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TIMESTAMP: Throughout the day... just read.

@Hey Im Jordan@Melissa@LovelyComplex@smarty0114@Aces Away@Festive



Some people used their time in homeroom to catch up on homework. Other’s, like Jamie and Decky, used it to catch up on old grudges. Before, Benji would’ve been one of the boys asking Ms. Belmonte about her plans for the weekend, in the vain hope that she might realize her life and career weren’t worth missing out on the charms of a seventeen year old. Now, he used it to listen to music, and text Athena Helmsley. Somehow, that felt like an even less realistic use of his time.

He’d known of Athena for years now, it was difficult not to. For the majority of their relationship however, their text thread had mostly consisted of Benji asking if she knew where Calli was. The switch happened in the early weeks of summer, while he wallowed in a miasma of self-pity, anger, and embarrassment. He was mad at his father for ruining his life. He was mad at his mother for retreating into herself, and he was mad at Aunt Gina for seeming completely unaffected by the whole thing. His phone was full of ignored texts from the Elite groupchat (affectionately named The Bois) and individual messages from Ethan and Mikey and Jack and everyone else in the world who wanted to make sure he hadn’t driven his car into the Pacific Ocean.

He still wasn’t sure why he’d responded to her more than her sister or any of his other friends. Maybe it was adolescent hormones or maybe it was just easier to talk to somebody who hadn’t really known him. Strangers were a lot harder to disappoint.

Whatever his reasons, he and the heiress had gotten close. Despite what people might’ve thought, they definitely weren’t sleeping together. He had assured Calli as much after he received an icy text, shortly before the school year started.“Scout’s honor, I will not bone your sister,” was the exact phrasing. He’d made a promise, and he was trying to keep those. They were friends, which is why he had edited the text he was drafting harder than Trixie peer reviewed English papers.

Finally, after an embarrassing amount of time spent staring at his phone, he pressed send.

To:Athena 👑
you coming to the game?

Benji tapped his fingers against his desk, staring down at the blue bubble on his screen. Was that stupid? Of course she was coming to the game. He should’ve just said he’d see her there. Opted for confidence. Or he could’ve said nothing, like someone who had promised not to fuck his friends sister might do.

“Big weekend ahead, Benj. You ready?”

Jack’s voice cut through his music, startling him. He turned his phone over, hiding the screen, and looked over at Jack, his free hand coming up for the customary Elite handshake. “As I’ll ever be,” he said, dry and tired.“You know Ethan’s parents are gonna murder him if we fuck that place up tomorrow? They like, love that vineyard dude.”

Jack dapped up his bro before resting his feet on the back of the chair in front of him, receiving a dirty look from the person sitting there. “Pshh it’ll be fine. They know how high schoolers rage,” He interlocked his fingers and rested them on the back of his neck, leaning into his seat casually. “They’re practically inviting chaos by letting us use it. Besides, I haven’t seen Ethan ever get anything more than a slap on the wrist, he’ll be fiiiine.” The blonde reassured his friend. He was about to say something else, but the sound of Benji’s phone buzzing became audible. Jack raised a brow, “Oh, so your phone does work.” He sarcastically commented, still giving Benji a hard time from when he went AWOL this summer.

“Shut up,” Benji said, struggling to suppress a grin conjured up by the phone’s vibration. He flipped the phone back over and scanned the new message.

From:Athena 👑
yesss I’ll be there !!
a little birdy told me you were in the starting line up! you’ll be great :)
and it definitely wasn’t george michael, just so we’re clear lol

To: Athena 👑
I hope not
If the birds start talking too, i might have to call it quits

Benji looked back up, mind clearly down the hall. “Sorry what?” He blinked. “Oh, yeah. Party.” He shrugged, as though whatever consequences the party might bring were beyond his purview. After months of Aunt Gina’s birds, honestly, it felt like they would be. “I mean, I’ll take free booze. I just want my concerns noted, y’know, for the record.”

The blonde gave his friend a knowing look, “A bit distracted there, Benj?” He probed, hoping to get something out of him, anything really. Benji had been, well, different since everything had gone down with his family. Jack wanted his buddy back, the guy who was always up for anything, his partner-in-crime who would always be willing to make crazy mistakes with him. Maybe this weekend would be the return of some normalcy. “Consider them registered. But I’m telling you man, it’ll be smooth sailing.”

It most certainly would not be, but neither of them had any way of knowing that.

They got through homeroom thanks to discussions of hockey plays, and a lively debate about whether one great white could win against a troop of fifty bears. Benji argued for the shark. “Bro, the shark would never even come onto the bears’ turf, I don’t care how many of them there are–YO MIKEY!” Their conversation had pulled Benji from his shell, so much so that he didn’t even think twice about projecting his voice down the hall as Michael O’Connor turned a corner.

Mikey was in the zone. In his opinion, he had made what was essentially the deal of the century. And part of it was already done! Mikey even reckoned finding Nicky a date was going to be the hard part of the whole deal, so he was really chilling with that out of the way. Sara was perfect, they were going to be the cutest couple ever and MIkey was going to be sure they had a most excellent time at the party. Probably. He wasn’t like, one hundred percent positive they could hang with him and the lads, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.

Benji yelling quickly snapped him out of the zone. There was confusion on his face; he hadn’t spent time with Benji in a while, since Benji had opted to go the way of Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises and disappear into the sunset. “Dude, Benny what’s up! Man, I would have thought you were dead if it weren’t for you leaving me on read.” He quickly closed the gap between himself and his two friends, and couldn’t help himself. Once he was close enough, he wrapped Benji up in a tight bear hug. “I knew you’d come if I lit the beacon!” He beamed widely as he broke away from the embrace and looked over at Jack.

“There’s not a single other motherfucker in the whole student body who I could see being the distraction other than Benji here. We are locked the fuck in.” This was like the Beatles getting back together, or when Iron Man decided he would break the law of time. Michael, of course, was just assuming that Benji had read the text message he’d sent The Bois earlier, detailing his ‘plan.’ The plan basically consisted of Benji distracting the administration while Mikey, Jack, and Ethan broke into the principal’s office and acquired a long-since confiscated megaphone. Easy money.

Jack extended his arm, fist bumping his buddy, “Let’s fucking gooo,” He responded excitedly, looking from Mikey to Benji with a mischievous grin. When Mikey had texted the group his idea, Jack was immediately invested, ready to bend the rules to get shit done for his friend. Although the boy had been reminded excessively by his coaches to stay out of trouble for the next few months, this was harmless fun. Plus, with such an elaborate scheme, there was no way they’d get caught! “This is gonna be great, Benj you’ve got this bro.”

The football player screwed up his face, confused. He’d just been trying to say hi. “Bro what the fu–” his voice trailed off as he read the text from Mikey, requesting their help. Damn, he really needed to pay better attention to messages not from Athena. “Why the hell do we need to steal a megaphone anyways?” Benji asked, suddenly skeptical. “And why do I have to be the distraction?”

“Well, the thing is… I told this kid if he got me a win in Fortnite, I’d get him a date and let him and the date chill with us at the party. I did that already, but I also told him we’d steal his buddy’s megaphone back. Apparently, it’s a pretty big deal that they don’t have it. It’s important, dude.” Michael shrugged, not thinking he needed to explain his reasoning much further than that. He needed the megaphone, and his best bros were honor bound to help him get it. The distraction part? Oh, that was easy. He beamed a wide toothy grin as he boasted his explanation, “Dude you may have been a lil quiet lately, but that doesn’t change nothing. Nobody is more distracting than Big fuckin’ Ben! We just need you to be like, Benji our loudest friend again and not Benjamin the guy who mopes in the fuckin’ corner. Think you can handle that, for like 20 minutes?”

Benji sighed, but the smile creeping up his face betrayed some genuine amusement. It was surprisingly easy to fall back into the Benji of yesteryear when he was surrounded by his friends. Perhaps that’s why he’d avoided them for so long. “Okay, fine, but we’re gonna need some walkie talkies. They set the tone.” He furrowed his brow as he began churning through possible ways to divert attention from the principal’s office, and her assortment of confiscated materials. “How big of a distraction are we talking here? Great Food Fight of 2021? Also, where are you gonna get a key?”

“Oh, he’s back alright. This is going to be epic.

Kisho worked his jaw repeatedly on the near silent walk from math class to the baseball shed, teeth grinding harshly as he drowned anything other than Álvaro’s presence out with the music blasting from his headphones. His fellow soccer player was not one of his favorite people, and while that was normally fine outside of the soccer field, they didn’t often have to be completely alone together. Yet, here the two were, making their way from class to rendezvous point with the rest of the Elite, and it’s taking everything in him not to race ahead in the small hope that he and the other accented Elite weren’t the first to make it. Unfortunately for the slighter boy, he could see the shed in the distance and there was no one there waving enthusiastically towards them, no other friends in their group as punctual as the oil and royal heirs. Kisho’s already short patience wavered at the empty sight, and his blank face finally fell into a frown as his disappointment showed.

“Damn it all,” He grumbled, not as quiet as he believed it to be because of how loud his music was in his ears. He checked his phone impatiently as they pulled up to the shed and sighed at the lack of activity in the groupchat. It must mean everyone’s on their way, at least. I’m not alone with Theo, at least, he thought in a vain attempt to boost his spirits. Small mercies, lesser evils.

“Ay Dios mío (Oh my God), quit it with the teeth grinding.” Hate. There were no bounds to the level of hate Álvaro held within his morsel of a heart. Across the three languages he spoke, none of the words could quite describe the hate he felt towards Kisho. Around the group, he could keep it contained, like a shaken soda bottle, sealed but ready to blow. But now, alone? He didn’t need to pull his punches.

It was as if the little common boy knew exactly how to make him tick; there was yet another offensive to Álvaro, he couldn’t respect the tranquility of silence. Álvaro leaned his back against the shed, softly tapping his boots onto the dirt below. Álvaro wasn’t one unfamiliar with patience, although he held none for the black hair prole that lay before him. He must have been too caught up in whatever abomination of sounds Álvaro could hear spilling out from the oddly constructed headphones he wore, the only thing that could explain such a blatant display of disrespect to some as regal as himself. As Álvaro approached the boy from the side the size difference between the two became apparent. Álvaro stood about a foot taller than the boy built with a more stocky frame, while on the soccer field, they serve as two sides of the same coin, but off they couldn’t be more different. He gripped the band of Kisho’s headphones and pulled them from his ears, “You aren’t the only one here, cabrón. Quit grinding your teeth, and turn down the fuckin’ noise.”

