Avatar of Candlelitsoul


Recent Statuses

7 days ago
Current Well, I knew it wouldn't last. She's back in the drugs. I'm glad I'm keeping my distance because this time, it doesn't affect me as badly. Can't say I'm surprised.
14 days ago
A friend passed after a long battle with cancer last night. She was so bright and bubbly. Her presence felt warm and safe. My heart is heavy. Im just glad she's past her pain
16 days ago
Sick right now. I feel dizzy, have a slight cough, but just really warm and run down. All I want to do is sleep, but laundry and writing call to me, and I can't ignore either.
17 days ago
Staying in my set boundaries. Her phone somehow got run over by a car and she called me from the hotel. Didn't answer. She left a message, wanting me to buy her a new one. No.
19 days ago
I found out that they're not pursuing arson charges against my mother. How do you like that? She gets off scott free, and we get to clean up the mess.
1 like


I'm a multi-paragraph, advanced writer, seeking those with similar interests and capabilities. I do have a large list of ideas that I make over, add to, and change as the ideas come.

My rules may seem harsh, but I started role playing in the Yahoo! chat rooms when I was 14, and we had a similar list. Especially when the site had groups you could form.

-I don't mind sexual content, but the main focus is the story. If the character's have a connection, then I accept it, but I do NOT write it for the sake of appeasing someone's need for entertainment.

-I don't usually do this, but I need a sample of your writing. Too often people have claimed to be what they aren't, and I'm hoping to head that off at the pass.

-Be able to post, at the bare minimum, once every week. I can understand having a busy life. Between my home and work chaos, it can be hard to sit down and post regularly. If you can't, message me and I will happily wait. Though I do ask this; if you're dropping out, don't ghost. Tell me upfront. I always understand.

-I'm looking for someone to play male characters. No story is exactly set, as I have met people who can bring new perspectives to a base idea. I can play background males, but the mains I am looking for.

-My base genres are fantasy (meaning they have powers. Not dragons, orcs, etc), romance, modern, medieval, post-apocalyptic, and historical.

If you can make it past these, I look forward to writing with you.

Most Recent Posts

I'm so happy for you!!!
Thread closed
It's been a hot minute, so I'm bumping this again. I don't have regular access to a laptop, but I have my phone and Discord, so I can make it work. If interested, send me a PM because I don't always stop by the comments here.
Interest check is going again. If you commented and I didn't get back to you, send me a message if you want to try.
Opening my interest check again. Hoping to find people that are interested.
Bumping to find interested parties.
Bumping to find willing role players!
Bumping to find willing role players!
Bumping to find interested parties!
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