Nah, this rock guy was the real prey.

Duncan broke the silence and the stand-off seemed to end. Errol witnessed two of the other mutants attack Duncan before suddenly feel the ground under him shake. The rock guy broke off into a full charge, headed directly toward Errol. Was this guy some kind of moron? The ambient electricity stored in Errol's body redirected into his hand and forearms. Thrusting his arms forward, Errol shot out a torrent of electricity at the rock man with enough juice to put a man into a coma.

"You gotta death wish or someth--" he started before halting midway through.

Errol was powerful but he didn't have a basic grasp of physics. The mutant, being covered in rock was unaffected by Errol's attacks, his rock armor serving as a sort of insulator. Unaware of what was going on, Errol decided to amplify the intensity of his electric attack but the rock man continued to charge right through it.

When near enough, the rock man loaded up his arm and threw a devastating punch which Errol, in the knick of time, managed to defend by throwing a high guard, supercharging his forearms with electricity to take on the physical impact. The force of the punch still sent him hurtling a few feet back. Errol landed on his back, sliding across the street.

"Oh, shit." he muttered to himself. Errol was officially out of his element.
Noa's concerned questioning passed through Errol's ears, muffled and barely audible. His ears burned with fury and only one thought lived in his head: he was going to tear apart whoever put his family at risk. Without so much as a word, Errol was the first to take action. His physal form dematerialised into pure golden electricity, which passed through the car and shot toward the closest street light in an instant.

Reaching the street light, Errol passed through the pole and shot toward the street light's bulb. From the bulb, Errol's electrified form then shot toward the ground. Beginning from his feet, the golden streak of electricity began to materialise Errol's corporeal body. Slightly hunched over in an almost primal stance, his fists were clenched as yellow static ebb and flowed through his body.

Teeth gritted, he growled "You must've lost your fuckin' minds!"

He watched two more jet black vans pull up and some kitted out men exit the vehicles. This was more than some gang related shit. Again, it didn't matter. Errol was quick to act, reaching for his shades he removed them from his face and revealed his glowing electrified eyes. Two bolts of yellow electricity shot from his eyes straight toward one of the vans. The sheer force of the electric bolt flipped the van over and caused a small explosion taking out some of the armed men who were unable to take cover or avoid the blast.

Hopefully that would take some of the heat off of Noa, Duncan and Clementine. Errol once more dematerialised his body and shot himself toward another street light to evade the incoming fire headed his and the others' way. Rematerialising, he heard Duncan call out to him as Errol threw his arm forward and shot a chain of electricity, hitting one of their attackers before spreading and hitting more.

"My bad for not knowin' you'd need my car to be red for this exact moment!" he yelled back sarcastically.

The sound of propellers then filled the area, momentarily distracting Errol as he glanced up to see a helicopter hovering above them all. Luckily for him, it seemed to get the armed men to halt their fire - at least temporarily. Errol electrified himself and travelled to a street light further back, closer to his allies. What was this now?

Errol's internal question would soon be answered as a rope was thrown out of the helicopter with four individuals descended from it, and one outright jumping out of it. The one who made the jump landed on the street, creating a small crater from it. Errol's glowing eyes watched the man who'd made the impressive display suddenly coat his entire body with some sort of rock material. These recent arrivals, they were mutants?

The worst part about all this wasn't even the fact that his pride and joy had just been totalled, or that they were now being attacked by more adversaries. It was the fact that Errol could still here Mr Blue Sky playing. Leave it to Noa to pick the worst possible tune to fight to.
Duncan's retort to Errol's statement about his older brother's appearance earned him an eye roll from the mutant criminal - which was unfortunately obscured by his black shades. A non-answer, it was Duncan's first language. Folding his arms, Errol ignored what Duncan had to say as he didn't actually care about his wellbeing, he just wanted to stir the pot.

Errol snickered at Duncan's empty threat regarding not paying Clem's bail again. He said this every single time, to no avail. Errol wondered if Duncan actually believed what he was saying or if it was some strange front he put up in order to ward off Clem from doing what she does. Either way, it didn't work. Duncan of course had to comment on how Errol obtained the money he'd given to the cop. Errol flashed Duncan a look as to say "Don't play dumb" in response.

