Avatar of Landaus Five-One


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current The Multiverse is within us all. But the biggest one within me is A Fantasy RP and A Sci-Fi Series classified as "Jaina'Res."
4 yrs ago
I'm still working on a Fantasy RP, it isn't dead. Its just writer's block sucks ass... :(
4 yrs ago
I've been working on a Fantasy styled roleplay. It's still in the development stages since it has no name right now.
1 like
5 yrs ago
What's this? I'm finally updating my status in 10 months. Wonderful. I hope you all enjoy it. As well, profiles are what I enjoy creating.
5 yrs ago
The Sanctuary, VC, NCQuest, Talrae and the ILR all have one thing in common I am in them in terms of the RPs.


I am Landaus Five-One, which likes being called Holy since its A, Easier and B, I've used that distinction much longer than Landaus. I am into roleplays of any variety as long as they are interesting and unique for me to be apart of. There's a list below showing the roleplays I am interested in.
  • Sci-Fi
  • Space Opera
  • Magical
  • Fantasy
  • Modern
  • Post-Apocalyptic Themes
  • Alternate Universe / Alternate Reality
  • Horror
  • Insert any Fandom Here

I can play both genders easily, even though lately I've been playing mostly Female characters. Artificial Intelligence Characters are something of a odd quirk I like doing only because I have like a few characters that are basically massive AI Controlled Starships. Additionally, you can contact me via Discord using Holy R. Enigma#6381 for anything really. My birthdate is June 26, 1987, going to be soon 33 years old. Might as well add that these are the only two things I am going to put on here. Out of everything, I am really enjoying my time on roleplaying guild, just need to start working on the massive revamp of the Jaina'Res Mulitverse/Main Realm and the Fantasy RP I have been starting to work on. It's still in the Development stages in terms of the Fantasy RP I am going to GM.

Hopefully everyone has a good 2020 and beyond, gl and hf. As well, I'm highly interested in Strategy Games, Grand Strategy and MMORPGs aka play FFXIV.

The Roleplays I am apart of: The RP's Creator - Roleplays listed second.
Letter Bee: Iliad City: A Magical RP in an original world resuming & Academy of Noble Arms - The Golden Generation
LetMeDoStuff: Persona the Beholder
The Jest: Lost Innocence RP Reset - This roleplay went through a complete reset. The Pages are children whom gained magical powers from being infused by dust of a crystalline race. Need to still finish the required profiles I've been working on mostly been sidetracked a little. However, Sidetracking is always a pain in the ass. Additionally, The Jest is still working on all details of said roleplay before he launches it.

Roleplays that have an OOC and were rebooted once before:


Interest Checks that Caught my Interest:

Creation of Something New: Getting back into the swing of things...
The Venerdale Legends RP: Retinue of the Ariel Guardians - The Name has finally been chosen, which is the Fantasy RP that is still in development. Got many things to work on, at least its finally named. (Like the Magic System and others)

Most Recent Posts

I have finished a profile I have been secretly working on, Ayahime R. Walter's Profile for this roleplay. May the seal be with you!

The Shattering of Innocence ~Part #1~

Despairing Innocence [Before the Briefing]

Narvia silently despaired while sitting on her bed in her room. She held her stuffed animal, which had been with her since her time in the Dragon's Brigade Fleet. Her tears were uncontrollable now, but it felt like not much was happening correctly. 'I-I miss Finbarr, but he had to go to Titan to save his family. I-It hurts so much, despairingly so.' Narvia thought with tears streaming down her cheeks. She was so optimistic about the future since she met someone that she loved profoundly, but it felt like destiny was entirely against her.

Narvia wasn't allowed to go with Finbarr or the diplomat to help Finbarr's family. Incredibly hurt about that but could understand why Natasha, Joey, and others had done that. She wasn't much in a way to argue with them, who disallowed her to leave the Xuanxang. The only determining factor that kept her in check was her chance to reunite with her mother and siblings. There was a hint of dread or despair that would, in essence, lead to disaster and would hurt her most. She wished she didn't have these thoughts but much had happened to what will happen, and it hurt her the most.

