Avatar of Kumbaris


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Current Is there an RPGuild light mode?
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I wonder what the forum's musical preferences are.
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I wonder what future Animes I should watch, been stuck in an Isekai slump right now. No idea what else I want to watch besides Tensura and Shield Hero once that comes out.
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I really want to be able to travel again real bad. I love visiting North America again.
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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

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Made a sheet!

Made some stuff up at the places of interest, I hope it's not too out of the blue for the RP.

I'm kinda interesting in playing an 'oddball' character for the Heirs faction. Can I DM you @TheNoCoKid to talk details?

Arriving at the Faith Manor was relatively uneventful. Amanda and Madeleine knew that solving this quandary is important, especially considering Morgana's relationship with her mother. The android herself has a silent feeling that this confrontation between Morgana and Angelica is going to be borderline cataclysmic, she can already see the simmering conflict brewing within Morgana throughout her time with her, but the fact that her mother sent that letter and practically goading Morgana to come back to her family’s manor is undeniable.

They not only have beef, but they have a history with each other, and not the typical family history type of deal, some serious disagreements can only end in one way. And gods in heavens does Amanda hope she’s wrong about all this.

Madeleine opted to stay back in Germany and help out with deciphering some of the evidence they have collected, with Xaviron volunteering to do the same, so it’s only Amanda, Faye, Micheal, and Morgana going to England to solve this small (not small) family dispute. Personally, Amanda thinks that both Xaviron and Madelelne are a bit too afraid of potentially assaulting a witch’s coven, buuut she’s not going to mention that considering how close they are to cracking this Mr X case wide open.

The manor of the Faith family looks subdued, but filled with history. The overgrown walls, the centuries-old architectural style, and the ever-present stone walls and gardens that surround the house. it is a veritable aristocratic house, but its compact size indicates some tactfulness and… restraint she doesn’t see in a lot of the traditional manors and mansions she’s seen in her database.

In short? This is the house of someone who wants to stand out, but not too much for fear of something else. A product of the incredibly complicated history of magic in Europe perhaps, or maybe it’s because the Faith family has grown attached to this house after centuries of habitation. She doesn’t know herself.

But that is a question for another time. Right now, she has a job to do, and that job entails a deep analysis of the house. While she can see some defenses in the house like visible rune circles and outward-facing lightbulbs that are conveniently strategically placed, she doesn’t really know the magical side of things in this house. And with that, she turned towards Faye and Micheal for help.

“Yo, Mikey. Can you send one of your deities to analyse the back end of the house? But make it, like, subtle and unobtrusive, we have to know what kind of problems we might be potentially facing should things go south between Morgana and her mom. Faye, just analyse the front, see if there are Fae influences or any other type of magical traps/ defenses that we should be aware of.”

They are about to enter into a Witch’s coven centuries old, and with a Head witch that has a lot of problems with one of the members of her team. The only thing that she wants right now is to have her brothers and sisters from the facility to back her up. Her ‘species’ may lack magic, but they more than made up for it in combat ability and firepower. Something Amanda needed now more than ever.

“Ugh, let’s hope we don’t end up all captured or something. That would massively suck.” Amanda commented as Faye and Micheal do their thing. “What about you Morgana? What do you expect your mother would do?”

The Android internally ordered her arm guns to turn off their safety switches, and an almost imperceptible signal could be detected from her processing unit towards the suitcase she was holding on her left arm, the Axe inside was pretty much primed to unfold should Amanda need it’s assistance once again.

Amanda heard every suggestion voiced out by her team members, and while she did appreciate all the proposed theories, realistically. Only one of them’s going to be true. She knew it, and she’s pretty sure everyone knew it, but either way. The thought of Mr X’s power is quite concerning for her.

If Mr. X is a mortal, then he is someone who has amassed great power and influence throughout his life and probably has OMR agents in his pocket, potentially even deities in his pockets as well, not to mention the potential of him being taught by OMR agents how to fight, which is going to be a massive pain in the behind for everyone. Why would he do this? Who knows, the reason is as many as there are stars in the galaxy. Could be he turned insane, could be that he has a grievance against the OMR. But either way, bad news all the same.

