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I’m on discord more so I would notice updates and chats sooner. So team discord. But I’ll live if it’s not implemented.
All right, got it done. Sorry for the wait

@Prints Avoid @InnerFlame @GubGar@Dragonfly 9
How's it going~?

Ya know life be busy... I've been slowly working on it after work when I'm not too tired. Though I should be able to get done this weekend
Hello, as Crimson mentioned I’m interested. As I don't really think the age of the new trainers matter. After Scarlet/Violet where there is a child as an elite four member and older adult students in the trainer school, pokemon logic doesn't really make sense anyway. So if a bunch of adults were like: “I decided to do the trainer thing now” it doesn't seem that impossible to me.

Gray heard Noah mention it wasn’t the beer’s fault for the queasiness in his stomach but it surely did not help him either. That statement was glossed over when Milo spoke up. Gray’s eyes snapped over him as he continued talking. It was clear his friend wasn’t doing well emotionally. Not that he was expecting anyone to just be okay with their life being thrown into turmoil like this. He was keeping calm to hopefully figure things out. The teen understood that would yield better results than freaking out. Ignoring the discomfort of his budding hangover, Gray trodded over to Milo. He made sure to give Eli, who kindly came over after he puked, a thank you for the comforting pat. Standing close to his friend, he gently patted Milo’s back similarly in an attempt to help him relax.

Gray hadn’t formulated the words he wanted to say before coming over so he thinking. Saying everything would be okay would be an irresponsible statement that he couldn’t guarantee to be true. But more truthful facts of their situations could make his anxiety worse. The pounding in his head was making formulating thoughts challenging. Just when he believed he might have something that would make Milo feel a little better, a voice arose from his shoulder.

“Ugh, so annoying...” Reyenne remarked with an exasperated groan. The black frog shifted more up on her limbs. “Whatever. Guess this is better than you mindlessly acting because someone asked you to. Just hurry up and head straight through that clearing.” She raised her right front leg toward an obvious break in trees. After that, Reyenne leaped from Gray's shoulder onto the leaf of a smaller plant, and then the ground before disappeared in the shadows of the foliage once more. Gray followed her with his eyes until she vanished in the direction the other talking creatures were heading. There was a strange twinge in his chest at her curt parting words, but he just put up as a byproduct of this unusual situation and generally just not feeling well.


The group ended up trailing behind their animal guides and eventually entered the city in question. There was clamoring and many strange beings around them that were definitely not human. If it weren’t for the hangover that made his head hurt, throat dry, and made him feel nauseous he might have been more interested. All he could do on their trek to their destination was hold himself together enough to not look like he was about to throw up again.

Once they separated from their guides they entered an inn other settled at a table. Still actively worried about Milo, Gray sat next to him. The aroma of food luckily didn't trigger his nausea but the background chatter of the building didn't give his headache the same luxury. Gray massaged his temple as he glanced around wondering if it would cause a problem to get water. Was the water here even safe for him to drink? Before acting on that, Conner spoke asking how everyone felt about this whole thing. He expressed excitement and honor of being chosen for some important mission. Milo agreed but also conveyed fear of the dangers that might accompany such circumstances. It was clear to Gray that his friend was overwhelmed by the situation forced upon him. He scooted closer to him as he mentioned not feeling great.

“There, there,” he cooed and patted his back like he was soothing a small child rather than his friend who was older than him. Gray needed to say something more to reassure his friend. “Even if we meet our evil counterparts, at least we are together. With the six of us, I’m positive we can make things work out.” Gray did his best to give affirmative words that he could somewhat guarantee him. They would certainly be together and watch each other back since they were close friends.

But then those two opinions remain out in front of the group, one of deep excitement about their predicament and one of conflicting feelings and worries. The gray-eyed boy reviewed their fantasy novel situation in his still throbbing head. Gray, like Conner, was also quite excited to be in this magical world. It felt similar to when he went out with Noah, that feeling of thrill of doing something he typically wouldn’t. Even the fear of injury and death didn’t dampen that exhilaration he felt. This was way better than just waiting until he was separated from everything when he went off to college. But Milo's rare unenthusiastic attitude helped to ground Gray’s thoughts. He shouldn’t be so selfishly elated by this. This was a serious predicament they were thrust into.

