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Curie Heart

They day had originally gone from good to bad, but upon arriving at the scene of the attack the day had clearly skipped bad and dove straight into the arms of the bizarre. Not only were there other magical girls in New York, but they had to be newer ones as she'd never heard of them in her research or in the news, and they'd beaten her to the fight on top of it all. Marie Curie arrived at a higher altitude due to her starting point, and took a moment to asses the situation as she arrived, noting that the others had already begun to administer a thorough beatdown to the monster, bizarre as that beatdown may be given the various powers at play.

"A firebug, a pharaonic mech, a small child, a crusader knight, and a... teenage edgelord? Wish me luck number 1, let's keep our city safe. And hope we can count on them, though it looks like they've made a good start on the issue already."

Curie Heart had built up a respectful amount of Motes on the brief flight over, and she focused some of these in front of her hand, the motes joining and elongating in front of her as the lance they formed began to spin, further enhancing their piercing design. Aiming for a section of damaged stone armor on the monstrous hippopotamus thing below, the scientist raised her arm, then mimed throwing a javelin as the Photon Lance shot toward the creature with an echoing CRACK as it broke the sound barrier. The best way to prevent both further property damage and injury, as far as Farrah knew, was to end the fight quickly and help the survivors.

The bolt of mystic light would impact the monster in a location that the others had already damaged, piercing deep into the creatures body and hopefully damaging it's internal structures and magics to make it easier to finish off. As the afterimage of the lance faded, Curie Heart flew down closer to the action though she still did her best to stay out of reach. She was no melee fighter, even with the bodily enhancements all magical girls had when in their transformed state.
Its not Farrahs first time transforming, but it is her first time fighting so we'll see how this goes lol. I'll have a post up by Monday!
Farrah Day

Today was supposed to be a normal day, with normal-ish people, not my first foray into fighting for my life. I didn't even know there were others in New York City! B-but I'm getting ahead of myself... As I said, it started out as a better-than-normal Saturday...

Farrah was spending her Saturday with an old friend from childhood who'd managed to drag the introverted scientist from her apartment to see a new exhibition that the American Museum of Natural History had just opened, something about Exoplanets that had been discovered beyond the Solar System. The friend in question was Sarah, a short, strawberry blonde woman with the look of someone who took every day at full tilt and loved every second, and a sharp tongue that cut friend and enemy alike. The two had known each other since grade school when Sarah had effectively adopted Farrah as her friend. The two were dressed casually, and seemed more focused on catching up than they were on the exhibition itself at this point, having moved to the museums cafe.

"It's been too long Sarah, sorry I, ah, don't call much..." Farrah said, embarrassment plain on her face as she blew on her coffee lightly before trying it.

"It's not like that's anything new, Farrah." Sarah said with a wry smile. "I've known you for 20 years, at this point I'd sooner expect a monster to attack New York than I would expect you to initiate."

Speaking of monsters, should I tell her about Subject? I trust her, but I don't want her in danger... Farrah thought, with an internal twinge of guilt that she hadn't told her oldest friend.

As if thinking about him had summoned him, Subject 01 spoke in Farrahs mind. "Farrah! I've got a new feeling, and it's not a good one... I think a monster is about to appear, and its close. We need to be ready-" Subject 01, the mouse-like Mascot projected from his hiding spot in Farrahs purse, before being interrupted as both of their phones went off with an emergency alert.


This caused a predictably panicked exodus, as monsters had mostly left New York City alone thus far unlike what monster movies would have had you believe. As the press of the crowd started to pull the two women along, Farrah took Sarahs arm and pulled them into an emergency stairwell with the air of a mind made up. "Sarah, uh, this isn't how I wanted to tell you, but-"

"If this is how you're timing a confession, you've got even worse timing that I thought..." Sarah said, her voice uncertain and nervous.

"What? No, I-" Farrah rolled her eyes, exasperated even as she knew Sarah had never handled crises well. "No, I can do something about this. I- Something happened six months ago. Remember that cute lab rat my lab got a while back?" Farrah waited until Sarah nodded, though confusion was clear on her friends face.

"Well, ah, turns out he's a Mascot. You know, like Sugar Pink and all the rest work with. And, more, he- he's my Mascot. I can do something about this, so I'm going to. Can you, uh, hold my purse while I fight a giant monster?" Farrah finished awkwardly, trailing off as she realized she had begun to ramble.

"I- uh, holy shit. Yeah, I can- I can hold your purse I guess. We should, uh, talk about this more after you're done. Saving New York. Yeah." Sarah was in shock, and sat heavily on the stairs. "Just, make sure you come back, yeah? We're too young to be grieving."

Farrah smiled as her friends usual humor shone through for a moment, then handed the other woman her purse. With Subject 01 on her shoulder she took a deep, steady breath and focused on the magic within.

"By Dalton's model, by Newtons might, I fight to bring scientific light! Curie Heart, Go!"

A brilliant wave of rainbow light washed over Farrah, beginning the transformation as motes of magic began to swirl around her, building her costume out bit by bit and culminating in a flash as the Magical Girl Curie Heart.

Curie Heart

With a nod to Sarah, Curie Heart sprinted up the stairs and out onto the roof of the museum, the run that would have exhausted Farrah not even winding Curie Heart as she looked out across Central park before spotting the telltale signs of magical energy building up. With practiced confidence, she stepped onto the edge of the roof. "Newtons Cradle, hold me close!" She said as she stepped into thin air, falling for a moment before she flew in the direction of the disturbance, motes of mana beginning to orbit her as her power gathered.
@Sylvan You're the last one needed for an opener, then we can get into the action.

Been really busy this week, but I should have a post up today or tomorrow
Submitted/Accepted via DMs

Also, starter is up, if anyone wants to get their characters going. I was thinking we'd all post our openers traveling to the monster, and then we could get into the action.

Sorry, I fixed (I hope) the story issues you brought up a few days ago, but I've been having a bit of a time coming up with her powers x.x
Workable, but I'm going to have to disagree with the 'mundane causing magic' bit. Perhaps Subject was attracted to her curiosity and hought she'd be a good candidate?

Otherwise, so far so good.

Sounds good, I'll update that as well when I get off work today.
@shagranoz I thought I'd be able to finish my CS tonight but I wasn't able to get the moves done. WIP is below.

EDIT: Fixed the backstory & Subjects blurb (I hope) but still working on the powers.
<Snipped quote by Sylvan>

If you go chem, give me a holler if you need some ideas. Be nice to put my 100K wallhanger to some use...

I'm definitely going the Chem route, so hit me up! I'm going to try to finish up my CS tomorrow but I have the bones fairly in order.
I'm thinking about Chemistry or Physics for a theme to go with the general scientist motif my concept has. Sorry I haven't been that active, I've had guests over all week.
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