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❄Erika Olson❄

Erika wasn't sure how she had heard of it, possibly an advertisement or maybe a visiting trainer in Cooldome mentioned it before, but Makuno-Uchi was the place she sought to take everyone. It was a small, unassuming place that was nestled in the heart of the Entertainment District. If you weren't looking for the cute homemade banner of the owners, Takeshi and Hanae Kurosawa, then you'd likely never see the place as you walked past. Inside, the place seemed to have walls thick enough to silence the constant noise and activity outside. The whole place seemed homely and it was easy to become comfortable.

They all sat down, ordered, and began eating. Conversation naturally flowed and each one of them recounted the others of how they've been making strides in their adventure. Erika felt a sting at the impressive flash of Maple's trainer card, knowing she had only the single badge so far. She was supposed to be the battler, but somehow, she didn't mind the delay when she really thought about it. Her adventure so far was fun and memorable.

Then Erika's hometown came up, or rather the mountain she lived on, and she couldn't help but chime in. "If you're going to Cooldome City, look my mother up! She helps all sorts of trainers before they try and trek up the mountain. It is famously difficult but that is part of the appeal, really." Erika realized she hadn't yet mentioned how her mother could help. "If you go, she could help you find what you want on Mt. Chill and knows all the Pokemon from the base to the summit! So if there is a Pokemon in particular she'd know where. Also nice to have her watch your back because it really can be scary when a blizzard rolls in."

Erika had personal experience with that fact. She did get lost in one and shortly after, that was when her mom decided to be more of a direct help to trainers who would try to climb the summit. Her house was always open and the advice came free. Of course if you actually wanted to climb to the top, she wouldn't help you there as that would ruin the challenge for trainers. What she did a lot of the time was rescue in case a trainer did get lost or injured. "She just won't help you climb to the summit, of course. But if you're not going to do that then I'm sure she'd love to help! Especially a friend of mine!"

The topic of plan's made Erika think. What did she want to do next? It seemed like circling back around on the southern isle of Isson would be wise but Erika did feel an urge to trek and explore more of Isson. "Redcoast, Highhill, Freecape and Raremine..." She muttered, before raising her head to add to the group, "I also have to get the gym badges in these towns, but I am determined to head West out of Worldedge. After I'm done here, of course."

Sno had brought rice cake her to face, musing about what was coming next, before taking a bite. She probably wanted to head South and make the climb up to Mt. Chill's summit since Erika seemed to rave about it all the time. That said, they did just come from a mountain and it would be nice to see a beach and maybe connect with her ghostly self a little more. If she could haunt someone, that would be great as an example~

With that said, Erika paid the bill, not wanting to hold anyone up from setting out. "Well regardless of where everyone goes, keep in touch! I'm sure we will see each other again. I doubt I'll be heading to Mt. Chill until I know I can climb to the summit and not a moment before so good luck Ellyn and Maple. We'll see each other again, I'm sure." Erika said as she stuffed her all-in-one Pokedex back into her bag.

She turned to Joshua and Ewan after that was done. "Power plant and Bigfjord City. After I get done here, I can let you guys know but please don't feel like you have to wait up. Just let me know when you set out and I'll try to join as well."

Then Erika considered Elana. "Thanks for your help Elana! Maybe I'll come up with another adventure that I need help with. Like I always wondered what the Sunken City was like..." She teased that suggestion before getting up. Sno fluttered in behind her.

"Alright good luck everyone! Later"

Erika and likely the group split for now unless there was something else. As Erika walked, with Sno flowing behind her, the hustling streets of the Entertainment District, an advertisement caught her eye.
~~Come Do Battle,
With Rules Sure to Dazzle.
Win our Prizes,
They come in all Sizes~~

"Huh. Wanna go try it out, Sno?" Erika asked to Sno who nodded. "Fross!"