If Mr X is a deity, it is even worse for everyone. Mr. X is effectively an immortal that shouldn’t be killed, but can only be contained for a very long period, which will probably involve the assistance of a deity, but… the thing about deities is that they are part of a close-knit group, with not a lot of members, they also tend to form cliques and can be a bit cantankerous with each other, historically the source of a lot of wars in ancient times before governments managed to keep them in check.

So there would probably be people within the OMR that would vouch for Mr. X should they capture him, and potentially let him free in the process, not necessarily a realistic outcome considering the checks and balances the OMR has, but a potential outcome nonetheless.

It was during this period of ruminating and thinking that an unexpected development occurred, a literal piece of paper materialized out of nowhere and landed on top of the desk where Amanda was sitting. Confused, but a little bit curious, Amanda picks up the letter and reads it. Only to give it to Morgana with a stern expression on her face.

“It’s from your mother.” She said to the Witch. “She’s demanding you to go home.”

“Eh, don’t worry about me, Faye. I couldn’t feel a thing even if I wanted to.” Amanda responded, the care package about to do it’s finishing touches in terms of repairing the robot woman. “But, you did good Faye. I’m really proud of you, don’t beat yourself up too much just for being the one with the least amount of wounds or whatever. Getting off of a fight relatively unscathed is an art on it’s own.”

And as Amanda finished her little pep talk with Faye. The machine finally reattached new arms and legs towards Amanda’s joints. A lighthearted ‘ding’ sound was heard, and the cables all detached themselves from the Android. “Ah… feels like new.” She said, rotating her limbs once more and doing diagnostics work at the backend. “I’m pretty much fixed. So just rest for today, I’ve already contacted the OMR office head in Minsk to bring all the evidence they’ve gathered at that apartment to Frankfurt, after which we will all dissect this thing with a fine tooth comb. And finally get this thing over and done with.”

“So just prepare for tomorrow okay? We got a bit of a flight again to catch.” She said, winking at Faye before retiring for the day.

There are some gossip she has heard from her android buddies in America she needs to catch up on.

The flight to Frankfurt tomorrow was relatively uneventful. Amanda heard news that Scarlet was being reassigned, on the orders from the Director herself apparently, to be on standby in Philadelphia, apparently a ‘special mission’ was requested that needed her skillset, something that she didn’t like but didn’t fight against, considering how close everything is about to be wrapped up.

She did give her a big hug, and told her that she’s going to kick ass in Philly. Before parting ways and hopefully, meeting once more sometime in the future.

Once they arrive back into the office though, Amanda met everyone that was on her team, Madeleine, Morgana, and Xaviron are all back, with everyone greeting everyone else with much enthusiasm after parting ways for quite sometime. Honestly, this little sidetrip to Minsk felt like an eternity from Amanda’s point of view.

“Alright alright everyone, settle down, we have a lot to cover for today.” Amanda said, before starting her presentation on the progress of the group. She has chosen a relatively quiet boardroom so that no one could interfere with her presentation. “So to start off, congratulations on all of you! You all did exceptionally well, we have gathered enough evidence from all of our investigating that a solid picture can be formed in a couple of weeks from now. Already this Frankfurt office is calling in the staff from all offices throughout Germany to help with making sure the evidence is organised and lined up in a pretty way so that we will have a good lead to track down and hopefully detain Mr.X themself!”

“But, regardless, from what we do know about Mr.X’s plans. It does involve a lot of weaponry, and also a lot of Eldritch magic, ones that are especially, uncomfortably close to the type of magic the Abomination uses during the battle for Earth. We know this from the Titan that we fought in Minsk.” Amanda then pressed a button and the slide turned into the corpse of the dead Titan. “Up to the cultist magic being used by the cults Morgana, Madeleine, and Xaviron disbanded.” She pressed the button once more to reveal Eldritch aura oozing tomes being hauled out from the compound the trio raided in the black forest. “We also know that the magic they use is quite diverse on top of having an Eldrtich background. As evidenced from the Golem that Madeleine, Morgana, and Xaviron took down, and also the Roggenwolf and the grisly death of that rich guy in Frankfurt. Evidencing that Mr.X, or at least, backers of Mister Mr.X, possess a wide variety of magical knowledge.”

“And finally, we know that Mr.X has an arsenal of weapons smuggled from Russia and former Soviet states. These range from standard rifles, to magical weapons developed by Soviet Magicians.” She pressed the button to reveal the various weapons confiscated from the Apartment complex she and her team raided in Minsk. “So this Mr.X has connections, knowledge, and most definitely support from some very powerful people in Europe.”