Optimistic feelings with significant dread are slightly more to bear for her, but underlying portions of her mind are worried about the future. Conner was cruel in making her into an experiment for a secret black ops project that would get rid of her. Narvia hoped that her father would see her reason for not going through with his plans, but it hurt. "M-My father scares me, but I-I want to help him understand and only use that recourse as my final option." Narvia spoke to herself silently in her room. She was determined to help the family she lost to reconnect, even if it costs her life.

Still, Narvia had tears going down her eyes, and she realized it would be about time for the meeting in the Briefing room. Narvia did get up from her bed and placed the seal plushie right next to her pillow. The Star Marines and the Xuanxang lost many people in her new family with the departures. She felt the leaves the most since many people left to go gods know where and all she had was the only recourse from her godfather and her family. In addition, she tried hard to wipe her tears away, but they couldn't be wiped away, as they frequently flowed down her cheeks. It would be hard at the briefing that Natasha called for her. She tried to look a bit up from all the problems she had with all this.

Narvia went to the briefing room with a body language immensely hurting and hard even to hold herself up most of the time. She was empathetic and was quick to go into tears as she was before Finbarr and her started to date. Something was building up with her, and it hurt that everything felt as if it was falling apart in her little world. 'I-I can't, b-but this is too much for me. Why does everything happen all at once? It feels like a stronger force out there wants to keep me depressed and not happy.' Narvia thought with slight tears going down her face. She walked into the conference room, barely able to wipe down the tears coming from her eyes. At least to look a bit more presentable than what she was doing in her room, crying uncontrollably. She could not stop her tears but could stop her tears for a time, as long as Narvia was in the Conference Hall.

The Operation Kraken Briefing - Xuanxang Conference Room

Narvia had difficulty keeping herself from falling apart before the briefing, but slightly in a twist. The one that, in actuality, which called the briefing was no other than Joey since he clapped before speaking to everyone. She gathered around the conference table as Joey had asked with a specific gentleness, unlike his punishment toward everyone before those new people joined. Her body language was tense, only because Narvia looked a bit under the weather and as if she wasn't even eating correctly either. As Narvia listened to Joey talking, Narvia gave a small sigh of relief in hearing regular scheduled meals would be back on the menu, which helped her. Narvia was one of the few people that didn't do anything like Nero had done but kept eating rations, but sometimes, she would skip a meal here or there.

Narvia heard a shocker from Joey's lips that he had made a mistake and fucked up badly. In her limited life experience in the military and in general, she feels everyone does make mistakes. Her lack of eating was a tendency to make mistakes since she is slightly depressed about how low her morale is about everyone leaving and who's left on the starship. Understaffed is an understatement in her mind, and Narvia's morale is low compared to most people. She kept what was on her mind to a minimum since it was a bit too pressing of an issue to interrupt Joey speaking. 'D-Damn it.' Narvia thought with her trying to focus on looking at everything in her life that hadn't gone right.

As Joey's speech kept going about all the horrible stuff that had happened, it didn't inspire much confidence in Narvia. Joey continued before the briefing set up with a deep breath and then added on something about get the fuck over, and it quickly enough it was meant to come off as an order from Natasha with a hint that Joey wished this bad blood would stop too. Narvia was the only person who didn't hate anyone on the Xuanxang but felt powerless to stop what was happening as it might have come across. She felt scared and didn't understand what would be happening shortly, but Joey's first impression didn't help. "A-Alright, Joey, I don't mind letting the past stay in the past, as my godfather would say with his slightly cryptic nature." Narvia said, deeply sighing with regret. She had always held so much respect for him.