“Do not touch my shit,” Kisho snapped before he even registered what Álvaro had said to him, unwilling to snatch the item back lest the taller boy hold them too tightly and they break. He couldn’t handle that and being stuck with the prince of pissing him off. Álvaro thought so highly of his standing, but Kisho just saw someone who couldn’t handle being second place in anything. Someone who didn’t know the meaning of being a step below anyone and thus couldn’t put themself in someone else’s shoes. The type of person that would do anything he could to stay on top. A liar, and a bully. Kisho hated bullies. Fists clenched at his sides, he glared at the taller boy, Álvaro’s words finally filtering past the irritation clouding his mind. “You ask too much, ass, I will stop grinding my teeth when I am no longer stuck with you. I will turn my volume down when I no longer have to hear you breathing near me.”

“And I’ll stop ‘touching your shit’ when I no longer have to deal with un desperdicio de espacio (a waste of space) such as yourself.” Álvaro tightened his grip around the band of Kisho’s dear old headphones, almost amused at his riled-up frustration; the best way to get to someone is through something they hold dear. “I ask of you one simple thing even a child can comply with and you are over here throwing a hissy fit like a little ass girl, you really must not want your headphones back.” It was a stand-off between a chihuahua and a pitbull, both unrelenting in their resolve. Álvaro would never back down from a fight, especially one he’s been resisting since the start of the soccer season.

Kisho recoiled immediately at Álvaro’s words, the offhand comment hitting him like a slap to the face. He made an aborted motion to cross his arms over his bound chest before thinking better of the tell. Because Álvaro may be a part of the Elite now, he may have infiltrated Kisho’s friends, but, He doesn’t know, he doesn’t know. Calm down, deep breaths. Don’t back down. Kisho’s mantra ran over and over in his head as he squared his shoulders and looked up, and up and up, to where Álvaro held his headphones well out of his grasp. He could hear the expensive material creaking under the boy’s vindictive grip, over the beats still pouring from the speakers, and his heart leapt into his throat. If he came home with broken headphones, his family would know something was going on more than Samyan’s knowledge on the matter. If these headphones broke, in particular the outer casing of them that’s really the only remaining original part of the device, then he’d lose the last thing his mother ever gave him before she died. He’s had everything inside the casing updated over the years for the best sound quality and noise canceling that money could buy, but he refused to change the outside at all, the parts that she had held as she handed them over to him from her hospital bed.

“Relax your grip,” Kisho demanded, voice low to avoid any tremor that was threatening to surface. His nails were close to cutting into his palms with how tightly his fists were held at his sides. He stepped up to Álvaro and stared directly into his eyes from his spot so far beneath him, letting the boy know he was serious. “And hand me my headphones, or I will kick you in the balls so hard that there will be no chance for you to create someone worse than yourself.”

“Aww, that one really got you riled up huh? I’m sure you can replace this cheap discount tech section dollar store pair of headphones in no time.” Álvaro stifled his laughter, God, there were few things that brought him more joy than this. “You are going to have to get more creative with your threats, pendejo. I’ve heard the same thing from men way bigger than yourself, women too.” Álvaro eyes glared into Kisho’s, a grin spreading across his face. “I’ll give you one last chance to just turn down the music, or who knows maybe I’ll have to mess around with whatever buttons are on the side, and I don’t think you would like that alternative.” Álvaro squeezed his hand applying pressure to the plastic shell of the headphones. Creaks from the hard plastic begging to be released could be heard from within his hand, anyone could tell that it was on the verge of cracking if not already there. He wasn’t going to surrender to a no-good tryhard whom he held less respect for than a rabies-infected street mongrel. Álvaro lamented the fact that their practice was canceled today because of the game as he wanted more time to mess with the black-haired boy.

Stop!!Kisho panicked, voice coming out in an uncharacteristically high shriek as he heard the telltale signs of hard plastic giving way. His eyes were desperately latched onto his precious headphones and his heart was in his throat, cutting off all surface thoughts of propriety and appearance. He could yell and complain as much as he wanted, act like a child in a way unbecoming of him, but he couldn’t do much more. Where the Fujimori name is synonymous with Oil, as is the Borbón name with Coal, and those were two businesses too close together not to breed a deal between the two patriarchs. Anything that happens between the heirs of the two companies could become front page news, and even if their parents covered it up, it would affect inter-business relations. It was just another reason that Kisho had to put up with the royal remnants bullshit and entitlement most times, because the boy was a vindictive fuck and would do anything to mess with Kisho’s life, just typically more behind the scenes than the blatant goading and tormenting he’s doing now.

He also couldn’t jump for it, for completely unrelated reasons. First of all, it was completely undignified and would only make the taller boy laugh and sneer at him more, but that was also not the reason. The real reason was that he was not wearing his sports binder or compressive bra, it wasn’t even a racerback for better movement, just a basic, everyday type. And because of the hot day, it was one of his half tanks instead of the full ones with fabric all the way down his torso. If he were to go jumping and flailing for his headphones, it would only serve to entertain the sneering boy even more, and risk exposing Kisho’s one big secret to the second to last person he ever wanted to know. Unfortunately, the last person he wanted to know already did, and that was a major part of his problem and his distrust and hate.

It was different on the field, especially during practice when they were actually playing against each other. They rammed into each other, tumbled to grass in a flail of limbs and harsh words- both English and their native tongues- before they got back up and went at it again, desperately hoping the other would break a limb or make a mistake they could take advantage of. Álvaro has hit or grazed his chest plenty of times during these spats, but in the heat of the moment on the field with a pissed off rival, no one is thinking about a little extra cushion when they fall on top of you after you sweep their leg trying to get the ball. Whether either of them wanted to admit it or not, the two of them were fairly equal on the field, and given the other boy’s royal superiority complex and need to call Kisho as many degrading terms as he can when they were forced to interact, he was sure that Álvaro would not take the news of Kisho not even being born as male lightly. He could already hear the disparaging ‘like a girl’ comments taking on a whole new meaning if he found out, and it made him sick.

“Kutabare(Fuck you)!” The smaller boy cursed harshly at the taller when another creaking from his headphone broke his restraint, rearing his foot back with every intention of delivering his striker’s kick to his fellow striker’s groin. He hadn’t even had a chance to put any forward swing on his leg when he heard the telltale raucous noise of an Elite conversation. He froze in his position for a moment as he calculated the amount of time they had before the boys rounded the corner of the shed and he and Álvaro glared at each other in contempt when they both came to the same conclusion.

Not enough time.

Kisho lowered his foot back to the ground and calmly fixed his oversized black and red tshirt like he hadn’t been reared back to assault the boy in front of him. Emotionless resting face now back in place with the assurance that his boys would be there in moments, the now recollected Kisho held an expectant hand out to Álvaro, well aware that the manipulative bastard had far more appearance to maintain with the people rounding the corner than he himself did.

“Headphones.” It was a monotone prompt, one the bully likely didn’t even need. Álvaro had no time to break them and make it look like an accident, so both boys knew that it was time to bury the hostility and make face for the friend group.

“Here comes your fucking cavalry brigade.” Álvaro reluctantly dropped the pair of shabby-looking headphones back into the hands of the disparaging sight of the boy before him, sighing at the lack of damage that adorned the glossy surface. “Count your blessings, boy. Lord knows the rest won’t be around to save you next time.” Their eyes held in a standstill, Álvaro could read the boy like a picture book. His shrill outcries of terror and his almost impulsive mistake gave away all he needed to know; the boy was scared. Over a pair of poverty headphones? No, there was more to it. And to Álvaro? He basking in the thrill of making this boy tick more than he usually would be able to. He just needed to know why, and for that he knew the exact person to ask.

As the volume of the typical Elite frivolity increased, Álvaro broke the silence one more time before the group fully arrived, “Oh yeah, one last thing.” Álvaro placed his hand on Kisho’s shoulder and leaned into his ear so that only he would hear. “I promise you, if you ever raise that weak little shooting leg at me again I will make sure that the only thing both legs will be useful for is sitting in a wheelchair.” His tone was harsh, and his grip was harsher. If you knew Álvaro, you knew that he kept his fucking promises. And he wasn’t one usually to get his own hands dirty, there were lesser, more expendable types to handle such activities, although at a worse quality than if he would simply undertake it himself. Álvaro only ever fought to prove a point, and goddamn did he believe Kisho need to learn a few despite his father’s direct orders to spare the boy. It was one of the few things that kept Álvaro limited in his actions toward the boy, his aggressive playing style wasn’t the only reason he held the unofficial record for red cards in the school’s history. On the field Álvaro was unstoppable, and he would be damned to let Kisho stand in the way of his god-given glory, I mean the man was baptized by the pope himself. The tension between the two often has the rest of their teammates ready to jump in at a moment’s notice, but Álvaro restrains himself as a good son must.

Álvaro released the black haired boy from his grasp, taking a step to expand the distance between them. He took a breath, plastering the same fake smile he wore undetected (for the most part) for these four he’s run with the Elite; if this school was a movie, he would win the Academy Award for best actor.

He shot a quick wave over to the rest of the boys as they rounded closer, “It took you all long enough!”

“Sorry for the delay, Your Highness,” Benji called back, oblivious to whatever tension remained in the air. He waved his newly acquired set of walkie talkies (courtesy of Dash Day, thank God for kids with ADHD) over his head like some sort of trophy, before explaining, “We had to stock up.” While he had spent the morning securing communications, Mikey and Jack had secured their entry: the master key. “I just hope everyone knows that if they get detention today, it’s because Mikey sucks at Fortnite.”

“Dude, I’m not even that bad! It’s hard! I can’t crank 90s like those goddamn Fortnite zoomers.” As the saying went, Benji spoke of the devil and Michael appeared on the scene, shaking his head. He wasn’t even present and he was getting dunked on by his friends over the video games! Mikey chose to believe it was becuase there was simply nothing else to make fun of him for. And besides, Mikey had to let Benji get his licks in. The dude went ghost for like an entire summer, which was practically a lifetime. Easing him back into society was the right thing to do, even if that meant taking the hits on the chin.