Once more, Duncan tried to throw shade toward Errol's lifestyle, linking it to Clementine's behaviour. "Count your blessings, hermano. Imagine if she took after you." he fired back "Then she'd have a knack for ditching people that need her the most.".

Another non-answer escaped Duncan's lips regarding rough appearance, however the smirk Errol earned from Noa was totally worth it. Letting out a sigh, Errol responded "Who has time for the news?" he asked rhetorically. Duncan went on, asking what he was doing there. Did he really have to ask? Clementine was his sister too, and he didn't want her to follow in his footsteps or find herself trapped in between the drama between Errol and their father.

"¿No es obvio? I wanted to save her from another lecture from you. But sadly, I was too late." Errol answered, giving Duncan a taste of his own medicine by providing him with a non-answer.

Once everything was sorted with Clem, everyone was to be on their way. As Duncan made his way to the exit, Errol turned to face his departing brother. "Save your money, hermano. I'll drop Clem home and then... you can make your way to wherever you're staying from there."

Not taking no for an answer, he sped ahead and purposfully but lightly bumped shoulders with Duncan and discharged a small static shock against his older brother as he did. Subtely establishing dominance. Errol descended the small steps to the sidewalk below and stopped to look at his two siblings, still stood at the top. Duncan looked concerned which piqued Errol's curiosity, although he said nothing this time. Call it brotherly intuiton, but he detected something with Clementine too, although he couldn't put his finger on it. Regardless, he wasn't good with this kind of stuff... you know, emotional stuff, so he wouldn't even know where to start. He wondered if Noa would have a better job doing that or something.

Speaking of Noa, he was thankful she came with him and made it known "Thanks again for coming with." Errol gave his siblings one last once over before continuing "We'll go for our "sausage dogs" after we take Clem home, yeah?" he continued with a wink and a smile.

Errol began to lead the way to his car while calling out to Duncan and Clem "You two gonna stand there all day or what? Car's parked a little down here.". He couldn't wait for this to be over with and to get back to his life. However, Errol thought to himself that maybe he should do a better job in actively dissuading Clementine from getting into trouble. Not only was it interfering with both his and Duncan's life, but also... he knew his sister was too good to be in and out of jail, unlike himself. Errol sat in the driver's seat, waiting for Noa and his half-siblings. Once everyone was inside, Errol was quick to speed off into New York City's endless traffic.

The drive to Clem's from the precinct wouldn't be a long one but still, he couldn't get her home fast enough. Any more time spent with Duncan may result in years taken off Errol's natural lifespan. Assuming he could die... being a sort of living embodiment of electricity and all.

Traffic was proving to be a nightmare tonight. Typical. Errol was forced to stop the car behind yet another red light. It was like the universe was forcing him to spend prolonged time with his siblings tonight or something. Resting his elbow against the window, Errol buried his cheek in his palm and sighed "Dios, dame fuerzas" he whispered to himself. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a jet black unmarked car stop next to them. Alarm bells started to go off, and he perked up in his seat to glare at the driver across from his window. Words were not exchanged, but the expression between Errol and the other driver spoke volumes.

Then another jet black car slowly rolled up to the other side of his car. He'd been in the game long enough to know what this was, what was about to happen. Errol looked at Noa, with a hint of both concern and focus on his features. Errol turned to warn his siblings sat in the backseat but before words could escape his lips. His electrified yellow eyes spotted another black car zooming behind them, milliseconds way from hitting them.


Errol felt his entire body thud against the dashboard as the car slammed into the back of them. Everything happened so fast that even he couldn't process what was happening. As soon as he felt the impact of being hit by the car, he and everyone else were upside down and in the air but this too, past in a flash. Then they were back on the ground still upside down, sliding across the street, shattered glass spread across the roof of the car.

What the hell was this? An attack from dad? A rival gang? Actually, it didn't matter. Whoever was behind this was going to be fried to ashes.
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