❄Erika Olson❄

They made good time through Route 12. Erika couldn't help but giggle at Joshua's antics with Eevee. Sno was less than impressed at his antics, however, and gave him a glare. Even though Erika did the same with Gibs. For now, Erika was fine with her team as they were quite diverse but she did consider an Eevee. She did not have a Fairy type and Eevee was versatile but she wasn't sure how to encourage a Sylveon evolution. Then again a Glaceon would be fitting for her. Oh but then there was the appeal of having a pure Grass or Dark type... Maybe she'd know if she came back through.

Moving on, Route 13 was something that Erika had not known about despite being from here. She probably heard it growing up but this was the first time she was seeing it firsthand. It was so wild to see the perpetual night caused by the environment. The stars shined overhead only interrupted by the stalking dark clouds that would send a bolt of lightning down. It was like the sun decided this area would never see its direct rays but instead only the deflection of those rays from the moon. Erika thought it might have been desolate but the grass here seemed hardy as she stepped over it. It had to be given that the lightning that struck the ground frequently and a true grassland would be burned down easily. Yet off in the distance, Erika could see one of the dark clouds drizzle rain across the plain, rewarding and likely strengthening the grass to prevent it from going up in flames.

If Erika were a betting trainer, she'd guess that maybe a legendary Pokemon might have made this place dark for Pokemon who prefer it, but she couldn't figure out which one.

Oh well, as the group moved through a little more sluggish than Route 12, Erika took the opportunity to have a few battles with Gibs, Tara, and Eep. Gibs and Eep were used against Electric types and Tara against Normal or Flying types until they grew Tired, being returned to their Pokeballs.

Erika and the group continued the last leg until they arrived finally at their destination. Worldedge City!

First stop in the Information District was the PokeCenter where Erika would heal up her team. The others would likely too and then it was off to the entertainment area to eat!


I'm leaving it to you if you want to head for Bigfjord or Worldedge. So, you want a bit of a pressing goal? Would you elaborate on that? I could absolutely produce something like that. I'll just relax a bit for now, though. You just got off a major fight, hah. Also, I'd rather you not travel with a group this big, but you can keep at least a couple. Hey, Claire's heading for Bigfjord City after this, ain't she? Hahaha.

I do like the touch of the -1 you put on the Potion you used, hehe.

So what I'm trying to go for is I want Erika's adventure to feel like the anime. Each episode they got into these situations and stories. Obviously a forum RP doesn't work like that but having mini adventures. So far that's been the case and they've all been cute. But what I'm more after is and adventure I don't choose like I don't expect it... actually I think I did "Force GM to come up with something" and that's how the story with the dragon types and Gibs came about.... so maybe never mind, lol.

Yes that is okay if the group is smaller or maybe just a partner or two. Erika is pretty separated so it is nice not to be so lonely. Also again, a bit like the anime where Erika has had Ewan and Joshua. She could travel with Ellyn and Maple for a change after Worldedge City. Or maybe Elana or whatever. I like how fluid it has been with partners coming and going. Team ups for big events... Actually you are doing exactly that again. So disregard!

If Claire meets up with Erika, I don't mind journeying with her. Or getting involved in some story in Bigfjord!
❄Erika Olson❄

Erika took her eyes off of Sno, who was still fluttering and flowing about, to rejoin the conversation. "I"m sure Bigfjord isn't that scary and we can handle it like Maple said." Erika interjected, raising a finger to the group. "But nobody has to go with so Worldedge City is better because everyone can decide where their journey takes them next. After we eat, of course!"

One last wave to Machamp from both Erika, and Sno did they depart. Elana lead the way with Erika quick on her heels as the rest of the group followed. As the topic of traveling together came up, Erika added, "As for me, Joshua and Ewan were so kind to help me out. Numerous times, in fact! We faced the Trial Master and triumphed! I would like to go back and try another one for fun. And then my Dawn Stone quest which we also succeeded in! Turns out we can overcome anything as a team! Hehe!"

As the group caught the light at the end of the tunnel, Sno whimsically hovered ahead to reach outside. Erika and the rest followed. "Whew! What a relief to finally be out in the fresh air! Right, Sno?" Sno easily flipped and looked pleased. "Fros!"

