Avatar of Skwint


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2 hrs ago
Current "In a world without gold, we might've been heroes."
1 like
23 days ago
Did you hear about the guy who dipped his balls in glitter? Pretty nuts.
2 yrs ago
A baby snake is called a snakelet. 🐍
2 yrs ago
R.I.P. Bob Saget. Say 'hi' to Betty for us.
2 yrs ago
FL Man Arena RP? Time to be white trash with a crossbow.


Not sure what you were expecting, but there's nothing to see here.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Skwint>

Well no one truly knows what Jesus looked like, we can only guess. But anyway. The Catholic church commissioned Michael Angelo to paint Jesus, and the closest Michael had ever been to heaven was with his lover. So yeah. Jesus is a bottom.

That's fucking hilarious.
- The fact that the current depiction of Jesus that most worship is actually a portrait of Micahel Angelo's gay lover.

Say what?

A large whale that harassed and sank ships near Constantinople in the sixth century.
So it's just 4 skills max of the varying types? Is it going to be possible to change them at any point?
Image claims are a pain. It's hard to find the right image.
Intriguing. I certainly wouldn't mind being a hoarder loader.
Take what you can. Give nothing back.

It's a pirate's life for me.
Looks like I'm late to the party.
Posting so that @Omega Man doesn't look desperate.
No sooner had the started formulating a plan of attack, did Natalie announced that Bolt was gone. Since Zen had revealed the most likely location of Peace Keeper's hideout, they all knew exactly where he had gone. Suddenly, shadows began to coalesce and swirl around them until they were engulfed by darkness, and then they were at the hangar. Tiara had managed to teleport them all, but the act of doing so had taxed her greatly and caused her to fall unconscious into Zen's arms. Not long after their arrival they heard a trio of gunshots from inside the hangar.

Monolith wasted no time charging in, setting off every mine and booby trap along the way. Natalie wasn't far behind him, and then Jeremy followed suit. Unfortunately due to the suddenness of their departure, none of them had any of their gear. Travis knew he wouldn't be of much help in a straight-up fight, so he turned to Zen and held out his arms.
"Give her to me," he told the android. "I'll look after her. They need you more than they need me."
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