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"Credit is credit, they asked for as intact as possible but we aren't big enough to take the whole spider." He stated as the webbing rapidly caught fire like dried tinder. He nodded when the other Runt mentioned the ore, proper tools always made a job easier. Then the good message of leveling up came, and he apparently accomplished enough to level up twice! "What level did you get to?" He questioned, curious on their Runtish progression rate.

'Hm...Dusk Vision would be excellent. It's probably not perfect night vision but it'll make any nightly hunting better. That Empty Skill Slot would also be useful to get more skills. I might be able to make my Ranks go up just with use...' He thought before he began to move again towards the Orc Village. He had no desires to even attempt another fight for the time being.

They were stopped by the guards, who talked a lot and even assaulted the unnamed runt while accusing the pair of lying and not accomplishing their feats. But the knife made them reconsider before sending them to Auguz. He shifted his payload a bit and nodded to the other Runt before they went to where Auguz was on his little podium. The big orc addressed the pair, glaring at the dark magic user momentarily before turning his attention to Grunthor.

He didn't fight Auguz taking the legs, he knew he wouldn't be keeping them. That was the point of sending the younglings out, to get food for the village and prove their worth. The weak died, the strong contributed. "We got them from the cave down South where three orcs went missing. I asked for help from him to hunt because of a wompus cat I saw in the area." He stated before continuing on. "So he asked for my help with the three missing. We went to the cave, they made camp inside, they got ambushed by the spider but they wounded it. I focused on its legs when he drove it from the ceiling and I kept its webbing from being useful." It was already quite the story, and Grunthor normally didn't talk much.

"We would have brought everything back but there was a...Ankheg? A giant ant thing with sickle front legs. It took one of the orc bodies off deeper into the cave. So I hacked off the legs and we carried them back here with whatever little spoils I already had before."[/color] He finished while holding up the makeshift slime sack that held fire hardened chicken scales, feathers, and the ore from the cave. He had no plans to hide anything from the older orc.
"Like I care what they dock. They said bring a kill back fully or damaged. This is bigger than king crab legs, which can feed like two people per leg if you're not a pig.' He growled as he lugged the cluster of legs along tucked under his arm. "And if they were any semblance of a hunter they'd probably be able to tell freshness, this is still bleeding." He continued as he power walked as best he could with his cargo.

As they reached the lighter entrance to the cavern he nodded his head and touched the webbing with the flaming torch. He'd be keeping it for now, it was the only thing he had that was weapon-like and a lot of animals feared fire. "If you want grab the ore there and toss it in my pack. I'll give it back once we're safer than here." He grunted as he kept moving to get away from this cave for now.
Grunthor kept the torch up high as he looked around slowly. "I wasn't big on studying but spiders are a solitary thing...unless breeding you won't find two in the same web..." He said before the hissing sound came. This time a different insect, that was significantly larger than both runts.

It shied away from the light but took the orc corpse and went back to the darkness. "Yeah, no....we're so leaving. We're both tapped out for a bit." He stated before snagging the knife from the other runt. "But I need something to give to the guards to get in..." He muttered. Spiders were like crabs, jointed legs that connected with another joint to the main body.

Wedging the tip in he cut the connecting tissue and meat to detach the legs one at a time. He kicked off the detached legs while keeping the torch up out of his way and to keep whatever the fuck that giant bug was at bay hopefully. "You grab some and I'll grab some so we can keep the knife and torch out." He stated, handing the knife back to him.

He scooped four legs up and onto his shoulder with a grunt. It felt a bit heavy but he had lifted similar weight as a human kid. His orc body was more robust than that thankfully.
The spiders only reaction to the kick was to pass some gas and release a bit more webbing slop. He couldn't help but snicker, yes fart jokes were forever a thing and he had never heard a spider fart before. Still he was now defenseless, well...weaponless, because everything was covered in webbing. The Unnamed Runt began to wiggle out from under the spider, Grunthor helped drag him out.

"No I'm not planning to drag this back. It'd take too long and would leave us vulnerable." He stated before blinking. Combat range? That meant a monster was still around and potentially eying them. Unknown began groping around for the knife. "It's still in the spiders head." Grunthor said as he went for the torch and picked it up. He raised it up high to try and get more light.

He didn't care about the orc corpse, he cared what might be lurking in the dark ahead since it was clear back towards the entrance. "We need fuel for the torch..." He muttered. With no sense of modesty he used his loincloth to wrap around the torch to make it burn longer and potentially brighter.
Sorry for the long wait to post...getting my ass kicked off and on by sickness
The flying club did what he wanted, catching the net made of, most likely, sticky webbing. He'd retrieve it later, for now he had to keep moving and attacking. The other orc runt ran out of mp and blitzed the slowed spider, latching onto its abdomen and began shanking it. Said spider was bucking and flailing its back legs to attempt to dislodge the Runt from its back.

Both of Grunthor's weapons had taken damage, one more so than the other. He'd have to examine the club to make a new one, spikes or not spikes. A simple hefty bludgeon was better than a pointed stick for durability and damage. Before he could either discard his sharp stick or stab the spider he got nailed in the chest by a glob of goopy webbing. Probably just the raw material. But it stuck to him, which means it'd stick to other things, like the ground.

It seemed panicked, but who knew with arachnids, and a last ditch effort to get Unnamed off it threw itself backwards. After that everything got quiet as it stopped moving, aside from slowly doing the arachnid death ball pose. Carefully getting to his feet he tried using his Sharp Rock to scrape the goop off his chest. "You alright under there?" He questioned as he gave the spider a kick to test if it was truly dead.
Grunthor took note of the wounds on the spider. Scabbed over, healing, it'd have to molt before it was actually healed. Not that the pair of rambunctious orclings would let it get to that stage. Hopefully anyway. His blow took out a leg, the Unnamed took out one, and the third leg was from a previous fight. So five legs left, its mobility should be pretty hampered by now.

The giant spider struck back, the feet had little claws for 'toes', which punctured his skin but it was just aiming to push him away. A second blow busted another bone spike on his club and took a chunk out of the wood. For a non-tarantual type it was pretty strong. Unnamed shot another blast of magic at the spider and got another hit which made the spider turn as if to flee. But instead it began to spit webbing from its abdomen.

Grunthor launched his club with a spin at the webbing blanket to catch it and send it back to the spider or to just made a big mess of the webbing. If that worked he'd get to his feet and attack it with his pointed stick, trying to bludgeon its legs with Rapid Strikes using the more slender piece of wood that they all started with.
@ReusableSwordy u broken, huh?!
I'm here, just normally a last poster XD
@Vlad TepesAlright. Speed and ice, woo! XD I went with two since...well ya didn't gimme a limit and I felt 2 to start with was fair
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