Erika approached Elana's side as she was leading them. "Thanks for your help navigating, Elana. If you want to join us for lunch, I'd love to have your company.. !-I mean WE! and it'd be really fun to all sit down and relax before everyone kind of splits off." Erika rubbed anxiously rubbed the back of her head, a slightly forced laugh to try and cover her poor pick-up skills. "..But you don't have to if you are busy. You might have other people to guide and I wouldn't want to take all your time. But it has been nice seeing you again. ! Not that I am trying to say you have to go but I... uhh, well you have a spot with us for lunch." Erika shifted and scooted away, a little redder in the cheeks as she finished her babbling. Sno snickered, giggling as she flew hovered in between them before slipping away with Erika.

"Well anyway... On to Worldedge City!" Erika pointed, Sno spun up over Erika's shoulder "Froslass!", their attention aimed at road leading to Route 13, and onto their next adventure!

❄Erika Olson❄

Sno fluttered and floated around excitedly until the adrenaline finally wore off. She began to dip, falling but only for a moment before Erika caught her. Cradling Sno in her arms, Erika turned back and blinked a few times before she jumped, startled at the revelation. "Oh! Yeah.... I guess I kind of forgot about the things I heard about BigFjord." She had just picked it due to proximity as it should be a closer trip. In truth, Erika still had no qualms with going to BigFjord as she wasn't scared. Unless there were bugs. There wouldn't be any there, though, and she never liked rumors causing damage to the image of things. She was sure BigFjord was okay, just like Froslass was friendly and not a soul-sucking ghost.

"To be honest, I don't think BigFjord City is scary just because of dark types and a reputation. So I don't mind going there but we would have better options in Worldedge and it is central to everything so we can all figure out what we want to do next!" Erika smiled, convinced that Worldedge City would be the next place to set out to. She'd get to BigFjord eventually just to prove that it wasn't so bad.

"Oh speaking of, first things to do, let's you get a little patched up Snowy!" Erika said, making up a new nickname on the spot even though it was longer than Sno's actual name. Still supporting Sno with one hand, Erika dug into her pack and withdrew one of her potions. "It'll sting for a bit but you'll be better~" She gave Sno a spray. Sno winced but took it like the winner she was. Erika moved the empty potion bottle into her pack to throw away later.

"Frosslaass~" Sno floated up off of Erika's arm, seemingly better than before. "And I'll return you, Chic, but..." She glanced at Machamp. "Chic and I will be back to give you a proper challenge. I know Chic is wanting that sometime so her and I will train extra hard. Consider it a bonus for helping me!" Erika bowed at the hips, respectfully. "Combusken!" Chic mirrored the bow. With that Erika returned Chic and only left Sno to freely float around her.

"Alright Elana! Take us on to the other side of Mount Strength!"
❄Erika Olson❄

Erika eased, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. It was done, the battle and everything was done. "I'm so relieved that everyone is okay and it all worked out." Erika gave Chic a pat on her head, knowing she was a bit disappointed that she couldn't plunge into the Battle for the Mountain. She'd have to find a way to thank everyone involved at some point since she couldn't have done this without them.

She felt nervous as her eyes settled on the offered Dawn Stone. It was her first goal in life to achieve and it feels like ages since she set out from Pureplain City. "Thank you, everyone!" She straightened her posture and gave a respectful bow at the hips to Machamp. She took the Dawn Stone from Machamp's hands and admired the stone before her, light glittering off of the stone and possibly Erika's eyes as well!

"Five years and not a day goes by that I don't think of you, Froslass... How you saved me and gave me a chance." Erika muttered as she felt her eyes water in emotion, feeling a wave of it crash against her heart. She was only a girl then, alone on the mountain and desperately lost. How afraid she had been then, but how relieved she was to see the one of the ghosts of Mount Chill was not like the scary stories told.

Erika turned and knelt down to Sno, regarding her first Pokemon with pride. "You did great today, Sno. Are you ready to grow into the Pokemon you were always meant to be?" Erika stretched out the Dawn Stone for a moment before hesitating. "But you don't have to. I vowed I would be partnered with a Froslass someday but I don't mean to make this decision for you. You can be a Glalie, too." Erika confided wanting Sno to choose the Dawn Stone but she didn't want to make the decision for her.

