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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

First Day of Winter | 40 Degrees Fahrenheit | Clear Skies

“My Dearest Son,

I hope this message finds you in good health, for my heart aches with worry and grows greater with each passing day that I do not hear from you. Your father and I pray each night for your safety, goddess willing. Your absent presence has left a void here in the kingdom, not gone unnoticed by your loving siblings. They struggle to fill the shoes you have left to fill, but they shall try evermore.

Tell me, son, how are things in Dawnhaven? How fares your new bride? Have the Goddesses blessed your union with the gift of a child yet? Is she treating you with the respect and devotion that befits a Queen? I have heard many tales of the savage ways of the Lunarian people, but I pray the bond between you two grows stronger with each day. May you both be united in love and purpose.

Remember that you are always in our thoughts and prayers, and that I await your response with great anticipation. Until then, be safe.

With all my love,

Viviana Astaros
Queen of Aurelia”

Flynn sighed as he ran his thumb over the emerald green wax seal that adorned the envelope, his mothers initials imprinted in brilliant gold lettering. With a shake of his head, he crumpled the letter in his fist and carelessly tossed it onto his desk. Flynn had been deliberately avoiding communication with his family for two months now, despite his mother’s efforts. The day he married the Princess of Lunaria, far from the kingdom he once called home, had been the last day he had spoken to his family. The next morning he and the Princess began their journey to the new settlement, Dawnhaven.

His thoughts drifted back to that fateful day, to the cold calculation in his family's eyes as they offered him up as a sacrificial pawn in their futile attempt to appease the church and find a “solution” to the blight that plagued their lands. The memory left a bitter taste in his mouth, a constant reminder of who his family truly was. Selfish cowards. Had they truly cared for him they would have never entertained such an idea. It was a betrayal, plain and simple.

Flynn knew, deep down, that his father never truly believed the prophecy spun by the church. Yet, despite his doubts, the King had offered up his first born son's life without a second thought. His mother, strongly devoted to the church, had been eager to lend her unwavering support to the high priestess, her faith in the prophecy unwavering. In her eyes, Flynn and his bride-to-be should have been thankful to serve such powerful roles and willingly sacrifice their life for the survival of humanity.

As he gazed upon the crumpled letter, Flynn couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness mingled with resentment and anger. “With all my love…” He mocked in an exaggerated and annoying feminine tone, making a face and rolling his eyes.

Knock knock knock

Flynn cleared his throat as his eyes darted up to the closed door of his study. “Yes? You may come in.”

“Good Morning, your Majesty.” A blonde servant girl from Aurelia entered his study, bowing her head and curtseying. “The first test subject of the day has arrived. She awaits you in the Sage’s Alchemy Chambers.”

“Ah, of course. Thank you, Greta.” He smiled and stood from his desk, “I shall meet them at once.” The girl smiled, bowed again, and left to attend to her other daily tasks around the large cabin he had built for the Princess and himself.

Leaving his study, Flynn hesitated for a moment, his gaze lingering on the stairway that led up to his bedroom with the Princess. She had still been sleeping when he went to his study in the morning, and now, as he stood at the exit of their cabin, he pondered if he should let her know where he was going and…. give her a farewell kiss? The mere thought made him cringe. The Princess thus far had been ice cold to him, even more frigid than he imagined the people of Lunaria to be. He did not think she would appreciate his presence, much less care what he would be up to for the next few hours.

With a heavy sigh, Flynn tore his gaze from the staircase and left the cabin. Although it had been over six months without the sun, it still caught him off guard each “morning” when the sky overhead was dark and full of stars. Perpetual darkness had begun to wear on him, like many people, and he longed for the sun’s comforting warmth and golden rays against his skin. Yet, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope flickered within him. He clung to the belief that, somehow, without sacrificing his own life, he could restore the sun to its rightful place in the sky.

Just a short walk away was the Alchemy Chambers, a place that Flynn had built for all the sage’s that would join them on this journey. Here is where they would study the blight and it’s effects on the environment and people alike. Though their efforts had yet to yield any revolutionary breakthroughs, each day brought new revelations, each research subject a stepping stone towards understanding the blight.

The Prince’s decision to take in the blight-born had been highly controversial, but in two months it had already provided a plethora of new information about how the blight could warp and manipulate the very essence of one's being. If nothing else, it at least had shown people that some blight-born were not all monsters. Some could restrain themselves and be integrated into society once more.

As Flynn entered the Alchemy Chambers, a low guttural growl broke through his thoughts. In the center of the room, an old sage holding a pair of pliers stood before a red-headed woman with glowing eyes. The sage froze in fear, holding the pair of pliers up.

“You will not be putting those anywhere near my fangs.” She hissed, glaring daggers at the old man.

“Thormar,” The Prince smiled sheepishly as he approached the two, “That is quite enough for the day. We do not need to remove body parts.”

“Y-yes, sire! Of course.” The old man put the pliers down on a steel table, bowing to the Prince. The woman looked to the prince, eyes of fire still glaring.

“My apologies, Kira. Seems I came just in time.” He awkwardly laughed, trying to diffuse the situation. She did not return his laugh. “Erm… right… well, why don’t you follow me this way?” He gestured for her to follow him into another room where he intended to take notes about her condition and hear her story, just as he had for many other blight-born refugees in Dawnhaven. Begrudgingly, she followed.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven

First Day of Winter | 40 Degrees Fahrenheit | Clear Skies

The castle courtyard rang with the noise of the bells and the hammering of drum beats signalling the time of day, the loud noise rang out across the barracks blocks and training halls. Squires jogged alongside the courtyard heading outside to do a lap of the course for physical training purposes, there never was a quiet moment In the Royal Guards and especially when you were a squire, he remembered his training days and the constant tiredness, aches and shouting of drill masters.

“The Lord Castelain is required in the Northen Hall, by order of the King” The man nervously said as he read from scroll among many in his satchel running messages around the castle.

“By the King's Command” the lord Castellion replied calmly unlike some who took joy in fear, he had no such need to be feared to be respected. “We all at Kings request.” He spoke respectfully as the runner left quickly to deliver the rest of the commands, messages and summons to the various and varied residents. Making his way expertly through the long halls passing the Paladins at the gates to the inner layers of the fortress, their nod of head as he passed the only reaction, anyone who was not invited would have been met by steel. The vast gates swung open with a slow and deliberate pace, each one around a foot thick of iron hard timber.

The Knight passed through the gap that opened in the gateway passing a second set of guards who matched the gesture of the first. Marching through the courtyard that opened up to the Northern Hall, one of the smaller gathering spaces of the Castle. The doors opened to see the King, the head of the Guard and the King stood at the end, no one else was present and then he heard two others come behind him as he waited for the King's attention. He risked a glance to the side and saw his Squire Daphne and his trusted brother in arms Warsmith Hector, gruff and rough around the edges but a man more loyal you could not find. He acknowledged both with a short nod that was returned and the King turned to the 3 of them, taking each and studying those chosen by the Guards' most senior officer alongside the Lord of the Paladins, equals, except for the King.

“The Princess is going to be living at the new settlement, this settlement is small and newly established. The blight borders are around 10 miles from the territory.” Pausing and waving to a large map resting on a table, a wider map of the kingdoms and a closer scale map with the known blight territory, rumoured information and previous incidents recorded. “Your command is simple. Protect her, her duty is to save everyone in this kingdom. You will have the authority to act as needed, our resources are highly limited, especially as diplomatically this settlement is. Difficult. Act accordingly.” The King turned away to leave the rest to the guards commander and left without pause or delay.

“So now down to the details.” The guard commander pulled out a heavy bag of gold, scrolls sealed with wax, tubes of maps and 3 sigils on heavy leather cords each bearing the Princess Royal cypher and a bright red sword. Symbols that identified them as personally assigned members of her household and that they are to be treated as appropriate. There was also a matching set of 3 fine long bladed knives, chunky and like many Lumarian items, built to survive their harsh climates. “Your funds, there will be more, but this is your funds to travel and get established. We do not know what is available. You will have to hire and purchase as needed.”

“your letters of introduction, our finest maps of the area as best known. And lastly. Your marks of office.” He gestured and each took and placed them over their necks, marking them formerly now as part of the Royal Household.

“We live to serve” Came three voices at same time, one with a note of command, one thick as any lunarian ever would be and a 3rd softer but firm and confident.

“Honour blades. Each bears your name, take them and do not disgrace them. Each of you is now responsible for her life, honour and our future.” They reached for them, strapping them to their belts around their waists with the clink of steel and sound of leather. Their words repeated and oaths sworn by taking them.

“Right, now that's over, being chairs. Some ale and meat. We have much to discuss. And too little time to do it” The guard commander said, ending the formality of the ceremony. Right down to business as a great map pinned to a wall of wood was dragged over, a table to scrolls scraped on the floor and food and drink was brought from the side chamber.

Run. Run, dodge, strike… the wilderness ran by instantly, a blur, dodging, the shouts of men, the sound of horses and the hammering of his heart. Ducking below a rider…the padded mace missed, the counter blow sent him falling to the straw.

The flag. The flag was on the hill…

“Wake up, we need to depart, the stable master has got all the horses shoed and ready” Daphnne shook the old Knight awake who was seeming to sleep under a large oak tree, near the main stables. The sturdy cart sounded as it approached with the sound of heavy horses pulling it and thud of large iron shod shoes on the packed earth.

“Wake up Ya old arse” shouted Hector as he pulled the cart to a stop opposite where they were getting the last minute preparations done. “I know ya old but still” He laughed as he watched the squire try to wake him far more respectfully.

“Thankyou Daphne” He said with a softer tone pulling himself up as the cart rolled up, horses in tow that were ready and Farrier and Smith led 4 horses over that had fresh shoes. “All done my lord, about…” He began before payment was rendered and generously for a rush job. A bow and a quick exit as the two men could feed their families well this month, there was still too much work to be done.

“I'm coming, your arse is as old as mine about” He laughed as climbing onto his large dark brown mount, strapped with gear and weapons.

What counted for night was falling, well.. the rather tenuous distinction between night and day these past years. There was an Inn what looked like a mile away, the light shined from its windows and a fire burned in what looked to be the hearth as smoke rose. “The horses are tired, we pulling over Adon, they are getting twitchy.” The gruff Knight handled the cart back from another twitch in the reigns.

“My mount is slowing sir” Daphne spoke up as she gave it a kick to try and keep it moving, the ride had a fair distance and man and beast were in need to rest.

“We got the coin. Hot meal sounds good to me” slowing up their place until they reached the Inn hearing a growing sound of people drinking, a rather off tune bard and a large gathering of merchants debating something going quiet as they passed. “Watch the cart, il handle the Inn keep” Coswain dismounted and pushed the door open confidently, sword strapped to side, daggers and more making quite the impression on top of his height and build. “Inn keep I need stabling for horses, my cart and bed and board for 3.”

“My…lord, we will try best, we are packed out, you saw all the traders” the Innkeeper said as the noise began to return to normal, it was just travel and not arrests “tonight” as it were. You never could quite assume. “Do your best, I understand” He said trying to placate the man, Coswain knew honey, and gold got more than fear. “At least tell me you have good ale” He hoped. Palming a few coins onto the bar as he did.

“Service, for Service” He spoke with a hint.

The man looked down, then beckoned his wife over who took them and gave the Knight a smile. “Il get you a room, we have a spacious one left, and our son will get your horses ready for the?”

“Abit. abit after dawn,much as it is these days” He said with a little charm, but not too much but to upset the man. “Free ale tonight to make up sir, we have to get caravans ours before you, they paid and I promised” He said with confidence, returning that he was dealing with a reasonable man. “Get them some stew, it's less fresh but still hot, and 3 ales, keep ir flowing.” He said as Hector and Daphne entered.

“Oi, clear the King's guards a table, they need a seat. We a loyal Inn” he shouted over the noise and some men grumbled but got up freeing up a table near the hearth that was soon laden with stew, rough but filling and thick and tankards of local ale. The in keeper smiled, there probably would be no fights tonight, not inside anyway. The traders outside all bets were off.

“Ya paid did ya” Hector grunted as he bit off some salted meat and cut some cheese that looked a little less appetising but tasted good.

“Kings coin, kings Service. Never fails” Coswain said flatly, he could of demanded the Service but it smoothed the way and they had a hot meal, drinks as well as a roof over their head tonight that was dry.

“It beats the road, I Prefer a roof to the stars” tough people as she, they and most present where. No one turned down a hot meal, a fire and dry roof willingly.

“Dawn Haven?” Daphne squinted into the map tracing their route, they had reached one of the passes they would need to traverse, though what Coswain and Hector remembered, a wooden checkpoint for tolls and taxes was a small stout stone keep, walled and barred by a far more solid structure of a wall across the pass.

“We are on the right road. After the Blight came, the King increased security, we are here” He gestured to where they were, his squire had done well enough, just misjudged the distance they travelled. Everyone had to learn the skills through and judgement took practice and experience.

“Royal Guard, open up and give us passage” Hector shouted as they rounded towards the gated some minutes later. “Open in the King's Name" His loud and thick tones echoed out and sounded clearly. “Probably half asleep” He grunted as they sat before someone looked down from the wall. “Open up, tell the captain to be down by the gate”. The shout was returned and they soon opened the gate, and a woman in armour was waiting, hair cropped short with a captain's chain of office and what looked like burns down her neck and exposed hand. “Castelian, how can we aid you. I am Captain Asaura” She said, grasping his forearm in a warrior's greeting.

“Honours be Captain Asaura. Lord Castellan Coswain. Water for our horses, a fire and some information about the road ahead. My Senior Squire Daphne and Master Warsmith Hector.” He gestured to the small group he travelled with. “Not seen you since you where a Squire” Grunted Hector returning the greeting respectfully.

“And still a Grumpy bastard” She replied with oddly affection, he had been a hard master especially to blade maintenance but a good one during her years in the training halls.

“You're still an arrogant one” He spoke but there was no heat and more laughter than offence was drawn. “Still can kick your arse, Captain or no”

“Captain, Thanks in your honour for the hospitality of your keep” Daphne said as she pulled their horses over to the drinking place, water from a high and cold stream, very fresh and crisp.

“My men will handle it, warm up, grab a meal, you can see how things work here Daphne squire of Coswain.” She said kindly. Her appearance and job, even Lunarians cold, and unforgiving showed kinship and aided each other in the battle against their harsh home. That and she suspected anyone who was a squire to a Lord Castelian was likely to be prepared for more than mere line soldier. “Least one of you is civilised” The captain gave Daphne a smile, women in the guard had to stick together, you had to be better, faster , but those who did pass often achieved status and success.

“We can trade information. We have the latest updates on the blight, you know the road.” Daphne said more boldly and taking a risk, she felt like she had to show her metal and be more than a mere side character.

Watching, Coswain just gave a nod. She was learning that sometimes a favour came for a favour, be it coin, information or other services. One could not just take and not give, Lunaris had its quirks and strange aspects and this was just one of many.

The party travelled on heading to gloom Haven, a slow ride taking it easy on their horses, the pace was steady and winded its way down the road. Finally they reached the warning markers of potential dangers. Thick wooden posts each hammered with a deformed skull of a blight afflicted beast or human were marked with red slashes across in paint.

“That's it… Gloomhaven is, Daphnne?” Coswain asked his squire and tested her skills, she needed to become a master of navigation, she was good. But to survive and thrive in times currently, good was not good enough. They had to be the best, he had lost too many good men and women, who were “good enough”.

Consulting her map, trailing the route from the capital, to the Fort and other places they had passed on their ride. “We here, at our current pace, we should be able to make it by time our horses tire” Checking the scale and getting nods of agreement from both the older soldiers confirming she was correct.