“To be honest… I don’t think we have much choice in this matter. I get the feeling those… talking animals are pretty desperate since their world is in danger and all. We are probably their last hope, so it is unlikely they just let us go.” The teen rationalized their situation instead of inserting his personal feelings. Gray decided it was best he stayed more impartial and calm so he could better bridge anyone else's conflicting thoughts. “Learning what we can about Arcanum and observing the situation closely will be our best bet at dealing with this.” After adding his thoughts, Gray silently rested a hand on his abdomen and waited to hear from everyone else.


Reyenne decided to just stick in the shadows rather than share the pond with Chesi. She was willing to risk letting her skin dry out. The blue dolphin was still freaking talking even after the boys left them to talk among themselves. The frog was yet to be used to her excessive babbling and just moaned at her complaints. “Their reaction seems normal to me. They have no reason to care about this world or us.” Reyenne grumbled from her spot shrouded in the darkness. Her crimson red peer out created an illusion that the shadow had suddenly grown eyes and the ability to speak. “Fortunately, just like I have to deal with all this nonsense, they also have to do the same.” The cold reasoning and lack of any genuine care for anyone easily flowed out of her mouth. Her remaining in an isolated dark little spot away from the main group shows how little she enjoyed being near others.

After attacking first, everyone else jumped into some kind of action. Gray pretty much froze afterward and watched as Conner, Milo, and David in order confronted the beast. Conner with a blast of water, Milo with cutting wind, and David with a burst of light as he slashed it with a sword. Gray just watched astonished. And couldn't help thinking how very fitting these elements were... Guess that's why they were chosen. Neither Noah nor Eli transformed but they gave their support in different and quite fitting ways especially Noah hurling one of the small creatures toward the bear. Finally, Conner came in on a wave and finished it off with a stab creature through its snout. The aftermath of the water attack doused him and snapped him out of his stupor state. He was far enough away for him to only get wet by the attack, fortunately. Standing there dripping, he listened to the dolphin creature obviously scold a few of them and explain in more detail what was happening. This was information Gray fully comprehended since the haze in his head had pretty much left after that event. His currently crimson eyes locked on to Conner as he got an odd feeling about his aloof expression. Though as he was about to speak up he felt something completely different.

The combination of too many alcoholic beverages in his system, an adrenaline dump, sudden movement, and extreme emotional stress was too much for Gray's stomach to handle. He rested an arm against a nearby tree bent over and violently vomited. After a small coughing fit, he straightened and rubbed the back of his hand across his lips. There was an awful taste in his mouth, his throat burned, and he wasn't feeling all that great but he turned back to them with his pretty standard relaxed body language.

"...... I'm never drinking more than two beers again..." He vows in a calm tone, trying to ignore the throbbing in his head. His eyes turned toward the aquatic mammal. "So basically... we need to defeat this dark entity in this place, Arcanum, that's turning normal calm beings aggressive by awaking their darker tendencies and is consuming this world's magic thus destroying it before we can return home. And we should be careful not to be pulled into the dark side ourselves. ...Honestly, this sounds straight out of a fantasy novel." And Gray would know, he read tons of novels in his free time when he had to stay home and supervise his younger siblings. After Gray summarizes the magical dolphin's spiel on their mission, he massages his aching temples as he tries to soothe his obvious hangover. While doing so he felt a slight pull on his clothes. He glanced down to see Reyenne scaling up his body.

"At least someone willing to listen and understand that fish's long-ass explanation. I think she just loves hearing her own voice." The black frog rudely stated as she continued her climb and eventually settled on Gray's shoulder. She didn't seem to be bothered by the moisture on his clothes. "I will admit you're lack of ability, Rags. You took the initiative but squandered it by doing nothing afterward. If you are going to fight then fight, otherwise just hide so you don't die gawking like a fool." It was her evaluation and advice to the teenager. Other than its haughty tone, it sounded like pretty solid advice.

"Oh... fighting is not something I'm used to, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a support member. Also, my name is Gray, Ms. Reyenne." Despite the curtness pointed toward him, Gray kept his temperate and polite attitude towards his frog companion who seemed to come off as a cranky jaded adult. He found courteous works best with those sorts of people. Though with the annoyance he heard in her exhale after he finished talking, it currently wasn't effective.

"Whatever. Can we hurry it up and just get going to the city already?" The impatient irritation in Reyenne's voice was easy to pick up on. With that statement, she seemed done communicating with the boy as she just silently laid on his shoulder without another word. Gray held back a sigh as he strained to keep a smile on his face as stared at his animal companion. His eyes eventually turned outward.