Narvia noticed the new girl Joey introduced, which is called Shineyd. She waved kindly as a kind gesture toward her. As Joey continued to talk, Narvia listened, and it finally got to the crucial tidbits, the mission briefing. Her assignment was with Avelyn and Ashton to rescue their parents, which was what Narvia desperately wanted to do. She missed her mother, older siblings, and even her godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin. Narvia wanted to help understand why her mother and older siblings were even transferred to Nikolas' homeworld of Draken'vina in the first place and what her biological father, Conner, is doing. Nikolas' letter had mentioned that Conner would be allowing Lana, Freya, and Ashley to live on Draken'vina, but she doesn't know why. "Oh, goodie, I can help save our loved ones! I-I missed them so much, mother and older sisters." Narvia said with a smile on her face. She hoped nothing wrong would happen, but Natasha had said something that worried her near the end of the meeting. It made her slightly fear because most of the chaos happening in the world is because of certain entities in the background. 'P-Please be safe everyone! I-I don't want to lose anyone.' Narvia thought to herself while slightly freaking out. Her body language was shaking a bit because of all the problems in her life.

The name of the operation was Operation: Kraken. The parents of her friends are her top priority, including her mother. There will probably be some such trials and tribulations in reaching a satisfying conclusion on her part, where she's reunited with her mother and older siblings. Therefore, Narvia walked out of the conference room to gather her specific gear before heading to the Hanger, which would be near Joey's starship. 'Reunion with my mother, Ashley, and Freya means everything to me.' Narvia thought to herself. She slightly sighed as she went directly to her room.

Narvia entered her room, gathered her things, and put them in a bag, specifically her clothes. Also, she made sure to collect more ammo and stuff to place in the duffle bag. Therefore, she ensured her coilgun pistol was all its bullets, minor maintenance on her weapons, etc. After her weapon maintenance and the care of everything else, including putting her seal plushie in her duffle bag, Narvia went to the Hanger since that's where they had to go after getting ready for everything.

After the Briefing - the Hanger

Narvia went to the Hanger, which saw a pretty cute scene between Ashton and Flame. Avelyn was there too but seemed more in the know of what was said among the two. She wasn't near enough to overhear the conversation between Ashton and Flame, but she does know how much the two love each other. However, when Avelyn decidedly walked over to Ashton after Flame had gone, Narvia felt as if Avelyn had overheard the two talk previously. Narvia followed Avelyn since she was curious about what Avelyn would say to Ashton. Also, Narvia's body language was undeniable, and she had a specific feeling of utter nervousness and was heartbroken and was on the verge of crying again.

Narvia heard Avelyn's words to Ashton caused her to try to smile and agree with what Avelyn had said. She hadn't much time to think about what happened about everything, including Finbarr leaving. It didn't take long for her to say something else, and she was interested in what would happen since there had been much stuff to do. "Y-Yeah, I would like to know, too, since we are all going on this adventure to rescue our families! I want to be with mom and my older sisters so much." Narvia spoke with a bit of enthusiasm toward the mission primarily because it's essential. She doesn't want to seem too down, even though it's harder to keep positive after everything happens.

Narvia was carrying everything, and she needed to be ready for this mission in her bag. She did forget the Plasma Pistol, which she got from that crazy bitch who was the Berserker's sister. It wouldn't feel right to use a plasma pistol when she wants to rescue her family from the untold horrors of reality, which would be her father precisely. "I-I hope everything is alright, Draken'vina. W-What Natasha said scares me a bit." Narvia said.

@Letter Bee, @Starlance, and @The Jest

New Encrypted Message ~Part #4~

Narvia was still in the hanger when her Enigma Codex had a specific ding, but he had an Urgency, Encryption Required. However, the specifications of the encryption were simple but also confusing. There was nothing specification for the encryption, but it would unlock sometime after they got launched. It felt like a trap since Nikolas had retired, and no one could send messages unless they had access to the Enigma, by special privileges, a la, someone wanted her to see it. However, she closed her Enigma Codex and wanted not to deal with it at that moment. 'Why is this happening now? I know Nikolas retired, but what does this Encrypted Message mean? I-I hope nothing bad has happened to my family on Draken'vina.' Narvia thought.