“Good, you a little optimistic but close enough” Hector's tone grumbled out as normal, he was a rather hard one to please, gruff and rough. He did like her in his own way. “Past here, keep your sword ready, those markers. We are lawfully able to do whatever and anything we need to protect the kingdom.” His thick accent and tones took even native Lunarian to double check what he said in their mind.

“Close enough” Coswain spoke, past the markers as they turned down towards the sign indicating gloom Haven. “Keep your eyes open, let's go, i'd rather not camp by the road here” He commanded as they picked up their pace more heading down the dark road, the sound of iron shoes ringing out as they headed to greet the princess and her prince.

“You worked with the Princess before? Any information we know ahead of time” Daphne asked as she rode one handed with a second on her sword by her hip. Glancing to the shadows by a large group of trees with deep shadows running into the blackness.

“No, maybe a decade ago or more, I spent my time under the Marshal and not the Paladin orders command of late” Coswain explained with an easy tone, he did not keep his hand on sword but did keep it close and ready. “Less chat, more speed” He commanded.

“aye boss” She said slightly flippantly but got no rebuke as they picked up the pace, 3 armoured soldiers did not get bothered by a group of less reputable folks selling “protection amulets” against the blight. Much as her grip reached to draw her blade and turn to them, she was gestured to carry on, speed and safety was more important than a few charlatans today.

First they saw the large lake stretching out before they saw the town it was named for, a place looking like a jumble of fresh, current and planned construction mixed up all together. It only took a few questions to find where the hall was likely where the princess they were dispatched to protect would be.

“Onwards” came the call and they began their new quest.

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

First Day of Winter | 40 Degrees Fahrenheit | Clear Skies

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” recalled her long journey that brought her to this place, an painful and also strangely one she even survived wiping down the bar with a damp rag and some dab of a caustic potion that helped it cut through the grease, dirt and spilled ale that built up. “Food be awhile, the stew is still cool” She called out to someone as they entered glancing back to a pot of stew over a fire that was licking the sides of the pot in the stone hearth. It would take some time to heat properly.

A grumble was the only reply she got, a Lunarian probbly, some of them were on the more rougher side but also loyal, hard working and also genuinely self reliant and hardy folks.

“That's better” Saying to self as she cleaned the counter to her satisfaction, it gleamed in dark wood veined with a reddish wood. She had no idea of its origins but probably not the cheapest that could be acquired. Given the man who she was told who funded this place, well that was a given that he probably did not cut corners when building the Inn.

Her journey here was part of a convoy, wagons were escorted by soldiers who cleaned them through guarded passes, keeping the ever present risk of banditry that had risen since the chaos and the blight had impacted the kingdom's resources to handle multiple problems at once. Her first impressions of the new settlement were to be surprised that the place was built so quickly, even early on the pace of change was rapid and work was proceeding with vigour.

A harried looking man directed her and the items she had been given to take over the Inn. He barely looked at her but that was nothing new or surprising, he handed her a heavy iron key for the door, her deed and contract as well as a pointed roughly where the Prince's Hall, the market where she could acquire anything that had been overlooked.

The first few weeks had been, well crazy, the pace of change was rapid, getting used to the Inn, its routine and having to learn her basic business ledger and maths. A surprising kind Sunni had taught her that, Blight born, she did not expect anyone to treat her more than something to be avoided.

Sunni had surprised her and took his time to teach her the skills to properly manage her new business. Accounting, how to order supplies and many other skills she lacked, he has been slowly teaching her. On a quiet spell she has been learning the foundation skills of business between serving pints, meals and signing in guests. She took slowly but with growing confidence as Sunni showed to be a skilled teacher, and able to break down seemingly advanced topics into smaller step by step lessons each building on the last.

The owner is socially foolish but hides a high degree of intelligence. To her surprise he even helps out at the Inn when he seems to feel the need, running the bar, failing to chat up women, and men.. or just helping her watch the front while she is busy in the getting new batch of stew on

So now as she looked over the bar at her Inn, her Inn…though someone else owned it, it was…Hers. Hers to manage. A rather extreme change in circumstances for someone who had scraped a living in backstreets, the people passing fed her needs she barely understood in a way that she knew she needed. It was like trying to start your life from an entirely new set of rules.

“Ale, coming up.” She kept her hood up to help blend a little today, everyone knew but it was less obvious as she handed over a tankard of dark ale as the coins were dropped onto a bowel on the counter. “Food is still warming up” She said to the regular whom nodded and found a table near the fire, the bright light hurt her sensitive eye somewhat but she had grown to tolerate it, her senses where intense, overwhelming at times, feeling the need to enjoy the cool, the pitch black and the almost void. It was soothing.

That would not be for a while. It was quiet for now but trade would pick up, Gloom Haven lacked for some things and the Inn did not lack. Wines, ales, various meats and meats brought in by Sunni filled the stock rooms in the back, there was even spices and other things that were never part of her regular life before her transformation.

If trade kept up, she could buy herself one of those nice fur lined cloaks she saw at the market, her mother had one that her father had saved up for months to buy and always had been interested in it.

Well if the figures in her accounts added up, her maths was passable now, but the accounting side she was still mastering how to resolve without any left over on double entry accounts Sunni had called them.

She would look rather good in that cloak… pride, well people might respect her more if she dressed well. She was determined to make the best of the hell she had been put through.

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Walls were being hoisted up on the mildly cold day. The sun might have not been shining and has not for the last handful or two of months, though it was such a pleasure to be in this land. Heavy breathing and individuals out of breath were everywhere as groans and aches could be heard around the area. The work had started early, very early, and it was almost time for lunch. “Put your body into it!” A recognizable voice could be heard echoing out to the small group of men as the pirate-like-dressed noble hoisted a singular wall up by himself. Most people would assume that the man had muscles for show and they were useless. His flamboyant personality and wildly chaotic energy played tricks on other people’s thought processes on who Cyrus ‘Sunni’ Emberani truly was.

A smiling face could be seen amongst the crowd as he stayed at a forty-five-degree angle with the earth beneath him. Mud. Trudging mud was beneath him, and it was caked on his boots like a cold in someone’s nose. Annoying yet manageable. It was clear to anyone that the man had possibly fallen and slipped on the muddy ground that they were working on quite a few times. “You two, stop staring, and secure the wall before I drop it!” Sunni commanded as two younger gentlemen stood around. Boys. They had never worked on building houses and they were from Aurelia — common folk that grew up on a blacksmithing forge.

Y-yes, sir!” Both of them almost got out simultaneously. They both rushed and almost ran into each other to start securing the wall so it would be able to stand by itself with some support. As it was secured, Sunni pulled himself up with the rope so he was standing straight. Tall. He was quite a mess in this scenario — sweaty along dirty. A bath would surely be needed later, though the day wasn’t even at half. “You two are learning so quickly, you’ll be building houses by yourself soon enough!” his words of encouragement were emphasized with him patting the one’s shoulder and messing up the younger one’s hair. He was used to being around so many kids that he forgot sometimes — people didn’t want to be treated like children, even if they were. The two boys were not yet men. The one was on the brink, while the other was still young and boyish in stature. “Come on. Let’s take a break. All the walls are up and secured. We will have to work on building the roof for the rest of the day, but hopefully we can get it on tonight,” he was such a positive man. The one sighed with his words, “It’s so much work…” the younger one whined.

Sunni chuckled and nodded his head, “It is indeed, but you will be better for it,” he hooked the young man’s chin into his hand while looking into the unfamiliar green eyes. “If you need a break, tell me, I won’t be mad. I understand that this work isn’t for everyone and if you want a different job. I can find you something,” letting go of the boy’s chin. Sunni decided to go to the Eye of the Beholder Inn. Somewhere he fancied being because of the socializing and him being needed.

Now you either can catch up or I won’t pay for your meals,” Sunni waved while both of the boys hurried up to his side. They were talking amongst each other as the trio entered the inn. Before he entered the building, he tried his best to stomp all the caked mud off him. Trying his best to look halfway decent. “Go order, and I will tell Syraeia that it is on me,” Both of the boys ended up departing from Sunni as he cleaned himself off before entering, which was something they did not do. Looking at the floors, he nodded — I’ll have to sweep and mop later — he thought to himself before entering.

Going up to the bar and right behind it, he waved with a charming smile at Syraeia when he caught her in his eyes. “Syraeia, both of those boys, they are on my tab for right now,” he informed her while pointing over to the two young men over at a table with only themselves. Sunni went into the kitchen, and he began to make whatever he wanted — usually stuff that was off the menu since he enjoyed cooking and knew his abilities. “Syraeia, do you need help!? After I am done eating, if something needs to be caught up on, or if you need a hand with filling the demands of customers. Let me know. I think the boys need a break from the building. I have been driving them like mules,” he lightly laughed while creating his meal.

@PrinceAlexus Syraeia Leela
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Hidden 1 mo ago 27 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Within the hallowed quietude of his bed chambers, a realm untouched by the ceaseless murmurs of the outside world, Orion Nightingale sat ensconced in profound contemplation. The chessboard arrayed before him was not merely a game but a stark representation of the dichotomy that now permeated his existence—the perpetual conflict between light and shadow, order and chaos. Each chess piece stood as a mute sentinel, poised for battle, their strategic placement mirroring the complex ballet of alliances and enmities that he deftly orchestrated within the royal court. The lantern’s soft luminescence above bestowed upon the room a gentle, undulating radiance, crafting a haven where Orion’s thoughts could unfurl in solitude, unshackled from the scrutiny and anticipations that often besieged a man of his station.

His chambers, a sanctuary lined with opulent tapestries that chronicled the storied past of Aurelia, bore witness to the heritage he had pledged to defend. Amidst this silent splendour, Orion discovered fleeting solace, a cherished interlude from the inexorable demands of his dual roles as the prince’s sage advisor and stalwart protector. The chessboard served as his silent confederate, privy to the internal conflict that raged within—a cerebral skirmish pitting prescience against the unpredictable, understanding against disarray.

With each deliberate maneuver, Orion’s fingers charted the course of fate, his intellect as incisive as the weapon he once brandished with honour in the field of battle. The knight, his avatar on the board, executed its moves with an elegance that echoed Orion’s own adeptness in circumnavigating the perilous legacy of the blight. This intricate dance, demanding both martial skill and astute mental acuity, had garnered him the unwavering confidence of the prince and secured his place at his royal side.

Yet, when it came to the labyrinthine game of his personal affairs, the board was set quite differently. Here, the rules he knew so well were upended, the strategies obscure, the outcomes uncertain. In this arena, he was a player at the mercy of forces beyond his control, where the blight’s shadow cast long and unpredictable. His family’s rejection and the dissolution of his marriage were moves that had left him in check, a solitary king navigating a board where every square was a potential trap, every alliance fraught with the spectre of betrayal.

In the sanctity of his chambers, Orion Nightingale, the Blight-Born strategist, found himself at an impasse, contemplating the next move in a game that was far more personal and complex than any he had ever played on the battlefield or in the court. It was a game that tested not only his strategic prowess but also the resilience of his spirit and the steadfastness of his heart.

It was then that the sounds of the kingdom stirring to life reached his ears, however, pulling him from the reverie of his solitary game. The prince, his charge, would soon be about his own day’s work, and Orion knew his place was at Flynn’s side. The game of chess could wait, for the real-life game of thrones and the welfare of Aurelia required his attention and his unwavering vigilance.

Rising from his seat, Orion cast one last glance at the chessboard, the pieces poised in silent anticipation of a battle that would never come, before exiting the room.

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia Leela was watching the front taking glances towards the kitchen where she was warming up a large metal pot of stew, thick and hearty with some spices, she turned back to chop some onions with a little garlic. Her senses were enhanced by her change and that kind of made cooking easier. A few minutes later the stew was smelling much better and more like the food she smelt at the castle banquets as a child celebrating large events in the borderlands.

Her rather obvious change, the rather eye in the room as it were, also gave her a wide range of vision and clarity meaning she caught the two comers rapidly coming in almost instantly as they did. That had caused her almost constant pain until her mind and body adapted, now she was very hard to catch unawares.

Holding herself back, the mass of the persons spread her need to “feed” as such over a larger group, subtlety, she had yet to truly push or understand her abilities though. Her needs were relatively low and could go unnoticed for now.

“Try the new batch of salted venison, next to tunerac. Hard work, needs a good meal” Her lack of formal education was ever present and not something she could help. Sunni had come in and was helping himself to a meal but the two young lads were talking with excitement…and had also trekked a bunch of mud into the Inn. She gave Sunni a smile and turned to deal with the table.

Pulling her hood up abit more she moved over to the two young men, they looked very muddy, tired though proud of themselves too and from memory they seemed polite enough. “Welcome to the eye, what you having. But I draw the line at the wines.” She said the young men were growing up but not quite ready for that yet especially as she might have to clean up the floor afterwards.

“The stew please” one called out and gestured to the back and where Sunni had vanished into the back. “cheese, meat, bread and some of your sweet treats to share please” The second asked, adding a luxury that they could less often have due to imports bringing an expense. Sunni was paying, so the two young men would be happy, fed and for free. They were least respectful.

“I'll bring your stew out too.” She turned to an older man who had arrived before she was ready to serve. Sunni was in the back and smell was..honestly pretty good coming from the kitchen if it followed what it started as. Or maybe it was just her stew as she had to actively distinguish things due to the acuity.

Syraeia chopped off some salted venison, a thick chunk of cheese, some of the fresh bread from the bakers with butter, sausage and other pieces onto a wooden tray for one of the meals turning to pour some thick stew with chunky trenchers of bread. She began to fall into a well practised routine and felt a little bad she ignored Sunni but was running on autopilot.

Thinking what she needed was hard, unused to asking the person who had helped her for help…it felt odd…but she did need help. “Well I can handle bigger stuff, I need some help on the front, take the tankards, pass out full ones and run stuff back to the kitchen so I can have it making coin. Sorry…I'm sorry. It's just been busy later on when everyone wants lunch or so.” She sounded timid still about asking Sunni, he helped her willingly but she was so used to being a lone outcast. "Oh and wipe up that mud" Trying to force some more confidence into her tone.

Pouring two smaller but proper dark man's ales, she smiled. “I'm looking after them.” Her nerves, well she did not call him sir but still, part of her was still little cautious as a blight born was not always treated kindly however much he never had said anything against her. “I am fortunate, many others are not, my home never stood a chance.” She said, blinking a tear from her eye and turning away from him pretending to tally up anything that needed to be restocked in the shelves before the busy time came. It was very different being protected by a kingdom, having access to their resources and the trained and professional guardians.

Syraeia composed herself before balancing the food, drinks and everything to go out . That was one skill she had gained quickly and handed out to the 3 people sitting waiting their meals. 2 bowls, one wooden tray, a smaller tray and two tankards without a pause.

The portions were a little on the generous side but so many hard working men and women, all the construction and labour. The hearty portions had kept people coming back regularly to eat and drink. They needed a proper meal to be able to work and so did their Jobs. So far Sunni had approved, it supposedly built a good reputation and built some words she did not understand yet.

Syraeia walked out checking her hood was in place from a small mirror of glass placed so one could see what was happening in both rooms. “If you need anything, just ask at the bar, we got a fresh shipment recently, salted Venison, some southern wine and cured and spiced Jerky that smells rather good.” She said softly but with confidence, another of Sunni lessons, once you had customers let them know what else they can buy. With a growing efficiency she distributed everything carried across the tables.

Giving a little nod, “gentlemen” she said, giving the boys a glance too, they swelled at the word and the implication. Young men were proud and at a confusing time in their lives. Crossing the Inn she was soon back to the cooking area and wondering what creation Sunni was working on, he had some interesting if perhaps less practical ideas. Closing her eye a second she sighed in enjoyment at the dark, the dark was safe, a place of comfort. Dropping her hood back revealed warm brunette hair tied into an intricate braid down her back with dark wood and a plain stick used to anchor it and keep it from slipping. The gesture moved her senses to their full acuity and ability no longer muted by her hood's cloth and took a number of seconds to adapt.

