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Fujiwara no Mokou

When Remilia asked if she was of noble blood, Mokou just returned a blank stare for a second. Then another one. Then it clicked that the small vampire wasn't from Japan and would hardly be familiar with the Japanese nobility—especially since, as far as she could remember, the entire political structure of the country had changed numerous times even before she was in Gensokyo...

"Yes, I'm a noble."

Though, of more interest than the planning was the slow-speaking Servant's explanation of what she was. Brought to life...? "So, you can't stay dead either?"
  • Name: Ando Hikari
  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Forever stuck looking about 10 when dressed properly.
  • Personality: For someone who looks so young, Hikari's attitude certainly isn't. Despite not even having left school yet, she's by default jaded and bitter, with particularly dim views on authority figures. On the other hand, she's also quietly confident where Grudges are concerned, even though most of her time in battle won't have more to call on than her own skill, or that she might end it without even that to work with. It's also quite hard to get a read on her expressions; Hikari doesn't emote much.
  • Backstory: Hikari was, despite appearances, physically born as a boy. Raised around the Kumano Taisha, Hikari's future was always intimately tied to the shrine itself and the religious practice therein, and something about that was bothersome in a way that could never quite be put into words. Until, of course, the need for new contractors to replace the old came calling as ever, and as a third son there was no question that it would be fine if their shrine's deity thought to answer, to deem Hikari worthy—
    Well, the long and short of it was that Susanoo did consider her worth contracting, and the lack of concern she had for the obvious price paid finally answered a lot of questions. Just turned ten at the time, that left several years before she would be sent away to properly apply her learned skills, which seemed a rather valuable amount of time to prepare given the sheer breadth of options and potential for danger such a contract posed.
    That was when the other costs became clear. Obviously, she wasn't growing, and her endurance steadily decreased—her parents pushing her to practice more and more all the time, even though she knew the link was clear. In the end, by the time she got away to school—and in Tokyo at that, far from the shrine—there was very little of her full reserves to call on. That's obviously not something that a school curriculum has helped with, which Hikari is particularly bitter about, as she knows her own aptitude and the depth of the contract should warrant better.
  • Skills: Although she doesn't look it, the tiny girl is remarkably adept with a sword, although not in a way that lends itself to any sporting usage. She's also astonishingly knowledgeable about the various gods of Shinto, for some obvious reasons, although she could be considered overly specialised for that. Her conventional education is pretty much entirely left to languish… aside from literacy, and for some reason smugly rubbing in her calligraphy.
  • Spiritual Energy Grade: Practically speaking, E. It should be much higher—although how much so, nobody can really tell as she'd already lost a lot of headroom before it came up—but that would take months if not years of total inactivity.
    • Contracted Being: Susanoo-no-Mikoto
    • Contract Rank: C—measured at her current stamina.
    • Contract Abilities: Naturally, such a potent contracted figure offers a wide range of potent abilities: the ability to call a storm or force one to subside; enormous power over the seas or hostile waters, or simply the control and invocation of them oneself; even a very potent healing ability that can cure nigh any disease as well as address injury—and to use any of them would put the wielder out of action for the rest of the day, and anything too grandiose would be left untamed and uncontrolled. Instead, the majority of her contract's use is the comparatively-free ability to manifest Susanoo's own blade, with Hikari preferring to call it the more poetic Ame-no-Habakiri unless a giant serpent actually shows up, and just do the best she can with a plain-looking, straight-edged sword… fortunately, one both indestructible and spiritually effective, even without the rest of the contract's powers to call on it.
    • Cost: The very initial cost of the contract was to be transformed into a girl… which really wasn't much of a cost at all, from Hikari's perspective. Naturally, though, contracting such a prominent and ancient deity had other costs associated with it: Hikari hasn't grown since the contract was made, her potential to reach physical adulthood also traded away, and any severe use of the contract's abilities does more than consume spiritual energy, it's scarring. As a result, her available spiritual energy has been gradually whittled away through carelessness or necessity.
      It even has a tertiary cost... she says. Or maybe she just likes going home for long enough to take part in ceremonies. She certainly dresses as a shrine maiden enough.

Time to think on ability...
Miina Malina

Right, now they were—why was everyone trying to get themselves killed in a last stand against the Valheimr woman, and why was it all the ladies with nice chests!? This was... aaaaagh, she couldn't do anything to pull people back, she just didn't have the physical strength or know anything to particularly compensate for it... but now Miina could see the plan forming, just throw all the explosives at her and trigger them.

She could help. Fire magic wasn't her best, but she was still competent enough, and it was always easier where you might have something to work with... whether that be the fuel or the conflagration itself.

