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6 yrs ago
Country road, take me home...


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(Post was made by @Verjil and I)

Rin has been stripped of her position. Memories of the unwanted incident had her in tears as she sulked alone in house arrest in the Endeavor Common Room. Matsuru went off to Rin’s down as soon as he could. He stopped by some local shops to pick up some snacks and presents, anything that would help cheer her up. When he got there, he knocked on her dorm door. “Rin, it’s me.” Resonating with the voice amidst the chaotic noises that clouded her judgment, Rin could barely form a sentence. A simple, sound nod signaled the flame inside her dorm, reluctant yet willing for companionship in such a time. "I failed...the voices in my head just won't go away."

Behind his calm face, his gut was wrenching in two. He hated seeing people going through such pain. He hated that he doubts his ability to help her. Yet he stays calm. “Can you let me in Rin? I can help … I brought chocolates, your favorite.” As Rin began to walk with hope, her body just stopped moving. Intrusive thoughts whispered through her, a sensation, predisposition of not to open the door. She wailed with anxiety creeping, the room suddenly dropped in temperature, cold air visibly emitting from the gaps of the door, enough for Matsuru to feel. "LEAVE ME ALONE!"
A chilling blast came through the cracks, blasing Matsuru right in the face, causing him to take a step back. Shocked, but largely unshaken. "Alright..." Matsuru activated his quirk, a purple light filling the corridor. Focusing, he can see through the door. He sees Rin. disheveled, drained, fighting for control of her own body. He's seen her like this before, but it never fails to break his heart. "Rin... I know you don't mean that. I know what you have to live with is hell on earth. But I also know that you once saved me from my own hell." Even though he does his best to keep his composure, he does begin to tear up. "So please, Rin. Let me help you with yours."

It was a psychological nightmare. The voices that rooted in her head were more than just conscience, but independent sentience of two minds against her own will. "NO!”
"Ok... Time for plan B." Matsuru turned his gaze to the door's lock. Using Judgement Gaze, he quickly discerned the lock's shears. Then, using his older cousin Momo’s quirk, he was able to make a copy of the key. He really hated using his quirk like this, but desperate times and whatnot. "Rin, I'm coming in. Please don't kill me."

In the same manner, Matsuru was tapped in the back by what seemed to be an image of Rin that seemed visceral, almost vestigial. Was it a vision? What is a phantom? Was it a premonition? Rin was inside their room but what was that? The distorted image was in anguish as it faded quickly. Even Matsuru’s Judgement Gaze couldn't make heads or tails about what he saw. He kept the image in a mental note, telling himself to look into that apparition later. He unlocked the door and stepped into Rin's dorm.

"Rin is not here." The voice sounded older yet youthful. The other one nodded, "Yeah, she's not here." Said voice sounded childlike. Matsuru sighs and puts the presents and snacks down on her bed. His eyes illuminescent with tempered fury. "And I imagine I have the unfortunate pleasure of speaking with her two hitchhikers?" After a brief moment, his visionfaded into nothingness. Nothing but a white landscape clouded Matsuru's vision, it wasn't physical, rather mental. A mental landscape between her and Rin.

Matsuru takes a moment to examine the area. "So... This is how it will be." He starts moving towards Rin, determined to reach her. His pace was cut off by… an apparition? A memory? He wasn’t sure. A baby was crawling on the floor, attempting to reach its milk. The drink was situated atop a table. "What in the... A child?" Matsuru looks around and grabs the milk for the child. "Who are-." The milk disappeared and the child who smiled at Matsuru suddenly turned into worry. Two toddlers were pulling Matsuru's legs, as if they spawned directly from the ground. With each pull, the grip grew stronger/ It was as if Matsuru was sinking in quicksand.

"Oh, motherf-." He struggles to get himself free, batting away at the children. "Rin... RIN!!" He vainly yells out. In a sudden flash, the air around him drops in temperature. A flash frost engulfs Matsuru and the surrounding area in an outward blast. "Get away from me you damned mongrels!" Matsuru, now using Rin's quirk, shoves the children away. He leaps back, a small snow tempest still circling around him. With that burst of power, the children were shredded into immaterium. But a new set of figures emerged. Matsuru saw three girls, not toddlers but children. The other took the milk away from the said girl and drank it. The two girls were picking on the tormented girl.