“Ahhh” Syraeia vocalised her feeling, her accent was a mix of both kingdoms merged and mutated into a unique form that grew up separately in each of the now many destroyed borderlands settlements, often smaller and independent than ruled by any one man or woman.

Turning to a large account book sat in a safe spot and scribing slowly, cautiously having spent more time than she would admit to anyone teaching herself to write in a now mostly neat looping hand abet slowly. The supply cost she wrote into the column, with notes of the value of stock In another, each letter and number slowly and deliberately formed. “Can you check my tally sometime tonight?” Asking a little more relaxed and calm, almost treating the task like a form of meditation.

Syraeia allowed herself to drop her guard which was genuinely a challenge after scraping a survival for over a year before this, and made small talk, not realising she mentioned how her father who in life was a master blacksmith would have been most upset by some of the goods in the market. She had seen enough growing up to know quality and had been surprisingly fierce about the quality of the kitchen's iron works. Her hand brushed something strapped to her belt, one thing she had refused to sell however starving she was.

Moving the topic on, she started asked about rumours and if anything of note had gone on in town.

@The Savant _ Cyrus ‘Sunni’ Emberan
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Hidden 1 mo ago 27 days ago Post by amorphical
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amorphical Admirer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Please have mercy..." His voice was truly pitiful as he stood there on his knees. The eyes staring up at the woman on the throne. The room was dark, only lit by the two braziers at the far end and yet he could see her skin was white as fresh snow. Sam had lost his family to sickness. Olivia could feel the deep sorrow flowing from him even from this distance. It showed as her face softened and her pupils grew from desire to feed.

How long had it been she wondered to herself as she sat there. Had five years really just past like the melting of winter snow? That night where her own father sat with her on Olivia's death bed. His hands both placed on her fore arm as she slept the sleep of death. She recalled the darkness about her in that place of dreams where no light shown itself in all that time and yet, there was the taste, it was salty and cold. Like water from a mountain stream it started slow pouring over her. It gave her the strength to move, to open her eyes at the world once more. Olivia could see her father sitting there by her bed side his face stricken with greif from sleepless nights, yet now the flavor turned on her tongue to a cold liquid the saltiness of the sorrow of her father turning more towards fear as he could feel the invisible pull of his spirit, his fear growing.

As her fathers fear grew her so did her hunger for that fear. The white haired woman could almost see it dripping off him being torn from his pours towards her body as shimmers in the air like cold water pouring into a glass, and Olivia was so very empty after her slumber. A part of her felt nothing while she watched the hunger strip her dear father of the last of his strength. His body collapsing on the floor with a solid thud stirring the chamber maiden to the room to find the Lady awake and the baron dead.

The maid felt nothing, did nothing at first. "Would the lady care for a bath?"

Olivia could feel nothing from her maid. Jaylen was like a void in the room and the new blight born knew why. The maid had suffered as her own mother, the maids mother, and others within the keeps walls had suffered under her fathers consistent nightly urges. "Yes, then we will need to remove the baron from the room."

So it was the rumor of the baron that gave his life for his daughters revival spread through the country side. In time the white lady of the keep rose to the chair of her father inheriting by birth right all his holdings. This made the territory uneasy to say the least serving under the blight lady, at least, in the beginning. Rumors quickly grew of a gathering to dispose of her through an accident, until her first dealing in the throne room.

Olivia had been raised to rule and govern was no stranger as she stood by her fathers side over many moments of his governing. When it was her turn to do so she felt ready. A neighboring farming family had stolen harvested crops from another and claimed ignorance of the theft. There were no witnesses and the only proof was pure hearsay. Olivia however could feel the animosity from the thieving farmer. She also felt the sorrow of the other family for having their livelihood taken. The anger tasted bold, a little hot like a fresh bowl of mead heavily peppered. Olivia stood slowly from the chair of her fathers, stepping closer still to her meal until this moment she had suppressed her new hunger. Now it was pulling her to the strong allure of emotion. The lady's own anger at the actions of the man towards her people grew within every step she took towards the thief. "You stole from them. I feel your hate toward this family." She licked her lips standing before him she quickly reached out with both hands to hold the mans face as she fed deeply. A wicked grin grew over her normal calm demeanor as she held him firmly, staring into his eyes.

The guards in the room readied their weapons and gazed at the maid Jayen who simply held up her hand for them to halt. The guards the turned their eyes in disbelief as the lady drained the man to the point his very eyes rolled back into his head just before he died. With a thud against the floor the maid spoke in a commanding tone.

"Let it be known that thieves in the land will not be tolerated! The lady has love for her people. We salute the lady of the keep for her protection." She knelt in a respectful way as did albeit slower all the guards in the room, and the farmer who witnessed it with them. Soon it was a common phrase in the land, "I'll see you stand before the baroness." Uttered to those that stole from others. The justice was swift and the Lady Olivia with her ability's always made the just call. Although it eased the peoples minds and hearts there was another moment that sealed her in their hearts and favor.

The lady had never understood how the people chose what to appreciate. Yet it was not her abilities for justice but mercy. A widow, Marie Hathaway had lost her child in birth, her husband some time prior to an accident. She had nothing and came to the lady with tears in her eyes. "Please... I beg of you my Lady end my suffering!" She groveled on her hands and knees before the white skinned woman. Even the guards in the room felt for the loss.

Olivia was scared. She had just fed and yet the sorrow from this woman before her was like a long table covered in every edible thing imaginable. Her hunger gnashed within her body as she looked away from the woman.

Jayen seeing her lady's struggle leaned in to whisper a most ingenious suggestion. She watched the Baroness stand and slowly approach the lady on the floor. The white haired Olivia circled to stand behind the woman and placed two fingers atop the woman's head, the white skin one her brow furrowed as she focused and slowly fed off the lady. Jayen moved as well behind her lady and when she saw the last tear fall from Marie's face she gently pulled the white hand away.

It was in these moments that Olivia became know for. Even more than the justice she had given for her people was the tender mercy to those in pain. Rising from her seat she approached the newest person in pain. Reaching out to place two fingers on the mans forehead and slowly fed until the creases in his brow smoothed once more. Olivia, the healer of sorrow.

As the last of the sands dropped from the large hourglass in the room the time to address the lands issue came to a close for the day. Olivia let out a sigh as she gave Jayen a look of relief. There was a sudden knock at the chamber door. The two retook their poses as the guard now briskly walked toward Olivia to present his message.

"My lady a message from the court just arrived at our gates." He knelt, head bowed as his hand raised toward her with the scroll.

Jayen calmly stepped forward to take the scroll and pass it on to her baroness. "Indeed it holds the royal seal."

It was with the message from the prince that the lady moved now to the new land of Dawnhaven. Replying with favor in her message to the summons. It would take no less then five days travel by carriage across the land and during the days. Oliva of course would have to leave Jayen to the keep while she traveled with her two escorts in plain attire to not draw suspicion. It would look to those on the road as two merchant men and a cart of crates on their way to market. Then before the town she would change to a carriage and refinement the last leg of the journey under cover of night. The windows were covered in tar on the inside to block light. The Lady covered in thick blankets of hide to shield herself further. While the plan was quite clever she still couldn't help feeling like a kid hiding under the covers.

A double knock followed by three slow knocks gave the signal the sun was gone and they arrived in Dawnhaven. The carriage driver gave the guard at the entrance to town the scroll of introduction proclaiming that Baroness Olivia Tzimisce had arrived. Allowed in the carriage proceeded slowly to the tavern. Climbing out from the triple layer she straitened her self before opening the door. The night air felt good as the pale woman looked about to see the construction of the town was still ongoing gave a sigh. Olivia would leave the guards to tend to the carriage before heading to the tavern. Olivia wasnt one for refinement until absolutely necessary. She wore common brown corset an black cloak of bear hide, riding knee high boots and a plain black cotton ankle skirt. Except for her striking pale features, white hair, and red irises, the lady looked unremarkable in her common garb as she stepped inside. The hood remained up as she found a table at the tavern free of patrons where she might sit alone.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A panic was heavily clouding the room as the realization that the first day of winter had finally been here. Today is the first day of winter. Officially. This was not something she wanted to acknowledge as she stared at her long list of many things that Dawnhaven’s people needed. She grumbled to herself as she sat at the foot of her bed, hunched over, and looking through the list. It was sad to see that only one-fourth of her whole list was actually done or set in stone. At least the beginning of what a town was had a friendly and resourceful merchant — Cyrus Emberani — who was very helpful in getting the items she needed. Sadly, she was informed by him last night that the order was running a little late. It should get here within the next few days and he apologized for it not arriving the week before the first day of winter.

It might have been an oddity for such an estranged man to be alone in the princess’s room with her, but she didn’t think of Mister Emberani as a threat. He was a little goofy and somewhat of a pain in the ass at times though he meant good. At least she thought he did. “Elara, will you have time to help create blankets and accessories for the winter months? I feel like it will be harsh and we have no hands…” she sighed as she wanted to say more but found it to be lacking to do so. She muttered to herself some more.

And if you can, can you ask people, when it is convenient if they are capable of helping with the sewing and knitting of warm blankets and socks? I have no idea who could help us with those items except you and I,” Princess Octavia knew she was over worrying about everything but she knew she needed to. The winters could be so harsh.

The princess’s request was more than a mere task; it was a plea for the well-being of her people. The warmth of a blanket or the comfort of a well-knit sock could mean the difference between endurance and suffering for many once the frost set in. Elara nodded solemnly, her silver hair catching the dim light as she spoke.

“Your Highness,” she began, her voice a soothing balm against the chill of uncertainty present in the room, “the winter’s embrace may be harsh, but it is no match for the grit of the people here, I can assure you of this.” She bowed slightly, adding, “I will take your request to heart and ensure that no hand remains idle.”

Another sigh could be heard from the princess as she had a piece of charcoal that was sharpened as a writing utensil. She was making more notes on her list of things to do, “I am not worried for our people, Elara. I am worried for the Aurelians who have no idea what is coming and their princess who is blinded by future fantasies without realizing all the steps in between now and then,” She huffed out her words while finishing the notes. Taking the piece of paper and moving herself to a desk. She set down the paper and turned to Elara with a smile.

I will be asking people too, so you will not be the only one, but we do not have a variety of people here. Not yet. It will be good to investigate everyone’s skills,” Octavia had a warm smile and bright eyes. She was excited to learn more about her husband and his people even if she had a torturous disdain for the moment. The princess of Lunaris was salty about her parents saying yes for her and not giving her any say in the matter of marrying the man. She was trying to get over her own quick-tempered and hard-headed feelings of betrayal and stubbornness. It was such a difficult hump to get over internally.

Elara’s presence was a gentle force as she approached Princess Octavia. With a touch as light as the moon’s rays on her shoulder, she offered a silent vow of unity. “Princess Octavia,” her voice whispered through the chamber, “The Aurelians may stand on the brink of the unknown, but I am steadfast in my belief that with your guidance and our collective efforts, we can cast a net of warmth to enfold them as well.”
She paused, her words drifting down like the first delicate flakes of winter, foreshadowing the blanket of snow soon to envelop the land. “The journey of a sovereign is fraught with brambles laid by the hands of others, yet it is the courage within your breast that will turn these snares into milestones. Each stride, each decree, will be but a mirror of your intent and the depth of your compassion for your subjects. And I believe…that is the truest measure of a monarch.”
A blush, like the faint kiss of dawn, bloomed upon Elara’s cheeks as she retreated a step, her eyes cast downward in a moment of deference. “That is my conviction, at least…Your Highness. ”

Octavia returned the warm smile that she received from her hand maiden, “You would have honestly made a better royal than I have,” She chuckled lightly at her own words. “I do appreciate your very sweet and kind words —” she sighed at the thought, “— We will have to see how well we can provide for our counterpart people. I fear that they are not ready for the winter ahead and I do not know how well we can provide constant relief for them,” Octavia worried about the winter, the future, and everything. She was clasping onto the positivity that she needed to have but she didn’t want to. Her selfishness wanted her to lash out at Prince Flynn though she knew she shouldn’t. It was a war zone inside of herself and it helped to have someone so trusting beside her, Elara, was a savior at times. She had definitely calmed Octavia many times before so the princess’s fiery personality didn’t go nuclear.

Shutting her eyes and putting out her hands, she took a deep breath in and let it out, “I should probably go find my husband…” The way she said that last part made it sound like she was telling herself a lie. “I mean, Prince Flynn… Prince Flynn still sounds better,” she added emphasis on what she preferred to call him —- she was trying to get used to being married to the man though it felt like they were only sometimes encouraged to be in the same area. It was almost like being around a sibling you argued with and was forced to sit beside at dinner while guests attended. Distasteful but there could be worse things in this world.

With those words, the princess of Lunaris decided to go hunt her husband down to inform him of her plans and possibly her worries?

Collaboration with @Qia
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by PrinceAlexus
Avatar of PrinceAlexus

PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Royal Guard of Lunaris

Dawn Haven


𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒 𝕃𝕦𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕒𝕣𝕚-𝔸𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕠𝕤

A Collaboration:

The Hall and Royal lodge they had to reach was hard to miss as the largest and most appointed of those in the settlement. Following the road you just had to look where the biggest building was passing an Inn that looked promising, market and rather extensive signs of construction going on. The sounds of men hauling on ropes, the chop of hatchets and hammer of the forge as blacksmith was lit by orange fire and glowing slowly cooling steel on a rack.

“Seen quieter siege camps” Hector gave a look from atop the cart as he threaded it past a waiting load of timber that had been cut and was destined for a roof or some kind of internal framing most likely. The pair of horses behaved well even with the place being a busy environment.

“Alot of gold invested, Prince meant to have a lot of sway in his home land.” Coswain said as he trotted his horse down the street realising exactly how much pull he had when you saw what was months of work from absolutely nothing, this place was a virgin ground next to a lake and they had laid everything from roads upwards. “Make way, behind you” He called to someone who had not noticed then, horses could be unpredictable at best especially in unpredictable places, would make a bad introduction to hurt someone just entering the place.

Daphne looked back at the string of carriages, one of them was unusual, back with some strange material plastered on it, heavy things of the size of the horses and wheels that pulled and rested on. Following up the rear glad to let the others clear the path ahead she pulled her reins tighter to keep control as her less experienced mount was a little skittish with all the new activities around her. “Easy, easy. Calm down, we safe” Stroking the powerful neck of her mind and soothing it as she rode, the animals mood beginning to settle after several reputations of the words and action.

“We request an audience with the Princess. We bear messages, gifts and have come from the Capital of Lunaris. Kurios Casteillan, Adonis Cowain, Master Warsmith Hector Honoured as “Stone Breaker” and my Senior Squire Daphne Athenus. ” Coswain said formally showing their sealed documents with the Royal seal, the Lord Marshals and his own rank stamped in wax. A large wooden box, a smaller sealed box of letters both with wax and paper tamper marks intact though ink a little smudged from the rain. His own Honour hame was likely known to those who had been in Royal service but did not use it unless he had to, his friend he honoured as an undisputed Master of his arts, he was not an “Officer” as such.

The grizzled veteran nodded at the gesture, he looked more worn and battered than his brother in everything but blood, they had shed it together however many times in Royal service from far north to border skirmish, siege and more. “Stay with us Daphne, just follow our lead.” He in a gesture of support placed a heavy hand on her shoulder, noting the look of panic as she had never been among the Royal family like this, it was a rare honour for a squire to be placed on such duties.

“Thankyou” Daphne calmed down, she had handled her training, her protocol and all manner of things, but that did not prepare you to face the reality of a situation. “See those to the Princess’s rooms please” She said, glancing at the boxes as the other two did not let her be the passive role and expected her to act like the knight she was training to become. It was both hard but also honoured the trust they placed in her.