Yet Sno could see it in Erika's eyes. She shivered and stepped up. "Snooo, she nodded ready to take the transformation.

Erika felt a lump in her throat and she swallowed, extending the Dawn Stone out, touching it to Sno's head. Lights and energy flowed from the stone and it quickly evaporated and flowed into Sno who was a Snorunt, was now a Frolass!

"Froosss!" Sno lifted off the ground gleefully and started weaving freely around in the air.

"Amazing..." Erika gleamed as she watched in awe. She finally did it. She had a Froslass!

Erika rose to her feet and gave her eyes a wipe. She was happy and now they were ready for the next part of their adventure.

"Well..." She turned to address everyone else. "I'm really grateful for everyone's help, really! So can I make it up to you all? Hungry? I don't mind buying!" She smiled but considered their location.

"We should maybe consider our way forward through the mountain. It'd be nice to see more of Isson and I think..." She pulled out her PokeDex PDA thing and glanced at the map. "Bigfjord City shouldn't be too far away once we are clear. What do you guys think?"
❄Erika Olson❄

Kay summoned Reflect to guard against the Magnet Bombs! It was pretty effective, shielding her from the homing metal orbs that came flying for her, even if a couple slipped through!

‘Peh, no matter. Thundershock!’ Reflect guards against physical attacks only, for whatever reason, and it appeared Julian had studied enough to know that. So, instead, Magnemite shot a blast of lightning as a reply to the Reflects (and since he had to get two moves since you did two moves). The thundershock did some damage, going through too fast to be dodged. Fortunately, despite being a squid Kay is not a water-type, so she only took regular damage.

This was when Erika shouted her bit about having earned her right and not taking the easy road, causing Julian to shudder a bit. Swagger hit Magnemite straight on, boosting the magnet-Pokémon’s attack but also confusing it. Julian, meanwhile…

‘What are you talking about? What did you expect me to do? Fight my way through an endless kingdom of Fighting-types?’ Julian asked, frowning. ‘Gr, it’s risky, but I could use that attack-boost. Magnemite! Magnet Bomb!’

‘Magne…!’ Magnemite prepared to do a boosted attack against Kay…! … And then suddenly rammed itself into the ground at full speed, bouncing back with a one-eyed expression of pain! Magnemite hurt itself in confusion!

‘Darn it!’ Julian grunted in annoyance.

Kay winced as the blast of lightning hit the little floating squid, providing a light show. ”Kaaay..” Yet in spite of that the Inkay held on. Erika nodded at her Pokemon partner and then focused back on Julian. ”Yes! You robbed yourself and your Pokemon of the challenge and adventure together. You skipped the part where you grow stronger and closer together!”

Erika was annoyed. She had seen people like Julian all the time in Cooldome city. Her mother would tell them that many of them would try to skip to the top by flying up Mt. Chill but the vicious blizzards often put them at risk!

Having seen Magnemite fall due to its own confusion, Erika pointed at the opportunity. ”Aha! There, now Kay, use Foul Play!”

”Kay!” Erika’s Inkay rallied and cast a glowing dark translucent shadow to appear around the opposing magemite that would use that own increased attack strength against itself!

Kay shot out the Foul Play, and it hit! Magnemite’s boosted attack worked against itself, and it took a sharp blow that sent it flying back to Julian! Magnemite fainted!
Kay grew to Level 16!

Julian returned the Pokémon, looking annoyed as he deposited the Pokéball and retrieved a new one.

‘Adventure…? As if I could. No. I can’t. The world… is far too scary,’ he said, sounding as if he believed what he was saying. He then released the Pokémon, and…

‘FAKE OUT!’ Before the Pokémon was even properly out of its Pokéball it was flying at blinding speed at Kay, a cat with a spring-tail launched as if having bounced on its own tail! Pretty sure that’s not what Glameow does, but it sure knows Fake Out.

