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12 days ago
Current just manifest a Tulpa roommate, simple as that.
24 days ago
It would be profoundly easy to bribe me into doing awful things if your method of bribery was a good Reuben
1 mo ago
anyway y'all ever think about how crazy crustaceans are?
2 mos ago
thinking bout the Kurt Angle moonsault off the cage, must be Friday
3 mos ago
I do not think I would kill the magic snake a magic snake actually sounds tight as hell


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Rider - Jan Sobieski

Location: An abandoned lot in Kyoto
Interacting with: @Letter Bee

Jan's first thoughts, as someone finally accepted his call to action, were something along the lines of; Drat, my own vehicle seems a bit lacking now.. Perhaps I should have asked to see if my Master owned a car I could borrow.. Oh well! Jan shakes off the motorcycle envy easily enough, and listens to the words of the one who accepted his challenge. "Wahaha! Well-spoken, well-spoken! I have no intention of endangering those who walk in God's light. Lead the way, my young friend!"

As the Shielder lead Jan towards a less populated location to do battle, he may have been surprised to note.. That the Rider was not lagging behind. Despite riding an electric bicycle (a notably slower vehicle), he was keeping perfect pace with Constantine's motorcycle. Jan gives him a wide grin the moment his vehicle's unusual speed was noted, and comes to a skidding halt, Akira bike slide-style, as they arrive at their destination. Before Jan could get a word in, he was ambushed! Not by any sort of attack, but by rapid-fire dialogue. Goodness, this lad was excitable. If he hadn't noticed how well he held himself, he'd question why one so young had been summoned.

"My goodness! To list my name among such impressive company, you do me a great honor. I am impressed you were able to place me so quickly, so I shall not attempt to deceive you. I am Jan Sobieski. It is an honor to meet a fellow defender of Christendom such as yourself, Emperor Constantine! A pity it must be as foes, but such is the way of things." At that last statement, Jan gives a lax shrug. They would not war in life, this was true. But Jan couldn't help but wonder how he compared. What an exciting event, this Grail War was. To test his lance against the might of history!

Jan steps off of his Bicycle, leaving it propped up against a wall as he steps into the center of the area, slinging his duffle bag off of his back, and unzipping it to retrieve his lance. At six feet, it outdistanced his opponent's weapon, but Jan was not foolish enough to believe his advantage of reach would make this an easy victory. "To be spoken about so positively.. I feel myself on the back foot! Hoho! I shall return your politeness and honesty with some of my own. I am afraid I am more familiar with the concept of Shielder than you may believe."

Holding his lance in one hand, he aims the other skywards, pointing into the starry night. "My title as the defender of Christendom, and the constellation 'Scutum Sobiescianum' - The Shield of Sobieski - make me eligible for the Shielder class as well! Though, I must confess my parameters would be far lower than yours if I were summoned in that form." Irrelevant to the current conversation, but Jan also had the potential to be summoned as a Lancer, though Rider certainly suited him best of all classes. With his Shielder self truly only being a credible threat had he been summoned somewhere near his home of Poland.

Jan's posture changes, from relaxed to imposing. Slipping into a combat stance, one he clearly had much practice in. But his facial features did not harden, they remained soft, almost joyous. His second love, after his beautiful wife, would always be Battle. "Now.. as one famed for surprise cavalry charges, I am unused to waiting patiently. But as we are both men of God, it feels only right we treat this as an honorable duel. Are you ready, Emperor Constantine?"
Oliver Raulot, AKA, Argyros

Uhhh.. UHHH!?

..And we're back.

Fortunately for Oliver, several of the other spiders got the same idea to harass their larger, stronger foe. They were arachnids, after all. Threatening things bigger than them was right up their alley. Granted, their ideas of harassing the Spider-Monkey were a bit more.. substantial. A giant ball of webbing and an army of spider drones were things that Oliver simply could not match. Seriously, did everyone win the Spider Lottery except him?! Oh well, that meant less weight on his shoulders. And speaking of things to be grateful for, it seemed that one of the other spiders had followed after him- presumably to make sure he didn't splatter if things went awry. Perhaps a more hot-headed Spider might be offended by the idea that they'd need the help, but Oliver? Nah, getting his ass beat was practically part of the job. He very much appreciated someone watching his back.