Mikey held up his hand, a golden brass key glinting in the light. “And just like that, O’Connor seals the deal again. One master key, locked, loaded, and ready to get down to business.” He beamed around at the group, pausing only briefly on Kisho to furrow his brow at the uncharacteristically disheveled look the other boy held. Michael made a mental note about that, reminding himself that he would have to check on it later. That was the older brother in him. But the Elite in him couldn’t help but brag, “until they re-key the school, we’re the kings, boys.”

Jack materialized beside Mikey, a dumb and goofy grin plastered onto his face. He patted his friend reassuringly on the shoulder, leaning in towards Álvaro and Kisho with his other hand cupping the side of his mouth, like he was telling a secret. “Duuuude, Mikey is that bad. I’m not even a decent Fortnite player and I can beat him. He needs all the help he can get.” He laughed, moving back and sniping the keys from his friend’s grasp. The blonde pulled a rolled up piece of paper from his back pocket and unfurled it, revealing a diagram. Blueprints to the administration wing of the building, which included the Principal’s Office. “That Janitor came in clutch, we’re not even going in blind. Feast your eyes, boys, because this is how we’re getting the job done.”

“This is about…Fortnite,” Kisho reiterated blandly to his far more energetic friends, unsure if he'd heard correctly as he had been returning his headphones to their resting place around his neck after a subtle check for damages. Coming out of this, his shoulder is likely to show more injury from the royal pain’s grip than his headphone’s sturdy plastic. He'd noticed Mikey's glance though, and did his best to fix both the wrinkled fabric near his shoulder and his face, and counted his blessings once more that Álvaro was more interested in fucking with him than actually paying attention to him, because the boy almost had another clue to Kisho's life via his grip on the smaller's binder strap. Props to blind anger. As Jack pulled out the blueprints, Kisho also registered Benji's walkie talkies and Mikey’s key, then did his best not to openly stare at the large paper in resignation. “I am risking getting punished by my father for Fortnite? Boys, how did you even get all of this?”

Jack exhaled audibly, feigning fatigue. “Bro, it was not fucking easy, let me tell you.”

Hours Earlier...

Mikey squinted at the janitor he and Jack had managed to find. “Come on, dude. What if…” He ruffled around in his pockets and pulled out a twenty dollar bill. He held it up between two fingers in front of the staff member, “...my good friend Andrew Jackson was here to persuade you? Just tell them Levi bullied you into giving him the key. They’ll believe you and just give ya a new one, seriously.”

The janitor gave the two boys an incredulous look. These kids thought he could be bribed? He didn’t get paid enough for this shit. “For 20 dollars? Are you two stupid?” He shook his head. “No shot.”

Jack leaned over Mikey’s shoulder, snapping another bill in front of the man, “Well, what if the esteemed President Lincoln joined the party?”

The blonde blew a raspberry. “That guy drove a hard bargain.” He nudged Mikey giddily, “But the dream team made it happen.”

“Dude, seriously. We’d better get some use out of this thing. Where’s El Capitan?”

As if a choir of angels were singing his name, Ethan Green, with his arm over his brother’s shoulders, strolled down the gravel, high as a kite. He could see his brothers-in-arms at a distance, minus Theo who didn’t want to partake in such tomfoolery (lame excuse, but whatever). He locked eyes with Jack and gave a nod, before continuing his spiel with his older brother. “Now if you want to win Amy over, you need to get out of your comfort zone, my dude. What better way than stealing something from the principal’s office?” Ethan pressed on, wanting Andy to join in on the fun. The younger Green twin could smell success in the air with his brother at his side. This gave them a higher chance of succeeding in their heist, and aiding Mikey at his horrible gameplay in Fortnite. Success was all that Ethan wanted (and to watch good films). A new era for his twin and he was going to be part of the ride, from start to finish. Till death do they part. Green brothers FOR LIFE. “Like check it, what if we find something that belongs to dad’s in there? Do you know how happy dad would be if we found his old phone or game boy or whatever? Bruh, this could guarantee the vineyard, I’m sure of it.”

Out of his comfort zone. Easier said than done, but Andy was pretty confident he could do it. He was also pretty confident he needed a nap, and some Cheetos. As Ethan mentioned finding something of their father’s to guarantee the vineyard for their personal use, Andy looked over at him and tilted his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard dad say no. To anything. Have you?” Andy asked the question genuinely, but as he thought about it… he shrugged. While he had never heard his dad say no… Ethan probably had. “Yeah, I mean he’d probably be more up for it if we find a GameBoy! Maybe he’s missing a beloved Pokémon or something.” Andy beamed at his older brother and gave him a thumbs up. He’d have to figure this out, since it was clearly a pretty big deal to his older brother that they secure the deal for the vineyard party. Andy didn’t get it, but high school politics were more complex than they seemed! Besides. He had a girl… friend now?

Yes he was ignoring her texts, but he’d get there eventually. “Do you guys actually have a plan?”

While Henry Green did not say no often, if at all, the vineyard was a different story. For some reason or another, Eden Springs was a forbidden jewel in their family. Off limits to outsiders. Strictly family. No one told him why. Not even his dad and his dad told him everything! Ethan was flabbergasted that not even his father threw a party there which only made him want to throw a party there even more. This is why the golden boy absolutely needed this mission to go off without a hitch. “Of course we have a plan!” If they did have a plan, Ethan did not know of it, he was only assuming, out of the faith he had in his band of brothers. “Starting with our crew. As Reuben Tishkoff said in Ocean’s Eleven: ‘Ya gotta be NUTS. And you’re gonna need a crew as nuts as you are!’ I think we’re off to a fiiiiine start, right boys?”
Said fuck it and decided to buy MW3 anyway. Gun go brrr.

No but seriously, I haven't played a COD game on PC in probably a decade. My games are almost always positive (so far) but I rarely win matches lol. I hate the unlock system, though. Camos are easier to get, but just like with attachments and stuff, you have to use alternate weapons to unlock things. Like, why the hell do I need to use a SMG to unlock a red dot-esque sight for my AR? It's so dumb, but I guess it gets you to use other things I suppose.

Also, the music gets annoying after awhile. I know it's main menu music or whatever, but it feels so repetitive after listening to it the 500th time.

just buy mw 2 2009 bro its better neway

or download xdefiant which is pretty badass too
@Hey Im Jordan & @Fabricant451
LOCATION: The Mermaid's Closet
Introducing: Juliet Park
Featuring: Shauna Flynn


“But can you tell me why I need a job?”

Juliet thought it was a fair question. There was no point in her having a job she didn’t want! Her last job had essentially been perfect, and after she’d lost it, she basically considered her contribution to society over. Even working at Disneyland as a ‘cast member’ (she’d been a Jungle Cruise operator) had been… less than ideal. Juliet had accomplished most of her goals, but a lot of the magic of Disneyland was gone now - and she wasn’t sure it would ever come back. Why would she want to work anywhere else?

Especially a place called ‘The Mermaid’s Closet.’ Juliet knew the store, she’d shopped there once. Only once. Sitting in the passenger seat of the vehicle, she turned her attention to her mother, and pleaded in her native tongue with the hopes that it might convince her mother to let this one lie. “왜 여기에? 끈적끈적해요.” (Why here? It’s tacky.) She demanded, though it fell on deaf ears.

Juliet groaned when her mother just ignored her. So what if she’d gotten fired!? It wasn’t her fault. She checked her Apple Watch, then put her hand on the door handle. “Fine. But if I don’t like it, I will complain.” She pulled the door handle, and pushed the door open. Her decision was already made. How hard could it be to bomb an interview? She thought about more things to throw over her shoulder at her mother, but in the end she opted to not poke the bear. She felt lucky to get away with just the expectation that she’d at least ‘try’ to get a job. Of course, she hadn’t expected her parents to arrange an interview for her.

Hopefully a full review wouldn’t be sent to them after she got rejected. Her brow furrowed as she watched her mother drive away, wondering how she was even supposed to get home, before she turned her attention to the doorway of The Mermaid’s Closet. As she grabbed the handle and pulled it open, she found herself wishing she’d just done what her father had suggested, and moved to Korea when she was eight to be a trainee. At least then she wouldn’t be here.

She pulled open the door and looked around the store, eventually making eye contact with the person behind the counter. She quickly closed the gap between herself and the counter, and looked at the woman on the other side. She checked her watch again, “I have an interview in two minutes.” She explained, already thinking of things she’d say to make sure the deal wasn’t cinched. Unless her parents had pulled strings without telling her, this was going to go just right.

Most people who graduated with her expected Shauna Flynn to either be behind bars or faded to obscurity but the ultimate twist of expectations found Shauna evolved into a respectable business owner. The Mermaid’s Closet was a boutique that offered a wide selection for women of all walks of life at affordable prices. Of course, she stocked higher end items as well thanks to a working relationship with Min-Seo Thomas and other designers. One year, The Mermaid’s Closet was a sponsor for BHHS’ Homecoming Game which led to the yearly tradition of there being a discount for all BHHS students during Homecoming Week so long as they provided a valid student I.D. That sale wasn’t why the Closet did good business, but it was why the Closet was doing more business. Plenty of students who needed last minute Homecoming outfits and the Closet was happy to oblige.

As the owner and manager, Shauna rarely worked behind the counter, but she could often be found on the floor, helping young women find their style and confidence and providing tips for accessories and the like, but she was covering for an employee who had taken a late lunch break when Juliet walked in and approached the counter. Shauna looked at the girl then over her own shoulder at the clock on the wall behind the register. “Ya kno’, there’s no brownie points fer gettin’in early.” Shauna’s silken Irish brogue still had an effect on those susceptible to accents, but Shauna’s days as the Shark were behind her. Now, her talents of seduction were reduced to swiping on pictures of lonely, bored, and not always single women on various apps.

Fuck what a downgrade adult life turned out to be.

“Ya got a resume? I know yer ma an’ Kitty’s Missy put in a word for ya, but one’o them lives in a constant state of inebriation. So hand it over, yeah?”

There was at least one positive of working here: the lady behind the counter was at least attractive. It took every ounce of self control that Juliet had within her to not drum her fingers on the counter as the woman talked in an accent she could hardly even understand, and then she frowned. Had the other woman said she’d gotten a word from her mother? That was not a good sign, it might end up ruining her plan. As Shauna asked her about a resume, Juliet shook her head.