After taking a deep breath and dispelling his copied quirk. Matsuru took a moment to center himself. "This is a test... Just like your stories, Matsuru, this is a test." He starts walking forward to the three children. "Hey, you three!"

The image shifted into a different turn, everything began to spiral, even Matsuru’ It felt like his body and soul were being shredded into pieces, twisting and swirling. He saw a house, he saw a couple crying, he saw the tormented child once more. It was vaguely a police crime scene. Then suddenly it all came crashing, an image of a snow mountain and an avalanche. The vision stopped, snapping Matsuru back to reality. Rin has been shaking him from his daydreaming. The apparitions ended. "Darling... Darling...."

His eyes were lulled, still glowing purple with his quirk, but his gaze was completely glossed over. When he finally came too, he saw Rin shaking him awake. It took some time for him to put two and two together. "Oh, hey... Are you feeling bette?" He let out a sheepish chuckle. In truth, he felt like absolute shit. Whatever that vision was, it made him feel like he just went through a rigorous fight. In a flash, Rin's eyes bled blue, appearing to have been stabbed by two ice picks. "Darling..." A reflection of Matsuru appeared to him. "She's mine and you'll never save her." The vision ended for real.

"MOTHERF-" Matsuru awakens in a sudden jolt of adrenaline. "Rin... RIN!" He was back in Rin’s dorm. For real this time. Rin is tucked into her bed, pretending to be asleep. Matsuru rushes to her side, only pausing once he gets to her bedside. Though he is exhausted from the literal mental gymnastics, he conjures what willpower he has left and uses his quirk to examine her. After making sure she is physically ok, he sighs a breath of relief and chuckles to himself. "You know, Rin. I don't need my quirk to see when you're faking your sleep."

The skin behind his neck prickled, his brain yelling out in warning. His quirk, Judement Gaze, saw something was coming. And that something wasn’t good. "Feeling sentimental, Mr. Yaoyorozu?" Ravens appeared out of the blue. The professor, appearing out of nowhere, found herself with a sword pointed to her neck. Matsuru, having created the sword and maneuvered it to whoever was going to show up in a fraction of a second, hesitated only when he saw who appeared. "Ravens... If I was a second slower, I would have taken your head off."

"No, I doubt that would have happened" The mirage of Ravens gestured over to Rin, who was now fully awake. "Turn her over for questioning, I'm sure Chisaki, by the virtue of Madame Todoroki, has told you to turn over suspicious Hawks Interns."

"Rin..." His eyes flared in anger, only to return to a tempered state. "I turned over Hawk's Interns to detention, I did what was asked." He kept his sword at Ravens' neck. "You will not touch her." Ravens sighed, she trusted select people about her identity but to think, such a thing would backfire. "Fine. If one of her answers to the League, don't blame me for your regrets." Ravens disappeared.

Matsuru stayed in the same stance for a little, his mind racing. "League? Regrets?" He didn't know, and that troubled him. Well, more things to push into the 'figure out later' mental folder. Using his quirk one more time, he scanned the general area of Rin's dorm to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Once he was satisfied, he deactivated his quirk and knelt down next to Rin's bed. "Hell of an evening, huh?" She agreed with Matsuru. "I'm under house arrest. I rather not talk about it. Let's go watch the Hero Billboard Top 10 Ranks. I'm hungry too. You got those chocolates?” Matsuru reaches for the chocolates he brought, giving Rin a whole box. "I hope you don't mind the shape... It's all they had." The carton is shaped like a heart. Rin didn't mind about the shape, they watched what they needed to and a commercial break was fireworks.


