Avatar of Star Light


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5 days ago
Current So sorry for the double post
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5 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
5 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
14 days ago
Bored bored boreddddd
15 days ago
Nobody seems to be on this late at night. It's quiet, and lonely.


Work in progress

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<Snipped quote by Star Light>

do we got enough people?

@Star Light

people have said they would join but only a couple cs sheets

Hmm, lemme get my oc in there in a bit
Cant wait to get started!

Lets get started right now! I think we have enough peo
@Star LightPosted my characters now. they are brother and sister btw

Thanks! We'll have to start soon lol
@Star Light

Can I claim the Rooster/chicken? It is the year I was born actually. If not I would be open to also play the Ox unless I can have 2 characters (brother and sister)

Go right ahead!!
With 2 characters or one :)
This went blop so fast, well, if you have already gotten what animal you wish to be then put it in the characters section!
Right now, tomorrow, any time really lol
<Snipped quote by Star Light>

me too lol
when are we starting again?

Whenever we want!
If this is still open. I can fill in that God position. Also pleasure to meet you all.

Go right ahead! Not gonna lie kinda forgot this existed lol
haven't watched fruit's basket yet

Beautiful! Put in characters
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