"Is everyone okay?" Gray inquired as he let his gaze slowly scroll over everyone before pausing on Conner. There was a look of concern reflected in those bright red eyes.
Oh, this still going. I’m around

“Ugh, I dunno. Maybe we should explore this place, and figure out what’s going on. Gray, Dave, you two are future doctors. One of you has some survival skills right?” Connor's inquiry reached Gray's slightly hazy mind as he looked toward the two of them. That made the auburn-haired man turn his focus back towards him. Squinting ferociously, he identified Connor among the group.

"Connor... those two skillsss don't really relate to each other." Gray tried his best to inform his friend. His being a doctor and surviving in the wilderness, didn't truly relate unless they involved needing emergency first aid. "However... that way seems to have easier footing sssince it is a gentle slope and not too many ground obstacles..." He vaguely pointed in a direction on the opposite side of the clearing. This knowledge was gained from spending time with Eli and the many hikes they went on over the years. That statement was immediately overridden by a booming voice.

"Behold Fenghuang, everlasting archmagess!"

After that squawking introduction(?), there was a talking animal approaching- a bird with vivid feathers of red and orange. Its appearance seemed to resemble the descriptions of phoenixes that he read about in fantasy books. He rubbed his eyes again. Looking once more it was still there and now there appeared to be a dolphin and large moth joining the crew as well. The blue creature was going on a tangent and Gray was trying his utmost best to follow the conversation... Something about not being on Earth anymore, them being summoned, and being the most beautiful...? Even though he was sobering up at rapid speed his still mildly intoxicated brain was struggling to process what was being said... he pressed a hand to his temple as a headache began to settle in.

"What obnoxious, conceited, wretches..." A feminine voice reached Gray's ear from below him. "Hey you, in the worn-out rags." This made him look down at a spot of black and red contrasting against the more vibrant forest floor. It was a small frog around the size of his palms. Its bulging red eyes seem to be staring straight up at him.

The boy glanced at his clothing... His clothes were indeed well-used, and the colors faded but in no way these could be counted as rags... There were no stains, tears, and fraying- he had made sure of it. “My clothes aren’t that bad, are they? I take very good care of them.” He retorted back but still kept a gentle smile on his face. Gray definitely noticed the frog roll her eyes at him.

“Let's keep this meet and greet short.” she completely ignored his previous response. “I'm Reyenne. You have my magical affinity, so I’m granting you my powers of shadows. You better use it to keep me safe.” Without waiting for his name or any other input from the eighteen-year-old boy, her webbed foot whipped upwards.

Along with the gesture suddenly shadow exploded upwards and began to enshroud Gray. The shadowy energy was cold yet comforting like a calm summer night. When the darkness dispersed his gray faded clothing was replaced with a black hooded cloak. His hair was also black and his calming gray eyes were dyed a piercing red. Gray stunned just looked at his new outfit... it seemed under the cloak was be garb of a ninja and the new weight in his hands were sickles attached together by chain. "Huh...? An assassin, reaper-style outfit? ...!!! What is that?!?" His thoughts about his new outfit were immediately interrupted by a roar and the appearance of a bear. The starry pattern on its pelt was similar to the skies at night.

"Great... an Ursa Major... Rags, you should hide and wait for those scrubs to take care of it." The female frog suggested as she turned to move away from the creature.

"Absolutely not, these guys are my best friends!" Gray forcefully spoke back as he immediately perished the thought of just hiding away and abandoning his friends. Despite being afraid, a few of them in the group weren't even prepared to battle this beast, yet. His hands clenched the sickles tightly as he tried to think of what he could do.

"Ugh, a sentimental self-righteous one." She groaned but she looked back with what seemed to be a smirk of kind. "Though if you have the power of shadows... I wonder how righteous you truly are." With that snide remark, she bounds into the shadows of the trees, hiding and watching from the darkness.

Gray just pushed the frog's departing words aside as he swiftly positioned himself a fair distance away from everyone. His plan was to attract its attention and lure it away. The weapon in his hands would be the best way to accomplish that goal. With some pretty good accuracy, he landed a strike in the beast's left flank with his weapon. With a swift yank on the chain, the bladed weapon flew back towards him though it landed on the ground rather than returning to him completely.