The Android then ended the presentation. “I do have a theory of my own, with all the evidence being shown here, but I’m curious as to what you all think of this. Does anyone have a suspicion on who this Mr.X might be? What their motivations are? How they have such a wide network and disrupting OMR operations throughout Europe? I’m open to suggestions, considering that we are pretty close to cracking this case open.”

As much as Madeleine doesn’t admit it, she has come to like the English witch a little bit, at the very least, she is useful in determining what enemy she is fighting, and at best? Well, the wreck of the Golem she dispatched a while ago is proof enough that Morgana has a ton of knowledge the Demon has come to find useful in a battle. While she has been thrown around a bit in battles throughout her very long life, having fought armies before by herself for a couple of days, the fact that the battle against that significant of an opponent was finished quickly is astounding, even to her.

And as she watched the Golem eventually tore itself apart. The Shem essentially powering the thing on its left thigh. She walked towards Morgana, bowing her head to her. “I have to say, your ability to be a quick thinker is something I’ve come to appreciate Morgana. it’s not every day I can dispatch a golem of that size that quickly, finding the Shem on that thing can be a bitch sometimes.”

The Demon quickly contacted the nearest office, informing them of the developing situation, and the cars and armored paddy wagons the OMR often uses to ferry out potential criminals are brought in, evidence is being collected with the various field agents scouring the area and dispelling whatever curses are not triggered yet. A very dangerous job for sure, but a necessary one.

And watching all this commotion happening is Madeleine, Morgana, and Xaviron, just hanging out of the scene as they let the other agents do their thing, and relaxing for a while before returning to the Frankfurt office, a very heavy debrief is expected for sure once they arrive.

“I guess that all is done for now. I’ll just need to write an incident report and talk with Siegfried about the whole mess, but I think that we just disbanded a violent cult, the curses all around this area are enough to warrant some heavy prison sentences at least.” Madeleine commented as she looked at the commotion. “You wanna go back to base? Or maybe, you have a question for me? I think these last couple of missions warrant some… bonding experiences don’t you think? Make us more in line when things come to a head.”

Thankfully the drive was without incident, as everyone arrived at the Minsk office with a lot of time to spare. Amanda quickly told everyone to get some rest, because they are going back to Frankfurt first thing in the afternoon tomorrow. She knows that she needs to get into the helipad on top since there are some things that she has to take care of. And she better hope no one’s coming for her upwards, it’s going to get pretty gnarly if anyone is watching her doing her thing.

She has already contacted the production facility, and the spare parts should arrive in some 6 hours. Everything is already packed and loaded and has already left Utah on its way to Eastern Europe.

She can only hope that it wasn’t too much of a hassle for the maintenance team on standby after the small request Amanda sent, this is the first time a care package has left for such a long-term journey, especially one beyond North America.

What the Android female ordered was often labeled as a ‘care package’, essentially a big box with clear instructions and helping robotic hands to help a stricken android patch itself back together, each box catered specifically to the specifications of the individual android. These care packages are one of the few provisions the Androids requested from the OMR during their short-lived revolt, and the Director kindly agreed to it. While Amanda has used this thing many times during her life, this is the first time she has done so outside of America, and also, alone.

She could only hope nobody got spooked by her literally tearing her arms out and then switching it with a new arm coming from the box.

And sure enough, after a couple of hours, a vertical lift jet quickly arrived. Dropping the box into the helipad and quickly whizzing away into Utah once more. The android could only smile as the box opened up and a series of computer monitors and a keypad greeted her. She ignored all of that as the woman quickly linked herself up to the cable that was lying around, and surely enough. Her right arm and left arm suddenly ejected itself from her body, with a makeshift chair quickly allowing Amanda to sit, only for her legs to be removed by the robotic arms as well.

More arms then came out of the Care Package, and it tore open Amanda’s torso, servicing the parts that were damaged in the fight against the Titan. There are a lot of weldings, part replacements, and reprogramming to ensure everything’s working correctly.

And Amanda wasn’t feeling anything much, not having a nervous system means wonders for you, especially when you are doing stuff to yourself like this. Things were going well for Amanda, until she noticed the red strand of hair on the edge of her eyesight, turning the chair as fast as she could, she only saw Faye staring at her, most likely in shock at the moment.