Pokédex Entry #431 – Glameow, the Catty Pokémon. It claws when displeased and purrs when affectionate. It can switch between the two very swiftly, this fickleness is very popular among some. When happy its tail makes beautiful movements, like a dancing ribbon. Its glare can put foes into a hypnotic state.

Fake Out, being what it was, was way too fast for either Kay nor Erika to react to, and it struck Kay straight on. There was, however, time to react to the next move.

‘Faint Attack!’ Julian called, and Glameow was faster than Kay and already up close. Now, with Reflect up, Kay should be able to survive another hit, but Faint Attack was an always-hit move that certainly wouldn’t let the shield stand in its way, even if it did reduce the damage. One Faint Attack would be fine. Two, no.

Erika flinched as Glameow darted out and hit Inkay without a moment to react. Even though there was nothing she could really do, Erika still considered that a failure on her part to not be fast enough. She glanced at her Pokedex as it instructured her on what she was looking at before folding it into her back pocket. “Nice work Kay but I think it is time for a change.”

She raised Kay’s pokeball and withdrew her before nodding towards Chic who was still eagerly awaiting a fight. They met each other’s eyes, trainer and Pokemon, “You’re up, Chic. You got this.”

”Coooombusk!” Chic slapped her face and leapt in, taking the first faint attack with ease as it was a dark attack and reflect was still up to slow the blow.

“It is supposed to be scary but you’re supposed to do it anyway. Because it is something you overcome. It shows your resolve as a trainer and leader for your Pokemon! Chic, double kick!”

Chic darted towards her opponent and threw out both feet in a dropkick!

Kay excited the field, and Chic came in instead! Chic was immediately struck by Faint Attack, but it was Not Very Effective! Glameow jumped back while Julian grunted.

‘Glameow, use Hypnosis!’ he called, and Glameow spun around! The cat waved its circling tail in a way that would be hypnotic to someone who saw it… except Chic was already mid-dropkick and struck the cat twice!

‘Glam-!!’ the cat called before being launched back by Super Effective damage! Glameow fainted. Julian grunted as he returned his Pokémon.

‘I’m not… looking for an adventure,’ Julian said, taking a moment before sending out his next Pokémon so that he could speak more calmly. ‘I just want to have the strength to defend. And… Pitri… my partner… I want to reward him after all the support he’s given me!’ he said, before throwing his next Pokéball forward. Out if it came a living wind-chime, a Psychic-type floating in mid-air before Erika and Chic.

‘Chimecho!’ the Pokémon introduced itself, an echo following its cry.

Pokédex Entry #358 – Chimecho, the Wind Chime Pokémon. When it cries, it echoes inside its hollow body. It is known to hang from trees and eaves and cry in the wind. It uses its long tail to pick up berries and nuts which it then eats. Should it be enraged, it cries ultrasonic waves powerful enough to most foes flying.

‘Hold it…’ Julian waited with his next command to see what Erika did.

Pitri the Kirlia was standing right behind Julian, watching intently.

Erika felt her cheeks tug as a frown as she considered Julian. “So that gives you a right to tear up Pokemon habitats and homes to plunder what you want? I get it, Pitri is your best friend but you can’t roll over others for him. Besides, maybe it would have been nice to spend the time together on your journey to find a dawnstone.”

Chic stood at the ready but Erika motioned for her to come back. “Sorry Chic, need you ready in case we have to fight some more. Instead…” Erika fished for her first Pokeball on her belt, ”Let’s go, Sno!”

Out came the little snow hat Pokemon. ”Snoorunt!” Erika pointed across the way. ”Let’s try to cinch it from here, Sno. Double team!” And Sno began to move fast enough to create illusionary copies of herself.

‘I… geh… What does it matter if there’s a new tunnel and some battling and looting? Trainers battle wild Pokémon and pick up things they find all the time!?’ Julian said, seriously not understanding. Then, Erika switched to Sno.

