Avatar of meri


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18 days ago
shoutout to pears best fruit easy
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2 mos ago
2 mos ago
thinkin bout how parrots live to like 80. good for them
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3 mos ago
🎵my name is doctor worm...hello, how are you, i'm doctor worm...i'm interested in things...i'm not a real doctor but i AM A REEEAALL WORM I AM AN ACTUUUAALL WORM 🎵
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3 mos ago
y'all ever hear a bird and then go "oh life is amazing actually"


Hey there! My name is Meri. I'm 18, my pronouns are he/she, and I've been roleplaying for about 9 years... if you're feeling charitable and count pretending to be a warrior cat on the playground. I've been roleplaying through writing for 5 years.

I tend to prefer Advanced or High Casual, and use such a variety of punctuation I ought to keep a running total. My favorite roleplay themes are pirates, eldritch creatures, and sci-fi with magic. There is nothing I love writing more than body horror. Yes I am trans why do you ask. Anyways, as far as romance pairings go, I tend to prefer FxF, NBxNB, or FxNB—though ships with men aren't an automatic no. Never roleplayed a poly relationship, but I'd be happy to give it a shot! Small groups are my favorite group size—ideally 3-5 people—but I do enjoy 1x1 as well. I am not interested in large group roleplay (6+). Also, my favorite animal is the nosferatu bat, and I love the color yellow!

Feel free to hit me up if you're interested in roleplaying with me! Have a lovely day/night :)

Most Recent Posts

The first test was… reassuring, if one was looking at silver linings. The human—Lady Gwynn-Theophania Saven, how fancy—succeeded. It wasn’t impossible. That is, if she wasn’t some ploy to lull the rest of them into a false sense of security. Her contempt for the speaker—High Priestess Dula, how pretentious—seemed real enough. Good actress, if not. Gwynn’s confidence was striking; how she could stand before a crowd and betray not even the slightest glimpse of worry, Skagi had no idea. He was a performer, sure, but this was hardly a scenario one could rehearse for. They straightened up, hoping their posture conveyed some sense of composure.

Then Gwynn disappeared.

Oh. Of course. Yes, of course, because this was magic and dragon eggs and apparently those can just zap people out of existence. Or the immediate area, anyway. Strangling anxiety to the floor of their throat, Skagi tried to reassure themself that this was all completely normal, all part of the test. He glanced at Dula’s unbothered expression. Perhaps this being part of the test was worse, actually.

Then, as if nothing had happened, the warrior—Trevor, was it? He had already half-forgotten in the chaos—stepped up and said, “I’m here, what do you need me to do?”

Gods above. Talk about a mercenary attitude. They crossed their arms and watched Trevor intently. Hopefully he wouldn’t disappear. Actually, hopefully he would. They didn’t think they wanted to know what would happen if someone didn’t pass the test, which, based on the number of people here… someone certainly would.
“…will never be allowed to leave this island."

Skagi bristled, the priestess's unvarnished words burrowing deep into their anxiety. He had a feeling that “never leaving” meant quite the opposite of living on this island forever. Of course King Rosmund's mistake had been disastrous—everyone had heard rumors of what he had unleashed—but gathering warriors? For what? If what they heard had been true, seven fools with blades would never be enough to protect Elysium. It needed an army.

Hell, they needed actual fighters. Skagi was no warrior, whatever rudimentary tricks they had been taught in his childhood. What were they going to do, fiddle at monsters until they fled? Besides, his captors couldn't possibly know about Florian, right? They had no reason to believe Skagi was capable of killing. Surely not.

They glanced at the human—Trevor—reassured at least by his willingness to accompany them… not that either of them would be setting off to play instruments right now. The grim set of Trevor's jaw was enough to tell them he wouldn't be going down without a fight. Good. At least someone here knew what they were doing. The knife hidden in their boot felt immeasurably heavy.