“Oh… hey Faye,” Amanda said, trying to wave her hands but realizing she didn’t have any. “Yeah, this is… a… replacement for the damaged parts of my body, look! I even got a new voice modulator! It’s pretty neat huh?”

In Truth, Amanda doesn’t have much to say at the moment. The repairs are well underway and she couldn’t stop now. She could only talk to Faye about whatever was happening for the moment, and pray she didn’t feel traumatized by this. Gods that would make her feel bad. Poor girl doesn’t need to feel like she’s seen a mass killing or something like that.

Amanda saw everything happening as if she’s been there for years, madam Alexeya’s sudden appearance, the blocking of the Titan attack via that black shield, the reveal that she’s the Baba Yaga, and then the opening that everyone had been silently hoping but not expecting. Amanda knew she had to do something once Baba Yaga gave everyone the opportunity, she was ready to take her shot from her arm cannon before Scarlet beat her to the punch in firing the 50 cal from the distance.

A part of her is happy that she has such a great friend that she can depend on, but a part of her is also jealous at the thought that Scarlet might land the killing blow and not her. And she’s not going to let that stand personally.

She won’t stop the bullet from hitting its trajectory, that’s just silly and will probably get the whole team killed, but she’s gonna fire a bullet aimed for the Titan’s neck, a sort of insurance shot in case Scarlet’s shot didn’t manage to kill the beast.

The 5.56 fired from her arm guns does not have the stopping power as Scarlet’s 50 cal fired from her rifle, but it does have enough of a stopping power to bleed the Titan to death with the opening Baba Yaga provided to her.

And sure enough, as soon as she fired that bullet, it seemed as though both rounds landed the killing blow to the Titan. Nobody knows which bullet killed who, but if the giant isn’t killed by Scarlet’s bullet going for the chest, the bullet fired from Amanda’s gun will surely ensure the Titan’s death.

And the Titan did die, and Amanda could only breathe a sigh of relief as the giant eventually fell to the ground. She knew that the team had taken a good beating, and she, out of all people, know very well that the rest of the day should be spent on rest and relaxation, they’ve earned it after all the mess they’d endured right now.

Walking downstairs, Amanda spotted the rest of the group, and proceeded to hug everyone personally for what they did today. “Good job… everyone.” The android declared, the system errors she had after the bout against that Titan definitely impacted her ability to speak. “I’ll need to… contact the Android… production… fa-fa facility to send in a… c-c-care package, the fight against the Titan definitely did some… d-d-d-damage to my systems. We’ll take the rest of the day off… okay?”

She didn’t even bother to hear from the rest of the team as she went back to the car, the rest of the team already following her. Just as she was starting to the car, however, the Slavic deity quickly walked towards the driver’s seat and leaned in on the door. Her face telling Amanda all she needed to know. “Hey Amanda. I just wanna say that. I really like how you handle the team you have here. It seems that you are keeping the team energetic and ready for their jobs, something I honestly struggle with whenever I get paired up. Just get to the office and get that care package sent from America okay? I’ll take care of things personally from here.” Baba Yaga then proceeded to give Amanda a thumbs up, a move she responded in kind as she proceeded to drive back to the office, the rest of the team either in the car with her or following her to the Minsk office. Their jobs are pretty much done at this point.

Madeleine did heed Morgana’s warnings, as she nearly tripped into a curse well concealed by the dirt around it. It would’ve given her a nasty lifesucking force that she does not want in her right now. “Hey Morgana, can you dispel this lil curse right here?” The demoness asked before she avoided a bullet and fired back, killing another cultist assaulting her.

Things have been going well, the cultist attacking her first has given her a solid reason to engage back, but… honestly. Things have been going too well that she’s getting an uncomfortable feeling something’s off. The fire support given by Xaviron and the advice Morgana has given her is paying off dividends, she would’ve been shot in the back by a cultist weren’t it for Xaviron being a quick draw and firing his pistol at the assailant on her back, and Morgans’s advice on curses is really helping her avoid the ones that can give her a bad case of dying.

But still, things have been going too easy, where’s the challenge? Where’s the cult that released a roggenwolf into the living world like it’s nobody’s business? Where is the cult that consulted with Morgana’s coven? Where is it?