"Over here, you oversized teddy bear!" He taunted and as it turned to aggressively glare and snarl at him, Gray's fear increased exponentially. Never one for confrontations or violence, being the focus of something so threatening caused his body to quiver. His heart wildly pounded in his chest as he shakily took a couple of steps away from it. Realizing he wouldn't be able to run and lure it away in his current state, he stood his ground. Steeling himself with the thought of keeping his friends safe, Gray put his trembling hands up in a somewhat defensive stance.

In fury, it came rushing toward him faster than Gray could have ever anticipated it would move given its size. As it raised its claw to strike, the teen flinched his hand upward to block and wall shadows rose up between them. The bear’s attack collided and bounced away harmlessly upon impact. The protective wall surprised him even in his frightful situation.

“Did I create that?” His terrified and shocked voice came out afterward.

The bonfire was ready to light after adding the precut wood planks, the kindling, and retrieving a bucket of seawater for later extinguishing. Gray then checked in with the people setting up the tent to ensure everything was correctly assembled and anchored. It took a moment for him to realize that he was falling into his typical caretaker motions of look after everything similar to when he was home with his younger siblings. Eventually, he settled down at the campfire. As everyone gathered around the warmth of the flame, the sun finally fully set. At this time, Gray was downing his fifth beer. The bitter taste was strong, but it went down pretty smooth... Five was probably not a good number to drink when the teen had only drunk two max before. But the friendly atmosphere and his weird mood encourage his drinking habit. His head was fuzzy, and he was blankly staring into the fire and watching it dance before his eyes. He was barely following any conversations or answering anyone halfway through this drink.

"Yeah... fffriendsss fffforeverrr," he suddenly slurred out as he snapped out of the void of his hazy mind and responded to Connor's statement. Gray's focus was pulled slightly from the orange illumination. "No matterrr where... lifffe takesss usss..." The repeated words absentmindedly slipped out of his lips. There was happiness in that statement with an undertone of sadness, but Gray smiled gently. The beginning of the meteor shower finally ripped Gray's eyes away from the fire. He stared up intensely. Someone grabbed his hand... Connor, he believed, was sitting on that side of him. There was no reaction. His surfer friend had always been more into skinship than most people, so this was something he was used to.

With each smear of light racing across the night sky, Gray thought he should make a wish... But every single one that formulated in his foggy head seemed... too selfish to wish for. A stray thought passed through that it wouldn't come true anyway... 'I wish...' he began hesitantly. Before he could complete the wish, the sky started transforming. The shooting stars spiraled. There appeared to be a growing black hole was opening up right above them. He didn't even get a chance to respond to any of his friends' shocked voices as strands of light reached out and began ripping them away from their spots. Gray felt Connor's hand slip out of his when they were grabbed and being pulled in.

After being dragged through... falling into a vortex of... time? Space? He found his surroundings had suddenly changed. The feeling of gritty sand on the palms of his hands and the sound of rolling waves was now replaced with the delicate, slick grass, fuzzy moss, and forest ambiance. A rainbow of colors danced in the sky above them, and some plants cast a pale light around them. Gray was definitely feeling considerably more sober. He wiped his hand across his gray eyes as if that would fix his vision, but it was still the same out-of-worldly place in front of him.

"I'm fffine," Gray still slurred his words a bit as he got to his feet. Staggering a bit before steadying himself, the eighteen-year-old immediately began surveying his surroundings. Look for dangers, safe passages, maybe something to defend himself with if it came to it. Blurry was his vision, but squinting made things a bit clearer. His eyes caught the end of Milo shoving something random and grass-covered into his mouth. "Lilac, don't eat random thingsss offf the ground. You'll get a ssstomachache." It was a firm yet mild scolding that he would give to his younger siblings. The realization sinks in that Gray wasn't talking to his little sister but to Milo. "Ah... sssorry Milo. Though it'sss probably wise not to eat weird ssstuff in a strange place." His stern brotherly demand turned into a soft suggestion of friend.

"Great... my fate is in the hands of this... one might be somewhat competent." Reyenne, a black frog with brilliant red eyes, croaked. She floated just barely above the water's surface. But as she cast her eyes around her at the other creatures gathered nearby, the crimson spheres were equally disapproving. "Might as well just get this over with as soon as possible. Staring at them is not going to cure my curse faster." The ex-shadow witch bluntly stated with annoyance dripping from her tone. It was plain to see Reyenne didn't even want to be in this company either. But she was still committed in the expectancy that her torture would be over as soon as possible.
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