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4 days ago
Current My Shin Megami Tensei/Pokemon/Digimon Crossover RP is still seeking new Co-GMs and Players.
13 days ago
Two years of Noble Arms: The ASEAN War. Yes, it's split into two threads. Still a storyline that lasted for 24 months.
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14 days ago
We've hit the climax of my RP's current arc!
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26 days ago
We're still recruiting players for Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, a Modern Fantasy Military RP...
1 mo ago
Thread Two of my RP, Noble Arms: The ASEAN War, is 8 months old, but the overall storyline has lasted for 23 months, which is still a milestone.


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Shinyahito has been approved in Discord DMs.

The OOC OP has also been modified with new rules.
Name: Shinyahito–ōji (Of the House of Yamato).

Age: 16



Bloodline of Amaterasu - Shinyahito is the Imperial Prince, of the House of Yamato, and Amaterasu's divine heritage burns bright in him. This gives him the power of Magic, allowing him a weaker version of the Sun Goddess' power over light, healing, and spiritual purification. He can cast Agi/Fire spells, Kou/Light spells, and Healing, and maybe a few spells that inflict Almighty damage (damage that cannot be blocked, resisted, or absorbed/drained).

This uses up 4 Magic Points, the remaining 2 are spent on his Digimon.

The Crown Prince - Shinyahito also has the prestige and respect that comes from being heir to the Throne of Japan, even though he has no power over the Japanese Government and the Imperial Army as long as his father is still alive.


Financially Constrained - Shinyahito's father is angry at his decision to run off, and so has cut off most of Shinyahito's allowance, hoping that he'd rather come back than work for a living. Sadly, that's exactly what Shinyahito was going to do.

Sibling Rivalry - Shinyahito has siblings who want his position for themselves and will do anything to get it, including having him killed.

Naive Confidence - He's sixteen. Of course, he'd think he's invincible, considering that Amaterasu kept blessing him even after he rejected being a Demon Summoner...

Bio: When Oda Nobunaga unified Japan with the power of Pokemon, he was unable to become Shogun due to not having the right bloodline (descent from the Minamoto Clan, itself a branch of the Imperial Family), and instead became Imperial Regent, a title with all the powers of the Shogunate and just as limiting to the Emperors. This was made even worse by Nobunaga's successors taking full control of the Imperial Army and promoting the use of Pokemon; this meant that even though the Imperial Dynasty had actual powers, the Imperial Army was even more powerful and the House of Yamato was kept in place mostly due to their ceremonial and cultural value.

In this timeline, there was no period of isolation from the rest of the world, so there was no Meiji Restoration, either, and the Emperors (and the occasional Empress) stayed powerless for much longer. It also did not help that the Imperial Family shunned Pokemon, and when they came into being during the Second World War, Digimon. Nevertheless, change came to the Imperial House as the decades passed, with them eventually learning to use modern technology and media.

Shinyahito was born in the year 2008, in a Japan already fragmented between the Cities and the Countryside. The former were held by the Zaibatsus, the Imperial Army (more out of control than ever), and the Nagasaki Fleet. At the same time, the Countryside was held by various warlords (and more Zaibatsus), the Ring of Gaea, and the so-called 'Divine Powers'. The powers given to him by his bloodline were the most powerful in several generations, a potential sign that it was time for the Imperial Family to try and take back power over Japan. And so, the newly-dubbed Crown Prince was given the best upbringing possible, with hopes that he would become a Demon Summoner.

He didn't question it until a lone Salamon crawled into the Imperial Gardens to steal food, but he began questioning it after he handed her some sushi out of pity. This Digimon had several tales of the world outside, which sometimes confirmed and contradicted the reports and stories of his tutors. And that's how he saw that the world was larger than he knew.

His next choice was to hide the Salamon for several weeks. Then he partnered with her just before she was found, and hid her in a Digivice that he wheeled and begged a Servant to smuggle in. Then to stand with her when that was found out, even against his father. Then he ran away when locked in his chambers.

Having snuck off, escaping the confines of Kyoto, Crown Prince Shinyahito now wanders Japan incognito, disguised as an ordinary boy, albeit with a 'Mon companion. Salamon is with him, a living symbol of his unconventionality. He seeks to learn about his people, and what exactly is the role of his Family in this brave new world...