Narvia started to tear up and couldn't stop the waterworks because this was all too much. Her body, soul, and everything couldn't take it anymore, but she wanted to see Lana, Freya, and Ashley again. "I-I'm sorry for the tears. I-I can't stop it anymore. I-I am scared for everyone's safety. I want to see my family so badly." Narvia said, wiping her tears with her free hand. Nonetheless, it would be a challenging mission to rescue everyone's families with the added effect of additional worry. She was worried to no end and couldn't take any more hardship, or she might not be able to do anything anymore.

Inserts Interest.

Even though I will have to think long and hard on who I will be bringing. >.>
Letter Bee's NCQuest RP:

Location: Infirmary
Interaction: Maria @The Jest and Tarak @Th3King0fChaos

Narvia enjoyed being around her friends in the Star Marines, specifically Maria, since her abilities are helpful. Everyone else had their specific quarks, but she felt she might have rolled her eyes if Maria had a concept of emotions. Maria spoke in her usual monotone voice, which also had instructions to sit at a chair, which Narvia did sit down. "Y-Yeah, I am ready, Maria. You can begin whenever." Narvia said cutely. She always had more towards her emotions than anyone else in the group. They are called the Star Marines since it's the only thing keeping her towards her goals.

Narvia saw Tarak walk in and was a bit more shocked that he was here than her. She thought too highly of Tarak to get a scan, but orders are orders from the Captain. It's better to know everyone's intentions on the Xuanxang besides the usual. "How are you doing, Tarak?" Narvia asked a simple question him. She usually tries to ask these questions to get her mind off the shock of her life from her Godfather, Nikolas R. Zaharin, in that last mission he gave her. Her thoughts were all over the place about her Godfather Nikolas, her father Conner L. Hadley, etc.

Narvia didn't feel anything from Maria, which was odd. She never usually hesitates during scans, it must mean something is up, or she wants help from the other two. It was primarily because of the optimal standard it because of Avelyn and Amy. Narvia was one of the most considerate people on the ship, so she decided not to ask why it took so long for Maria to start the scan.

Maria spoke up about it not taking too long to scan. Nariva felt her mind being probed by Maria's mind. Her thoughts were a bit cluttered but not so much to hide anything vital since she's pretty much doesn't keep a hold of much in her head and wants to blurt it out so everyone can hear. She blushes again by her failure, but she wouldn't be here if she blurts things out like she usually does. It's embarrassing, Narvia so much it hurts somewhat, but it's nice that she has someone to care for like Finbarr.

Maria spoke up again after the scan, saying that Tarak and her were clean as a whistle. Specifically, what Maria said made Narvia confused at what Maria implied about Finbarr cheating on her with Nero, which caused her to blush. "U-Umm, Finbarr is a sweetie. T-Thank you, Maria, I should do that." Narvia said, heavily blushing after saying what she said. She waves Maria and Tarak goodbye and leaves the Infirmary before Maria talks to Tarak. Narvia does take a bit to get what's going on, but she was too embarrassed to get anything but wanted to cool down from Maria, implying something.

-=[ Finbarr Checkup ]=-

It took a while, but Narvia was much further away since she took a slight detour to her room but stopped in front of it. Narvia was slightly deep in thought, but she realized she should see how Finbarr was doing. She did call Finbarr a sweetie. Therefore, she knew her new destination was in the Kitchen, where Maria told her that he was there. Something popped in her head, which was why Maria did that exactly, but it wasn't to worry or question it.

Narvia was slightly less embarrassed than she was earlier at the infirmary, which was a relief. 'I hope everything is alright in the infirmary. Though, I do wonder what Finbarr is doing in the Kitchen.' Narvia thought to herself, slightly worried. She continued to the Kitchen, which she passed some others along the way and waved at them. Nonetheless, it didn't take too long for her to reach the Kitchen, and she saw it was a mess as if Finbarr and Nero had made a disaster in the Kitchen. Narvia was too much distracted with that scan and everything else, so she must have missed them.