Matsuru groaned in grogginess. It took a moment for him to readjust to his surroundings. At first, everything was unfamiliar to him. Then his recollection hit him like a train. This familiar bed, this weight on his chest, this familiar nip in the air... He could say, with certainty, that he was in Rin's room. And he has a pretty good idea what just happened.
Detention... Why did it have to be detention

No matter how academic and studious Matsuru Yaoyorozu might be, he's not like his cousin. She is constantly eager to learn and boasting a rigorous work ethic. In truth, Matsuru hated school. It was so... bureaucratic, yeah that's the word. In his mind, he saw Eirei as a big game of politico. It's not about what you learn or what you do, its about who you know and who knows you. Luckily for Yaomatsu, he didn't have to play their venerate "game of thrones". His blood alone is enough to secure a comfortable position within the hero world after graduation. Not even including his prestige, accolades, and skill. He hated the innate hierarchy of the classes, the pompous teachers, and even the perverted seniority many of his older classmates carry with them. The only reason he was here was because of her. Rin.

Rin Himura. The same woman who constantly teases him to sheer embarrassment in front of others. The same woman who atrociously shot one of her students. The same woman who can turn into a completely different person, one of petulant and plight. The same woman who saved him back in UA. The same woman who showed him the true meaning of being a hero. The one who taught him the loving nature of the argent snow.

The one who he loved dearly.

Even now, walking through the corridors of the campus, hearing the rumors of the classroom incident be spread around so casually, it sickened him. Hearing what Rin said, what she did, what everyone is saying about her. It makes him feel vile, makes him want to do vile acts.

Yet he loves her dearly.

Matsuru grumbled as, behind him, followed a conglomerate of students. Kaiga, Yusuke, and many others (namely from the Hawkes Agency) tallied behind him like ducklings to a mother goose. In truth, much about this did not sit well with Matsuru. It was he that instigated the conflict in 1B, a class he has no real authority over. And because of his actions and implications, others suffered punishment while he did not. Matsuru has read many stories where the protagonist was falsely implicated of crimes. And while they ran, an antagonist chased them down. Whether by order of sickle or scepter, they must capture the protagonist. An innocent man. For a crime they did not commit. Why? Because that was how the story was written.

And in this story, he held both sickle and scepter in his hands like a mad tyrant. In his mind, he was the antagonist.
This did not sit well with him.

And yet, Matsuru did not say much. He marched on with the orders he was given like a good soldier. No matter the doubt in his mind or the pit in his stomach, he put one foot in front of the other and ordered around hero's-in-training like a sergeant to his inferiors.

We were not soldiers.
We were meant to be better.

Analogies, metaphors, and references filled his already clouded mind. The bickering between Kaiga and Yusuke dulled out like a muffle echo in a storm. He sighed to himself in a way only he would hear "I want to see Rin."

He brought the students to detention like the good little soldier he was.
In many ways, this whole series of events would be classified as a, putting it simply, "fucking disaster".

Even as Matsuru stood to throw his book, his mind was racing with warnings. Don't do it, He'll copy your quirk, and You know this will end poorly blared like alarms in his mind. Yet still he acted. He yelled and threatened one of his juniors. Yes, Yusuke is a dam idiot, someone Matsuru does not hold in high regards. But still, it would not justify the actions he took. Under all his anger and frustration, he felt pity and remorse. He kept his face in an angered state to help mask his feelings of regret. When some of the students of 1B came to reprimand him, he welcomed it. "Listen to them. Calm down and listen to them." Matsuru took a deep breath and begun to deactivate his quirk, the light from his eyes fading to a dim glow.

When he thought all of the tension would pass, his gut tightened into a knot. His eyes, now fully iridescent in an indigo glow, saw some telltale sings from Rin he was all too familiar with. A sudden, distinguished chill nipped at the nape of his neck. Her soft expression sharpening. Her very aura changing. Thanks to his quirk, he was able to identify these changes much quicker than anyone else in 1B would. He knows what these signs mean, she's changing into that thing. He's seen it some times before. Namely when Matsuru almost missed their anniversary due to a last minute assignment being given to him from Endeavor's Agency. In a flash, he lowered his body and rushed forward, out of the cone of attack. He didn't know what would come, he just knew he needed to dodge.

What Matsuru didn't expect was for Rin to pull out a gun, of all things. He saw her point it at Yusuke, now completely engrossed in multiple copies of quirks, and shoot at him from an extremely close range. Now closer to the front of the room, he saw as Yusuke dropped to the floor (most likely unconscious) and the entirety of Class 1B erupt in a flurry of emotion.