And just as she opened yet another door into another building in the compound, probably the third one she’s opened, did her worst fears did come true. “Shit!” Madeleine quickly said as she closed to door afterwards. Busy casting a sealing spell before the door (and the entire building for that matter), the creature that bursted from the other side of the door is a metallic golem, definitely a more modern creation considering the alloys used as the base for the golem. The demoness’ forehead began to sweat a little as she realized that the Witches coven might be giving more knowledge than she anticipated.

“Hey… uhhh, Morgana?” Madeleine asked, discarding her rifle and unsheathing her Zwehainder. Barely avoiding a downward punch from the golem. “Any tips on defeating this hulking monstrosity of a golem? This is something I definitely didn’t expect your coven would teach.”

The demoness avoided yet another hit from the golem before she went on the offensive, striking her flaming Zweihander towards the calves of the creature. Only to hear a twang sound as the sword barely scratch the surface of the damn thing. “Motherfu-” Madeleine exclaimed as the golem’s leg moved, kicking the demoness and sending her flying into another wooden building.

She might need some… assistance if she were to succeed in defeating this thing.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the team, their arrival and firefight into the Apartment complex was accompanied by a certain nurse from the Minsk office. She is very attentive in making sure that the team doesn't notice she's there, an element of knife and dagger in her work which could be seen as unnecessary, but Alexeya likes to have just an extra element of pizzaz in her work, a sort of... artistic flair considering who she really is. And she hopes that her effort will pay off when she makes her dramatic entrance when the team needs her the most, and when that thing finally makes its entrance.

Yes, it's an it, only merely an object, no longer a sentient being. Mr. X has done a marvelous job with whoever is the victim of that scientific project. The fact that Philadelphia didn't notice it until it's too late...

No use in crying over spilled milk. She has a job to do, and Philly will issue in some new directives once this whole ordeal is over anyway. So no need to fret, she has a recommendation letter to write to the director herself once this whole mess is over.

And speaking of messes...

The second Faye stopped paying attention at the creature to check on Scarlet and Micheal was the moment the creature directed it's attention to Faye. Distracted, dazed and weakened by the eldritch magic emanating from the creature, she wasn't able to even react in time as Amanda warned her about the titan, being able only to raise her hands as a reaction to the oncoming blow.

She knew she needed to act, NOW.

The moment the creature was about to land it's blow onto Faye. A black wall suddenly appeared from the ground, shielding the British woman from being red-paste by the Titan's hands. The blow landed fruitlessly on the black wall, and just as the creature was about to analyze the sudden barrier appearing out of nowhere, a blast of dark magic threw the creature away, the Titan eventually hitting a wall and feeling dazed for a little bit.

The dark wall disappeared, and a blast of dark energy emanated from beside Faye, revealing Alexeya in her true form. "Sorry for the late arrival Miss Faye." She turned her body and bowed to the Fairie woman. "Alexeya Yagayevich, or perhaps I should use my true name. Baba Yaga, at your service." Bowing her head and flaring her hand in greetings. "I was personally curious about this little... excursion your group's been doing. Investigating Mr. X's whereabouts yes?"

The Titan, enraged at the denied kill, proceeded to charge at the black-haired woman after getting his bearings straight. Only to meet with a wall of wooden thorns that pierced the Titan from all directions, and immobilized the Titan for the moment. "That wall of thorns won't hold for long everyone!" She addressed the group. "But the Titan should be weakened enough that if everyone pitches in, we could defeat it."

Candra was surprised to hear what she was hearing when the band started playing. It admittedly sounded a bit… generic to her ears, nothing too groundbreaking in her experience, but the melody felt nice, and the passion exuded by the singers felt genuine and real. It’s like listening to someone’s first-ever band performance, like in those American movies she watched back in her Uni days. “So the stereotypes in those Hollywood movies aren’t really false are they?” She asked herself as she listened to the band performing.

If one is observant enough, one can see that Candra is tapping her fingers to the beat of the song, a clear indication that she’s enjoying the festivities shown in front of her. “I wonder what kind of song this little band would perform once this one’s finished.” She talked to herself. “Perhaps something original? Or maybe a cover from another band?”

Is this what her other family’s been enjoying after they settled here? Is this how their children and grandchildren enjoy themselves? Something to think about at the very least. “This band sounds nice!” Candra said to Reya. “Have they been performing for years? It feels as if they’ve been performing for a long time.”
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