Did it seem like she was doing anything, or just pointing? With all the fire around, it would be rather easy to miss an extra contribution but—right, escape. Time to escape. Just, uh, help out Arton as much as possible with supporting Hien's other side? She couldn't really spare the time to fight enemies off if she wanted to try and help along the healing some more, so it would be really nice if the R's could help out there...
For a moment, the hill stayed quiet under the cloud of smoke—then three blurs breached the cloud. One, rising up skyward only to arc down again, had a metallic sheen. The other was a pair of radiant orbs, drifting gently down the hillside. Preceding them all in arrival was a sudden, brief gale, then a second gust; sorcery overcoming the alchemical cover and once again providing a clear view.

Then the blur landed, earth shaking, and the demon stood before Fanilly, a grin on her red face and armour bubbling into its proper shape as the wings folded away. In her hands there was no weapon, just a red light flickering around her gauntlets. Yet, the towering figure swung all the same and the light responded accordingly, taking the form of a lengthy spear. The next blow as she closed in came from a curved sword, then an axe before she stepped aside—

And at the top of the hill, a purple figure had aimed, hidden from view by the demon, and the lightning was already coming. As for the warrior, she had already turned to Renar, glow shifting with her thoughts.

Not that this left the covered side perfectly free: the rolling spheres seemed to be a source for attacks themselves, firing out in all directions as they descended. Not a finely-aimed barrage, yet one that could eventually destroy their cover all the same, and seemed to be trying to make up for the lack of visibility through volume of fire and multiple sources. At the least, the overall size—hard as it was to make out through the glare—of each was steadily decreasing, and they would reach the bottom of the hill past them all at some stage. Although, that would leave them particularly exposed while they moved directly past.

At least Gertrude could relax in not having been targeted yet.

Although, the Hundi's eyes still tracked her and Fionn's ascent.
Fujiwara no Mokou

Mokou had elected to make sure they weren't being followed, by the simple expedient of staying at the front of the group, flying, and drifting backwards at the pace they were setting. It didn't seem like she was in any danger of getting tired... although, maybe it was simply possible that she wouldn't. Or spending all her time wandering around the bamboo forest had done at least one thing for her health in the sense of stamina, even if in every other regard she appeared to be made of glass.

So far, the white-haired girl hadn't said anything, occasionally going back to wondering how the Moriya Shrine had brought Lake Suwa with them. The lakeshore had been populated even back in her day, not just the shrine, so there was no chance of that being forgotten and falling into Gensokyo organically. But to outright take the lake... that seemed unreasonable. Maybe it had been duplicated somehow? It wasn't like she was in a position to know that much.

The current conversation on meeting royalty—"I'd say I know court protocol but that's not much use here, you know?"

It wasn't like her young life had been flush with chances to use it, either.
Miina Malina

Well... okay, then. Now she felt kind of stupid, although that seemed really overboard for the thing they were destroying. Surely it could have been brought down with something smaller...? Not that she'd ever seen an airship before now.

Right, they were running! That was the rest of the infiltration team and...

Uh. Lord Hien? Maybe? Had they ever described him, or had she just forgotten because Ciradyl had been sat right there and was much easier to look at than memorising the appearance of someone she didn't need to identify? Well, whoever he was, the man obviously needed assistance and she had healing, so...

Should she say anything? Probably not, not while fleeing with as much speed as could be allowed and she still felt eugh enough the words would get stuck even more. Right, just reach out and hope nobody took the golden glow as an attack.
Miina Malina

Miina stared. She'd done the best she could and... well, still it was nothing. The request for help had gone out all the same, and what it brought with it was... complete destruction. What could she do? Well, nothing, really. Maybe fire something at the soldiers that hadn't gotten out of the line of fire in time. As always, she'd been so stupid in trying to practice a bit of everything, if she'd only focused on black magic—

No, probably not even then, she just wouldn't have the experience needed. And that left her with no way to contribute here. Healing? Well, none of them were more than bruised; anyone the shells might have hit in their errant barrage was well beyond her meagre ability. Obviously, just a sword wouldn't cut it.

She was useless, and having to trust in the strange black mage with the fascinating tail and—she didn't. Not really, as nice as she was and as much as she could be trusted, Eve was mostly a stranger. Maybe she had unnatural advantages but... really? Miina wished her brother was here. He'd always been smart, and confident, and so much better than her and even if nothing she'd seen him do could match this... it had been years. And Zeke would've gotten better, she knew it.

But he wasn't here, and maybe if he was it would just be an illusion of comfort and not enough, and she'd have to trust in the strange pale girl...

Because she didn't have the skills of her own to manage it, and no barrier she might attempt could possibly help against one of those if it fired again.
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