A hard textured paper - expensive, to be sure - was sparsely covered by an elegant but still clear and concise font. The font was often found on certain NRA fliers and on the serial numbers of some firearms. Firearms produced by Shanahan Talamantes to be precise. At the bottom, there was a large flowing signature of a 'Mr. Howard Shanahan'. It was a letter of invitation to the Shanahan mansion by Ocean Pines.

Although he was running for Senate now, the event was hardly something new. The industrialist had had his eyes set on politics for a long time and the current effort had been a project for just as long. Officially, it was a stipend to bright and promising youth, unofficially - but not at all covertly - it was a recruitment tool designed to enlist loyal and smart supporters and potential aides or allies for Howard's political ambitions. With it comes a hefty stipend to help cover university fees, a Shanahan 1984 pistol and, importantly, a network of likeminded individuals, bound together by Howard Shanahan.

Ten individuals from across the nation would travel to the Reagan National Airport before being chauffeured to Ocean Pines. One by one, the cars would arrive, drop their passenger off, and leave. Three had all the markings of rich kids of the east coast and three carried accents from the richer parts of the west coast. Among the four others, there was a an Omani heir, two Norwegian twins and a cripple. None of them liked mutants - that's why they were there - but a few also put a high degree of emphasis on class. It would be noticed as they slowly gathered to chat whilst waiting for their host.

Finally, the elderly Howard Shanahan walked out the grand door of his mansion, followed by his son Nathaniel. The three story building had a grand and classic feel to it with marble pillars by the doors, large windows and a fountain placed in front of the main entrance, between the two wings. Kind eyes scanned the group and a warm smile grew on his lips. With a satisfied sigh, he spoke with his chest voice, deep and steady "Hello, hei, ahlan, salut. Welcome to my home, thank you all for coming. I know that you have travelled far to come here, so I'll be brief before my son will show you to your quarters - you'll be staying in the east wing. The view and closeness to nature from those rooms -- it never ceases to inspire the best in me. Let it inspire you too."

As the man spoke, shoulders fell and soft smiles appeared - he most certainly knew how to inspire a comfortable familiarity in spite of the astounding wealth that was put on display. Those who had followed him during the senatorial run thus far, or even when he ran for Governor, would notice that his personality was astoundingly similar to that which could be seen on TV. He continued "There's a stipend at the end of this, and a firearm, good 'ol Shanahan quality. But don't let that blind you to the true treasure of this weekend - Us. The connections we'll be making, the ideas exchanged and friendships formed - it is a gift. We'll be dining at seven, I'm making a roast, you'll all love it. Theresa, Nathaniel here has prepared some sort of bean dish for you, I'm sure it will be delicious. Later, we'll talk about plans for the future, career paths, family and the mutant menace. But for now, let Nathaniel show you to your rooms, unpack and get rested and once more, welcome."

Soon, he'd disappear back into the main building, leaving Nathaniel with the group. He wore a simple polo shirt and jeans over a decent physique. A deep blue hoodie was tied around his waist and an expensive watch could be spotted on his wrist. With a smooth motion, he brushed his wild hair back "That way, let's go" he said, tone neutral whilst pointing with the entire arm. Apparently not waiting for anyone, he moved with long determined strides. Naturally, he'd arrive by the entrance first, but not by far as the others seemed to rush after him. He unlocked the doors and pointed into the corridor "Rooms are down to the right, you've got the best view on the north side."

While the others moved in, hoping to get the best rooms without loosing face for caring, Nathaniel remained by the door. The cripple was bound to be behind - either because of the speed in which the group had moved or the steps up to the door - regardless, he'd soon receive the law student's full attention. "I'm going to help you, raise your arm" he instructed whilst approaching. With a swift move, he placed the other's arm over his shoulder as his own arm reached around the cripple's waist. With his free hand, he took control of the luggage. "Alright, come with, let's find you a room."