When the priestess waved open the curtains, Skagi's heart nearly stopped. Eggs. Dragon eggs. Enormous, dazzling eggs, vibrant and sparkling and practically thrumming with life. Light spun from their shells, fractaling in identical patterns from each and every one. He had believed the tales of monsters, but really seeing them, even their eggs, was… breathtaking. Frozen in awe, they laughed, perhaps deliriously. “She wasn't kidding.”
Skagi snickered at the man's response. He seemed wholly unimpressed by the display—cautious, maybe, but more annoyed by the whole endeavor than anything. Likely a mercenary type. Good. Skagi knew how to handle those. Best to antagonize whomever brought them here, make sure he knew they were on the same page.

“Amen to that. I suppose it would be too courteous to bring us here when we weren't half-asleep. Wouldn't be nearly as mysterious as whisking us away in the dead of night, would it?”

Following the human's gaze, they saw a dwarf fiddling with tools at one of the tables. An exemplary show of initiative. The tables were likely a test of some sort, unless this was an arts fair, in which case Skagi would be having a better time tonight than originally anticipated. The array of weapons was enough to suggest otherwise. Perhaps a talent show, then.

“My name is Skagi, by the way. Unless you're a faerie in the business of stealing those sorts of things, in which case it definitely isn't.” They stretched their neck as if preparing for exercise. “I'm off to get a better look at those instruments, if you'd care to join me.”
Wanted to show off the piece I’m getting done of Gwynnn as part of a trade (artist is YuuHyena on toyhouse)

Ooo cool! I love her cravat (jabot?), it looks nice and ruffly :)
Hello, fine fellows. I will be pushing the story forward again either tomorrow or the day after. That being said, I was curious if you lot were interested in a Discord for easier communication?

that's a good idea!
@meri Oh shoot, sorry, I knew there was something I was forgetting to do. I'll have a post up this week, on the early side I think.

No worries! Just wanted to make sure you were still interested :)

Hi! No rush, but do you have an idea of when you're going to be able to post?
Skagi was used to being watched.

It was their job, after all—the more eyes on them, the more coins in their pouch—yet they couldn't help but feel out of place amid such opulence. Eyes were what kept them centered on stage, the emotions within reminding him that his audience was just as mortal as he. The glimmer of excitement, the glow of fascination, the glitter of suspense. The sharp light of disgust. Looking around, he rubbed the seam of flesh and stone that warped their arm. Any eyes the figures above may have had were obscured by their masks. Skagi knew his mother had friends in high places, but this… this was beyond the occasional favor from a lord.

Trying to get a better grasp of their surroundings, they met the eyes of one of the few people without a mask: a human in priestly vestments. They looked away quickly. The man's gaze was eerily neutral. Skagi was suddenly intensely aware they had no idea where they were.

Quickly diverting their focus to the tables, he was greeted by a beautiful assortment of instruments just a few paces away. Everything from finely carved piccolos to richly lacquered violins were displayed; the elegant slope of a harp felled a shadow on the table from behind. His fingers itched to play them. He hadn't even had the chance to do warm-ups before he was whisked away. The blindfold had felt tight enough to sand down the stone of his head.

No sense in exploring this strange place alone, though. There were so many people—he would do well to forge some sort of alliance early, avoid being an outlier.

Turning to one of the fourteen beside him, they smiled facetiously. “Kind of them to give us such a warm welcome, isn't it?
@meri Your character is approved! I'm a huge fan of him. A couple of questions: Would you be comfortable with me bringing in some characters of his backstory during the story of the RP? I am trying to think of a reason why they would be picked for the Hatching. Would their mother have some higher up connections? Would he go willingly if his mother told him some guards were taking him away for something important she can't disclose? And, mostly for clarity's sake, are his pronouns he/they?

Totally, bringing in characters from backstories is always fun! As for the Hatching, I think connections through his mother could totally work. They trust her more than anyone else, so he'd absolutely go if she told him to. I was originally thinking since he travels so much he may have found the site of the Hatching and somehow finagled their way in there, but it would definitely make more sense if they had a reason like you suggested to be there. And yes, their pronouns are he/they. I know multiple pronouns can be confusing sometimes, so I'll try to keep it as clear as possible who I'm referring to with antecedents and whatnot once we get into the roleplay :)
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