“My Princess, The Royal guard is here including a Lord Castelian, they have your Lord Father seal, and the Lord Marshal of the Royal Guards. They request your audience your highness” A young man in a smart uniform came up to her in a respectful but also hurry, deciding that keeping them waiting would not be best. Giving her and her aid a bow after he had filled her in on the details he had been given.

He backed off as Three armoured figures came into view, two muscular older men with grey in their beards and a younger woman who was tall but in shape for speed rather than brute force more unsure of herself. Each had all their chains of rank and office visible and paused giving her a bow as the most senior spoke. “My Princess 𝕆𝕔𝕥𝕒𝕧𝕚𝕒, We live to serve, We are at your command, to live and die in your service if so it be, THis is our Oath to you.”

When she was approached by the young man, she smiled, though her smile faded when she heard what he had to say. Her father was sending guards to Dawnhaven? Why? Was something going on? It was odd that there had been no knights, royal guards, or Lords in this land for months until this announcement. It caused anxiety and anger to bubble up. Was something going on that her father wasn’t telling her about? “I appreciat the the announcement,” she gestured for him to lead the way to where this group with her father’s seal was. She had to at least entertain them for a few minutes but she rather go find Prince Flynn and bother him.

Then she noticed the armoured individuals and her smile stayed on her face. Seeing the trio caused a mixture of emotions to run through her yet none of them showed on her face. “Thank you for your oath,” she appreciated the oath and the service but why where they here? Octavia rocked on her heels a little, “Why have you been sent to serve me? Is there any particular reason?” she was curious if they even knew why they were here.

The trio looked across from each other having assumed they would have been expected, Gloomhaven lay close to the blight? Had Lunaris really been unable to spare protection for the people here? Their own Princess?

Coswain paused unsure now himself but tried to not let it show. “My Lady. The Valor keeps established on Vindacus mountains already getting cold, we fear the passes may be closed this year.

Your safety was a concern as well as this vital settlement, we were sent here to join your household. The Royal Guard and Army are as you well know, stretched at present… We do not expect to be reinforced.”
He was uncomfortable admitting their weakness, the winter, the bandits, blight, and more where pulling them more directions and like butter over too little bread. They were trying their hardest but could not be everywhere. He tried to be respectfully frank and honest with her about the situation at present and the problems in Lunaris.

His discomfort at the idea was clear, both he and Hector had served in better times, they could have spared a Paladin detachment and more. The King had them committed elsewhere to more pressing roles. However he would not lie to her about things back home.

“Your Highness, we have travelled recently and can inform you as best we able.” Daphne said obviously new to this, they did not know how many messages, or if any messengers had failed to make it to Gloomhaven.

Octavia’s face sprung with a redness, she was frustrated, since her last letter to her parents was not asking for guards or knights — she requested individuals that could help her prepare by sewing, knitting, or the like. Maybe she added if they could help build Dawnhaven. “I do apologise for my crudeness, though we do not need knights. We need individuals that can help us prepare for the winter. We do not need physical reinforcements here. We need helpful skills or people will die from the cold!” When she raised her voice she covered her mouth in instant regret. She wasn’t mad at the trio standing in front of her but frustrated that her parents took her letter with such a grain of sand that they sent bulky muscle heads instead of anything useful. No, they were useful. Just not in the way she or the town needed.

She began to rub her temples, “I am sorry. I-I didn’t mean to raise my voice at you three. It is not your fault,” she closed her eyes as she inhaled deeply. Attempting to calm herself and focus. With how things were going and communication between her parents and her — Octavia was feeling like she was a black sheep of the family. Something they finally were able to get rid of. It hurt. She knew their lives were busy but she thought they would at least help her a little more than what they have done.

I’m sorry to leave you in such a hurry, but I need to find Prince Flynn. If you want to be useful, maybe go to the inn and figure out who needs help. I know construction is happening around Dawnhaven. You three are muscular and muscles are needed for construction. My apologies. I will be with you later,” Octavia was trying to hold onto her level-headed energy at the moment but she was having such a difficult time doing so.

The breakdown in communications between the settlement and the Lunaris capital made them want to groan but held their bearing and refrained from reacting, there would be sharp words held over an al at the Inn it seemed. It would have to be a very very careful balance sandwiched between two rival royals, The Princess and the King…”We will try our best to help your Highness, Hector is a man of many talents.”

“I can try my Princess” Hector said with a tone that was respectful but was somewhat unsure having been thrown into the middle of a family argument.

Giving her a respectful bow they all had the same thought that their lives just got more complicated, but returning home was not an option, they would upset someone powerful and their only plan was to ride out the situation and try to make the best of it all. The Inn had ale, food and maybe they could make a plan and at the very least be fed and watered.

Leaving the Hall they made their way back to the Inn they passed, maybe they could enquire about room or finding some place to rent too. The heavy door got pushed open into the Inn and found a table near the bar and the fire pit to warm up. “Inn keep? Can you bring food and ales for three hungry travellers, also Construction? The Princess sent us down here?” Daphne called over to see figures behind the bar. Daphne just sighed at the whole situation closing her eyes and resting head in hands, her first truly serious trust turning into a pile of dung.

“Don't forget to ask if they know anywhere we can rent, or land… guess I'm a master builder.” Hector said as Daphne just gave him a gesture back from her point but followed with an affirmative.

“Wine too” Coswain added, he needed a drink to work this mess out and try and find a path of least resistance. He looked around and saw a hooded lady in a thick Cloak, two young lads happily demolishing a meal and he chuckled, they had pitchers of ale, learning the hard way like all young men must if needed. Least the food smelled like it should be far better than their preserved rations they packed on the cart!

Their heavy Lunarian gear shed from travel, the armour glittered in the fire as they cast off gloves, cloaks and such enjoying the warmth of the fire. Now to work out something from this mess.

“Got it oh olden ones” Daphne stayed by the bar wondering if this whole confusion would cost her the knighthood she had worked to achieve.

@The Savant

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chamber

“So you say you are from Aurelia?”

“Yes.” Kira eyed Prince Flynn, sitting across from her on an expertly crafted wooden chair that resembled more of a throne. It's elegance contrasted sharply with the troubled times that the world faced and she found herself wondering why the prince would have such luxurious things made for him here. Were the Aurelian's truly so ignorant? It made her embarrassed to admit she had been born in Aurelia.

The Prince took a feathered ink pen into his hand and wrote down her answer, nodding his head in understanding as he pulled a candle light closer to his paper in order to see more clearly. “How long have you lived in Lunaris?”

Kira's glowing orange eyes narrowed in on him as she questioned why he was trying to pry into her past. What did this have to do with her blight-affected state? She had agreed to let him research the blight in exchange for sanctuary, but that didn't include a lesson on her own personal history before the blight. “Your Kingdom let me be taken from my home as a child and did nothing. Why does it matter?” She stared him down with fire in her eyes. “Now what else did you have to ask me about my affliction? Not my history.”

“I... am very sorry to hear that.” The prince frowned, meeting her eyes and holding her gaze for a few brief moments. Kira could hear his heart rate quicken, but he did not look away. When she saw the sympathy in his eyes, she pulled her eyes away and looked around the room filled wall to wall with books and scrolls. The Prince turned back to his paper and wrote something down before returning his attention to her, “When did you first notice you had been poisoned by the blight?”

“Pain.” She glanced down towards the ground, the images of her last few hours of human life dancing in her mind. “There was a lot of chest pain. I struggled to breathe.”

Flynn scribbled down what she said, a frown plastered onto his lips. “And how long did this last?”

“Two days... at most.” She returned her attention to what he was writing, spotting a note he had written in between his questions. "Subject is hostile towards personal questioning."

“And then?”

“I began to cough blood. I could no longer keep water or food down.” She closed her eyes as she remembered the fear she had felt during her last moments alive. Laying in her cabin in excruciating pain, blood dribbling down her lips and onto her clothing, cold and alone. “This lasted about another two days. Nearly everyone in the village had already been gone by the time it got to me.”

“And what of death? What do you recall from it, if anything?” Flynn's pained expression portrayed his inner struggle of repeatedly asking these questions to her, his discomfort evident as he diligently wrote down each word.

“Hmm...” Kira allowed a slight lift at the corners of her lips, a faint hint of a smile barely emerging. “It was... nice. I was numb. There wasn't any pain left. It felt like mercy and I was grateful.”

Flynn met her eyes for a moment, surprised by her answer. “What of your rebirth?”

“Confusion.” She recalled awakening in a pool of her own blood, the night's eerie silence broken only by the singing of crickets in the stillness of the village - now a cemetery. “I was also...” She hesitated, her gaze drifting towards his neck, where the pulsing of his jugular caught her attention. Very hungry.” She met his eyes again, the hint of a smirk forming on her lips. “And not for roasted venison, which I use to love.” She watched the Prince write everything down, his eyes glancing up at her with intrigue. “The village reeked of blood. It was the only thing I could focus on...”

Knock Knock Knock

"Sire? I have a message." A mans voice from the other side of the wooden door.

“Come in.” Flynn called back, placing his pen down. The guard, dressed in Aurelian green and gold colors, entered the room and gave Kira a once over before turning his attention to the Prince.

"A unit from Lunaris has arrived, by order of the King. They have pledged themselves to the Princess."

Kira noted a flash of annoyance pass through the emotions on Flynn's face, though he composed himself quickly. “Very well. You are dismissed.” The guard bowed to the Prince and left the room, once more leaving Kira and the Flynn alone. “I apologize for the interruption. We shall have to pick this up at another time.” Flynn stood and walked towards the door, gesturing for her to exit ahead of him.

Kira nodded and left the room at his request, trying her best to ignore the pulse at his neck. Recalling her past had made her hungrier than she preferred to let herself be around humans. “I must go find my wife, but I will meet with you again. I appreciate your time, miss Rykker.” The Prince locked the door behind him before turning back to Kira, bowing his head to her, and swiftly left the Alchemy Chambers.

Kira watched the Prince leave before turning her attention back to the Sage who had been examining her physical changes before Flynn had arrived. She glared at him as he read through some type of scroll. If she had less restraint she might've felt like having him for a snack tonight. Fortunately for him, Kira valued this refuge she was allowed to live in.
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The scent of warm spices began to flood the semi-busy kitchen as Sunni gracefully moved around the room. A handful of patrons were out front which he took note of I should be quick. Continuing his mission to feed himself, he was using very simple ingredients, but he was making something that he loved. It was an unadorned dish, though it was filling. A potato and egg dish.

Sunni glanced with a smile when Syraeia came into the kitchen, a little bit of acknowledgment so she knew he was listening, as he finished cooking his meal. “Never apologize to me Syraeia. I understand it has been busy, and I know I should stay to help you on these kinds of days though Dawnhaven will not build itself,” The man grabbed a rag and put it around the cast iron skillet. Moving it off from the fire and onto the wooden counter. Placing some cloth under it.

I planned on cleaning up the mud when I do the floors tonight, I will tidy it up on my way out, but I will deep clean when things slow down,” He informed her politely as he grabbed a plate. Serving himself half of the pan while grabbing a utensil and taking a bite. His eyes closed while he groaned. The man forgot to eat today. This tasted like ambrosia to him.

Swallowing the food down, his eyes opened, and his smile became a grin, “I’ll give the boys a break, and I’ll help around here. Do not worry. I got you,” Sunni confirmed his plans while taking another bite of his food. Leaning against the counter and enjoying the flavor. He loved potatoes.

And you are doing wonderful,” His voice was positive and airy. A compliment to help increase her confidence. She was doing good with running the inn, and he was proud of her.

I am fortunate, many others are not, my home never stood a chance.

Those words caused a light knit of his brow to form, and he stared at Syraeia. Sunni understood that they didn’t know each other, not well, and that they were not friends, but he could see that whatever was on her mind bothered her. Her past. The mood in the room changed, and he could sense the sadness of the woman. His energy turned more serious as his expression faded to a neutral-positive one. He stared at her for a few seconds in thought. Looking down at his food and nodding his head in determining a decision.

Looking up again to see her leaving the back and returning to the front. He sighed. One of his hands came over his face, covering his mouth, as he looked at one of the walls blankly. — So many people were coming to Dawnhaven with such stories. Such horrid backgrounds. The two boys I am training in carpentry, construction, and other skills were orphans from Aurelia. I wish I could help… — The thoughts went through his mind before he continued to eat his food.

His eyes shot up when he heard the familiar “Ahhh” since he knew Syraeia had returned, and a faint smile came over his face. He was always too positive… sometimes annoying for a lot of people but he rather be happy than anything else. “I will,” he mentioned while putting his plate down.

Syraeia,” Sunni said as if he was warning her about something. She was changing the topics about rumors and so on. He didn’t feel like she truly wanted to hear about the drama in town especially after bringing up her own so vaguely and, so quickly. At first, he paused, and he stood a foot away from her. Inhaling deeply, he took that final step and wrapped his arms around her. “You can talk to me about anything if you want to. Life is hard, and it sucks being alone through self tortures,” Sunni softly spoke as the hug he offered was warm, secure, and caring. The man knew too well how it was to walk alone in self-torment. He had for many years… and he still does. It’s like walking on a path in a forest that you do not know while it’s so foggy you barely can see anything around you. You know you are on a path. You know it’s leading somewhere. You know there could be so many possibilities out there in the fog, but all you can hear is the horrid screams and agonizing sounds of the dangers around you. It could be overwhelming and completely maddening if you allowed it to consume your soul.

Interaction @PrinceAlexus Syraeia
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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Village Square & The Tavern.
Time: 10am

Octavia left the Lunaris royal guard with an aching suspicion in her stomach — my father must have sent them to report back. She could not think of any other reason why the guards would be sent here. There were dangers, yes, but she knew her father. He always had double-sided intentions with anything kind that he did. Quickly making her way to where she assumed her husband would be, the princess of Lunaris had slightly pink cheeks from frustration.

When she saw her husband, she felt a tinge of relief, but an overwhelming amount of all the other emotions. “Flynn,” her voice came out more desperate than she wanted it to sound. “Did you know my father was sending royal guards?” Those words popped out of her mouth before she could even think. They were not what she initially wanted to say, but it opened up a conversation with them at least.

She wanted to talk about her list, how not one-fourth of it was completed, and it was the list for the winter. It should have been completed around today. Everything on the list wouldn’t be completed for another month. She was worried about the Aurelians and she was specifically worried for Flynn and Sunni —- be that she might interact with them the most. She was still worried about the harsh winter presenting itself at their doors.

"There you are." Flynn's expression was fraught with worry as he heard his wife call to him, "Are you okay?" Ignoring her question for the time being, he put his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her to face him as he looked her over, as if the royal guards might've harmed her. Even under the glow of the torches that lined Dawnhaven's streets he could see that her face was flushed which made him even more worried than he already had been.

While he had been searching for her, and that military unit sent by her father, Flynn's mind raced with scenarios of why the King of Lunaris would possibly send a group to Dawnhaven without Flynn and Octavia's knowledge or consent. They had been granted full autonomy of this land and yet it was being intruded upon by Octavia's family already. Did the King intend to use this as a way to control them? To keep Octavia and Flynn in line? To watch them and report back? To intimidate Flynn? To take matters into their own hands if Flynn and Octavia did not find a cure or have a child fast enough? Each scenario he thought of was more unsettling than the last. Knowing Octavia was just as skeptical of her father as he was of his, Flynn's concern for her safety was at the forefront of his mind.

Depending on your definition of fine, either way, but currently mine is not. Do not trust them. I wrote to my father asking for seamstresses or the common folk he mistreats to come help with construction and he sent his personal royal knights,” She did not quite ask her father like that in the letter. It was worded more professionally and vaguely than that. Her eyes glanced at Flynn’s hands on her shoulder and her body tensed slightly though she had to remind herself. Sunni told her to try and warm up. Flynn isn’t that bad of a guy. — He is allowed to touch you. It is fine. — Her thoughts ran through her head as she closed her eyes to help her think.