‘That’s… that’s a Pokémon that can evolve with Dawn Stone…’ Julian suddenly realised, and his expression got annoyed. ‘Fine. You want to make it an experience? I’ll make it an experience by having us beat you together. Chimecho, return!’ Julian returned Chimecho to its Pokéball. And then…

‘Pitri, Double Team!’

Pokédex Entry #281 – Kirlia, the Emotion Pokémon. Its horns amplify its psychokinetic powers, allowing it to see glimpses of the future or distort space to display mirages. It’s highly sensitive to its trainer’s feelings, instinctively dancing in response to happiness. It’s said to grow more beautiful when exposed to positive emotions.

‘Kirlia!’ Pitri suddenly leapt forward, stopping where Chimecho had floated, and, just like Sno, started splitting up into many.

Erika nodded, ”That’s right and my ambition to make Sno into a Froslass is no less important than yours.” Erika turned her attention to the battle where it was now filled up with many Pitris and Snos alike. ”Alright Sno, bite and see if we can’t guess which Pitri is the right one!”

And so Sno would jump at a nearby Pitri, biting with its rather impressively sized mouth!

Sno started chasing Pitris, biting as she went! However, at least for right now, the true Kirlia escaped her jaws, as the various Pitris started dancing in varying directions, creating a rather confusing visage! In return…

‘Pitri, Disarming Voice!’ Julian called, and all the Pitris together braced, and then called out in unison, sending a sound-wave that cared naught if there were many copies of Sno, it hit anyway, doing Fairy-type neutral damage!

‘We… should have the advantage in this chaos…’ Julian reasoned, looking a bit mentally drained from the battle.

Erika pouted as she did the mental math of the situation. Sno might never hit but Pitri will always hit with Disarming Voice. It might have made sense to retreat, use a sturdier Pokemon like Eep in this situation, but Erika did like the poetic battle between the two would-be dawn stone users.

”Alright, Sno, change of plans! Ice Shard but forgo going first to try and spot the real Pitri! That sound has to be coming from only one of them after all!”

The group of Snos did as Erika had asked, all turning to look upon the line of Pitris as a collection of icicle shards hovered around them, waiting and watching.

‘Sh-shouldn’t matter. We’ll have a two-hit advantage… Disarming Voice!’ Julian called, and once again, the many Pitris together made the gesture of tensing up, before calling out altogether and sending a wave of Fairy-type sound knocking into Sno for some damage!

… But there! Sno could detect where the correct Pitri was, and direct an Icy Shard at him! Pitri was struck, and for a moment all of the Kirlia’s flailed a bit, and there was a bunch of snow-effects all around! Pitri was more than prepared to get up and continue to battle, however!

Sno staggered but she was still hanging in there as she stood up. ”Hanging in there Sno? Alright we go again!” The many Snos found their foothold again dug their little feet into the earth, ice shards forming around their heads ready to lash out at the sound of Pitri’s voice. ”Sno-Snorunt!” The chorus of duplicates rallied, ready to trade blow-for-blow!

Having the advantage of a priority move, Sno blasted her next Icy Shard at high speed and hit Pitri once more! Julian smirked, and looked like he thought he was smart.

‘Teleport,’ he said, and suddenly the Kirlias all shifted their location in the room. It wasn’t clear who the real Pitri was anymore. ‘Heh, now you don’t know who the real one is again…’ … Then it was his turn to do the mental maths and realised that, if Sno just found Pitri again the same way, and then Sno gets two hits for every his one.

‘Gah. Nevermind. Just Disarming Voice!’ Julian called, and indeed, once again the Kirlia sent out a Disarming Voice and did some damage to Sno, and once again Sno could find which was the real one from the hit!

”Go on Sno, Ice Shard but wait to find the real Pitri!” Erika called out, content with trading blow-for-blow until this fight ended. With Ice Shard being physical and Kirlia being weaker to physical attacks, Sno should be able to hang in there she thought. It was sound in her head, at least. Sno did so, taking a blast of Disarming Voice before letting loose a few shards of ice at the assumed real Pitir.

