Avatar of ShiroKiyoshi


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4 mos ago
Current You're welcome, Son.
1 like
4 mos ago
What if magic was just electricity? That'd be an easy soft/hard magic system. Pretty interesting too.
1 like
5 mos ago
Parallel park? No, simply illegally park. There is enough space in your neighbor's yard for your car guaranteed, but why stop there? Take the garage. Then their house. Steal their identity.
5 mos ago
I basically live here now. Good feeling. Haven't had it in a while.


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@MacabreMoth@Randomguy@Guardian Angel Haruki

Updates? How we feeling guys?
Group A, @Guardian Angel Haruki, 10 AM

"I've yet to encounter the rest of your party," Alessia began with a warm smile, "though I'm aware there are other members. Christopher, your recruiter, is quite the chatterbox. Ideal for his role as a messenger and, more recently, as a recruiter. If you've ever wondered about his wild exploits, he once dispatched a giant sand serpent, sliced its belly open, and delivered a letter to a soldier within. But, speaking of chatterboxes, would you look at me?" Alessia giggled, her laughter hidden behind a playful wave to Keruzi.

Following that light exchange, Alessia gracefully stood by, attentively tending to Keruzi and keeping a watchful eye until Rhythia returned with news from their master, Simon. Time passed and Rhythia eventually reappeared, accompanied by Simon, a tall blue lizard man dressed in warrior's garb. Approaching Keruzi with a warm smile, Simon's presence was introduced by Rhythia.

"Meet Simon, the master of the estate and your prospective employer, Ms. Keruzi," Rhythia announced, gracefully stepping aside.

Simon, after a momentary inspection, extended his hand to Keruzi. "A pleasure to meet a member of the Dark Sun Clan. I'm Simon. I've heard you're quite curious about your job," he remarked, his smile radiating warmth. "Well, it's nothing out of the ordinary, it is simply an escort mission. It is the cargo and their mission that makes your skills so valuable."

Group B,@MacabreMoth @Randomguy, 10 AM

Meanwhile, Christopher, Simon's dedicated courier, sprinted as if a pack of wolves nipped at his heels. Unfazed by citizens, guards, or fences, he charged toward the gates of Noble Haven. In his rush, he unexpectedly encountered familiar faces; Aelyeth and Ebthor. Images of Ebthor's blood-stained claws flashed in Christopher's mind, prompting him to grab the Warbeast without a second thought.

"I need you to come with me right now!" Christopher implored, his focus squarely on Ebthor due to his combat prowess. "It's an urgent matter concerning the job I've chosen you for."

Ebthor's earlier exuberance soured as Christopher's hands enclosed around him. Audible growls emanated from Ebthor, suppressed yet unmistakable, as he stared down the determined courier. While recognizing Christopher from their initial encounter, Ebthor felt bound by the promised payment to his master, compelling him to comply with this unexpected turn of events.

"Unhand me," Ebthor uttered in a cold, monotone voice.

Reacting swiftly to Ebthor's demand, Christopher released his grip. Fear wasn't the emotion etched on Christopher's face; rather, it was desperation. He urgently needed Ebthor's assistance.

"Please, hurry. I don't know how much time we have," Christopher urged calmly before darting toward Noble Haven. Aelyeth and Ebthor were not far from the gates, and Christopher spotted another familiar figure: Cheon, in the distance.

In a telepathic exchange, Ebthor communicated with Aelyeth, They better pay well. So, what do we do?

Christopher, showcasing his swiftness, reached the gates where Cheon had just arrived. Despite his impressive speed, Christopher was winded, indicating non-stop running. He could barely speak but managed to maintain some composure.

The guards, recognizing Christopher, expressed concern as they noted the stress on his face.

"Chris? What's going on?" one guard asked with worry.

"Open this gate and fetch me four stompers!" Christopher demanded, doubling over on his knees. "I apologize. I am in a rush."

Responding promptly, the guards opened the gate, and one rushed off to procure mounts. Turning to Cheon, Christopher, now squatting to catch his breath, queried, "You're the warrior monk, right? Cheon, if I remember correctly, it looks like I'll be needing your combat skills sooner than I thought. The guards will meet us at the estate with our mounts, and hopefully," he added, glancing back at Ebthor and Aelyeth, "we'll have some support as well. Let's go."

Driven by pure adrenaline, Christopher didn't wait for Cheon's response. His confidence in the wandering warrior's inclination for a fight assured him that Cheon would follow suit.

Recent post updated. A few point-of-view and chronological errors were made by me. It doesn't change what happened, but it reads better now.

"It’s entirely possible," Ebthor responded, gesturing toward where Aelyeth had stowed the letter. "I didn't dispatch all those demons solo. Hard to imagine some wealthy individual hiring us for just one demon-slaying machine." Ebthor then averted his gaze, muttering to himself, "Although, I could absolutely handle it solo."

With that, the proud Ebthor pressed on toward Noble Haven. His posture exuded confidence, a refined assurance that starkly contrasted with his imposing draconic visage. Yet, coupled with the fact that he essentially served as Aelyeth’s pack mule, his initially cocky demeanor quickly transformed into nothing more than a playful jest.