Her blue’s opened up, “Do not trust them. Those guards will report anything and everything back to my father. True or false. Be careful what you say to them. I fear that he sent them because of the blight born in Dawnhaven. He had immoral and horrendous plans to slaughter those people out of fear,” Octavia only knew of her father’s possible plans when she snuck into his study to see what he was up to. She was nosy, especially with her parents' mysterious activities. Her father especially intrigued her when his statements would be indirect and avoid giving her answers.

They sent Adonis Cowain, he was supposed to be the head of those plans for my father,” Octavia was most concerned about that man. He was charming and attractive, tall, and someone that people were intimidated by along with instantly respecting with blind eyes. She didn’t care for his lackeys either. The princess had suspicions, worries, and no good feelings about their arrival.

Noticing the way Octavia glanced at his hands, Flynn released his grip on her shoulders and took a step back to give her some space, clasping his hands behind his back instead. "I agree, they are not to be trusted." His eyes moved past her and looked towards the home that had been built for one of his trusted advisors who was, in fact, a blight-born himself. "I will have Orion keep an eye on them, discreetly." He looked back towards Octavia then, his green eyes meeting her blues. "They will have no place here should they step out of line even once. I will see to it."

Although Flynn did not yet love her, he was still concerned for Octavia's safety and wellbeing. He took his oath to her very seriously, even if they had been forced into it. She had been somewhat cold to him in the two months they had been married, but he didn't blame her. Octavia had been thrown away like a pawn by her family, just as Flynn had been. Not only that, but she had been dragged to this place in the middle of nowhere to create a town by her new husband who did not offer her a say in the matter before making such a decision. He sympathized with her and felt guilty at the same time, but he always struggled to find the words to communicate that with her.

Just then, Flynn noticed a small white speck float from the sky and land softly atop Octavia's dark hair. He looked up towards the sky, the full moon illuminating the dusting of snow that was beginning to fall. "Oh, look at that." He smiled, ignorant to what the snow truly meant for how quickly the climate would begin to change in Lunaris. "I've never seen the first snowfall of the season before."

Octavia could not help her sigh of relief hearing her husband be stern and forward on the matter. It eased her worries a little bit. She was worried for the blight born and she knew how negatively her parents viewed the cursed ones. They were still people. “Thank you. I appreciate it,” It gave her a little more securing faith in her husband. She was not used to him or this whole situation — marriage and starting their own settlement. It was overwhelming.

Then his attention seemed to go somewhere else and she followed his eyes up. “Snow?” she whispered as if she had never seen a fleck of it in her life. That caused the sinking feeling of what she came to Flynn for in the first place before the guards interrupted her little mission. “Snow.” Her voice was panicked.

That’s the reason I was trying to find you in the first place. I had a list that was to be done before snowfall. Before the first day of winter, Flynn. It’s not even a third done… The winters are harsh and unforgiving. My father would let people suffer and die for he believes only the strong should survive and that creates a prosperous society. I need to bother Mister Emberani as well,” She began to rub her temples in a tad bit of stress. She was frustrated —- not necessarily at anyone but everything. The material shipments she set up with Sunni were running behind. “People will surely die if we do not prepare for the winter. It is supposed to be the harshest winter in at least two decades,” Octavia mentioned as she stared up at the moon with wide eyes and a sadness in them. “People will die,” She sounded so certain of it.

Flynn's playful smile fell as Octavia became visibly stressed, his brows furrowing with worry once more. He listened to her intently, feeling the panic that was beginning to exude from her. Although he knew that the Lunaris winters were harsh, it was clear that he and his kingdom must have underestimated it if Octavia was so concerned. Flynn had been making preparations for winter, but he thought things were going well and that they would be supplied enough to make it through. Clearly, his wife thought otherwise.

"I will send word to my contacts in Aurelia to send supplies immediately." He replied, his mind churning with ideas of how he could speed up the process. "Sunni will be able to help..." He glanced past Octavia to look at the tavern that had been built, sure he would find his best friend there. "...I think." Sunni was reliable when people needed him - most of the time. He was very well connected within the merchants circle as well, which would help. There was no telling whether his family would actually help him with this task or not. Perhaps Sunni could do more for them.

"We won't let people die." He assured her, though he wasn't quite sure if he believed himself yet. At the very least, Flynn wouldn't stand idle and watch people die like their fathers would. "These people followed us here willingly..." He looked around the village square, at the cabins and shops that were being constructed and the small handful of people who walked along the dirt and gravel streets. "I'll have them sleep in our own home in the warmth and eat our food before I let them die."

Seeing his playful smile fade caused a neutral expression to overcome his wife’s features. She didn’t mean to ruin the mood. That was something she felt like she was good at when it came to her new husband. Her eyes fell to her hands that had managed to fold into each other. “Thank you… I know that I have been an issue when it comes to my demands. I just want to make sure there are minimal casualties and issues. If the winter gets bad. Supplies will not make it through the mountain passes,” Octavia felt like she needed to explain herself a little. Being stressed along with the forced marriage had rattled her, placing her into a defensive position, but she was being encouraged by Elara to ease up on the prince of Aurelia.

Her eyes glanced up and a slight warm smile appeared on her face, a little twinkle of hope in her eyes, “I know everyone has been trying their best to help. I feel bad for bothering Mister Emberani all the time. He looked exhausted last night when he came to see me,” She had Sunni in her room last night when they were talking about shipments and dates of arrival. She was requesting more from him as well though she had noticed the dying expression on the man’s face. He was working himself into the ground.

Thank you for supporting our people,” She felt like he needed to be thanked even if it felt weird to do so. Octavia understood that if she felt so stressed that Flynn was probably feeling even more stressed about his own duties. Gaining enough courage in the moment during these words, she went to reach for his hands, but they were behind his back. That was when she anxiously tucked them under the midnight blue and maize shawl that she had around her shoulders. Trying her best to make it look like she was adjusting her clothing instead of reaching for his touch.

A wave of guilt washed over Flynn as Octavia explained herself apologetically, making him wonder what he had done to make her feel like a burden, or if it was her family who had always made her feel like a burden. "You are never an issue. You are my future queen and you shall make any demands you please, even of me." He replied with the smallest hint of a smile before his expression turned serious once more. "I should have consulted with you earlier... I.. I'm very sorry." He bowed his head respectfully, staring at the dirt beneath their feet, where small flecks of snow were beginning to collect and quickly melt.

Flynn lifted his head again, a smirk on his face now. "You should never feel bad about bothering Sunni, either. He bothers me all the time." He joked of his friend, glancing towards the tavern. "In fact, why don't we bother him now? I think it's time I return the favor."

Reaching out his hand, the Prince waited to see if she would oblige him and entwine her fingers with his so they could walk hand-in-hand to the tavern. "Shall we?"

Octavia and her younger sister were considered burdens onto the royal family of Lunaris by their father. He wanted sons. His first born was Octavia, then his second was Sylestar, and then years later their younger brother was born. The favorite child. When Flynn reassured her that she could bother him and make her demands, she really didn’t know how to respond, so a somewhat forced smile appeared on her face before she glanced away. It was difficult to navigate how she should interact with the man in front of her. With the experience of her own father, along with hearing about the king of Aurelia, and how the majority of father’s appeared to be — she was fearful that Flynn was hiding another side of himself.

No, do not apologize,” she commented while anxiously dusting off her clothing to flatten it out upon her body. She was thinking, “Everything will get here sooner and later. The list will be completed but I hope it is completed before the brunt force of winter starts,” Octavia was worried about the majority of the list not being completed by the time the snow started getting heavy and dangerous.

A light laugh left her when Flynn said Sunni bothers him, “I believe he bothers quite a few people,” The redheaded man even bothered her at times. He was energetic and sometimes she couldn’t handle the hyperness of that man. “I suppose we can,” her blue eyes went towards the inn that was built. It was a nice place for how small the town has been.

Then she noticed his hand was reached out to her in an offer. Octavia seemed to stare at it for a few seconds as if she was considering a few things. Her eyes glanced up to his greens. Her eyes glanced down to his hand again before she cautiously reached out. The woman seemed so on edge when it came to touching the man. As she hesitated, she began to pull her hand back, and her face almost looked serious as if she was making a bigger decision than holding hands.

Octavia finally made a decision and her hand fell into Flynn’s, “We shall,” She replied quietly but her eyes didn’t meet his, she seemed to look at their hands more than anything, as if she was having plenty of conversations in her head.

When Octavia finally slipped her hand into his, a flutter of nervous energy surged through the Prince. Her touch was soft, and her hand felt so much smaller compared to his, yet their hands seemed to fit perfectly together. The initial contact was both exhilarating and nerve wracking, but Flynn felt like he had finally made a positive step in the right direction with his wife. For the first time, he felt that there might be hope for them.

"After you, my love." Holding the door to the tavern open for her, he decided to try out a pet name, uncertain of her reaction but bolstered by his recent success at hand-holding. Glancing inside the tavern, he noticed the military unit seated at the bar. His playful demeanor quickly began to dissipate as he realized the importance of maintaining his princely persona, especially in their presence.

Octavia couldn’t stop her expression from twisting when the man referred to her as — my love — she wouldn’t necessarily say that title fit, not yet. Forcing down the little rumble of a comment she wanted to say, a smile was forced to her lips, and instead of saying what she initially thought, she let out, “Thank you.” Before she entered the inn which was livelier than other times she had stepped into the building.

Noticing the military unit and personal guard of her father, she tensed, though her eyes shot other places. She was looking for Mister Emberani though she could not spot him in the common area. Her eyes glanced by her husband before they took a second look at him. He was tense as well — The guards must be bothering him. Maybe I shouldn’t have warned him like I did… — Her eyes glanced up to his face before moving around the room a little more.

"Good Morning." Flynn greeted as he stepped forward, his voice resonating with a deep timbre that commanded attention and respect without the need for raised volume - a lesson instilled in him by his father. "Welcome to Dawnhaven. I've just been informed of your visit." He looked at each of the three faces that sat at the bar, trying to gauge what sort of people they might be beyond the surface. "Do you intend to stay long? Shall we have cabins arranged for each of you?" He questioned, each word carrying a weight of authority to it, though Flynn was attempting to be cordial with them while assessing their intentions.

Interactions: @PrinceAlexus
Collaboration with @The Savant
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Hidden 1 mo ago 29 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Syraeia just let herself be held and did not remember the last time someone willingly held her out of kindness. The warmth in her heart that was so dulled and dampened sparked a little, there was a little hope and feeling things might not be so bad. He was much taller than she was, heavier and larger in multiple ways than the slight woman.

She did not speak but rested against him and returned the gesture, tears dripping from her eye and a smile though it was a fragile one. “some things are hard to open, i had to carry on, one foot at a time. I not even sure how I made it out of the borderlands” That time was a rather vague patch of memory, survival, nothing was too low, just had to make it to the kingdom's borders.

“Give me time” She said with a soft tone, her life was more stable, with her body healing, maybe her mind would begin to become stronger and process the horrors of the past. “Long as they do not mind working for a well, me. I will not force them if they are not comfortable or willing. Some have good reasons to fear my kin.” Syraeia gestured to her own singular large eye, ears and the cursed rebirth that had left her a blightborn. She hoped both would be of an open mind but if one of them was and the other could not handle it, was better than none at all. The two children probably had a harder life than they should have though and likely had faced worse than Syraeia, but you did not know what horror they had met in their young lives.

Noticing more people, things were waking up and there were tables not making coins that would be rectified. “Money to be made, lady not get nice cloaks being idle back here.” She tried to lighten the mood and pulled her hood back into place, you could tell she was a blightborn from the front but the side or behind looked like any other woman unturned.

An amazonian woman repeated her requests clad in armour with a symbol that she did not recognise totally, but knew it was important in Lunaris. The other two seemed to be older men, armoured too and bearded with higher quality armour and chainmail etc. “I need to see to tables but i'll serve you once I find out what the lady wants” She said politely, though a little hesitant of the armed soldiers due to their reputation. They did not look like regular Lunaris soldiers.

More akin to those they saw on the roads, keeps and the ones that escorted and interacted with highly ranked nobles or the most wealthy.

Reaching the lady moving through the Inn and throwing another log and another on the large fire pit that burned, the brightness was not most comfortable but they needed warmth and light did her customers. Syraeia was more practically dressed in a hooded cloak over more practical clothes with boots and a treat to herself she had insisted on taking a small base metal charm of a decorated smith's Hammer rested around her neck on leather cords. “Hello, my name is Syraeia, this my Inn, Food, Drink? We have a spiced stew, ale, wines and a few rarer items in stock.” Eyeing her up that she looked like had more money than the labourers and builders.

The red eyes… well Syraeia knew exactly what those meant, but also knew the price that those took on you, your life and your soul. Letting her hood slip a little to expose her cyclopiam features to the woman alone and giving a small nod of attention. “My best guest room is available still, this is a safe place for our kind” Adding that barely as a whisper to the woman.

“Now, would you like to start with wine, ale or something more exotic” Syraeia said deliberately louder projecting her voice. “The salted venison is fresh in, and of quite refined quality.” She said, more confident than she felt at times, but coins… she had been poor, she had been destitute. She would not be, and would run a successful Inn.

Syraeia looked around the Inn and saw potential growing in the evening. Even with the soldiers, they tended to be good drinkers. It was going to be hard work but a little closer to her goals, unlike Sunni she did not hoard like an obsessed Squirrel gathering up nuts by the mountain.

However reborn, some things did not change and her mother had always made the best of their poor income. They never starved or looked raggedy. They still had pride.

Syraeia forgot about replying to the letter the Princes man had left, that topic was too raw for her to face before a busy work day, she needed her head in the game.

Then… she should not have thought that as the Prince came in! The Inn went silent as the Royal couple and she paused giving a respectful nod. “Welcome to the eye of the Beholder Your Highness”. She was a little annoyed though that the timing had broken her flow to get a potential double of room rental and a customer who probably had gold...

The Prince came in, Princess at his side commanding and carrying his title as it almost was a formal sceptre and symbols of power. His posture, his voice and just carried the authority and weight of his family.

Daphne looked up from the bar and glanced over, deciding that the situation had gone to shit, even deeper shit than the last day had gone. This did not seem to be working out.
“Boss?” She glanced to Coswain and Hector who nodded and stood up from the table they were discussing plans given they were in a town that under construction.

All three stood quickly with a surprised expression but soon schooled themselves to a calm expression and a parade rest stance. “your highness.” Replying politely with a nod of the head. “Princess Octavia” to their lord's daughter.

Hector gave a nod and kept a subtle gesture giving Daphne a little more confidence, he understood why she was somewhat upset and frustrated, she wanted to achieve her Knighthood and a failed mission to the Princess own household would dog her career for years. “Lord Castelian Coswain, Master Warmsith Hector, I am Daphnne, Lord Coswains senior squire.” She said politely and smoothly, doing any introduction if needed.

She was well trained, just was still not used to working with Lords and Royalty. Squires tended to not be deployed like this but the guard was pushed thin. “Your Highness.” Coswain said smoothly with a little charm and an easy confidence of experience of 20 years service. “We would be most grateful of Accommodations and your hospitality. As for time, I fear if this winter closes the passes as they say in Lunaris scholoral academy. Regardless of my wishes we will have to wait till the snow melts. The lower passes below Vindacus like the Royale Secundi may stay open but are prone to avalanche and collapse further up in the peaks during a harsh winter.”

He paused with a voice of a confident yet respectful tone, calm and without a waiver projecting his voice clearly yet without any hint of a shout. “We will help where we are able to serve in what we can, we are able hunters, and enhance your guardianship of this land. A deep Winter can be a Harsh and dangerous time in Lunaris my Prince. There is strength in fellowship and fidelity around the hearth.” He finished with an almost actor's end, bringing it to a close with a strong ending and tone of voice.