However, Erika thought of a little trickery to hopefully tip the scales into her advantage. When finding the real Pitri, her next command would be a sudden change with the real Pitri identified. “Sno use Bite on the real Pitri!” Erika pointed at the real Pitri like a general to watch as Sno charged, opening her wide mouth to take a chomp of Pitri!

Pitri shot away another Disarming Voice, and it left Sno really damaged! But, in reply, Sno shot an Ice Shard and hit Pitri in return! Pitri was about to cry out again, when Sno instead dashed in and bit onto Pitri, making the cry instead one of pain. This is when Lucian looked like he’d decided it was enough.

‘Pitri, return! We’ll have the others finish this-!’ he called… but that’s when.

‘Kirl-!’ Pitri actually jumped sideways, dodging his trainer’s call back.

‘P-Pitri?’ Lucian asked, but, of course, as someone who knows as much about battling as Erika, she’d know this phenomenon. It’s when the Pokémon itself wants to fight. For its trainer, or for itself.

Pitri now grabbed onto Sno, focus in his eyes, and then…!

The landscape changed for Sno. That is, as we know from Teleport being able to teleport the trainer home, they can teleport others. Pitri just teleported the both of them up into the air, intent on striking down his opponent down into the ground, in a move that would be truly worthy of a future Fighting-type!

”Sno!” Erika’s blinked, losing sight of her Pokemon with Pitri’s battle-focus taking the duelling pair out of sight! It wasn’t going to matter that Erika couldn’t try and direct the battle because Sno was battle-focused as well and determined to defeat her immediate rival!

With the impending and improvised seismic toss by Pitri’s teleport, Sno huffed and quickly came up with an attempt to soften the landing! Powder Snow was blasted behind the falling Sno at full force to quickly pile a snowy mound on the ground right where the pair were falling and thus, hopefully, cushioning the fall!

The two Pokémon slammed down into the puddle of snow, blasting a wave of white in all directions! When the snow cleared, Pitri was standing, heavily damaged, but conscious. Sno was half-buried in the snow.

‘Pitri…’ Julian looked stunned, absolutely not having expected his Pokémon to do something like that.

Pitri staggered back, panting from effort, but then slowly turned to slowly walk back towards his trainer, giving Julian a triumphant little smile…

Erika frowned as she saw the splash of snow all around after their impact. A Pokemon who finds that determination to fight hard is truly a wondrous thing so even though it seemed like her side had lost, she was fascinated to experience it first hand at least! ”Well, it was…” Erika started, drawing her Pokeball before catching a glimpse of Sno’s move.

The little Snorunt moved fast, too, leaping out of the snow mound and lunging with her big toothy mouth to chomp down on the confident Pitri in a surprise bite! ”RUNT!” Sno bellowed!

Julian's eyes widened more than Erika had seen them so far, and pointed desperately.

Pitri just stood stunned, staring at his trainer for a tad too long. He turned his head just in time to see Sno's maw clamp down on him.


Pitri let out a light gasp, then fell motionless in Sno's grip.

His trainer just stared for a moment.

‘What… What was the point of that? If I had switched, you wouldn't…!’ Julian complained, frowning as he reached for another Pokéball… when his hand hesitated. He briefly looked down at them. He still had more Pokémon, but his determination had left his eyes.

‘… No,’ he sighed, his posture slumping down, his eyes looking decidedly not at Erika. ‘I… I've lost.’

Her opponent no longer wished to battle.

Sno grew to level 19! Sno learned Bite!
Erika was victorious! Erika gained 6400P for winning!

Erika let out a held breath. She had tensed up when saw Sno wasn't moving in her pile of snow. The sudden attack had even startled her but it turned out Sno might have wanted this more than Erika! "...Well that is that." She muttered finding it disappointing that her opponent's will to keep going just ended there. In a way Erika understood, she would have faltered, heck, was faltering as she saw Sno laying there.