Group A, @Guardian Angel Haruki, 9 AM

The guard, a sturdy figure in armor, eyed Keruzi with a mix of skepticism and vigilance. As she asserted herself with the phrase "At ease, Soldier," he begrudgingly relaxed his posture but maintained a watchful gaze.

When she displayed the letter, the guard inspected it with a trained eye, though Keruzi held it just out of reach. As she explained her purpose and association with Simon, the guard's stern expression softened slightly, perhaps acknowledging her credentials.

"Paladin of the Dark Sun Clan, huh?" he mused, a hint of curiosity breaking through his stoic demeanor. "Alright, let me verify this with Simon." He signaled to a fellow guard, who promptly disappeared into the confines of Noble Haven.

While waiting for confirmation, the remaining guard maintained a vigilant stance, though the initial tension seemed to ease. The subtle play of power and respect lingered in the air as Keruzi stood firm, conveying a silent assurance that she would not be swayed by any unnecessary challenges at the gate.

Moments later, the guard returned accompanied by an enigmatic half-dragon/human attendant, their features more human than draconic. The attendant's sun-kissed skin seamlessly blended with delicate dragon scales, and elegant curved horns crowned her head. A slender tail swayed with each graceful step, and she was adorned in an earth-toned robe featuring jungle-inspired patterns, a balance of formality and practicality. A golden sash accentuated her waist, and enchanted trinkets emitted a soft, mystical glow. Supple leather footwear and a stylish dagger hinted at her dual role as a groundskeeper.

The enigmatic half-dragon/human attendant turned to the guard, her amber eyes holding a glint of acknowledgment.

"Thank you for your assistance," she spoke with a voice that carried both warmth and authority. "I'll take it from here."

The guard nodded in understanding, giving Keruzi a curt but respectful glance. "Simon's expecting her. Make sure everything checks out," he said before turning back towards his post.

The attendant gracefully stepped forward, her presence commanding attention as she turned to Keruzi, offering a reassuring smile. "Welcome to Noble Haven. I am Rhythia, Simon's attendant. If you'll follow me, I'll guide you to his presence." With that, she assumed the role of escort.

Noble Haven, the upscale neighborhood for aristocrats, boasts custom-crafted buildings, including Simon's lavish mansion, uniquely constructed from a colossal Giantwood tree. It stands out amidst the grandiose mansions on the hill, thanks to its controlled tree growth, allowing for an elaborate garden that enhances its splendor.

“You're remarkably early, Keruzi. I'm not certain if the master is prepared to meet you just yet, but I'll take you to him regardless. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to delve into the specifics of the job with you,” Rhythia said, offering a smile reminiscent of a loving mother, yet her words carried a subtle venom, much like that of a snake. “Although, I am aware of what it is. Good luck with that one.”

The air surrounding Simon’s mansion carried the gentle scent of blooming flowers from the meticulously tended garden enveloping the Giantwood structure. Each step through the entrance marked a journey into a realm where beauty and extravagance seamlessly converged, guiding Keruzi through the halls of aristocratic splendor.

As they traversed Simon's garden, Rhythia pointed out the various floral wonders and whispered tales of their enchantment. Keruzi couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant colors and delicate fragrances that filled the air, each blossom seeming to hold a story of its own.

Entering the study, Keruzi was enveloped in an atmosphere of refinement and tribal mystique. Shelves adorned with an extensive collection of books, ranging from ancient tomes of arcane wisdom to volumes chronicling history, imbued the room with an earthy aroma of knowledge. Above the intricately carved fireplace, a captivating artwork depicted an elven woman with flowing blue hair, her gaze seeming to hold secrets untold. Tribal accents, hand-carved wooden masks, and woven tapestries adorned the walls, each telling a unique story of culture and tradition. An antique globe atop a wooden stand emphasized the mansion's connection to the world's history.

The furniture, a fusion of rustic tribal elements and noble design, invited exploration, each piece hinting at tales of grandeur and adventure. As Rhythia departed to fetch Simon, leaving Keruzi to contemplate the room's intriguing ambiance, Keruzi felt a sense of reverence for the space and the mysteries it held.

After a brief moment of quiet contemplation in the study, Alessia, a second attendant, entered with fluid grace, her movements harmonizing with the elegance of the surroundings. "Greetings, esteemed guest," she began, her voice resonating in a soothing cadence. "I am Alessia, delighted to assist you during your stay in Simon's mansion. If you have any inquiries or require assistance, do not hesitate to ask."

Upon closer observation, Alessia's role extended beyond mere hospitality. Adorned with a six-shooter holstered on each side of her hip, her green attire seamlessly blended with Rhythia's color scheme. However, beneath the outward appearance of a maid, Alessia exuded the unmistakable air of a sharpshooter, skillfully merging elements of both roles into her demeanor.

Alessia's attire effortlessly melded practicality with elegance. A forest-green bodice, embellished with subtle lace accents, complemented an intricately woven belt cinched at her waist. The knee-length skirt, featuring concealed pockets, flowed gracefully, while knee-high leather boots added a touch of sophistication.