He saw that the Prince and Princess, well it seemed they presented a united front, maybe the talk of them being worlds at the wedding, was no longer correct.



@The Muse
@The Savant
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Hidden 29 days ago 27 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The cabin's interior was a symphony of silence, punctuated only by the whisper of Elara's movements as she meticulously executed her usual duties within Princess Octavia's chambers. The Princess's absence had draped a cloak of solitude over Elara, offering her a rare chance to work uninterrupted, her focus sharpened by the quietude. Each step she took was measured, each task performed with a reverence befitting the royal surroundings. The stillness was not emptiness but a canvas for her devotion, allowing her to pour her entire being into the service of her mistress.

In the calm that enveloped the cabin, Elara seized the moment to brace for the coming winter. Her initial task was a thorough inspection of the Princess's wardrobe, a treasure trove of rich textiles. She plunged into the depths of luxurious fabrics, her fingers selecting the most robust cloaks and the softest shawls, each destined to fend off the biting cold. With meticulous care, she examined every garment, mending even the smallest flaws, ensuring that the Princess would be wrapped in nothing but perfection.

Elara's attention then turned to the living quarters, where she acted as the guardian against the frost's advance. She stocked the fireplace with ample firewood, arranged in a precise order, ready to ignite and spread warmth throughout the room. The windows, too, were secured under her watchful eye, fortified to resist the creeping drafts that sought entry. Her scrutiny extended to every corner, every crevice, vigilant for any sign of disrepair that might betray the sanctity of the Princess's haven.

Amidst her labours, Elara's mind wandered to the conversation she had shared with Octavia. She remembered the Princess's heartfelt request for assistance in preparing for the harshness of winter, and this memory spurred Elara into action. The potential delay in the arrival of necessary supplies added a layer of urgency to her mission, fueling her determination to find a solution swiftly and efficiently.

"I shall begin my search at the heart of our community," Elara whispered to herself, the weight of her duty anchoring her resolve. She envisioned the settlement, a mosaic of faces and skills, certain that within its bounds, she would find those capable of weaving and stitching the needed warmth for the cold season. The possibility of discovering untapped talent among the newcomers was also a hopeful thought that brightened her spirit.

A small, optimistic smile played upon Elara's lips as she pictured the lively marketplace, a hub of activity and potential. The challenge of identifying the skilled individuals required for her task was daunting, yet she was ready to commit herself fully to the endeavour. Her dedication was unwavering, driven by the desire to alleviate some of the pressures resting on Octavia's royal shoulders.

With determination propelling her forward, Elara stepped out from the protective embrace of Princess Octavia's chambers. Her heart was buoyant with the anticipation of meeting the settlement's new inhabitants, each a stranger from lands she had yet to traverse.

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Hidden 28 days ago 27 days ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Orion neared the village square, his aura of steadfast loyalty was palpable, his deliberate steps halting at a vantage point from the prince and princess. His mind, ever the tactician’s, parsed their urgent exchange with alacrity, attuning to the princess’s fervent pitch and the prince’s reticent stance. With a nod to discretion, the blight-born’s shadow melded into obscurity, affording the royals a veil of secrecy for their discourse. He mused, almost with amusement, on the ghostly quietude of his movements.

Blight-born or not, he’d often been told that he was too quiet for his own good.

The cloak of night draped over the village, its early morning whispers fading into a serene hush. Orion’s contemplative gaze lifted to the celestial canvas stretched above, his lips etched with a faint furrow. The stars, strewn like jewels upon the heavens’ expanse, shimmered dimly, a mere reflection of the absent sun’s radiance. A wistful ache touched him at the sight, a longing for the sun’s warmth and splendour that his cursed lineage permitted only in small doses—a cruel jest for one who once basked in its luminous embrace.

Abruptly, the silent waltz of snowflakes began their descent, a graceful cascade of white veiling the nocturnal landscape. They fell, defying the impending winter’s severity, each flake a hushed harbinger of the shifting seasons. Orion observed their accumulation on the earth, a pristine shroud cloaking the world in innocence. Extending his hand, he watched the frosty grains settle upon his palm—one, then another, a gathering of cold kisses.

The snow was anathema to him—the chill, the pallor, it all stirred a yearning for the warmth of a home now beyond his reach.

Yet, as Orion beheld the prince’s unguarded marvel at the snow’s first dance, a subdued smile found its way to his lips. For Flynn, the snowflakes were an impermanent enchantment, a respite from the weight of sovereignty. But for Orion, they signified more—a poignant memento of time’s relentless march and the looming duties that beckoned him as both sage and sentinel. Watching the prince’s childlike awe, Orion felt a twinge of nostalgic sorrow for lost naivete, tempered by the sobering recognition of the trials that awaited. In that brief interlude, however, he discovered comfort in Flynn’s simple pleasure, a testament that within their complex existence, moments of unblemished splendour still flourished. If only they just took the time to look around and take it all in.

Post-entry, Orion reclaimed his post outside the tavern’s inviting radiance, his back to the wall, arms folded in silent vigil. His form, a pale wraith against the village’s backdrop, stood as an unspoken oath of protection. His keen gaze swept the vicinity with an eagle’s acuity, noting each transient figure, the rustling of the breeze, and the rhythmic sway of the tavern’s sign because of it. He acknowledged passersby with a nod, eyes briefly closing as memories beckoned, yet his vigilance remained unbroken—a guardian ever watchful, ever-present.

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Hidden 28 days ago 28 days ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I am sorry,” The whispered mouthed words of the beautiful brunette echoed louder than what they truly were as he felt the pressure of her hands against his chest. His body tried correcting itself, though his knees gave out while his weight exceeded the railing edge. Before he knew it, his instincts kicked in, and his wings flew out from his body to catch him before any serious damage was done.

His body was riddled with surprise while he allowed his feet to touch the ground, about a hundred or a hundred and fifty feet below the candlelit room where he heard a vocal argument break out. His moonlit eyes stared up for only a second while a gentle frown appeared — This is unfair — was the thought that crossed his mind before he turned away. He knew he had to, or hell would break loose. That didn’t stop him from proceeding into the darkness, stopping and staring up at the dreadfully animated shadows of two lovers who had long forgotten each other or never loved one another in the first place.

There was no misplacing the light-boiling anger that he had in his chest as he disappeared into the night. He was painfully oblivious to what the universe had in store for them. Pleiades did not realize that this departure would be one of finalization. Looking down at the parchment in his hand that was sealed with the beautiful crest of the Lunaris royals —- a hollow star, a moon, and the darkness of the night. He was making a six-hour flight to Dawnhaven to unknowingly give the young princess her last letter from her mother, the Queen, and he planned on returning to Lunaris after that. When he could, that was. Being the main expedited messenger boy for both royal kingdoms was a lot of work.

His hand caught the ridges of wood while he hung there on the window frame. The tip of his toes gave him a little leverage as he knocked on the window. Its faint echo was quickly answered by the lovely princess, “Good evening Pleiades,” Her voice was monotone like always upon his arrival though he could see the sparkle in her eyes. She was always excited to receive letters from her mother.

Your mother loves to keep you updated,” he chuckled while handing her the letter which was trapped in between two of his fingers. His index and middle. Octavia took it with a faint smile and a nod, “I appreciate your haste in delivering these,” She waved it up as she went into her room.

Pleiades sighed as he crawled into the window, “Only for the Queen,” his voice was humorous though his eyes were serious. The only reason he got those letters to and from Octavia so quickly was because of the relationship he had with her mother. It was unorthodox though comforting for the duo involved. He sauntered around the princess's room as he pretended to be interested in paintings or things hanging. “It is none of my business but why do you not share a room with your husband?

Octavia’s eyes shot up to him in a glare as she sat there on the edge of the bed, “You are correct. It is none of your business,” She almost spat out those words as if she were being poisoned by the blight-born.

This caused Pleiades to grin with his pearly whites, “So feisty and beautiful. I doubt a prince of Aurelia could handle you, my princess. I see why you do not share a room with him,” The bird-like-humanoid teased while he turned to face the princess. Putting a hand on his hip while letting his head fall to the side as if he was curious about something.

Do you not have more deliveries to get done, Mister Porter?” His face turned when she became formal with him. He shrugged his shoulders in distaste to the shift in their interaction.

I suppose that I do,” He confirmed that he had more things to deliver or receive. With that, he did not hesitate to go back to the window and slip out without another word.

It was somewhat odd working with the Aurelian royals versus the Lunaris — except for the kings. The man was always face-to-face with the Queen or the princesses of Lunaris while he was third-partied when it came to the Aurelian royals. They must have a stick so far up their asses they thought they were better than blight-born… wait they do think that without a stick being so far up their ass.

Receiving the letter from the royal family to Prince Flynn, Pleiades took his time getting it from Aurelia to Dawnhaven. The man could honestly have the letter delivered in under half a day but the royal family in the southern kingdom was so disrespectful in his eyes. He was their main expedited messenger… and possibly the only efficient one in all the lands and the Queen wouldn’t even flatter him with her presence. “Even before the plague of Lunaris… I can remember that the Aurelian nobles and royals looked down upon the lesser people. It’s quite a pathetic familia trait,” The bird-like individual commented to himself as he took his time getting the letter to Dawnhaven.

Upon arrival, it was early, and he had no interest in interacting with the young prince. If he was anything like his family — Pleiades would die from preppy, stuck-up, and out of reality delusions from the young man. Going to his office, he went to turn the knob, and he noticed it was locked. “Doesn’t he know he has a letter?” he sighed as he thought for a second. Shrugging his shoulders, Pleiades unlocked the study with his talons. A click allowed him into the door with the turn of the knob. Going in and closing the door behind him, the man tossed the letter onto the desk.

Taking his time, Pleiades sat in the studies chair, and put his feet up on the desk. “This place is honestly disorganized…” Pleiades glanced around the room while putting his hands behind his head and relaxing back into the cushioned chair. His head flopped to the side as he realized something. A hand extended as he ran his fingers along the bookshelf, “...and filthy,” he mumbled while rubbing his fingers together and spreading the dust onto his fingertips. With that, he wiped off his hand on his pants and decided that he had enough of a break.

Pleiades stood up, stretched, and his feathers ruffled a bit with the stretch. Not realizing that he lost a beautifully raven black feather on his way out. He locked the door as he shut it behind him and left without much of a trace.

How are you going to pay me, princess?” The man twirled the letter in his hand while his moonlit eyes focused on the second princess of Lunaris. Unlike her older sister, Sylestar looked like the night sky. Her hair was the color of the stars while her complexion was pale compared to the moon. Her eyes were the same color as Octavia’s and their mother's. She was a lovely sight to look at.

At first, she seemed to hesitate at that question, but she nodded her head, “I know you enjoy it when people pay with their bodies,” That sentence seemed to shock him — she wants to pay me with her body? — and he could not believe what he was hearing from the young woman.

A smirk appeared on his expression with his eyes narrowed, “And you plan on paying me in such a way, princess?” He asked as if she was lying to herself. As if she didn’t mean her words she looked slightly offended when he asked such a question. If there were any onlookers they would assume that Pleiades was the one demanding such a payment in a boisterous way.

Am I not allowed?” Sylestar questioned while slightly furrowed brows and pinkened cheeks.

Pleiades shook his head gradually in the negative while grinning, his finger gently guiding her chin, so she was looking up at him. Their eyes met while he stared down at her in consideration. “Do you truly want to pay with your body?” He was in disbelief that they were having this conversation.

Sylestar seemed to tense upon his touch as if she was regretting her words but he was unsure if he was imagining such a reaction or not. “I mean it. I cannot pay you in means of monetary funds. My father will know I am sending this letter to my sister which he disapproves of. I doubt you want any of the things in my room,” She gently gestured without turning her head or taking her chin away from him. “It practically still looks like a child lives here. Unless you like jack-in-the-boxes or possibly overly decorative spin-tops,” She forced a laugh down her throat so she wouldn’t offend Pleiades — she didn’t know if it would or not.

A piece of parchment in that decorative seal of the royal family fell upon the table in the middle of the room as the gap between their bodies faded. “I would love for you to pay with your body,” Those words were whispered out as if anything higher than a mouse's squeak would ruin the moment and wake him up. He had to be dreaming, this couldn’t be real, could it?

His hand gently began to travel from her hip, up her waist, and snake around her back. He could hear the younger woman suck in her breath and hold it as if she was waiting for something that would cause fear or pain. Lips pressed against the soft spot right in front of her ear, “I would not dare hurt you. Do not be scared. I’ll be as gentle as you want me to be,” his warm breath pressed against her ear as lips met the curve of her jaw. The hand that wrapped around her back purposefully put pressure on her to fall into him as his other hand grabbed her other thigh, securing a hold, so she wouldn’t fall. Their lips interlocked — Sylestar’s with surprise and Pleiades with needy lust.

A faint little groan came from Sylestar as she seemed to adjust herself or attempt to in his grip. Pleiades parted their lips and stared into her eyes, “Do you not want me kissing you?” He curiously asked the question without realizing such an action could offend her.

Quickly, she shook her head in the negative, “No, it is not that. Your grip is causing the pins of my dress to stab into me,” Her words were whined out in a little frustration and barely a hint of pain to her voice. “I am sorry,” She apologized.

His eyes lingered on her face as his grip upon her thigh loosened, “I hurt you. I should be the one apologizing to you, my princess,” His voice was stern but he knew his one comment would not fix the twenty years of mental and emotional abuse of the young woman believing she was an issue even if she was in pain. She wasn’t a male heir. Unimportant to her father’s future plans for the Northern kingdom.

Please stop being so formal Pleiades… if you keep calling me by such a title, you mide as well be on your way out that window to deliver my sister’s letter, it is urgent,” She wasn’t savoring the formalities that the messenger kept with her or her family. Constantly referring to her as ‘my princess’ and continuing it in such an intimate interaction wasn’t for her taste.

A chuckle followed by a smile sprang from Pleiades, “As you wish, is there something else you would enjoy being called?” He asked while twirling her strong wavy locks in his fingers. Playing with her hair as he stared into her eyes.

No,” she shook her head almost in a confused thought kind-of-way as she backed up from him. His eyes seemed to become intense when she separated herself. Was she going back on her payment? That was answered when she began to undo the laces of her clothing.

Pleiades hoisted the princess up without much effort as he sat her at the foot of her bed. Delicately and thoughtfully his hands helped her reveal her body from their hidden state.


You are beautiful,

Guiding her to lie down on her back, he stared into her eyes, “I want you to relax and enjoy this,” His eyes were always intense. Looking like the object that the Lunaris people worshiped — the moon. Her blue orbs stared up at him, a tinge of worry, but overwhelmed with unknowing exhilaration.

I heard blight-born like you do not care if the other participant gets any enjoyment out of the overall experience,” Sylestar stated while propping herself up on her elbows to look at the man who kneeled at the end of the bed before her.

Pleiades titled his head, “Oh, I might be a blight-born, darling, but I am not a monster,


I do enjoy it the most when the other person is having as much fun as possible,

Now relax,” Pleiades demanded, and Sylestar seemed almost hesitant to remove her elbows from under herself though she did as she was bidden.


Pleiades,” Her hand reached out for his hair.

His face couldn’t help the grin that it sported, “Is someone nervous? A little jumpy from my perspective,” The man teased her as she rolled her eyes.

I might be a little…” Sylestar softly said since she knew she couldn’t deny it.






I see why people enjoy paying you this way,” A delicate hand came up to gently caress his face with the tips of her fingers.

Pleiades smiled at those words, “I try my best,” He acted as if he was humbled, though he took pride in being good at pleasing people. Intimacy was such a delicate matter that running it short and not bringing the best out of both individuals was seen as a waste to the man. Only one person having fun sounded boring, and avoiding the challenge of learning someone’s body sounded lazy.