“I don’t have a copy of my resume. Is that going to be an insta-fail? I’m sorry.” She explained with a smile on her lips. The smile couldn’t have been a more fake, almost mocking smile if Juliet had read the words off of a script. She hadn’t ever made a resume, but could pretend like she’d just ‘forgotten’ one. “I worked at Disneyland before this. Does that count?” She looked back at the clock, and pointed with a dainty finger. “It’s time now. Is there like an office, or…?” She asked, as she peered around the building, a look of clear judgment on her face - she was sizing the place up and thinking about how much time she would be willing to spend there.

“I’m pretty excited about the interview!” She was not. But did the manager realize that?

“Sure ya’are.” Shauna was familiar with the smile on Juliet’s lips. She’d seen it on classmates years ago who suffered her presence during cheerleader tryouts. She’d given the same smile when freshmen girls tried to stretch a one night stand to a relationship before Shauna shot them down with that same expression. In no world would someone like Juliet be good for business, but Shauna was willing to humor the girl even if only because she was asked by two different mothers. “Come on back.” The Irish owner gestured with her head to a door near the back with ‘MANAGER’ on label made tiles.

The office was fairly standard. Shauna had a desk with a computer and monitor and a second screen was mounted on one of the walls. There were binders open on her desk and pictures of various cast photos from stage shows hung on her wall in place of motivational quotes or family photos. Instead of chairs, there was a black couch on the other side of the desk, and a smaller chaise lounge on the right wall. “Take a seat.” Shauna crossed over to her desk chair and sat down, pushing her binders to the side and keeping her eyes on Juliet like she was thinking the girl was going to shoplift.

“Cut the shite.” Any pretense of Shauna being a friendly manager was lost in the gruff brogue. “Who’s makin’ ya take this interview?”

She looked around the room, and there was a visible grimace as she saw the couch. She knew the kind of videos that were made on couches like that, which was why Juliet was wise enough to not take a seat. Instead, she stood across from Shauna and peered down at her as she finally spoke. Juliet had responses prepared for more than a few possible interview questions. But when Shauna asked her first question, the smile dissipated.

Juliet hadn’t seen that coming. Was she really that easy to read? No, she knew she wasn’t that easy to read. This other woman just had a little more experience at reading people than Juliet had expected. In fact, ever since she’d stepped into the room, the manager of the closet was proving to be different than what she’d expected. “What do you mean?” She stuck to her guns at first, forcing the smile back onto her face. “I applied for the job. I want the interview.”

She knew she was being read like a book though, that Shauna saw straight through the smile and knew that Juliet would have rather been wearing an annoyed frown. “Ugh. My parents. They’re mad I got fired.” She no longer attempted to hold the smile on her lips, and for the first time since meeting Shauna was honest. She knew perfectly well there was a chance this got back to her mother and stabbed her in the back, but this was almost cathartic. She watched carefully, trying to see if she could pick out Shauna’s own feelings as she waited for the response. With any other person? Juliet expected she would have already been dismissed from the interview.

“Why’d ya get fired?” This sort of thing was typically found on a resume and Shauna could have someone else make a call with the previous employer and get the information needed, but there was a curiosity about this girl, and a strange sort of familiarity. In Shauna’s estimation, this Juliet girl was used to getting what she wanted with a smile and a suggestion. That was a dangerous combination, but from this side of the desk, Juliet wasn’t ready to go pro.

In any other situation, Juliet would have given a dishonest answer. However, this person seemed like the first person in the entire world that Juliet felt she could proudly announce the truth to. Maybe it was the accent? This was dangerous. “I got caught getting to second base with Belle in the spare Jungle Cruise boat.” he couldn’t stop the bright, proud smile that spread on her lips as she said it. “I’m really upset about it because only Merida and Tiana were left, and I really wanted to complete the set.” She sighed wistfully, sounding more like someone reminiscing about coming close to a long term goal and coming just short. “Did you know they fire immediately for that? Not even her! Apparently, it’s harder to find actresses who can be princesses the way Disney wants princesses.”

“I wish I never had! It really ruins the mysticism, working there. Don’t work there if you like Disneyland.”

“Rule 4.” Shauna spoke softly, but audibly, shook her head and smirked. Keeping her eyes towards Juliet, Shauna opened a drawer on her desk and handed an old school notebook with a visible crease and wear and tear on the cover to the interviewee. The cover of the notebook was black and had no other identifiable features, but on the inside was a list of rules and beyond that was a list of names, dates, numbers between one and ten, and acronyms like ‘FFNC’, ‘FFC’, ‘SONC’ ‘SOC’, ‘SNNC’ ‘SNC’ and more. As the notebook went on, though, the list of names got smaller and smaller.

“Rule 4. Never in a spot where authority can walk in.” That time she spoke much clearer, her accent vanishing but the husky, silken smooth tone lingered. “What’s your count?”

Juliet raised an eyebrow as she heard Shauna speak up again. She looked down at the book and idly flipped through it, only glancing over the names and notations. “This is your little black book.” It was obvious just from a single glance, but it shook Juliet so hard she couldn’t help but say it aloud. “Cool. I just have a Google sheet myself, but I guess your options were kinda limited, huh?” Just from turning the pages in the book, she could tell that it was likely from when the woman across the desk had been her age.

She hadn’t yet answered the question about her ‘count,’ nor had she been able to wipe off the smirk that crawled across her lips when Shauna asked. She lifted her eyes from the page she was looking at to make eye contact with the older woman, “ten, but I would be willing to make it an eleven.”

“I wouldn’t be able to hire you if you wanted eleven.”

“That’s a shame.”

Shauna had never regretted maturing into someone decently responsible, but even she could admit that moments like this were incredibly tempting. Her romantic life was just so…boring. App hookups had no passion, no thrill, no climax, and they always wanted to talk and cuddle after. Exhausting. Even the friends with benefits who knew that their relationship started and stopped when clothes were put back on had a tendency to bore. It was like eating a good steak dinner every night; eventually it started tasting of nothing and wasn’t even all that satisfying anymore.

Yes, Shauna missed being ‘The Shark’, but even if she matched solely with nineteen and twenty year olds, she’d still be seen in a negative light just because there was a three in front of her ones column. She didn’t even hit on the mothers who shopped here or the single women looking for something to spice up their drab life. Sure, she bantered with them and laughed when they made a comment about a pot of gold or how lucky they were to find the shop, but it was as fake a laugh and smile as Juliet had given on her arrival.

“You’re good at getting girls to do what you want, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question. The Shark knew the type. Sharks could smell their own. “But I don’t think you know as much as you think you do.” They weren’t talking about fashion. They really never had been. “Say I offered you a floor position. You could tell your mom you’re in sales. But really I’d offer you an internship. I thought Kitty would follow in my footsteps but she had to go and fall in love. Rule 10. Give me until your graduation and your own black book would put mine to shame. What do you think?”

Juliet thought about it. She was beginning to pick up what the other woman was putting down. It at least got her a job so her parents would get off of her back, though she had to admit, she’d never considered a mentor. At least not in this aspect of her life. She tapped her finger on the cover of the closed notebook; her pride would be wounded if she just admitted she had a lot to learn, and that stung. “How many names are in your book?” She asked as she opened it to a random page and glanced down, and then froze as she saw one of the many names. “Hey. My mom’s name is in this book.”

“You’d be surprised at some of the other names in there. Let’s just say it wasn’t Kit Thomas’ talking that landed her Min-Seo.”

For her entire life, Juliet had thought her parents had met in high school, introduced by her churchgoing grandparents and that had been that. There had never been another person in their lives, or at least that’s what Juliet had been told her entire life. She snapped the notebook shut, and for the briefest of seconds it seemed like there was a chance Shauna had lost her potential successor.

“Teach me.” She said as she placed the book back down on the desk. “Oh, I’m Juliet.” She’d intentionally not introduced herself before, not seeing the point since she’d originally had no intention of seeing this woman again. “I want to know the rest of the rules.”

“We’ll go over the rules at your orientation.” Shauna leaned back in her chair, a look of genuine satisfaction on her lips. Was this how parents felt? Pride? She’d never know. But she would be true to her word and teach her apprentice everything she needed to know to carry on the legacy. Of that she was certain. “But you’re going to have to accept that most of your names will be hard sixes or below and that’s being generous. Work the ones with body issues long enough and you’ll spring to eights and nines in no time. Trust me. I’ve fucked Oscar winners.” Shauna could’ve been lying but she had a way of making every word she said sound as believable as it was rude.

But she was an actress above all.

“Shauna. Tell your mom she owes me one for taking you in.” The wink she gave Juliet was full of such ill intent that a blind person could’ve picked up what she was putting down. “Oh, one freebie. The lock on the dressing room closest to the window has trouble catching.”

“When can I start?”

xdefiant good
The camera panned out to show the capacity crowd gathered at Madison Square Garden, one of the last shows AWE was running before their biggest event of the year; the Showcase of Immortals. In the ring was a table with a black cloth over it, and a binder containing the contract to the main event of Starcade: Caiden Winters vs Drayden for the Undisputed AWE championship.

Sat at the table was long-time AWE fan favorite Drayden, dressed to the nines in a dark suit. Falling to an injury almost a year ago now, Drayden had recently returned from the shelf. He shocked fans by returning to align with Roddy Quinn, the boss of AWE, who had been spending the time since Drayden’s injury trying to stop Caiden Winters’s meteoric rise. Unsuccessful on his own, Roddy had been forced to bring out the biggest gun he had: his ace.

Upon his return, Drayden had tried to explain things to fans who wouldn’t listen to him, or Roddy. Caiden wasn’t who they wanted as their champion! Caiden hadn’t even beaten Drayden for the title, he wasn’t their champion. He was a fraud, a fake. Someone Drayden promised to personally expose.

The fans had rejected him. They didn’t want Drayden’s AWE anymore, they wanted the new one. The one ushered in by Caiden Winters. Caiden followed a long road to get to where he was now, holding the AWE world championship around his waist. After successful feuds against Roddy Quinn himself, Oscar O’Sullivan, and finally Gethin, Caiden Winters had built a level of groundswell support in AWE that hadn’t been seen in years.

When Drayden came back and insisted he would take that away because it was what the fans needed even if they didn’t know it yet, and… they rejected him. The lights dimmed and music filled the arena. The sound of rabid cheering filled the atmosphere as the camera focused in on Drayden and the smirk that was on his lips in anticipation. His opponent had arrived.