'Guess that's what Maria meant. He was cooking something without me. I hope whatever it was, and it was delicious.' Narvia thought to herself. She smiled happily and decided to walk back to her room afterward. One thing, dating is something new to her, and she doesn't get all the concepts of that or this, but she enjoys being with Finbarr nonetheless. Narvia reaches her room and enters it, which she sits on her bed deep in thought. She thinks about everything that has happened to her up to this point, and it is depressing, but the few bright spots were everyone that protected her.

-= [ Loss Track of Time ] =-

Narvia lost track of time as everything went on as usual, which meant she missed the introduction of the guests coming from the Kanarusians. It made her check her omnitool and freak out about how long she was in her room, to which she sighed. Narvia gets up from her seat from her bed, which she will have to apologize profusely to Mr. Meanie's pants or Joey. 'I should probably not call him that to his face, though. B-But he was a bit mean to everyone.' Narvia thought to herself. She stretches a bit and tries to think about where they would be after an introduction, or in her case, a late one. They might be hungry, so the Cafeteria would be the best bet to look for the guests from those dragons.

Narvia then reaches the Cafeteria, which she was correct in seeing guests are indeed here, which were fantastic and neat at the same time. "U-Um, sorry for missing the guests' arrival. I-I lost track of time, Natasha and Joey." Narvia said. She had a smile on her face. Though the guests were varied, she knows much about how the Kanarusians use honor guards from a colony of humans, which she could see standing by the Kanarusian in question. It was all because Nikolas talked about the Kanarusians sometimes since it reminded him of the dragons of Draken'vina but much more humanoid-Esque than entirely draconic.

Before Narvia wanted to introduce herself, a Self-Efficient robot and a family of aliens introduced themselves. She was grateful to meet new people, including a specifically famous diplomat from the Ascendancy, who stayed on the Rau've homeworld. Narvia did wave at her, but she wanted to introduce herself properly instead of being a bit of a clutz involving herself in such a person.

Narvia gently bowed in front of all the people from the Kanarusian Shuttle or were already there. She didn't know the human boy who is the Kararusian guard, but she knows of their culture enough from Nikolas. "Um, Hello everyone, and welcome to the Xuanxang! My name is Narvia Folspear Steven-Zahrin. I wish I weren't here and with my mother and older sisters, but my father decided to put me in the life of the Star Marines. If it wasn't for my Godfather Nikolas R. Zahirn the Dragon, I feel I would have had a much worse life than I do." Narvia said. She glared directly at Joey for a second, only because she felt as if Joey said something about her before she met them. Everyone must know the military exploits of the Dragon, her godfather, since he's a bit of a legend in the Ascendancy Military. Narvia was happy to see another human with diplomatic clothes from the Ascendancy Diplomatic Core. "N-Nice to meet you, Diplomat Lady!" Narvia exclaimed with a smile.

Narvia showed how kind she was, but if her godfather was no other than Nikolas R. Zahrin, everyone could quickly tell her biological father, no different from Conner L. Hadley. Who were explicitly from the Ascendancy themselves or knew the exploits of the Gravia Military Company. Narvia wants to talk to her father about why he did that to her, but she wants to find the people who pirated their money away to make the rest of the crew eat rations. She had no idea how Rations had tasted since she primarily stayed in the Dragon's Brigade Fleet.

@Letter Bee @vietmyke @The Man Emperor @Senhara @Smike
It would be nice to have a race template. XD
Because I am coco for cocoa puffs. lol
I'm working on my character's appearance/ship/and the Nation they belong to. But I will do more later. >.>
Unlurks, May the Winds of Change End the Unity of the Sentient Mess that we call Mortality.

Uhh, Hello, everyone. :)
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