Oh, I didn’t realize such a man enjoyed shy girls,” Sylestar was beginning to get familiar with his little humorous and teasing comments.


The blight-born allowed his lips to meet with hers as they began to kiss. His hand coming down and stopping her little attempts to bring him any pleasure. “I don’t care for shy girls, princess,” He let the title slip out of his mouth as she instantly groaned with being dissatisfied though she was beginning to warm up to such a formality between them in the current circumstances.

Their lips continued to find each other, Pleiades took off his pants, as he continued to enjoy the tingling sensation on his lips. It was funny how a simple kiss with a little bit of passion could cause sparks of sensation to occur on the lips and linger in the face. It was pleasant.







Sylestar accepted the kiss with a smile. Her fingertips gently caressing his jawline, “You are a very lovely man, Pleiades,” her voice was low with bliss.

And you are a very lovely woman, Sylestar,” He kissed her once more before he began to get up. There wasn’t much time for dilly-dallying. There was still an urgent letter that he needed to deliver to the princess.

As he grabbed his pants to put them back on, Sylestar sat up, “Pleiades,” her voice changed from that pleasurable bliss to one of concern. “I know… my mother and you were close. If you want to read that letter you can. Just reseal it before you deliver it to Octavia, please,” Her tone almost sounded regretful. He found himself feeling suspicious as he put on his harem-style pants on that were decorative and colorful.

Farewell, my princess,” Pleiades stated as he grabbed the letter before leaving the princesses room from the window.

Pleiades found himself sitting on a larger tree branch with his back against the trunk almost a thirty minutes flight out from the Lunaris castle. Sitting there and twirling the letter in his fingers, he was debating if he wanted to open it or not. Thinking if he should disturb the urgent news he was supposed to hand over to Octavia —- I know… my mother and you were close. If you want to read that letter you can… What was that supposed to mean?

Finally, he let himself gently open the letter to unbother the seal. Pleiades found himself reading the letter with impatient desire. What was going on in the royal family? Was this something to do with the last two times he went to see the Queen and her bed chambers were being reorganized? So many questions were running through his head as his eyes scanned the beautiful penmanship of Sylestar.

The man didn’t even realize that tears were staining his cheeks until his eyes blinked to find his eyelashes heavy with wetness. The inner part of his bottom lip was sucked in between his teeth and slightly chewed on. He had to put the letter on his lap and place his face into his hands. His breathing was uncontrolled as he tried to gather his thoughts. Pleiades hadn’t cried like this in roughly two decades. It began as a shocked pain before aggressive and chest-pain sobs fell from his lips. His body moved in the sorrow that he felt as he continued to mourn over such news. A part of him wanted to crush the letter and pretend that it didn’t exist though he had a job to do. He had to deliver this news to the princess of Dawnhaven, Octavia.

Pleiades knew that he sat there and cried for a while but he sat there even longer in the silence of the forest. Staring blankly into nothing, absorbing nothing around him, and his mind was too jumbled to think. As his emotions settled down into a manageable state, he had a small pouch that usually hooked to his thigh and around his waist though he was carrying it for the moment. Reaching in there, he found matches, and he lit one. Reheating the wax of the seal before pressing the letter closed again. His head fell back into the tree as he stared up to the many intricate and overlapping branches.

You are not allowed to continue to cry over this, Pleiades,” These words were vocalized to help him find the strength to keep his emotions leveled. It was hard to do so. As he stood up, catching the letter and bag. Pleiades attached the bag to his waist and thigh before securing the letter in the pouch.

The man found himself off to Dawnhaven and like he promised, he wouldn’t waste time getting there, but he knew that the young princess was going to deliver him such news. She knew that he wasn’t going to make it to the newly established town in the time that he wanted. He was already three hours late from his emotional session of realization and acceptance.

It might have been a poor decision for him to make, but Pleiades wasn’t going at a safe speed or thinking at all. His flying would be considered reckless even by him if he was in the proper state of mind though he wasn’t. Almost going too fast to stop safely, Pleiades flew at speeds of up to 500 kph which allowed him to arrive at Dawnhaven in the early morning. Roughly six hours after he truly started leaving Lunaris to arrive at Dawnhaven.

The hours were early and the moon was eternal though he found candlelight in the window that he wanted to see it in. Princess Octavia was awake. Clinging to her window frame like usual, he knocked on it, and quickly as usual the princess answered. “What brings you at such an hour?” She was surprised to see him hanging on the frame of her window so early. Though she was awake, he disrupted her knitting socks for the people for the winter months.

Urgent news from your sister, Princess Sylestar,” Pleiades was surprised that he was able to talk to Octavia without his voice cracking with emotion. He forced a smile while handing the letter over to her.

Octavia seemed suspicious of his behavior, “Thank you but may I ask something?” She wanted to know why he wasn’t being his usual self. The man constantly flirted or made little comments. His smiles were genuine most of the time. His smirks had little curls at the edge of his lip that showed pride and amusement. The grins that he would sport showed absolute enjoyment of whatever was happening. None of that was present today.

You may,” He faintly approved while his intense eyes stared into her blue eyes.

Why are you not your… usual… self?” That was the proper way to put it. He wasn’t acting like the Pleiades that she knew. It was somewhat unsettling to be honest.

Pleiades let his attention fall to the floor and he nodded his head, “I would recommend you do not open that letter by yourself, Princess Octavia,” The man didn’t give her time to reply before he took off. Her hair whipped around her face, the parchment fluttered at the gust of wind, and she looked utterly flabbergasted by the response. The first question she had was if Pleiades was reading her mail or not. That was an upsetting thought.

Princess Octavia stared at where he went in the sky but he was already long gone. She glanced down at the letter in her hands before closing the window. The young woman went and sat at the edge of her bed where her knitting project lay. She stared at the parchment. No one was currently awake at such an hour so she couldn’t open it right now if she was encouraged to open it with someone around. It was urgent, she should open it now, but with how Pleiades was acting she was hesitant to see what information lay in such a letter from her sister.

She would place that letter on her bedside table to open when she had another presence or two in the room. Do not open that alone. What a statement to tell someone.

Pleiades found himself on the roof of the inn or at least what he assumed to be the inn of Dawnhaven. It was a larger building and looked to be two or three stories in height so no one would catch him up where he was on the roof. Lying there, he stared up at the moon, and tears began to stain his face again. Why was he this upset? “You are not allowed to be this upset, Pleiades,” He spoke to himself some more as he put an arm over his eyes. His body wanted to sob out of horror and a mixture of emotions but he kept himself silent so he wouldn’t disturb others with his emotions. His body quietly and painfully jerked and twitched from his emotions as he continued to mourn a loss that was not truly his to mourn.

- Flynn
- Princess Sylestar (younger sister of Octavia)
- Queen of Lunaris
- Octavia

- Lunaris
- DawnHaven
- Aurelia
- Everywhere in between
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Hidden 27 days ago 27 days ago Post by amorphical
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Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Olivia sat there at the table furthest from the hearth. Her bear cloak with the thick fur hid her more slender figure and milk skin beneath. She could feel it like a snake coiling in the very pit of her stomach. The time at her fathers keep had been a blessing in disguise as she freely fed from wrong doers and those overcome by grief and yet now it had taken its tool on her. Not a day after her rebirth was with out something, or rather someone. There was also Jaylen to keep her in check yet now it was as she had been cast out into the wilderness to fend for herself. The long five day journey with nothing and now to be in the midst of an inn was almost a cruel joke.

Reaching the lady moving through the Inn and throwing another log and another on the large fire pit that burned, the brightness was not most comfortable but they needed warmth and light did her customers. Syraeia was more practically dressed in a hooded cloak over more practical clothes with boots and a treat to herself she had insisted on taking a small base metal charm of a decorated smith's Hammer rested around her neck on leather cords. “Hello, my name is Syraeia, this my Inn, Food, Drink? We have a spiced stew, ale, wines and a few rarer items in stock.” Eyeing her up that she looked like had more money than the laborer's and builders.

The red eyes… well Syraeia knew exactly what those meant, but also knew the price that those took on you, your life and your soul. Letting her hood slip a little to expose her cyclopiam features to the woman alone and giving a small nod of attention. “My best guest room is available still, this is a safe place for our kind” Adding that barely as a whisper to the woman.

“Now, would you like to start with wine, ale or something more exotic” Syraeia said deliberately louder projecting her voice. “The salted venison is fresh in, and of quite refined quality.” She said, more confident than she felt at times, but coins… she had been poor, she had been destitute. She would not be, and would run a successful Inn.

So when the tavern lady came by to offer food she nodded. She was so very hungry! Reaching within her cloak to return her hand and a sack of coin. "Yes. I need two rooms, a..." Olivia stopped mid sentence to gaze on the woman's features. The baroness nearly cried. Never had she imagined to see another blight born always thinking it would be terrifying and a fight in some animalistic territorial battle. Yet when faced with a woman whose eye shone brighter then the moons reflection on a still lake she could barely contain her awe. "So beautiful." Her voice a soft breathy whisper. The woman's words of 'exotic' echoed in her heart. The two red rubies staring up at he for only a second before being crested by her own hood like a cloud drifting over the sun. She would take a deep breath and let out a sigh before continuing. "A room for my two coachmen. And I will take the best guest room for myself." She gave in to desire and gave another cute glance out from behind her hood before retreating. "We will need food. The stew, some ales, salted venison and wine for myself. How much would that come to?"

Whatever the price she paid it freely and a very generous tip to total nearly half of the price. While time passed the woman in her cloak would be glancing at the tavern hostess. She couldn't help not to. There were a million questions flying about her head Olivia felt desperate to ask her. They were like stars that shined in the nights sky orbiting her each with their own questioning flicker of light. It was hard to focus on anything else. Even when the two guards entered after stabling the horses and staging the carriage her mind was far from the inn and coiled about the other blight borne woman.

Soon entered the inn two men stopping briefly to look about before they pointed to the bear cloaked figure and walked in a line to her table. One man had dark reddish hair and full beard. He was tall and fairly strapping. Wearing common clothing and a short blade at his side. The other man clearly related to the first except with brighter copper hair and a short growth about his face."My lady." His voice had broken the spell for now as she turned to face him covering her eyes. He could tell she was being kind and yet felt there was something off about her mannerisms. To his knowledge the lady had never in her life left her fathers lands. Nobility had a way of getting anything they wished delivered. He coughed. "Forgive me, The horses are stabled."

In a low voice she spoke to not be over heard. "Quiet Alex, There may be others about. You need not draw such attention to me... yet. I ordered food and ale for you both. I also took the liberty of making lodgings for you and your brother as my thanks for the service."

"Please my, " He cut himself off from repeating past mistakes. "...it was our pleasure. I am sorry to be so intrusive but it seems you are not well."

She leaned back into her oversized cloak. Taken by his notice, "I am ...hungry." Her voice grew dark. "I will need to see you both after dinner in my room." She turned to Alex, "I need you to get drunk, very drunk." Olivia was so very grateful to be hidden under her cloak as she felt her face become slightly feverish.

Alex looked nervous and nodded. "As you wish." He turned to his brother Jones. They had done it only once before yet it felt strange to hear her ask again. He recalled on their journey they had tried, pulling the wagon over as the lady groaned and thrashed inside her carriage. When it was night of the third day. The lady looked thin in her face. Her eyes gave a slightly reddish glow like they had never seen before. Together they came up with a plan he recalled with a pale blush.

John would be the safety holding her cloak as Alex stood there a good distance from the carriage. As the door opened revealing the dark interior it was almost terrifying to behold. The ladys eyes glaring from the dark pit of the interior. Her hands reaching out from that darkness as she slowly emerged. Alex could feel his heart beating in his throat. He wanted to run to scream for help even after having seen it for nights in her inner chamber. How she fed it was another thing to be experienced! By the time she had reached the half way distance between the two, his legs gave out. He could start to feel it. The pull on his... fear. It only made the event so much more terrifying. To be afraid, to have your mind screaming at you to run and yet feel calm as a hiker might realizing the impending avalanche was unstoppable. In the moment Alex consigned himself to the fate of being devoured.

John rushed from behind in the moment he had counted her steps and watched the ethereal creature he called lady cross the halfway point. At the last moments when he wrapped her within the thick bear cloak ending the spell she had cast on his brother he could hear her shrieks of anger. He thrashed with her thanking the gods he was strong enough to do so. As they collapsed to the ground he held fast quickly to be joined by his brother. They pinned her down until she was breathing hard. With knowing glances at the other they had done it.

"I am all right." she grunted keeping her face in the cloak she reached out and patted someone's back, or maybe chest. Olivia couldnt see, and was thankful for that. It was barely a meal and certainly not the full courses she was accustom to. Still it would tied her over for the rest of the trip. At least that was her idea. The blight born had never had to ration like that. Being her first time she didnt let on how nervous she felt about the rest of the journey.

The brothers laughed slowly releasing their charge. The carriage continued to Dawnhaven.

Now again the brothers looked at each other knowing the risks and in a much smaller space it felt dangerous. Like stepping out over a frozen lake. Neither of them knew at that time just how thin the ice truly was. Their fears would wait it would seem as the table filled with the smell of food. They glanced nervously at the lady as she sat there like a wolf in her cave. During the meal they watched as the tavern woman cloaked as their lady was gave the pale hand two room keys, and she in turned gave one of the keys to her companions. Alex gave a hard swallow knowing their time was near. Both brothers knew little of their lady's actual abilities beyond what they had seen in the audience chamber. How could she possibly be terrifying in a room? What would she do to stoke their emotions they sat and wondered having no reason to guess what the night would hold.

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Hidden 26 days ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Regarding how the woman’s body relaxed into his larger body, Syraeia had not been comforted in quite a while. A faint smile appeared when he felt parts of his shirt wettening from tears. He gently petted at her hair only a little bit, “The thing that matters the most is that you did make it, and you can keep putting one foot in front of the other,” his voice was reassuring and warm. He might not have been a professional at comforting people, but he had enough siblings that he could say he wasn’t the worst at it.

Give me time.

Sunni nodded his head in agreement since he knew how difficult it was to open up to others — to a stranger. It wasn’t like he and Syraeia were close in any way except in a professional manner while running the inn together. It wasn’t personal at all even if Sunni was someone who made things a little more personal in comforting her when she was heavy with thoughts.

Ha! There might be good reason to fear some blight-born, but you? Why would anyone be scared of you?” Sunni grinned at his words. Syraeia wasn’t scary, and he had seen some scary blight-born throughout his travels. She was practically still human with a bit of physical modifications.

Then he shrugged his shoulders, “I will figure out what to do with the boys, and they are young enough. We can teach them that not all of your kind is to be feared,” They separated from the caring gestures as he picked up his plate again. “Money is to be made, I will finish this quickly, and help you out,” Sunni informed her before scarfing down his food.

Half of the pan was still filled with food, and he decided to take the rest of it. The man felt like he was starving before eating the rest of it quickly. After finishing his meal, he decided to wash all the dishes that needed to be done before cleaning up the kitchen — quick spot cleaning. That was when he moved to the front and noticed the royals talking to what appeared to be royal guards from Lunaris by their star-covered moon crests.

Interesting…” Sunni whispered to himself as he quietly and quickly moved in the background. Helping out on all the odd tables that wanted drink, food, or both. As he quickly did that job, he went over to the counter while keeping an eye on Octavia and Flynn, he wrote up receipts for who owed what so Syraeia would know.

By this time everyone was happy and while placing the receipts to the side, Sunni glanced up at Flynn and Octavia once more.

—I wonder why they are here together… did I say something wrong last night in the meeting that Octavia requested of me? No… I don’t think so.