The camera panned to the top of the stage as Caiden Winters finally stepped into the spotlight, to an explosion of cheers. He walked with purpose as he approached the squared circle, his eyes never leaving his opponent who was waiting for him in the ring. This wasn’t Caiden’s first contract signing on AWE television, and it likely wouldn’t be the last - but it was clear from the way he held himself this was the most important.

His first match in the company had been against Drayden, and Drayden’s last match before his injury and time on the shelf had been against Caiden. They’d competed for the very title that now rested on Caiden’s shoulder, the AWE championship. Even though he’d turned up short in the match, when Drayden had wound up on the shelf after their match, Caiden had openly boasted about being the one who put the Heart & Soul of AWE to rest. This wasn’t just a match for the title, it wasn’t even ‘just’ a match for the future of AWE. This was a blood feud.

Caiden stalked his prey, walking around the ring before even stepping up onto the apron. Rabid fans screamed his name, a prophetic warning for Drayden. ‘CAIDEN’S GONNA KILL YOU’ they screamed, and it had a visible effect on Drayden. The smirk dissipated on his face as he held eye contact with the circling Caiden and one of his legs bounced up and down restlessly. By the time Caiden had completed his lap and climbed the steps to get into the ring, Drayden was up on his feet.

The music came to a close as Caiden stepped past Drayden and reached through the ropes for a microphone. He took it and stood opposite Drayden in the ring, but neither of them spoke. They stood eye-to-eye in the center of the ring, and the aura of their hatred energized the fans.


Caiden cupped the mic and lifted it to his lips, but his voice wasn’t the first heard by the viewers. “...I’m marking out bro.” Wade Palmer, the voice of AWE couldn’t help but let out a whispered reaction to the scene playing out in front of him. He’d been doing this for a long time, but was watching the feud of the decade unfold before him. He had the best seat in the whole damn show, sitting ringside behind the commentator’s desk every week for the showcase of the immortals.

As Caiden began to talk, the entire crowd hushed to listen to every word he had to say. “I hate you.” He said it with such certainty that it was apparent the feeling may have transcended the performance. “I hate the way you talk, I hate the way that you wrestle, I hate that you’re such a bootlicker for the boss. I hate you. I hurt you, and I tried to keep you from coming back, but you couldn’t leave well enough alone.” He almost snarled it the second time he told Drayden he hated him.

“That’s fine with me, because after I beat you one last time, I’ll set the record straight. I’m better than you. I know it, everyone in this arena knows and you know what? So do you.” He paced up and down the ring as he talked, ranting now. “You had your chance to sit in your mansion in Pensacola and watch me be better than you ever were, but your pride couldn’t handle it, could it? You and your massive ego couldn’t stand this title on my shoul -”

“I hate you too.”Drayden finally spoke, cutting his opponent off and the immediate reaction from Caiden was palpable in his expression alone. His eyebrows furrowed, and it was obvious hot rage was bubbling inside the younger man. “I can’t stand you. I can’t stand that you spent your entire career in other companies, across the world, and thought if you finally came here you’d be entitled to it. And for what? For selling out bingo halls and high schools?

You can’t do this! You don’t have what it takes to carry the company, the business — you don’t got it. Why do you think I’m here? Why do you think Roddy called me in the first place!? Because you can’t do your job!” Drayden snarled the accusations into the microphone. “You’re holding a belt I never lost. If my knee hadn’t blowed ou—”

“If your knee hadn’t exploded, these people wouldn’t be here because they don’t want you anymore!” Caiden was quick to respond, with words that apparently resonated from the fans based on the roaring reaction. His opponent moved the mic toward his mouth to respond again and Caiden stepped forward getting in his face. “STOP. Stop, brotha. You emptied the clip, what more are you gonna say? That you work harder than me? While you were on the injured list for the past year, I worked twice as many matches as you did in the last five years. Didn’t miss a house show, didn’t miss a PPV. No days off, both shows.

What did you do? You got on a private jet and went to talk shows to cry about how badly you wanted to get back in the ring. You went out there and you told Good Morning America that you’re the best wrestler in the world. You’re not going to convince the fans that you’re better than me, you’re not.” Taking a step back, he ripped the title belt off and held it up in the air. He held it at arm length, in front of his opponent’s face as the camera zoomed in on Drayden’s face. Hungry. Desperate to ‘save’ the company. “This is a world championship, you’ve held it seven times. This is something people in our business work their entire lives, spill blood, sweat, and tears just for a shot. And you know what?” He tossed it to the side of the ring.

I don’t want it. And neither do you. I know what you want,” as Caiden spoke, Drayden furrowed his brow as his opponent spoke, but it was obvious in the air. Caiden Winters was onto something. “Let’s rewind the clock to our very first match. My debut, do you remember it? I bet you do. The fans - your fans then - they were ready to watch you beat another indie darling down, huh?

Let’s go Drayden, clap. clap. clap. They said. Drayden’s gonna kill you, clap. clap, clap. They said. But what did they say, when you were laying flat on your back on the canvas after I put you down for the one, two, three. What did they say?” He leaned forward again, this time getting in Drayden’s face. “They didn’t say a damn thing.”

He pulled back as his opponent scowled, “We fought again for that belt, and you won the match - but you didn’t beat me. That much was clear when they rolled you out of the building on a stretcher - what did they say then? It wasn’t your name was it?”

It was clear the cutting words were having the intended effect, as the other man seemed to be seething with rage. Caiden looked at him, daring him to respond, and Drayden picked the mic up to do just that, “talk is cheap.” He snarled, and the next events happened very quickly. The mic dropped down to the ground, and Drayden’s elbow flew toward Caiden’s face. It hit its mark, and the fight was on.

As the two superstars threw hands at each other, the camera very briefly panned to the top of the ramp where Dana Flynna the general manager and authority figure of AWE was frantically motioning for help to save her main event. Security guard and roster members poured down the ramp to pull champion and contender apart as their brawl spilled outside of the ring.




Introducing: Joey Everett
Timestamp: Some undisclosed time in the morning → Sometime after homeroom-ish

The video paused, Joey wasn’t interested in the rest of it. He’d have to have seen it a hundred times, but he liked it all the same. Having a famous person for a parent was weird at first, but as he grew up and realized the scope of his father’s stardom, he really started to get involved in the community. Joey was an avid forum poster, though he did his best to keep his connection to the business as quiet as possible. That was mostly out of respect for his father, who maintained a low public presence, even when he was champion.

Caiden Winters wanted a private life, and it wasn’t Joey’s place to ruin that. No matter how badly he wanted to correct the YouTube comments he scrolled through, Joey kept silent. It was hard to deal with the fact that people took wrestling so seriously sometimes, but it was also exciting. In due time, Joey was hopeful he’d find his way into the family business. He wasn’t interested in being an in-ring performer, that didn’t really appeal to him. Joey didn’t really think he had it in him to work a match like his father had, but that didn’t mean his options were up.

He may not have had the drive to train and be the legacy of the best to ever do it (in Joey’s opinion, anyway)... but, writing the narrative? Creating the stories that drove people to think two men who couldn’t be closer friends backstage truly hated each other?

Joey could do that.

That was his goal. Joey wanted to be the guy with the pen, the one in control of the narrative. He’d always liked writing, but it was only in the last year or so that he’d finally gotten exposure to the writer’s room of AWE.

It had frankly changed his life. The long term storytelling was beautiful in a way nothing else was to him, seeing the storyboards, reading the notebooks the head writer worked in… It lit a fire under Joey like nothing else had. It was one thing to write a movie or a TV show with a defined beginning, middle, and an end, but the ever evolving story told by professional wrestling was one of a kind.

It was a multi-step process, and Joey had a feeling he’d never hold the final say in the game, but he just wanted a chance. He had originally assumed his father would be able to get him a job, but Caiden had outright refused. You think I came up sleeping in the backseat of my car and working high school gyms just to raise a nepo baby? Not a chance. It had slowed, but not ended his plan. Joey turned to studying, to make sure that he got into a respectable school, so he could get a screenwriting and creative writing degree, following in the same footsteps of the current head of AWE’s writing room.

Joey was sometimes jealous of other students at his high school, whose parents, often more famous and wealthy than his wealthy and famous father, would give them money for whatever they wanted. Caiden was fairly firm on the idea that Joey would work for everything he had. And Joey had. Even the Camry he drove around when he absolutely had to had been paid for by the pocket change of his peers.

One of the few things he hadn’t paid for himself was his pet chameleon, Retribution. Retribution was named after his uncle, Blake Ryder, who had wrestled under the ring name Retribution. If Joey thought about it hard enough, the word ‘retribution’ was there enough that it became confusing, but that didn’t change his intention. Retribution was named Retribution as retribution on his father for refusing to buy him a dog.

Not that Uncle Blake was much better… who bought a teenager a fucking chameleon? Joey should have been more specific about it when he’d told him he wanted a pet. Blake had said he’d get his nephew anything he wanted, and Joey had essentially regretted not being more specific ever since.

Chameleons were high maintenance, angry, and they barely did anything. At first, Joey had been annoyed he’d gotten something so… weird instead of something normal. Not even a turtle? Seriously? It took a lot of effort, time, and money to get a cage that was proper for the little dude, but after a while, Joey really started to enjoy it when Retribution did what Joey affectionately labeled ‘Chameleon Things.’

Mostly, Chameleon Things amounted to grabbing things, making funny expressions, and climbing on Joey like a tree. Joey looked up toward his hat, he saw the paw of a chameleon waiting for him on his forehead. He held his fingers to his forehead and Retribution slowly crawled from his spot on Joey’s head and onto his arm.

“Yeah, you’re right buddy. You gotta go back to your home.” Retribution’s home was a massive glass enclosure next to Joey’s desk. Joey snapped his laptop shut with his free hand and stood up with the arm holding his pet extended. He reached down into the enclosure and let Retribution climb onto one of the trees. “I have tutorings to do after school, so I won’t be back until later. You should be good, right?” He asked, checking the water dish in the habitat.

He nodded to himself and then left his bedroom with his backpack slung over his shoulder. Joey walked through the house his parents owned, and found that both of them still weren’t back. When he was younger, Joey had often gone on the road with them, but these days he found himself home alone more often than not. HIs parents' work required both of them to travel so frequently, that he didn’t feel it was an exaggeration to say he hardly saw them anymore.

