Avatar of The Savant


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6 days ago
Current And when I say "your" - I really mean any of the politicians in the world.
6 days ago
You can thank your politics for making almost any topic political then, Xandrya along with the idiot followers thinking a lot of topics are not political and something else when they are not.
2 mos ago
Don't forget that the doctor also ignores everything you told them as well so they don't do anything more than the shots and tests they already preplanned.
3 mos ago
1x1s are my favorite way to paragraph role-play but they are definitely not for everyone (same with group). It's all perspective.
3 mos ago
I have ad block on my laptop but not on my phone. The ads on mobile are outrageous 😂


Salutations~ I am The Savant.

I have been role-playing for over a decade, and I am in my early to mid-twenties. I enjoy reading and writing a lot. The two most current books that I have finished and highly recommend are "The Darkening" by Sunya Mara and "Immortal Longings" by Chloe Gong. Those are the genres that I love to participate in most during my writing, though I am not limited to those. I enjoy all forms of concepts from ancient times to current day issues from fantasy to advanced technology. Fantasy species. Anything that catches my inspirational eye.

If you are ever interested in chatting or possibly setting up a role-play with me through DMs one-on-ones, message me. I promise I do not bite ~ hard. I prefer to role-play with people my age or older because I enjoy graphic descriptions and writings of adult themes. Not everyone appreciates those details which I understand and can respect: Inform me of what you want from me. Boundaries are key with writing partners and I love being able to stay within the boundaries and keep partners for a long time.

I have recently decided to start writing my book with one of my past character and group role-play inspirations that failed, recently, on this site. I have also had odd ideas of writing a book with another person through our role-plays, though I have never had anyone be interested in actually attempting it so I ask people very rarely. If you would be interested in such a crazy idea, chat with me. I would love to discuss this.

Other than that, I am a substitute teacher throughout the week, so I tend to be distracted from morning hours to mid-afternoon but I tend to check my phone and reply when I can. I am an active person even if my public appearance on the site does not live up to that statement. I stay at DMs, usually.

Thank you for reading my biography and getting to know about me. Come get acquainted with me.

Most Recent Posts

𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚-𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕤

The woman stood a few feet behind her husband as she focused on the conversation between him and the trio of royal guards. People from the outside would not understand the princess's uneasiness with the guards, but she was excellent at hiding those emotions from the average person. She stood tall, quietly, and focused. She was not thrilled that her father sent guards. Suspicions were floating around her about why her father would send such high-ranking guards without any warning.

An unfamiliar voice rang in her ears as she turned her head with a pleasant smile at the words of the feminine voice. “A pleasure to meet your presence as well,” She spoke warmly to the bronze woman. The princess didn’t know if she had seen the woman roaming around Dawnhaven for long or not. She hadn’t been out and about when it came to things. Octavia found herself sewing, crocheting, knitting, or doing some form of preparation for the harsh winter ahead. She was self-isolating this season, to say the least.

Octavia, what would you have them do to contribute to our preparations for winter?

Her husband’s voice caught her off guard, and his body moved away. Her face twisted quickly with uncertainty and fear. She swallowed her emotion down and kept that per-usual expression for the knights as she approached them. “Thank you again for arriving to Dawnhaven,” she started out in a slightly awkward way. Glancing at her husband who was moving away she could feel a slight heat of annoyance on her cheeks.

Looking back to the guards, she smiled a little more and tried to cool herself down. “There are many preparations to be made for winter. I believe that muscles would be more productive in the means of construction on buildings, working on daunting tasks like chopping wood, and so on,” She spoke knowingly of what they needed for the winter. They would need a ton of firewood along with more buildings being built. She knew that Sunni was working on a few currently but only had so much help. She wanted to direct them to the man, but her husband was already trying to find him. Octavia felt as if she would be more of a burden in doing so — directing the royal knights to Sunni along with her reasons.

@PrinceAlexus Knights
@Girlie Go Boom Nari
@The Muse Prince Flynn
<Snipped quote by PrinceAlexus>

Mmmm no. I think that seeing the single eye would be alarming. But defo Sy-a 's attitude and letting her get some work says a lot more. I put in Na'Ri bio that she suspects her boss eating people's energy whe.n she performs but she all good with that too. She's experienced worse things thst people would do to another.

If anything i think she feels sorry for the people since she's used to the darkness since she's from lunaris

Do not worry, if Sy-a is too scared of Syraeia, she can always talk to Sunni! Sunni is practically Syraeia's boss and lives in the inn too.
@Girlie Go Boom

The majority of the ideas that Muse listed off were from me. My biggest idea was your character performing again to keep moral up. It's always nice and a timeless thing for people to get off work and go to a show or the bar or go home to watch something to relax and enjoy.