There has to be something. Maybe they are not looking for me? No, she told me that she wanted to talk to me tomorrow to get more requests filled for materials. Octavia has to be here for me… What is Flynn doing? She probably asked him. Maybe I have been slacking off? I thought I was doing good. —

Sunni decided that the best course of action was to slip back into the kitchen. Making his way to the backdoor of the inn, grabbing his coat, and exiting the busy place without a sound. Royal guards from Lunaris being in Dawnhaven was odd in his eyes. They were high-ranking ones and surely were not needed here, were they? Why would either royal need high-ranking guards like that? It was suspicious. though he didn’t think about it any more than that.

It might have been late morning, but it looked like it was after sunset. The moon was full, and flakes of snow were coming down. It was only to get colder from here on out. Sunni reached his hand out, and a few flakes fell into his palm and evaporated within seconds.

The man wasn’t running away from the Prince or Princess of Dawnhaven, though he needed a break. Working all morning doing physical labor on an empty stomach then helping Syraeia out while fulfilling his basic needs — food and water. Sunni wanted a breather.

He decided to walk down the main path of Dawnhaven towards the house that he was building to make sure it was secure. It only took a few minutes before he hopped up onto the floorboards that were already placed and noticed they were dusted with snow already. — It is odd how beautiful something can be while being so cold — He reached down to scoop a little bit up in his hands. This time the flakes didn’t disappear as quickly on his hands, but he stared at it with a smile. He remembers the times he had to make trips through certain routes or even accompany his father to Lunaris towns or the city. He had seen snow before, but it still amazed him.

Sunni had never been around it enough to see it when it was feet deep, and people could play or sled in it. He had always wanted to try ice skating, and that appeared in his mind as he thought of all the things he could do when it snowed.

Dusting the wetted snow from his hands, Sunni walked around the building and checked out the foundation that they built along with all the framing that they had been doing the past few days including today. Everything seemed secure and ready to go. They needed to put the frame up for the roof before putting the roof on. Then they could start filling everything out and making it habitable.

As he spent more time in the weather, it being roughly forty-degrees, Sunni noticed goosebumps were running up his arms. A chill was in his fingertips and on the first layer of skin on his face. The southern area that he came from, Aurelia, never reached forty-degrees, not usually, so his body wasn’t familiar with the temperature.

Sunni decided to start walking back to the inn. He might not be able to hide outside for long, but he could sneak in through the back door, go up the steps to the upper floors, and hide in his room.
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Hidden 26 days ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Alchemy Chamber & The Village Square

"You really ought to take better care of yourself." Eris heard from the corner of her study, where an apparition resembling her eldest brother stood, arms folded across his chest. The brunette looked up from a journal full of scribbled notes, a brow raised. "Oh?" She set the journal down on a desk, giving her full attention to the being that had been conjured from her own magic.

"Your dedication to your work is admirable, but it's excessive. It's pointless, you know. You should look after yourself while you still can," Her brother advised, gazing down upon her judgmentally. "Perhaps consider finding a partner, settling down, and doing something more fulfilling with your time... This," He gestured towards her desk cluttered with books and paperwork, his brows furrowed in concern. "isn't worth sacrificing your well-being for."

"Tsk." With a swift motion, Eris swiped her hand to the left and dismissed the illusion, the visage of her brother dissipating into the darkness. "My illusions are becoming too vivid for comfort," She mumbled to herself, glaring back down at her journal as she ruminated on what her brother's apparition had said. Though merely a product of her magic, the apparition echoed her brother's words perfectly. Summoning his likeness often annoyed her, the magic weaving its way through her memory and presenting him in the way she remembered him. However, it also brought her comfort and companionship during the times she needed it the most. She felt so displaced in Dawnhaven, and at times like a fraud, but at least she could conjure up her brother to feel at home again. It was a tether to her past, a reminder of home when she felt adrift.

Refocusing on the journal, Eris delved into the notes that Prince Flynn himself had written. He had taken it upon himself to personally interview each of the blight born that had been taken under their jurisdiction, meticulously jotting down details for her to analyze. He had done this at her request and, thankfully, he had obliged. While she found the mutated humans fascinating, she couldn't shake her underlying fear of them. The stories she'd heard back in Aurelia had been horrifying and there was no telling what they were capable of. So far things had been fairly calm surrounding the blight born in town, which made her slightly more comfortable around them, but she wasn't quite ready to conduct in-depth interviews with them by herself. Flynn's assistance had been invaluable, yet as she struggled to decipher his handwriting, she wondered if she should start doing the interviews alongside him instead.

Feeling the need to clear her mind, Eris set aside the journal and left her study. "I'll be back later," she informed the other sages, who barely glanced up from their work in response. "Goddess be with you," they called back, their focus quickly returning to their tasks as she passed by.

Stepping out of the Alchemy Chambers, Eris was greeted by the brisk chill of the eternal night. She closed her eyes, savoring the sensation as it tingled against her Aurelian skin, unaccustomed to such temperatures. It felt oddly refreshing, and she took a moment to relish it beneath the glow of the full moon and the gentle serenade of crickets from the forest beyond the village's edge. As she opened her eyes, Eris caught a glimpse of snow flakes gently drifting down from sky. A smile graced her lips as she extended her palm, watching the delicate flakes dissolve upon touching her warm skin. This was her first time having ever seen snow at all. She wished her brother could have seen it with her.

As the gravel crunched underfoot, Eris glanced up to see a familiar figure making his way toward the tavern."Sunni," She called, her soft voice easily piercing the quiet of the night. She did not know the man well, but she had heard of him when they both lived in Aurelia. He had a reputation of his own, just as she did. Moreover, being the Prince's closest friend, he exuded a certain level of trustworthiness to her. Prince Flynn, from what Eris could tell, seemed to be a man of integrity, so she assumed that he would keep similar people in his inner circle. "Any news on when that shipment of Emberbloom might arrive?" She inquired as she approached him. Two weeks prior, she had requested Emberbloom, a native flower to Aurelia that had potent healing properties that she intended to test on blighted objects.

Without thinking of her footing, Eris' foot caught underneath a tree root that protruded from the ground. With a startled squeak, Eris stumbled forward and found herself tumbling headfirst onto the gravel path in front of Sunni. Just barely managing to break her fall with her hands before her face hit the dirt, Eris took a breath to figure out what had just happened to her. Hands stinging in pain and her cheeks flush with embarrassment, Eris hopped back up onto her feet. "Uh... Sorry about that." she laughed nervously, struggling to meet Sunni's gaze as she dusted her hands off on her dress.

Instead, her eyes darted around the village, soon finding the silhouette of a winged man sitting atop the tavern roof, outlined by the moons radiance overhead. She knew immediately that it was Pleiades, a blight born man whom she had been avoiding for some time. If he had been paying attention, he certainly would have seen her clumsy mishap. The thought only deepened her blush, causing her to promptly return her focus on Sunni. "The Emberbloom.. it's, uh, quite important... you know," She stammered, her smile strained as she attempted to downplay the incident. "For healing purposes... and all..."

Interactions: Sunni @The Savant
Mentions: Pleiades @The Savant

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Hidden 25 days ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Syraeia Leela “Sy-a” Inn Keeper

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

A more cheerful Syraeia left the kitchen and with a new energy when she went over to greet the woman. She had a purpose, maybe she was happy, but a purpose for now, a goal, an aim and a path that was certain. She could work from that. Her life had a trajectory again and that could easily turn into something more.

Remembering Sunnis' words and her own. “I am still a Cursed Emberkin. I admit, I feel… my.. instincts are closer.” Being honest and falling back on an old term of her local borderlands dialect her voice falling into a borderlands tone barely above his own hearing. “Talk to them, and i'll put them to work tonight or tomorrow If they are willing.”Syraeia said a little more firmly than like, she would only take them freely agreed.

Sunni has freaked out a little, when her sleeping form, seeming to appear to not to breathe, but that was not even high on on her mental strange list anymore. The boys needed to know what she was, and make their own choices. She would treat them like the young men they wanted to be in that regard. Sunni had to understand she knew she was different, her rebirth had changed her and she would not lie or hide that fact about her to him.

Even the Prince and Princess could not break that mood, though they did dampen it abit. The guards well she narrowed her eye at the situation… they can talk it out over a drink… and she can bill them for it.

Her attention was drawn back to the blight born woman, though Syraeia hearing was enhanced along with eye and blushed at the compliment, it was rare someone would use that word about a blight born, an cursed woman who she honestly was unsure if she even breathed anymore when she slept.

Part of her wondered why she would call her beautiful of all things, but she never really had met many Blight-Born… they had to survive, and for many that meant trusting no one, moving often and paranoid levels of alertness. “Thankyou” She said so softly only the woman would hear if she tried, blushing slightly at the compliment.

The Prince and others were still keeping busy it seemed… two rooms, Food and board potentially …a good night. “Il sort all that out for you personally. for now eat, warm up and enjoy my hospitality.” She did not need to quite know she was one of two staff…one part time. But it sounded good.

“I live up above the quest rooms, so if you need help, please do not think it's a problem. I am close by.” She said, giving them her full hospitality. The look she caught was a little, well a look she did not expect to be directed at her l that was for sure. She was not sure what to do about such things… but returned a soft smile. “Breakfast is mostly cold, but the fire warms up quickly. If you have any items you prefer, let me know.” .

She gave the woman a genuine smile as she nodded confirming their order as two men entered and seemed to look the ladies way. OK, this lady made her curious, also another of her own kin who honestly was interesting. Whatever God, curse, or magic had decided to make each and everyone of them unique from feral Beasts, monsters to those with precautions like herself who could seem to be unaltered. And a woman of means to? How did one of her kin maintain their status? More questions.

Her other thoughts were put to side for now but kept poking their way in more and more… well she had an inn to run, and what looked like orders. She could unpack that later in her room in private.

Soon she busied herself with the Orders Sunni had left for her, he was gone, he must have headed out the back. She could not judge though and honestly she was about as messed up as he seemed to be. He could be a idiot but Sunni was kind to her and his words had warmed her, she was not ready to admit more but felt more… human? Or was it just… less of a monster?

Humming as she moved to get food out, luck favoured as the Royal drama kept people busy while she could run between them getting the orders to tables flowing around with effortless precision. One thing she mastered as she almost danced around the floor of the tavern moving between barely pausing as she did with a song on her lips as she worked in the kitchen, an song she remembered from the great Hall feasts of youth.

The Royals, the guards of Lunaris were making a powerful tense energy, if she thought too hard she could almost…sense it on the edge of her ..something. it was a change that she was extremely confused by. Her vision had grown sharper and the night was akin to day now since she had proper food, safety and warm clothes.

Instead she chose to focus on her orders, Food, drinks though she passed by the woman in furs more than once to make sure she was happy… her own curiosity was too hard to fight though as she kept a closer tab on the woman, with a smile reaching her eye.

Rider on a Black Lunarian.

The first snow flakes drifted in front of the woman's eyes as she rode, dodging a broken cart that lay by the road with a wheel cracked through the thick hardwood bound with iron. It was empty and pushed to the side resting partly into a ditch of a cold and narrow stream. It was more forgiving than the mountains but the terrain was still a place that could claim your life if you showed disrespect for it. She had ridden from Valors Edge, the lowest and most distant of the keeps of Lunaris. It would take time to reach Dawn Haven and be a hard ride even for a veteran Lunarian. The weather would likely take some days to reach the lower lying settlements.

The woman who rode up to the guards stood on the edge of Dawn Haven was clad in thick protective fur, and high quality material of her uniform. The ride through the high mountains would be far worse however and the woman and horse reached the gate tired and hanging on the saddle with her depleted strength. Good time was made but she barely had rested on the trip down in her desire for urgency.

The keep was inna bad way, they needed help if possible, and beyond the ability of her own escort she was assigned to aid them. Valors edge was the final keep before the border and in a bad state of repair, Lunaris had not had time to get the far keep in good repair before winter's bite reached them.

“Tavern, Coswain, Lord or Lady. Persephone…" She said tiredly and was caught by one of the guards who let her rest, tiring her horse up, noting the heavy packs and quality of her gear. She was someone of rank. However the woman was in no fit state to make it further. Her travel cloak fell away revealing a cap and shorter red hair.

The horse was too tired to fight as they tied it off, a tall back Lunarian breed built strongly for distance vs speed. “Takes a long ride to tire a Lunarian Heavy” The guard said to his compatriot on the watch as he stroked its neck and calmed the beast known for being fierce and very selective of their master or mistress. “Relax, I grew up a stable master's son” The guard said as he spoke softly to the animal and complemented its strength and fine black coat. You had to treat them like a fine woman and take your time as the horse pulled to try and reach its rider.

Internal scene.
@The Savant
@The Muse

Outside. Rider at the Town "gate" (going on in background)
@The Muse
@The Savant
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Hidden 25 days ago 15 days ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Ethereal Echoes

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The man jumped from his skin a little when he heard a familiar voice echo out — Eris. He turned with a smile, “Eris, good late morning,” He spoke brightly and was glad it was her. Octavia and Flynn were not hunting for him too thoroughly. The man turned to face the darker-haired girl as his hands placed themselves on his lower waist to a higher hip area.

Yes!” His hand gestured when he spoke. Her shipment of Emberbloom did arrive, he was certain of it, but it was in his room. A chaotically organized place. He needed more room but he wasn’t going to start building his own house, not yet, but he needed to start working on it soon. The ground would freeze, and he wouldn’t be able to build the foundation once it was frozen. “It should be in my room,” Sunni mentioned casually as he gestured towards the upper parts of the inn and noticed a familiar figure — Pleiades.

Sunni was quickly on his feet but not quick enough, he went to help Eris in her fall, but his hands didn’t land on her fast enough. They would have protected her face from impacting on the hard gravel, “Accidents happen. Are you okay?” The man lightly asked while looking her over when she jumped up and began to dust herself up. Sunni stood tall as he looked her up and down for any visible damages though it looked like none occurred.

Seeing her face growing red, Sunni could only politely smile, “I didn’t realize it was so important to you,” he informed her since he didn’t. The man usually didn’t question people too much about the materials and things that people ordered. Most of the time he felt like it wasn’t his place to be questioning unless it was an odd or dangerous item.

You could maybe use it on your hands,” Sunni teased while he was making his way back to the inn. That was when a gust of wind blew in front of him and his face scrunched while his eyes closed to make sure nothing got in them.

Pleiades stood in front of Sunni and Eris with a faint mischievous smile, “Good morning, His voice was a little stifling. The moonlight eyes of the man focused on both of the people.

Sunni opened his eyes and his face went back to a normal expression, “Good morning, Pleiades,” He offered kindness to the blight-born who was always so mysterious in his eyes. The able-flighted individual always intrigued him, but he barely knew anything about the sea-green man.

How are both of you today?” Pleiades curiously asked while he circled them once before circling them again. On the second circle, he reached out and touched a lock of Eris’s brunette hair. Letting it gradually slip from his fingers as he moved around. “And how are you, specifically, Eris?” He chimed in with emphasis on the woman.

The redheaded man couldn’t help the slight glare he had towards the blight-born. He knew he was interested in attempting his shot with anyone and everyone. Sunni understood the pleasures of intimacy and knew that Pleiades had to participate in such activities to live… that didn’t make his attempts any less annoying or bothersome for people. Clearing his throat, he reached out and took the lock of hair from Pleiades fingers and let it fall back to Eris’s frame. “I do apologize for interrupting, but Pleiades, we are a little busy at the moment. Maybe you could find someone else to bother?” That was when Sunni placed himself only slightly between Eris and Pleiades.

Pleiades face spoke more words than anything, he was not pleased with Sunni’s interruption, “Oh… I didn’t realize you were so busy with her,” His voice sounded distasteful towards Sunni, and his eyes sharpened with his thoughts.

Now, if you excuse us, Mister Porter, we will be on our way,” Sunni grabbed Eris’s hand without consent as he led her away from the winged man and towards the back door of the inn.

Interactions @The Muse Eris
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