Joey was a good kid, and he didn’t really need supervision, so it worked out in the end. Even if he was a bit beat up about it at times, his parents were good at making sure they were present for the events that really mattered. Were they there at every mathletes competition? No, but they were there when he made it to regionals. They were as supportive as they could be, given the situation.

In spite of the heat of Los Angeles, Joey made a point to wear his beanie on his head. If he hadn’t, his mother would have found out somehow, and she might have cried. At first, Joey had been stuck in the rebellious phase, thinking it a bit lame that his mother had taken the time to knit him a beanie that he could hardly wear given the weather where they lived, but after a while it had grown on him. The few friends he had now probably wouldn’t even recognize him if they saw him without it.

A year or so ago, Joey would have rode his skateboard to get to the school, but lately people had started assuming he sold drugs just because he rode a board around Beverly Hills High. When two separate people asked on separate days if he was carrying anything, Joey had decided that it was time to stop, even if it meant his options were getting up early to walk to the school, or suffering through Los Angeles traffic.

The journey to school was long, and Joey was thankful that every day was another day closer to never having to do it again. It wasn’t the day-to-day classwork he didn’t like, but… Being a tutor for some of the people he worked with was genuinely concerning. Weren’t they supposed to be the future? Why did so much of the future struggle with fractions? Were their teachers bad at their jobs? Was it the fault of the parents? These were all questions that Joey had asked himself once or twice since taking up the tutoring job in his sophomore year.

Unfortunately, the tutoring sessions were part of Joey’s rhythm. At first, he’d wanted to do people’s homework for them, but that was something his father would have never approved of. And so, Joey became a teacher. He even reckoned he was a pretty good one, as most of his students found results, but it didn’t make it any more fun. One could only repeat Pythagoras' theorem about fifteen times before it became repetitive.

How many times had Joey explained the theorem now? Try five hundred. A part of him wanted to give up, but another part of him remembered how expensive food for Retribution was (seriously, why did bugs cost so much?), and another part still remembered how much money his peers had. That made it easy enough. He had to give his father respect where it was due… not being spoiled led to Joey having one hell of a work ethic.

Which was another reason why he was dreading school, and then work that day. With homecoming approaching very rapidly, someone would want him to go to the dance, to go to the party, even to the game. Joey didn’t want to do any of those things, he was doing his best to stay focused on himself. If he didn’t get into the right college, it could throw everything out of equilibrium.

People who got to be ghosts in high school didn’t realize how easy they had it. Joey had long ago gotten into the habit of ‘hanging out with everyone.’ Regrettably, it was fairly easy to get along with anyone as long as you listened to what they had to say and offered the right responses — and it was so easy to give the right responses on autopilot. If anyone asked him to go to the events, Joey would say yes before he could stop himself.

Before long, Joey found his way into his homeroom class. He was late, but not late enough for anyone to complain about, and sunk into his chair at his desk. At least he missed the Morning Show.

@Hey Im Jordan & @Fabricant451
Location: The Library
Timestamp: After homeroom
Starring: Michael ‘You Like True Crime?’ O’Connor and Sara ‘Uhm, Ackshually’ Delgado


If Michael said he had a plan, that would have been a lie. It wasn’t even safe to say that he had an inkling of a plan, he’d agreed with what Nicky had requested so quickly that he hadn’t even had time to formulate a plan of attack. There were few options to fulfill his ridiculous request; Dylan’s had felt dumber in the moment, but was success was more immediate. Easier to find. How the hell was he supposed to find someone to date Nicky Snyder? He wasn’t a fucking magician. Nicky was loud and proud about it, and while that wasn’t necessarily a negative in the dating world, it was far from a positive. People like Nicky were supposed to be like Ethan: drowning in pussy. All that unearned and undeserved confidence, and for fucking what?

Nicky needed a special type of girl, Michael knew that much from the five minutes they’d talked together that morning before exchanging Discord IDs. This was a lot to go through for one night of playing Fortnite, but if this guy was as good as Michael assumed he was? Then he’d probably get enough wins in one evening to stop his brother from ever bringing it up again. It had taken almost the entire homeroom period and nearly the entire travel time between periods before it had dawned on Michael.

He knew who to set Nicky up with! Or, at least, he used to. Back in the before times, when he favored his academics over his athletics, Michael had been the captain of the mathletes. He had hardly interacted with his old teammates in the years since, but there was something to be said about being in high school: numbers never changed. Now, he just had to hope that she answered the call when it was put out into the air.

To: Sara from Mathletes 🤓
Hey Sara! It’s Michael, I don’t know if you remember me.
Can you meet me in the library? I was wondering if I could ask a favor! Ten minutes of your time? Do you still have study period after homeroom?
I do! I’ll be in the library waiting if you want.

It took more self control than it honestly should have for Michael to not physically pat himself on the back as he grinned and headed toward the library. In his head, this was already a done deal. What was she going to do, say no? Everyone wanted to roll with him and his friends, so he had that to his advantage. And besides, she was a bit geeky — there was a chance she might know who NIcky was, and then his battle was more than halfway done. As he took a seat at one of the desks in the back corner of the relatively large library, he smiled. All he had to do now was wait.

When her phone buzzed, Sara naturally assumed it was another automated message asking her to vote for some candidate or another spam email notification that she enabled just so the vibrating phone message would make it seem like people were actually interested in talking to her. No one would really need or want to contact her other than her mother or abuelta and one of them was at work and the other was not presently around a phone and certainly wouldn’t know how to send a text message anyway. So when her phone buzz, Sara just ignored it and went about her day, heading to her favorite location in school once home room came to an end - the teacher hadn’t called her name during roll call because of course she was present. Where the hell else would she be?

In the library, Sara checked the tutoring roster. No one had signed up today, at least no for her, and she chalked it up to the fact that on pep rally day the only thing students cared about was getting out of class earlier so they could start the weekend that much sooner. It was no bother, she had doodles and reading to catch up on anyway. To the back of the library Sara went, to the back corner table that was quiet and out of the way of general foot traffic. On most days Sara’s biggest hurdle when studying on the back desk was that some students used the back corner desks for making out, but Sara had gotten quite good at writing notes and studying when hands and asses were right in the corner of her eye. She sometimes cleared her throat to try to get them to leave, but it was like trying to hear a single bell in the middle of a raging concert.

Sara paused as she turned towards the back corner desk and saw that it was occupied not by students engaged in a rousing game of tonsil hockey, but rather a student who looked like he was waiting for someone. Probably so he could play tonsil hockey. Sara didn’t say anything as she took the familiar seat and pulled a book from her backpack. She didn’t exist. The intruder would mind his own business as if she wasn’t even there. Such was the symbiotic relationship Sara had with the school.

Michael didn’t ignore her. In fact. he found himself staring at her. Was she trolling him? Had she checked her texts? Was she ignoring him? Did he deserve this? He racked his brain and tried to think of a time where he had hit on Sara. There wasn’t anything that immediately popped up, but as he gazed at her… he wondered if he’d made the right choice texting her. Seconds ticked away, and Sara was reading a book. This was a punishment, it had to be, but Michael was stubborn. He got it from his mother, one of the most stubborn people on the entire planet.

Seconds turned into minutes, and in the game of chicken they were playing, neither of them moved. Other students walked by the scene, observing it for a few seconds with a scrunched up nose of either confusion or distaste. Michael did not see them. He was focused on Sara. It was on the fourth minute that he decided something had to be wrong with this girl and tapped the table to get her attention.

“Hey, did you get my text message, or…?” Michael left the question rather open ended, unsure what the deal was here. He wasn’t used to being ignored, even when he had been a nerd, he had a commanding presence. This, though? This was fucking ridiculous. “If you didn’t want to help me out, you could have just said so. I know I’m more interesting than that book, dude.” Though he spoke in a whisper, his tone was still firm, almost harshly so. He did not take being ignored very well.

At least he was whispering while he was talking to someone on the phone, though Sara couldn’t remember the last time she knew someone her age to speak to someone on the phone. It must’ve been a family member who hadn’t learned how to text yet. The question by Michael went unanswered for another full minute before Sara reconsidered; he had mentioned something about a book. “Are…are you talking to me?” She had to ask, her voice almost scratchy like she needed water. This was officially the longest conversation she had had with another student. “Did…you want to read my book? Are you interested in the history of toxicology? Charles Norris, the subject of this book, was a pioneer of what we now know as forensic toxicology, it’s a really fascinating book even if you’re not interested in the subject matter. I don’t know if the school library has it, but it’s called The Poisoner’s Handbook if you want to buy your own copy.” It had been so long since she spoke that it all just sort of…flowed out of her. She half expected the guy to have up and left during her lengthy reply.

Had she always been like that? Michael honestly couldn’t remember, even when they’d been on the team she hadn’t been much of a talker. When she started rambling about her book, he started realizing this plan was genius. Both Nicky and Sara were yappers, this was going to go great. He relaxed into his chair and shook his head. “Uh, no I’m not trying to read your book. Check your phone, I texted you like 20 minutes ago.” It could have been an eternity, with how long he’d been staring a hole into her skull. At least he knew he wasn’t being blatantly ignored; it turned out that Sara was just… a little weird. “I didn’t know you were interested in toxicology though, that’s kinda… interesting.” He didn’t want to say creepy, but the message was probably received. He shook his head.

“The Sara I remember wasn’t really like a True Crime Podcast girlie. She brought snacks to all our mathlete meetups.”

“It’s not a true crime podcast, I listen to NPR, true crime podcasts are basically dramatic readings of Wikipedia articles but that’s beside the…you were in mathletes?” Sara paused and looked away from her book and towards the boy who had been able to see the ghost in the library. Sara had been in mathletes but only lasted a semester and a half, not because she was bad at it but because the team never really included her in the competitions against other schools. She warmed the bench even though she knew a lot of the answers and believed she would have been a great asset. But things just sort of went that way for Sara: unrecognized, unknown, unwanted. Her abuelita had said that the best way to fit in was with food but every time she brought homemade cupcakes and donuts, they were simply eaten by the others and assumed to have been bakery bought.