She walked over to her Pokemon giving a light pat to Sno's pointed head. Sno was tired, huffing in air but the fight was over. "You did good, Sno. I'm proud of you!" Erika looked down and met Sno's lifted gaze and smiled. Then her attention turned to Julian. "I'm sorry Julian but I think it was the adventure that Sno and I had together to achieve something. We didn't take a shortcut here and faced everything together. You robbed Pitri and yourself a time together. That is what, I suspect, gave Sno that little bit more to overcome Pitri. You both did well."

Erika shrugged, not really knowing what else to say in this situation. "Oooh shooot!" Erika turned to look at the rest of the chamber. The Psychic Pokemon and the Fighting Pokemon were they still battling? "We need to seal the cave after we kick all the Psychic Pokemon out! Chic!"

"Cooombusk!" Chic flared as she reached Erika's side. One battle into the next, hopefully things were going well enough...
❄Erika Olson❄

Erika kept herself surprisingly cool as she watched Julian switch out to a more effective Pokemon. Magnemite was a little bit of a surprise for her but nothing that Kay couldn't handle. "You won't show me anything because I don't take the easy road! Kay! Reflect to protect yourself and hide behind it!" She called out to her Pokemon. Kay, floating in mid-air, lifted a few of her tentacles to wave them about conjuring a faint purple glass to appear. Kay did her best to put the Reflect glass in between her and the homing metal orbs, though a few did slip past.

"An easy road that harmed others like all the Pokemon who earned their right to be here! Kay! Swagger!" Erika hollered, motioning for Pokemon to continuing. Kay did exactly that from behind the Reflect screen, smugly irritating the opposing Magnemite to a flustered rage if it worked! "What have you even done to earn anything?" Erika prodded in her own Swagger to try and fluster Julian to make a mistake as well!

In Ju-V 11 mos ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Lina frowned. What should have been a cold sweat coming from the tension, was a slow blood-like ooze coming from her the top of her head, trickling down the sides of her face. She didn't like to sweat, couldn't sweat technically, but her body still thought it could, triggering perspiration response to exertion or in this case, nervousness, like any other person. She had no control as crimson trials crawled down her face in some macabre display.

She knew this wasn't going to summer camp she had always dreamed of attending. The morning hike refreshed by an afternoon dip in the lake. That night, s'mores by the campfire. She'd be just like everyone else, undaunted by her blood-colored perspiration, and she'd finally be part of the gang. No, that was a hopelessly naive thought, but among others with meta-abilities, the most important part of that could be true. Meeting Nat had been encouraging but as the others began to make themselves known, her perception of her potential friends soured.

The others were turning out to be aggressive, snarling, and underhanded. The stone man barked, backed up by the girl out of time. Delinquency began to show itself in the cast. The gaunt man did something to the winged girl and was taken down by the guards, shifting Lina's image of camp to prison. Would she have to act tough and watch her back now? She had gotten tough before with that boy, Roger Clemmens. He just kept coming after her. Freak, Loser, Witch and he had all sorts of terms to mock her, seeking her out every chance he got. One day she had enough, maybe that was mistake, but she couldn't beat up a boy, not without her edge. She stood up for herself and Roger Clemmens would probably never see again.

It might have been a mistake, but she wanted to stand up for herself. That costed her a visit and the requirement to come here.

As the dust settled, the gaunt thief was down but so was Nat. Lina had shifted to the edge of the group, trying to avoid confrontation but with the event seemingly over, there was only the aftermath to deal with. Her eyes settled on Nat, the cheery and optimistic person she was, lay there wheezing and blinded by the pepper spray applied to her senselessly. She didn't deserve that. Lina shifted, quietly slinking over to kneel at Natsumi's side.

"You're okay." Lina lied, not knowing what it felt like to be pepper sprayed. She wasn't sure what to do to help but found herself reaching out to lightly clasp the other girl's arm, helping her up. The rising fear of others seeing her odd crimson perspiration were falling to the back of her mind as she wrapped her focus around Nat. "Umm..." Lina muttered as she peered at the reddening, watery eyes of Nat. "...Maybe we can wash it out. Hold on to me." She offered, trying to lead Nat to one of the guards who had gestured her over, seemingly for a solution to Nat's current ailment.
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