There is a lot of odd jobs to do around Dawnhaven. The three characters I have could definitely find Naz something to do. All the other characters probably could to.
@The Muse@Girlie Go Boom

If you two cannot figure out a reason of how she would be useful. I have a variety of ideas that could work.
@Girlie Go Boom

I'll give you the run-through!

Everyone is being introduced currently to the setting.

Prince Flynn and Octavia's arranged marriage is beginning to become less tense

Prince Flynn was interviewing Kira the blight born into Dawnhaven

Olivia, a blgith born Queen, has arrived in Dawnhaven and is in the tavern socializing with the inn keeper Syraeia

Syraeia is being taught by Sunni on how to do her job.

Sunni is hiding away from Prince Flynn and Princess Octavia for a variety of reasons.

Ivor came back from a hunt with food, yay!

Orion is playing chess by himself and decided to leave his corridors, finally.

Elara, the hand maiden to the princess, is listening to the princesses orders and heading to the inn.

Olivia and Syraeia are talking and getting a little intimate when it comes to blight-born activities - most likely feeding off each other (aka Olivia feeding off Syraeia because Olivia is an emotional blight born)

Royal knights and throne agents have arrived at Lunaris for suspicious reasons.

Pleiades has currently returned to Dawnhaven and he is being a menace.

Eris and Sunni are interacting because Eris is asking about her package and its status/arrival.

Pleiades interrupted Eris and Sunni.

The man jumped from his skin a little when he heard a familiar voice echo out — Eris. He turned with a smile, “Eris, good late morning,” He spoke brightly and was glad it was her. Octavia and Flynn were not hunting for him too thoroughly. The man turned to face the darker-haired girl as his hands placed themselves on his lower waist to a higher hip area.

Yes!” His hand gestured when he spoke. Her shipment of Emberbloom did arrive, he was certain of it, but it was in his room. A chaotically organized place. He needed more room but he wasn’t going to start building his own house, not yet, but he needed to start working on it soon. The ground would freeze, and he wouldn’t be able to build the foundation once it was frozen. “It should be in my room,” Sunni mentioned casually as he gestured towards the upper parts of the inn and noticed a familiar figure — Pleiades.

Sunni was quickly on his feet but not quick enough, he went to help Eris in her fall, but his hands didn’t land on her fast enough. They would have protected her face from impacting on the hard gravel, “Accidents happen. Are you okay?” The man lightly asked while looking her over when she jumped up and began to dust herself up. Sunni stood tall as he looked her up and down for any visible damages though it looked like none occurred.

Seeing her face growing red, Sunni could only politely smile, “I didn’t realize it was so important to you,” he informed her since he didn’t. The man usually didn’t question people too much about the materials and things that people ordered. Most of the time he felt like it wasn’t his place to be questioning unless it was an odd or dangerous item.

You could maybe use it on your hands,” Sunni teased while he was making his way back to the inn. That was when a gust of wind blew in front of him and his face scrunched while his eyes closed to make sure nothing got in them.

Pleiades stood in front of Sunni and Eris with a faint mischievous smile, “Good morning, His voice was a little stifling. The moonlight eyes of the man focused on both of the people.

Sunni opened his eyes and his face went back to a normal expression, “Good morning, Pleiades,” He offered kindness to the blight-born who was always so mysterious in his eyes. The able-flighted individual always intrigued him, but he barely knew anything about the sea-green man.

How are both of you today?” Pleiades curiously asked while he circled them once before circling them again. On the second circle, he reached out and touched a lock of Eris’s brunette hair. Letting it gradually slip from his fingers as he moved around. “And how are you, specifically, Eris?” He chimed in with emphasis on the woman.

The redheaded man couldn’t help the slight glare he had towards the blight-born. He knew he was interested in attempting his shot with anyone and everyone. Sunni understood the pleasures of intimacy and knew that Pleiades had to participate in such activities to live… that didn’t make his attempts any less annoying or bothersome for people. Clearing his throat, he reached out and took the lock of hair from Pleiades fingers and let it fall back to Eris’s frame. “I do apologize for interrupting, but Pleiades, we are a little busy at the moment. Maybe you could find someone else to bother?” That was when Sunni placed himself only slightly between Eris and Pleiades.

Pleiades face spoke more words than anything, he was not pleased with Sunni’s interruption, “Oh… I didn’t realize you were so busy with her,” His voice sounded distasteful towards Sunni, and his eyes sharpened with his thoughts.

Now, if you excuse us, Mister Porter, we will be on our way,” Sunni grabbed Eris’s hand without consent as he led her away from the winged man and towards the back door of the inn.