Her dual roles as a sharpshooter and maid were evident in the polished six-shooters holstered on each hip. The earthy tones of her ensemble, coupled with a silver pendant depicting a miniature Giantwood tree, subtly paid homage to the mansion's connection with nature.

@Guardian Angel Haruki
Group A, @Guardian Angel Haruki, 9 AM

The first to depart from the Royal Respite was Keruzi, wasting no time at the upscale inn before heading straight for Simon's residence. The sun had just begun to rise, casting its soft light as Keruzi navigated through the quiet morning streets. The city, in its pre-dawn tranquility, offered a unique blend of urban life and the wild jungle, creating an intriguing morning atmosphere. Large birds gracefully soared above, finding perches on specially designed roosts, producing a bit of commotion. One of these avian performers could easily wake up an entire city block, but as their songs spread across town, it formed a melody that gradually stirred Axeshield awake. The Royal Respite was strategically designed to address this issue, ensuring the undisturbed rest of Cheon and Aelyeth.

Observing the early risers of Axeshield, Keruzi witnessed residents opening their windows to welcome the sun and savor the fresh morning air. Some locals, recognizing the distinctive blood-soaked cloak of the Reapers that Keruzi wore, greeted her with friendly waves. With most streets still devoid of activity, Keruzi's journey proceeded effortlessly.

Upon reaching Noble Haven, it was still early, and yet, a gate with two guards concluding their morning shift stood in her path. Then entered Keruzi. The mere presence of her forced an acknowledgment from the guards, who seemed less than thrilled about continuing their morning watch.

"State your business," one of the guards demanded with a hint of irritation.

Group B,@MacabreMoth @Randomguy, 10 AM

Several leagues behind Keruzi were Cheon, Aelyeth, and Ebthor. Unacquainted with each other, the trio remained oblivious to their fellow travelers. Nevertheless, as they simultaneously embarked on the journey to Noble Haven, the discerning minds of Cheon and Aelyeth found it challenging not to take notice of each other. Cheon, with his swifter pace, quickly overtook the duo of Aelyeth and Ebthor. Even at his unhurried speed, he effortlessly maintained a steadily widening lead.

GM Notes


Snow, rain, and the ichor of demons—all seemed inconsequential to Ebthor, not just due to his circumstances but also owing to an unsettling familiarity he yearned to shed. The term "master" left a bitter taste, a loathsome reality demanding his unwavering obedience. Despite his disdain, Ebthor acknowledged that his master's endeavors at least provided the coin necessary for modest survival.

Their days initially revolved around the relentless routine of inns, front-line demon-slaying, and subsequent haggling for rewards. It was a lifestyle alien to Ebthor, yet it became his reality for an extended period. Then, amid the aftermath of battles and the flow of blood, an unexpected job offer emerged. The prospect of travel, accommodation, and various amenities intrigued Aelyeth, rendering Ebthor's suspicions irrelevant as his fate was sealed.

Now, far removed from the battlefield, Ebthor found himself amidst opulence, relishing the comforts of the wealthy with his master. Seated in an enchanted hall surrounded by verdant foliage, the experience surpassed any preconceptions. Basking in the splendor of playing the honored guest of a wealthy man felt leagues beyond the stale inns of the frontline.

Yet, Aelyeth, ever the inquisitive soul, found herself on a quest for the juiciest gossip within the hallowed halls of the Royal Respite. No target was too formidable for her relentless pursuit of information, and her primary focus was none other than the unyielding proprietor. Despite her persistent smiles and charming attempts, he remained an impervious bastion of professionalism during the daylight hours.

However, as the moon cast its ethereal glow and night descended upon the Royal Respite, an unexpected twist unfolded. The seemingly unflappable proprietor appeared at Aelyeth's chamber door with an air of sternness and desperation, unveiling a side not witnessed by the prying eyes of the establishment.

"Your incessant inquiries are disrupting the harmony of this fine establishment," he declared, his tone firm yet imbued with a desperate plea for understanding. "I implore you, refrain from bothering the staff during your stay. Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated."

Without waiting for Aelyeth's response, the proprietor swiftly departed, leaving behind a lingering sense of mystery and a subtle invitation for her to unravel the secrets concealed within the shadows of the Royal Respite.

Ebthor let out a snort at the event.

For the first time since arriving in this wretched place, Ebthor found a semblance of enjoyment. After three days of leisure, the inevitable return to duty arrived when Aelyeth received a note from the hotel staff, instructing Ebthor to report to Simon's estate. As they set out on their journey, Aelyeth delved into strategies for concealing Ebthor's identity, and he responded with a nonchalant air.

"If they inquire, we simply withhold the details. What's the worst that can happen? Are they going to challenge us?" Ebthor casually brandished his claws, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Let them try," he added, punctuating his words with an equally wicked laugh.


Little discord I made for those who find it easier to use. Very bare bones at the moment.
Posted. Also, should we make a discord group or something for ease of communication? You know for ruling and such

I'm not opposed to this.
Edit has been made to the first post make sure to check it. Its small. I noticed there wasn't really a clear path so clarified that a small bit.
First IC post is up.

Feel free to ask any questions and the following are good to post:

@MacabreMoth@Randomguy@Guardian Angel Haruki
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