Unlike others at the school, though, Sara remembered faces. Names. The guy didn’t look it now, but if she squinted and added puberty growth spurts…”Are you…Michael O’Connor?” Why would Michael O’Connor talk to her? Why would he text her, if what he said was true? Why would he know her name? “You don’t need tutoring, you already know how to factor trinomials. What…what…what do you want? If…if this is…like…some popular kid prank…just…just do it now, okay?”

“What do you think this is, a Mean Girls sketch? I’m not… me and the boys don’t do that.” That was mostly true, though Michael knew that there was one person in the Elite in particular who was cold-hearted enough to actually pull a prank on someone of ‘lesser’ social standing. But that definitely was not him, he just needed a favor. Why was she making this so difficult? He’d needed to wrack his brain hard as fuck just to find a name that he thought would fit, and now that he was talking to her, she didn’t even seem interested in him. That wasn’t really surprising, something told him that shredded jocks were not Sara’s type. “Sounds to me like you know a lot more about true crime podcasts than you want to admit,” he mused, circling back to Sara’s comment about dramatic readings of Wikipedia articles.

This was going to be perfect, he reasoned silently. Sara, it seemed, needed friends… and sooner, rather than later. Nicky, as far as Michael knew, had friends. They could share! It worked out. “Since you didn’t check your phone I guess, I’ll just repeat myself.” He hated doing that. “I was wondering if you could help me out with a favor? I have a friend who really needs a date to the dance and the party tomorrow. I was hoping you didn’t have anyone in mind already?” He paused, letting her chew on it before he launched in again, this time focused on sweetening the deal.

“He can come pick you up from your place for the dance, then at the party you guys can hang out with me and the rest of the crew. There will be free food, booze, and weed. You gotta like at least two of those, right?” Having shot his shot, Michael sank back into the chair and relaxed. What was she going to do? Say no?

Sara hadn’t been to a dance or a party in her four years of going to BHHS, but even if she had, would anyone have even noticed her presence? Dances were one thing, but parties? Parties were basically the social events of any given month; she’d heard that Halloween parties were particularly crazy and that one year some people woke up the morning after in the hospital. Hardly her idea of fun. If she went to a party, she’d somehow find herself on a couch sandwiched between two different couples each engaging in drunken, sloppy makeouts but be too timid to say anything and too squished to prise herself away from the situation. Not that she was speaking from experience, of course.

“I don’t…alcohol and…weed…they…impair senses…I just…isn’t there someone…better for this? I…I have plans…” She didn’t. Not unless making a steak torta and watching a Ken Burns documentary about the Central Park Five counted as plans. “I think…I…I don’t…I never…I…plans…” Was she hyperventilating? Why did it suddenly feel so hard to breathe? Was she sure this wasn’t a prank? “No…ticket…I…”

“Don’t worry about that. Me and the boys will handle your ticket, you just need to get a dress and be ready when he’s there to pick you up. If you don’t like him, ditch him at the party and find someone you do like. Trust me, Sara. A little alcohol and weed impairs your senses and you’ll have the time of your life.” Was there a chance that it ended poorly? Sure, there were usually a few bad decisions made, but Michael felt pretty confident he could keep an eye on Nicky and Sara for a couple of nights. “You’ll have a ride there and a ride back… and we’ll keep you entertained.” He didn’t say it, but part of him wanted to point out that after a weekend of hanging out normally, she might even have a couple of friends.

“I feel like I never see you at the parties. This is our last year, so party hard and see where it goes.” Michael hadn’t been expecting any resistance from her, let alone basically a panic attack… which he hadn’t really addressed. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his sports bottle, filled with a red substance. “Here, drink some water. Well, I put a pre-workout packet in there, but it’s fine… water is good for you. It’s fruit punch flavored. Well… watermelon and strawberry.” Technically, it was called ‘Tiger’s Blood,’ but something told him Sara wouldn’t drink it if he said that.

“Just drink it and take a breath before you pass out, dude.”

Under normal circumstances, Sara would have questioned the drink offered to her. Water wasn’t supposed to be red and people who put the little flavor packets in their water were better off just drinking juice, but this was an unusual and unprecedented circumstance so she grabbed the offered bottle and half of the contents were rolling down her throat before she stopped, panted to catch her breath, and quietly handed it back. “You’re not supposed to accept drinks from strangers…” Sara didn’t think Michael had any nefarious plot in mind, she was just reverting to general trivia and information like a loading screen of a video game.

“What…what were you talking about?”

This was an experience. Michael had never dealt with someone with so much anxiety. How was it even possible to cram that much anxiety into that small of a body? He didn’t want to fuck this up by being rude, so he took the sports bottle back. It was nearly empty, but he supposed that was okay, at least she was able to talk to him now. With a sigh, Michael repeated himself — again, a landmark moment for him, but then this was a desperate time and called for a desperate measure.

“I want you to go to the dance and the party over the weekend with a friend of mine. He will pick you up, you just need to have a dress and an overnight bag. And maybe slightly more willingness to get drunk.” Without wiping the nozzle clean, he slurped at some of the drink still in his bottle. “Come and have fun. The library will be here on Monday.” This time, he hoped, she wouldn’t launch into an immediate anxiety attack this time. “Do you have Discord? I can give you bro’s.”

The library might be here on Monday but Sara had no guarantee that she would be. She paused and let hundreds of questions pour through her head, each one starting with the damning phrase ‘what if’. What if something bad happened, what if she got in trouble, what if someone died, what if what if what if what if. And within the storm of anxiety and excuses her thoughts went back to her bedroom, to that empty cell of a room and to the desk she did her homework and studies at. To the college acceptance letter that greeted her and the loudest question in her head became ‘What if I go to college with zero experiences?’ followed ever so closely by ‘What if I do something I regret?’ The question swirled and morphed and silently she pondered the more important question: would I regret not going? It wasn’t like they could…unaccept her from college…right?

“What…what’s Discord? I don't have to..like…” Sara looked around. The only ones within earshot were herself and Michael but even so, Sara leaned in and whispered like she was confessing to a priest. “I don’t have to…[size=64]have sex…[/size]right?”

“That’s between you and your date, not me! But I’m not hiring you to be a prostitute! That would be insane, I just need you to be this guy’s date, okay?” He felt like she’d agreed, but he was holding off on telling her her date’s name for now. He was worried that giving her a name would make it too real. “How do you not know what Discord is? How do you keep in touch with like… anyone?” He asked, frowning as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contact list; at least he’d had the brain power to get his phone number too, rather than just a Discord contact. What kind of person didn’t have discord?

“You’re agreeing, right? I honestly can’t tell, man. This’ll be good for you.” I think.

“My mom texts me or calls me if she needs to contact me.” Sara responded to the rhetorical question before she realized it was, in fact, rhetorical. Her social stock was already in the gutter but now it had to be barrelling its way to the core of the earth. “I…” Sara closed her eyes. The voices in her head were screaming, debating one another like the ancient philosophers in Greece, but sometimes the voices had to be silenced. Sara knew many and more things…but that wasn’t a skill so easily learned by any book or research paper. Her second most important mentor of her youth always said to take chances, make mistakes, get messy…maybe it was time for Sara to try one of those. “...Okay.”

“NICE.” Mikey couldn’t help but pump his fist in front of himself as his voice went a few decibels above where it should have been in the library. It was like a huge weight had lifted off of his shoulders as he was locked in for his deal with Nicky Snyder. Things were put into motion, and he was going to do his best to make sure the adopted nerds had a good time. He scribbled down a number on a piece of paper and pushed it across to her. “There’s his number. Text him if you want, maybe if you’re all mysterious and anonymous it’d be cute, I dunno. If you don’t wanna do that, tell him you got it from me.” He stepped up out of his chair and shouldered his pack again, grabbing his sports bottle and starting to walk away. As he departed, he dropped the library whisper and added. “Hey bring some of those Mexican donuts you used to bring to mathletes, yeah? Fuckin’ loved those things.”

It wasn’t quite how she imagined it happening, but Sara got her first phone number from a classmate. It might not have meant much to most people, but it was quite the big deal for Sara. Was she supposed to bring the pan dulce to the dance? Was that allowed? Wouldn’t that be weird, showing up with sweet bread for an entire dance? How many was she supposed to bake? That would take her, like, most of the night and into the morning if she wanted enough to go around. How many people showed up to a dance? To a party? Like…sixty, right? That seemed right. Sara looked at the slip of paper and looked over the number, already doing little equations with the number in her head. It was fun for her. Maybe she’d try sending a text after school - doing it during school hours was against the rules after all. “Wait…” Sara paused, looked at the paper. At the numbers. That’s all that was there. Numbers.

“Who the heck am I going to the dance with?”

welcome to the party pal!

accepted bro


The smell of breakfast was what woke him from his slumber. With the constant physical activity he did, Michael tended to sleep like a rock, but the smell of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and hashbrowns brought him back to life. He slowly threw one leg over the bed and lazily sat himself up. Was he always this tired? Maybe his mom was right, maybe he did need to quit the job if he was going to be this focused on his fitness, sports, and trying to get into a good college. His head hurt, something to do with staying up too late the night before — or maybe overworking himself at the gym? Staying up wasn’t his fault! Between all of the obligations he had, he basically only had the dead of the night to do what he wanted.

He moved slowly, but he eventually made it up and out of the bed, grabbing the Rubik’s cube on his desk as he headed toward the door. It took him even longer to get downstairs, and when he made it to the kitchen he was still wearing his pajamas - flannel pants and no shirt. It wasn’t like it mattered, his mother was working another overnight at the lab, which left only Michael, his dad Damian, and his youngest brother Samuel at the house.

Which was probably why as he approached the table, he could hear the sounds of a Nintendo Switch emanating from the dining room. His father was still standing over the stove, flipping blueberry pancakes over. Samuel, however, was sitting at the table and pressing buttons on his Switch. The tired Mikey took a seat across from Sam and stared at him. “Didn’t mom say not to play games at the table?” He asked as he turned the Rubik’s cube in his hands. Rubik’s cubes were easy, they had patterns.

“Mom’s not here!” Samuel chirped in response.

“I didn’t know that turned her rules off.” Mikey hissed as he narrowed his eyes. There was a certain bitterness to his tone, nothing out of line for an older sibling talking to a younger one, but it was still notable. In his hands, he shuffled the Rubik’s cube, getting it ready to play with while he ate his breakfast. His dad walked to the table with a huge plate of food that he dropped in front of Michael.