Theme Song: youtube.com/watch?v=OLV1HPCBf24

Team of Mons: Salamon (or Plotmon), who can in turn digivolve to Gatomon, Angewomon, then Holydramon.

Jaina Dalton
X-773-12-2-20 | Fenix Tear | A
Header Code to be used as an image

All Jaina Dalton wanted was to study and be the best Sorceress in the land. Burying herself in books, sailing to far lands to explore ancient libraries and temples, and eventually, becoming an Archmage who would closely advise her father, mother, and brother in the proper management of Magic. But with the presumed deaths of her father and brother in a freak storm, she is now the heir to the throne of her small coastal country and she has mixed feelings about that, especially as the existence of her God Slayer Magic means that she would have her people demand that she use it as a weapon when again, she just wanted to study, drink coffee and eat a sweet pastry before readying herself for a dinner of eel stew.

Then again, being royalty has its perks, and being a member of Fenix Tear, the neighboring Kingdom's most powerful Independent Guild, brought opportunities to use those perks. With her comrades at her side, she would make it as the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold or find out if her father and brother were really dead and bring them back!


Jaina was born in the Kingdom of Snaerverold, a land whose people relied on the sea and magic to survive whenever the farmlands were devastated by stronger nations. Thus, she was fascinated by the study of Magic from an early age, bugging the Court Wizard to teach her all the time. Eventually, she showed talent and was able to receive formal training in Magic, eventually becoming known as one of the most promising young Magicians in the land, always seeking out new lore to decipher, learn, and master.

One day, she received a mysterious clay tablet that was inscribed with an ancient script, one that was eventually revealed to contain the secrets of Memory God Slayer Magic, which allowed her near-perfect memory and the ability to extract and rewrite others' memories. Of course, she was not interested in the latter except when it allowed her to learn more magic and cram it into her head. And so her life passed uneventfully until one day, her father and brother went sailing with a squadron of Snaerverold's best warships to intercept some Pirates.

They instead ran into a storm of abnormal, potentially cursed, power, which destroyed most of the flotilla and caused the disappearance of the father and brother... Who were also the King/Lord Admiral of Snaerverold and his heir, the Lord Admiral-in-Waiting.

She now had to cease her magical studies and learn administration, economics, and warfare instead. Her mother, now the Lady Admiral of Snaerverold until she grew up, was busy rebuilding the naval strength of her nation to keep away invaders. The worst part of all was that the strongest neighboring nation, Pergrande, just got invaded by Devils, who in turn would invade her nation eventually. Oh, and she was invited by Pergrande's most powerful Independent Guild, Fenix Tear, to join their ranks, with a couple of promises; one, she would find out whether the storm that killed her father and brother was natural and if it wasn't, who cast it, and two, if her father and brother were actually dead.

Wait, if they weren't dead, can she return the heirship to the throne?

Memory God Slayer Magic + Enhances and Manipulates Memories and allows one to cast Magic and Spells one has memorized.
Update: So I thought a bit and I would like to follow the course of history but since it as a record-light time there is enough to free space to insert some wars and altercations that were forgotten by history.

Sorry about this, but I must withdraw my interest, then.
Not sure how much alternate history I wanna go, I am torn between just having several characters pulled into some sort of conspiracy or to have the characters lead their nations in politics. But Roman Britains are available, honestly everything in the perifery of what was once the Roman Empire is game.

Understood; well, tell me when you make a final decision.
@KingofSerpents, Okay... How much can our characters alter history?

Kinda want to play a Christian Arab Kingdom that overruns the Roman East and Persia and tries to start the Arab Expansion early if Romano-Britons are not available...
@KingofSerpents, understood. But yeah, I would like to play someone who wants to boot out the Saxons.
@KingofSerpents, Well, do 'Arthur' or 'Ambrosius Aurelianus' count as IRL figures whose IRL stories cannot be altered for the purpose of this RP?
@KingofSerpents, I like this idea.

I am interested in the Romano-Britons, Byzantium/The ERE, or maybe the Ghassanid Christian Arabs.
Heyyo to everyone here! While I ususally go by the moniker of "FunnierPresident," I shortened it to FunnierPrez due to the limitations of the naming system. I've been hopping around places, and decided to make an account here and check things out!

Noticed you were looking at my profile; glad to see you're finally here!

If you want someone to show you around the site, just tell me.
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