Fortunately, it didn't end up being necessary, as the Spider-Folk fell into a rhythm. Irritate, damage, and tranquilize. It brought their foe low, and lastly;


Spider-Woman.. sang it a lullaby. And it worked. Oliver detaches himself from his current web lines, and fires off another line to swing over to the nearest building, clinging one-handedly to the side. He stares at the slumbering beast that had given them all so much trouble, completely dumbfounded. "Hey, really not trying to be Mister Sour Spider, but.. Could you do that the whole tiiiIII-" The rest of Argyros' baffled question would not get to be asked, as the part of the building he was clung to abruptly turned into a portal, causing him to tumble right through. As he falls through, the only thing he could think was; I should've just stayed in the Narrows..

Picture this; you are not the first person to gain Spider-Like abilities. You aren't even the second. You certainly aren't the most famous, or most powerful. But hey, you've got super powers, better put them to use. And then one day, you find yourself going from fighting metahuman mobsters and an admittedly pretty traumatic encounter with a human fly, to Kaiju. And then without a moment to take a breather, you go from Kaiju to presumably the, formerly only theoretical, Multiverse.

If you are having trouble picturing this, imagine how Oliver felt. He was living it. The only small comfort was that at least he hadn't been the only one spirited away. That would have been really bad. Still, even with the other Spider-Folk finding themselves warped to this otherworldly web, Oliver found himself hung up on one thing. The multiverses he could see sprawled out in front of him, some familiar, some so alien they barely resembled his own.. Anansi, and his declaration of both creating(? or controlling..?) the Spider-Monkey, and naming the group gathered 'Spider-Totems.' Well, look. Oliver was listening, he took in this information. But all he could think about as he buried his head in his hands, realizing he was almost certainly about to be involved in something way above his (non-existant) paygrade, was this;

"..I can't remember if I locked my door this morning."

Been super busy and might be for a good while, don't want to keep everyone waiting. I might drop this one, i hope you all have fun!! your characters all seem really interesting ^^

Brutal! Sorry to hear that. Maybe you'll be able to jump in later.
Looks like Discord is the move unless Double is firmly against it.
@InnerFlame Beau is Accepted But that shouldn’t be a surprise anyone.

If you thought one André was bad, now you have to deal with two.

Once @CrispyCryptid gets their character up, I’ll start the RP.

In the meantime, how do you all feel about Discord?

I think group discords are fun but don't find them necessary, so I'll be content with or without one. It would probably be more convenient but not to the point of being game changing I feel.
I'd imagine, he'd probably take a week to get tickets and send notice?
A date that works well for @Crimson Flame Andre & @GubGar Gabriel

Since Gabriel is already based in Kalos at this point in the story I'd imagine his schedule is (for a change) not super strict in terms of the date.
@GubGar Gabriel is Accepted

Although I wonder how he’ll feel about flamboyant André


In my head Gabriel has been keeping up with any news of his friends when he's able, so he probably is already familiar with how Andre acts to a degree, given that he's famous.

I definitely anticipate the very cautious Gabriel getting some grey hairs from Andre's adventurous spirit though.
Think it's ready to ship, if it seems like I missed anything, let me know and I'll be happy to change it!

Lol fully go for it!
I've been hoping to kidnap add someone into that lol.

Hell if you wanted to visit in Hoeen or like and subscribe! would be fine mixing that it... and or knowing / being related to Morine.

Ooooo would be funny if you helped scout / find scary places (and then help research a bit / legal stuff).
"So here's the three options please pick the least spooky one."

Right on! I planned on having my character staying a Kalos local, but given that I planned on having him work as part of the League itself (not as a battler, but as the poor guy who has to file all the correct paperwork to get someone's trainer license validated and/or revoked), I could see him having done an internship overseas for a different League to get his foot in the door.

Maybe during that timeframe he got roped up in some of Siloh's videos/stunts, much to his anguish. "I can reconnect with an old friend while I'm in the region- oh no, he's gotten even more into ghosts."
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