Avatar of Master Crim


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3 mos ago
Current The proof of a healthy mind is not its ability to solve the problems that are before it, but the subconscious understanding not to for the sake of health itself.
5 yrs ago
Ever look back on your old PM and think "Man that was the shit! Why did we stop?"
6 yrs ago
As the bowl of patunias would say, as it falls through the air to meet the planet's hard rocky surface: "Not again."
6 yrs ago
Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor. No says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God. No says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone
8 yrs ago
Talking in riddles is fun. Putting them to poem is better. Presentation is the key.


Why does anyone care
No one really looks at this part
Its all just pointless.

Most Recent Posts

Hey all, this weekend was pretty busy for me, I will be looking to get a post up for yall soon.
@Half Pint
You are all good, I intend to let people get sorted around before calling up a meeting and getting people rolling.

If you want I can shoot you a list of some people that are currently in there to bounce off of on a visit.

Oh no, this isn't a 'skim of the top' deal. This is 'The full payment for construction services was paid, but not to the actual company'.

This is an exceedingly bold move the more I read it. Know that this incident may be filed away for future interactions. XD
I have a question about where to start. Uh… where do I start? xD

LOL, Starts are the hardest for sure. Not me just working for a whole week writing and rewriting this opening post and mixing it with my last opening post before putting it up.

As a Titan you can start doing whatever at the tower, or somewhere in Jump City. Are you training, does your character go to school/college part time in the civilian life, are you looking into a personal plotline, or maybe you are just taking a day off. The story starts in the afternoon on a Wednesday so that gives you some time to play with if you want to collab about some lead up to current time.
The starting post is up, and I have made a post for Robin. If anyone has questions about where they want to start dont be afraid to ask, I am open to most anything.
You made it. Looking forward to see how her story "unfolds"

-Dick Grayson-

"That is something that we can look into on our side, thanks for the heads up Cy." Robin said sitting at his desk on a call with some of the original Titan members. "I am sure that STAR Labs will have something public to cover it up, but we will see what we can find on the back end." Robin cycled his console through a couple screens of news and business articles as Cyborg signed off before continuing. "Beast Boy, I need your team to look into the images from the Watch Tower of the Congo Basin. It looks like there may be activity around an abandon mine that was closed off after Deathstroke withdrew. Recon and report back." He sent a few files to Beast Boy and then he too signed off. "Raven, if your team is settled in alright I would really like you to get with Zatanna on the project I sent you. Keep your distance, but I want a heads up if there are any more anomalies." She then signed off shortly after Robin's instruction. That would conclude Robin's review of the reports from the other Titan teams and their monthly briefing.
Powering down his console he leaned back in his desk chair. Looking over some miscellaneous papers and clippings on his desk, he stood up and looked over to "The Wall" as it had been termed in the past. The Wall was a large portion of one of the walls in his room that was covered with bits of news papers, pictures, and other documents that were connected with strings of various colors like a tydeid spiderweb. No longer used he kept it up more as a memento to the past successes of the team, and a way to keep vision. Looking over the various pages and plucking some of the strings he thought back on the days when he had last used this web of information now out of date. News articles about robberies, missing property and shipments, and some of sightings of monsters, while others were headlines of the teams victories. He found the most recent article on The Wall: a factory explosion headlined Titans Coordinate Sting to Apprehend Terrorist Cell the article talked about the efforts the team went through over the years to track down, expose, and attempt to apprehend the terrorist villain Deathstroke and those that worked with him. This article was five years old at this point and Robin had yet to hear anything of Deathstroke. the next news article in line with that was one of the Titans recruiting new members with the help of the JLA and splitting up to seed new teams around the globe. The news clipping had a picture of the team; Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Raven, and Cyborg, standing shoulder to shoulder with other young meta humans. That was the last time the team had been all together.
Taking a step back from the wall he sighed. Has it really been that long?. Shaking his head he sat back in his chair a moment. He looked over some files on his computer, making sure everything he needed was in order. There were a series of files pertaining to various leads he had been keeping tabs on over the last few months along with some of the things from the other teams. Satisfied with what he had put together he closed the terminal and unplugged the drive, placing it in his bag he had been packing with other related notes and clippings. Looking at the organized chaos he had in there he sighed If there is on thing I wish I hadn’t picked up from the old man. He zipped the bag closed and threw it into his desk chair with a lazy thud. At least I wont ever be missing notes on a case with how I keep everything. Bruce had ingrained in him a sense of ‘everything is important at some point’ that lead him to always hold on to every lead and note in the event something else might connect back to it. Content with his packing for now, he set off to the common area of the Titan’s Tower to get some breakfast before calling a meeting together for the team get some weekly assignments and updates.


GOOD AFTERNOON JUMP CITY! Here we are just of the 2pm hour on hump-day for the week and looking for that Friday clock-out. I am Sam Ansel, your new host of the evening news recap and traffic reports. Early this morning in the ‘Serve and Protect’ sector we saw the JCPD serve a search warrant to a big-box furniture business known as ‘Settings Space’ they suspected was trafficking controlled substances in connection to Sofia Falcone, but is seems all they really wanted was to see the new summer line before it hit the show floor as they came up empty handed. Sofia was unavailable for comment on the matter. Later in the morning the boys in blue got into a bit of a stand off with some individuals called in at Star Labs for trespassing and refusing to leave. Reports say they were protesters who wanted to put a halt to the opening schedule of the lab saying “These people have done enough damage to our community.” And going on to talk about the company’s history of wrong-doings. Lex Luthor, the new owner of the Star Labs Industry when he bought it after the Justice League shut it down, intervened before things escalated. He then made a statement about “wanting to turn the company’s reputation around and do good for the people that were affected in the past.” Mr. Luthor is here in town for the reopening of the lab scheduled for later this week. Tune in again later this evening to get the full story and more as things unfold. As for now in the city we are looking at some light traffic in the water front, no doubt due to the nice weather, and the downtown is looking to be in grid-lock as there is a minor crash on the south bound highway that is still being cleared up. If you are going through there on your way be sure to bring a book, you could be in for a bit of stop and go. Thanks for tuning into this news recap, and see you next time.


Yes sir, there have been some shifts at work allowing me some more time this last week and I plan on having the first post up this weekend for everyone.
@DClassified Yeah, I have always been slow going to get things started. ^^;

Do have quite a bit planned and hope everyone likes it.
Hey everyone! I am getting the last of the notes together this week, and waiting for one more submission. Hopefully we can get it started soon. I apologize for the wait, my working schedule has been really crazy and most of my free time is spent decompressing or sleeping. Looking forward to getting this going!
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