He considers himself a learned man. Given his progeny and potential, he was always blessed with the best education and tutors money could buy. Hell, he even entered both UA and Eirei through recommendation. But none of his years of training and numbered encounters in the streets could have prepared him for these series of events. In truth, he froze up. His mind ablaze, cognitively working overtime partly due to his Quirk trying to absorb the multitude of unforseen events that occured. It wasn't until one of the students, Kaiga, yelled for him to follow. Why was he carrying Yusuke? Oh, yes, probably to take him to the nurses office. Why was I supposed to follow? Rin probably asked me too.

He purposefully ignored all the commotion and comments being thrown around. He was already in a heightened state of agitation, the last thing this class needs is another of his outbursts. As he moves to follow Kaiga, he passes by Rin. He leans in and whispers in her ear "Meet me at my dorm after your class, lets talk."


The walk to the nurses office was, for lack of a better term, uneventful. Matsuru, now fully composed and back to his normal observant self. Held a pensive demeanor. Much of his mind was filled with the series of unfortunate events that followed his outburst. His focus was broken once Kaiga broke the silence.

"Um nice weather we're having right"

A chuckle escaped his lips. He allowed himself a small smile. This boy... He's heard much about him, namely through the grapevine from the other first and second years. A fanatic of his former employer and family acquaintance. A kindhearted gentleman with a true sense of camaraderie and brotherhood. A hero with a sense of "street-smarts" and an awareness not learned but earned. If Matsuru had to akin him to sonething, it would be a Hearth. A strength of a flame yet a homeliness little could match. Even now, the poor boy is trying to make small talk. Matsuru found comfort in that.

"My apologies, Kaiga. It was inappropriate of me to act in such a way, much less in front of my Juniors." He looks up to the first year and offers a quaint smile. "I do believe this is out first time speaking in a personal setting. I am Matsuru Yaoyorozu. I have heard much about you, Asagumo-Kun," He would outstretch his hand.

Near one of the window seats sat a second year. He had unkept short hair with rich indigo eyes. In his hands was a copy of "The Complete Works of Shakespeare". He took turns reading a passage from "Othello" and observing the class. On his uniform was a "Student Advisor" badge.

Many in class 1B would know of Matsuru, even if its simply through passing stories. Being someone who was accepted to Eirei through a letter of recommendation tends to come with the glancing rumors. Though he is also a Student Advisor, like Rin, he has not been assigned a class to teach yet. In truth, he is completely fine with this turn of events. It gives him an opportunity to do something he rarely gets to do nowaways, satiate his curiosity.

When he heard that Jun, Hebi and Kaiga were being put into the same class, his mind went abuzz with curiosity. Though only being a year younger than Matsuru, they have achieved so much in so little time. For heavens sake, one of them won the sports tournament. It's not often that he would be able to witness such raw potential in a long time. It also helps that the class-designated Student Advisor was Rin. As if he needed more reason to justify his actions of sitting in on the class.

Everything was going smoothy until Yusuke came into the class. Matsuru closed his book and stared intently at him. He knew of Yusuke, and even had the unfortunate experience of crossing paths with him a handfull of times. To put it simply, Matsuru absolutely dislikes him. His demeanor is abhorred and his attitude is absolutely awful. What irks Matsuru off even more is that Yusuke is powerful, very powerful. To him, no one of Yusuke's character should even be allowed entrance to Eirei.

It was when Yusuke opened his mouth and started spouting nonsense that Matsuru's entire demeanor changed. It was one thing to tolerate his overall shitty nature, but to do it so boldly to everyone, to Rin... Enough was enough. Matsuru stood from his seat and threw his book directly at Yusuke. His indigo eyes now glowing like a neon light as his face contorted with tempered anger.

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." he said through bated breaths. "So much as say one more thing and I swear to whatever you hold dear I will personally ensure that the entire school sees me beat you into a bloody, worthless, pulp you wretched excuse of a human."


@TJByrum Holy heck a I interested
Is there still room to join? I think their are primarch spots, but the RP says its full, so I am a little confused
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