“Come on, Mike. Your mom’s at the lab, so that means it’s dad’s rules. And dad’s rules are: breakfast, served twice a day, video games at the table, and best of all —” Damian, his father, explained with a grin toward his younger son as Samuel’s eyes lit up with excitement.

“We get to watch scary movies and stay up late!”

“That’s correct.”

Michael didn’t respond, mostly because he was busy shoveling food into his mouth as fast as possible. His body had a desperate need for fuel. It was almost impressive how fast he was getting through the plate, but of the people in the house, Michael certainly burned through the most calories. He tore a piece of bacon with his teeth and spoke while chewing, “whatever! I don’t want to listen to Fortnite while I’m trying to eat, man.” He said, glancing at his father, but Damian just shrugged and returned to the stovetop. Michael would want more food after he was done with this plate, Damian remembered what he was like when he was a teenager.

“Don’t worry about it, dad. He’s just mad because he’s never won! Even though it’s a game for kids. Samuel’s voice was undeniably smug as he taunted his brother, before there was a loud THUD! followed by Samuel squeaking, “OW! DAD! MICHAEL THREW HIS STUPID RUBIK’S CUBE AT ME!” Michael had pitched the puzzle box at his little brother, tagging him square in the chest.

“Boo frickity hoo, mom’s not here. So her rules don’t apply.Michael leaned across the table, reaching for his Rubik’s cube, but Samuel dropped his Switch and snatched the cube up in one smooth motion. He jumped away from the table as his older brother complained. “Give it back, dude! Do you know how hard it is to find a genuine one these days!?”

“I’m gonna mess it all up first, you butthole.”


“You hit him with a Rubik’s cube, big dog! What do you expect?”

Michael sunk back into his chair in frustration. “Fine. Mess it up. It only takes me like thirty seconds to fix it! Did you forget about that?!” He demanded, with a mouthful of potatoes in his mouth. He was talking with his mouth full way more often than he would have with his mother there, but he figured if the rules were different for Sammy… they were different for him too.

“Okay… I guess I’ll just do this.” Samuel lifted up his arm, like he was going to spike the cube onto the ground, but he tensed up as Michael jumped out of his chair, a piece of pancake still on his fork. Samuel watched closely as his older brother tore the flapjack from the fork and chewed it aggressively with wide eyes that could only be described as ‘crazy.’ He slowly brought the Rubik’s cube back down and placed it gently on the table.

Michael nodded and sat back down, using the side of his fork to rip off another piece of the pancake. Samuel wasn’t going to let his elder brother have the last laugh, though. “You’re just mad because you’ve never gotten a Victory Royale.” He said with a devilish grin, and Michael immediately dropped his silverware.


“What the fuck is a victory royale?” Damian asked as he walked back into the kitchen, dumping another pile of food on to Michael’s nearly clean plate. “And don’t call your brother a dick! He’s a kid.” Damian shook her head as he unloaded the last couple of pancakes onto Samuel’s plate. “You need to take Sammy to school today. I gotta do… house stuff.” Damian had been given a list by his wife before she’d left, but he hadn’t even started yet. Some of it, he decided, he would call Trevor for.

Michael looked up and sighed, “after he was just a little butthead!? Come on, dad. You take him. Make him walk or ride the bus. I don’t wanna have to deal with him. And a victory royale is a Fortnite thing. It’s just what winning is called in it —”

“And Mikey’s never won because he sucks. He even makes me lose when we play together!” Samuel said, and Michael scowled. Damian sighed and shook his head.

“Be nice to your brother! He’s gotta take you to school, little dude. You wanna walk?” Damian asked, and Samuel seemed to think about it for a minute before shaking his head no and starting to eat in silence. Damian let out a relieved sigh and smiled, “I told Joy I had it under control.”

A few minutes later, Michael and Samuel were in his car and heading down the road toward Samuel’s school first. As they drove, Michael decided — perhaps foolishly — to open up the conversation that had started at the breakfast table. “Listen, dude. I can win a fuckin’ game of Fortnite, okay? I just haven’t yet because I don’t really play.” Michael said, glancing over at his brother only briefly as they pulled into the parking lot of the elementary school Samuel attended.

“No you can NOT, dude! I’ve watched you play video games, and like, you’re good at everything else in life… but man when you pick up a controller you run into the wall like an idiot!”

“You’re lucky I didn’t run this car into oncoming traffic, you little brat!” Michael clapped back, slapping the steering wheel. He did not give a vocal response for the simplest reason: he did not have one. Samuel was right, he sucked at video games, it was so embarrassing sometimes. Video games were meant for children, and Michael even liked playing them! But he had no Victory Royales, no Fall Guy crowns, no Warzone Dubs… He barely even made it through 2K’s career mode.

“Listen, dude. If you can get a SINGLE Victory Royale, I’ll do all your chores for a month. I mean, it’s like, pathetic at this point. You embarrass me when you join my lobbies and you don’t even have the umbrella.”

Michael swallowed his pride and nodded. “You have a deal.” He said through clenched teeth. Samuel grinned and threw open the door before he froze with eyes as wide as a deer in the headlights. Michael knew something was wrong, something was horribly wrong. Cautiously, he asked in a gentle voice. “...everything okay?”

“I forgot my backpack! Usually mom grabs it, but she’s not here so I just… forgot. Can we go back and get it!?” Samuel was having a moment of crisis. His backpack had his whole life in it, including most importantly the homework he’d worked so hard on the night before. Homework, he’d found, was a lot harder when dad was helping him with it instead of his mom. It wasn’t his dad’s fault; Joy O’Connor was a once-in-a-lifetime genius, and Damian O’Connor was a retired professional football player. The gap between them when it came to math, even fourth grade math, was astronomical.

“What!? No! I have to go to school too… I’ll just text dad. He’ll grab it for you, okay? Don’t worry about it, just go to class. If your teacher says anything, just try to ignore ‘em. Dad’ll be here lickety split, we both know he’s got nothing better to do, alright?” Michael said, and Samuel meekly nodded, the look of despair still in his eyes. Michael got it. He’d had the same fourth grade teacher, and Ms. Wik was a fucking bitch - though Michael would never vocalize that to Samuel.

He reached across the center console and ruffled Samuel’s hair, and grinned. He was trying to reassure his little brother. As much of a little shithead as Sammy was, he was ultimately Michael’s little shithead, and he wouldn’t change his brother, or really any member of his family, for anything. “Trust me. You’re gonna be fine, and if you’re not? Me, you, and Ethan will go TP her house. Got it? Now go get it done.”

Samuel seemed to accept this and he nodded, “okay… Thanks, bro.” He opened the door and returned the thumbs up that Michael gave him. A sacred promise between brothers.

With that out of the way, Michael quickly wrote a text to his dad to bring his brother’s backpack to the school and then he drove off, headed toward the high school where his own life awaited him. As he drove, he schemed in his head - how was he supposed to get a Fortnite Victory Royale? That game was fucking hard; he didn’t even understand how his brother did so well in it, but then he and his brother had never won together before… Did he know anyone in BHHS who was good at video games…?

Small FT: Dylan @smarty0114

As Nicky Snyder sang, he scribbled with his pencil on a piece of printer paper he’d snatched when Phoenix had looked the other way. Frankly, Nicky didn’t see the point to a homeroom class like this. Shouldn’t they be in classes where they actually learned something? Or, if not that, doing anything else? He didn’t get why there were so many requirements in high school. It was high school. Arrive. Do school work. Leave. Why was it anything more than that?

He was doing an excellent job of ignoring everyone else in the world, but maybe it was the THC that was still flowing through his bloodstream that kept him locked in on his ‘artwork.’ Bobbing his head up and down to the music that was blasting in his headphones, Nicky was currently doing his absolute best to make a Flip-o-Rama reminiscent of the Captain Underpants books he and Dylan had read in the past — and sometimes in the present. The future? Most definitely.

“Ain’t no other man can stand up next to you
Ain’t no other man on the planet does what —”

Nicky’s shitty whisper-singing came to a rapid close as he felt his headphones ripped off his head. He whipped his head to the side, shooting a glare in the direction of whoever it was. “Mikey, what the FUCK?! I was jammin’, dude. You never break someone’s concentration while they’re jamming.”

“I need a favor.” Michael sighed, shaking his head. Wasn’t there anyone else in this class who could win a game of Fortnite? His only options to win the bet with his younger brother were Cheech and Chong? Michael wasn’t sure who Nicky thought he was fooling, he could still smell the scent of marijuana radiating off of him. People knew, Nicky. They definitely knew.

“What!? Aren’t you elite! Get the elite to do it - this ain’t a charity case, broski.” Nicky said, before turning his attention back down to his drawing. He did, however, let his headphones fall around his neck. He was listening, for whatever it was worth. It was also made quickly apparent that he wasn’t done talking, “man, you gotta be truly desperate to come to me for help. This is gonna be some of the dumbest shit I ever heard, huh?”

“I need you to get me a win in Fortnite by Monday.”

“What?! That’s a ridiculous request! That’d be like me telling you I need a date to homecoming and the part-”

“Done. Easy.” Michael said, ready to make a trade offer that was heavily Nicky sided if it meant he could finally have that stupid umbrella that had eluded him for so long. “I’ll get you a date, and you, the date, and Dylan can kick it with me and the boys the whole time. King treatment.” Mikey didn’t think to ask his friends if that was okay, but then he found himself not really caring. Chances were, the only one who might say anything was Theo - and Theo could be drowned out by others.

Nicky thought about it. Michael grew visibly frustrated, but Nicky seemed to be enjoying this temporary exchange of power, “yo, Dyl. What do you think? Deal… or no deal?

“This is stupid! This is like a hold up. What else could you two possibly want!?” Michael was getting openly exasperated, and quickly remembering why he did his best to avoid this particular duo.

Dylan slowly spun his chair around, slouching with his arms across his chest. “You come to us, on this day of celebration, and you ask for a favor?” Dylan said, his voice contorted into what might’ve been the worst Marlon Brando impression ever performed. He almost asked Mikey to kiss the ring, but he figured that would be pushing his luck. Besides, there was something else he wanted wayyyy more than a kiss from Mikey O’Connor. A boy was simply not complete without his bullhorn. Dylan steepled his fingers and grinned over them at Mikey, a fox in teenage boy’s clothing. “Tell me, Michael, how good are you at breaking and entering?”
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