Interactions @The Muse Eris

Regarding how the woman’s body relaxed into his larger body, Syraeia had not been comforted in quite a while. A faint smile appeared when he felt parts of his shirt wettening from tears. He gently petted at her hair only a little bit, “The thing that matters the most is that you did make it, and you can keep putting one foot in front of the other,” his voice was reassuring and warm. He might not have been a professional at comforting people, but he had enough siblings that he could say he wasn’t the worst at it.

Give me time.

Sunni nodded his head in agreement since he knew how difficult it was to open up to others — to a stranger. It wasn’t like he and Syraeia were close in any way except in a professional manner while running the inn together. It wasn’t personal at all even if Sunni was someone who made things a little more personal in comforting her when she was heavy with thoughts.

Ha! There might be good reason to fear some blight-born, but you? Why would anyone be scared of you?” Sunni grinned at his words. Syraeia wasn’t scary, and he had seen some scary blight-born throughout his travels. She was practically still human with a bit of physical modifications.

Then he shrugged his shoulders, “I will figure out what to do with the boys, and they are young enough. We can teach them that not all of your kind is to be feared,” They separated from the caring gestures as he picked up his plate again. “Money is to be made, I will finish this quickly, and help you out,” Sunni informed her before scarfing down his food.

Half of the pan was still filled with food, and he decided to take the rest of it. The man felt like he was starving before eating the rest of it quickly. After finishing his meal, he decided to wash all the dishes that needed to be done before cleaning up the kitchen — quick spot cleaning. That was when he moved to the front and noticed the royals talking to what appeared to be royal guards from Lunaris by their star-covered moon crests.

Interesting…” Sunni whispered to himself as he quietly and quickly moved in the background. Helping out on all the odd tables that wanted drink, food, or both. As he quickly did that job, he went over to the counter while keeping an eye on Octavia and Flynn, he wrote up receipts for who owed what so Syraeia would know.

By this time everyone was happy and while placing the receipts to the side, Sunni glanced up at Flynn and Octavia once more.

—I wonder why they are here together… did I say something wrong last night in the meeting that Octavia requested of me? No… I don’t think so.

There has to be something. Maybe they are not looking for me? No, she told me that she wanted to talk to me tomorrow to get more requests filled for materials. Octavia has to be here for me… What is Flynn doing? She probably asked him. Maybe I have been slacking off? I thought I was doing good. —

Sunni decided that the best course of action was to slip back into the kitchen. Making his way to the backdoor of the inn, grabbing his coat, and exiting the busy place without a sound. Royal guards from Lunaris being in Dawnhaven was odd in his eyes. They were high-ranking ones and surely were not needed here, were they? Why would either royal need high-ranking guards like that? It was suspicious. though he didn’t think about it any more than that.

It might have been late morning, but it looked like it was after sunset. The moon was full, and flakes of snow were coming down. It was only to get colder from here on out. Sunni reached his hand out, and a few flakes fell into his palm and evaporated within seconds.

The man wasn’t running away from the Prince or Princess of Dawnhaven, though he needed a break. Working all morning doing physical labor on an empty stomach then helping Syraeia out while fulfilling his basic needs — food and water. Sunni wanted a breather.

He decided to walk down the main path of Dawnhaven towards the house that he was building to make sure it was secure. It only took a few minutes before he hopped up onto the floorboards that were already placed and noticed they were dusted with snow already. — It is odd how beautiful something can be while being so cold — He reached down to scoop a little bit up in his hands. This time the flakes didn’t disappear as quickly on his hands, but he stared at it with a smile. He remembers the times he had to make trips through certain routes or even accompany his father to Lunaris towns or the city. He had seen snow before, but it still amazed him.

Sunni had never been around it enough to see it when it was feet deep, and people could play or sled in it. He had always wanted to try ice skating, and that appeared in his mind as he thought of all the things he could do when it snowed.

Dusting the wetted snow from his hands, Sunni walked around the building and checked out the foundation that they built along with all the framing that they had been doing the past few days including today. Everything seemed secure and ready to go. They needed to put the frame up for the roof before putting the roof on. Then they could start filling everything out and making it habitable.

As he spent more time in the weather, it being roughly forty-degrees, Sunni noticed goosebumps were running up his arms. A chill was in his fingertips and on the first layer of skin on his face. The southern area that he came from, Aurelia, never reached forty-degrees, not usually, so his body wasn’t familiar with the temperature.

Sunni decided to start walking back to the inn. He might not be able to hide outside for long, but he could sneak in through the back door, go up the steps to the upper floors, and hide in his room.

I am glad that you like it.
@The Savant

I love it!
Its so purple! ^^

I used your character's in-roleplay speech color and then adjusted in the negatives or positives from that to get the other shades of purple.

Do not worry, I was already making one for you before you replied.

If you do not like this one, tell me, and I will do something else.

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