Avatar of Randomness


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I'm Randomness. I also go by others names when it's unavailable, but those are usually some variation of Randomness or Random in general.

I like anime, video games, and science. I'm currently in school studying to become an radiologic technologist. I'm in the initial stages, so I'm on my way. My favorite anime is Eureka Seven, and my favorite video game is a tie between Kingdom Hearts and Etrian Odyssey.

I have several story ideas, but currently lack motivation to write them out. I have plenty of notes for some of them so when I finally get around I'm prepared. That said, I absolutely enjoy group story telling like you do through role playing. One of my interests involved is world building and the connections between them if any.

One of my characters travels between worlds, dimensions and universes. What these are meant to be are different RPs. There seems to be some taboo around such a character, but I feel that is should be judged on a case by case basis. The idea of a seasoned character who has been on many adventures being able to share stories in passing sounds like a fun idea. I thought it would be an interesting idea that those stories could be from other RPs. He isn't meant to highjack the current RP, or be over powered. I admit, I can see that concern. Really though, he is meant to be an eccentric character with stories and treasures not before seen. The effects of these stories are meant to be entertaining, like fairy tales to the current cast. And what treasures he has or can use I'd restrict to what makes sense in the current world. But like I said before, it should be case by case. A learner, and a story teller. I think it's fun to link concept together through this character so the story could live on in new ways and perhaps give new RPs a different kind of character. Without upending everything of course.

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Fia Blackfire

The spider didn’t get terribly far before it succumbed to boiled blood and burst. The glow of Engelbert and the light of the lantern at either side of the gaping trail the beast left behind as it attempted to flee were still bright and visible. As Fia strode forward, towards the remains, she noticed the mangled body part. Evidence of a recent meal, but also evidence of a more than likely gruesome reality.

It didn’t take much time at all for Fia to catch up where the arachnoid beast laid. Rezello and Engelbert were there in some ways admiring their handiwork, and in others, dealing with the putrid mess the busting abdomen had left upon them. Fia wasn’t bothered much by the innards of the spider, stepping confidently through the muck. Fia couldn’t doubt Engelberts words. As he explained to Gray, this beast was unlike your typical house spider. It lured in pray towards its trap using the corpses of past prey. It sang with magical allure. Be it employing the talents of its lure or of its own volition didn’t matter.

“We certainly cannot trust what we know for this creature, darling.” said Fia as she walked near the head of the beast. The broken elven remains still somehow embedded in the spider cranium. Fia rested a hand on what remained. “Still, we are not entirely out of options. If any of them are still alive, we should find them. If not, well, we’ll have our closure.” Engelbert seemed to believe survival was slim. It was in the way he spoke before walking back down the path Fia picked up on. She didn’t blame him. After what they had witnessed and the humanoid remains, it was hard to believe anything else.

Fia looked down towards the camp. Though her third eye, she saw Roxas meeting up with Forbann. Shortly after Engelbert showed up as well. They had said their thoughts and it seemed Dimitri would pull through with something Engelbert pulled from his pack. Fia stood up straight. While the venom of the beast could have some use, Fia resolved to harvest after giving it one more try to rescuing the others. Vesemir appeared conflicted.

Fia stood up, yawned, and closed her eyes. Though it looked like she was sleeping, she was trying to listen. If she could hear even a whisper of an insect, nocturnal birds, anything that lived in the area, she could transform herself into that animal and ask what they knew. Perhaps the spider’s lair was nearby, recent pray, activity, if there were others. Animals were smarter than what humans gave them credit for. Selfish for the right reasons, and far from oblivious. If this proved fruitless, perhaps it was then time to accept the fates of their seduced comrades. Many of the others seemed to have lost hope already.
Fia Blackfire

The black fire, Fia’s namesake spell, had done a number on the luring arachnid. It was clearly hurting from not only her magic, but from the assault of those sword masters. Engelbert specifically took the spider head on, literally, ramming his sword deep into the carapace of the spider’s cranium, the lure it had once used broken beyond the strings it had managed to puppet it before. Quickly overwhelmed, the nightmarish monster turned tale and fled, crashing into all manners of timber just to get away. Engelbert was taken along for the ride, and some of the others started to pursue it.

Fia took a few steps towards the direction of the others, but stopped just short of following through completely. She turned to the others who were hunkered inside of Roxas’ barrier. Gray stayed behind to fire his bow, Nanashi remained on guard, and Roxas was still treating the injured Dimitri. Despite the damage the spider managed to do escaping, the ranged follow up from the party was enough to hurt it considerably. Amazingly, despite losing it’s abdomen, it continued on, yet slowed enough for those chasing on foot to easily catch up. Fia felt little need to rush. Content that those three would be fine taking care of themselves as well as watching their rear, Fia continued on towards the others.

Separating the party like this was not the brightest idea, but there were still people who needed to be saved, Engelbert probably not one of them given the circumstances. The arachnid monster made a mess fleeing, but at least it was a straight line. Fia didn’t anticipate needing to first the monster anymore than what those who ran ahead would need to finish it. But perhaps she could ascertain where it was going or if there are others in waiting. For the later, perhaps she could lend a little bit more fire power. But again, they had to find the missing hands.
Fia Blackfire

It didn’t take long. Already on their search for the missing hands from the camp, the came across one. He was disoriented, bloodied and confused. It was a miracle the man was still alive in his condition. Broken and bruised. Fia held out her hand, a sphere of light manifesting just above her right palm. It did little other than reveal their position, but the increase in light felt needed. Something dangerous was lurking around and an increase to the field of vision should help.

Roxas immediately went to tend to the man, while Gray Flame remained vigilant, keeping his eyes scanning through the trees. The musical melody that roused the otherwise indisposed man became eager to follow the voice. It wasn’t just that man either, many of the rescue party felt roused one way or another. Carnatia joined Gray in an effort of vigilance. Nanashi was also up there with them. Fia stood her ground, maintaining her little ball of light. She would let those melee oriented characters take the lead, but Fia remained vigilant herself.

The song continued, and while some members were feeling its sway, most still kept their composure. Tillius looked ready to follow, but his stance and grip on his weapons remained strong. Fia just waited, contemplating whether she should toss her light ball forward to illuminate the way ahead. Her hesitance would catch up, as the singing entity revealed itself. A celestial looking elf appeared, her song getting louder upon her approach. The voice matched her appearance, but the situation felt wrong. Nothing Fia could pin point, at least not until Carnatia followed through with her attack.

Now fully exposed, whatever tricks it was using to deceive the party faltering. A giant white spider with an elven woman gruesomely assimilated into the head of the arachnid. So this is what took the hand aids away. An eight legged giant using an enchanting song as a lure. Impressive and intriguing, and dangerous as well. Who knows how many others were like it within this forest. The phantoms of the lost city of Lasse was just the beginning, at least those were locked in torment within the city walls. But this was a taste of what else they might come across just wandering the twilight forests.

The light in Fia’s hand dimmed as it was replaced with a ball of fire. Carnatia was already engaged with the monster, and Gray Flame charged forward as well. Fia focused waiting for Roxas and Vesemir to back away, clearing the space for engagement. Fia took a step forward and offer her own words of warning.

“Watch out, darlings, it’s going to get warmer.” said Fia. The ball of fire in her hand began to shrink. More specifically, it started to condense. The heat remained even as the color of the fire deepened from red and orange to black. In the dead of night, it was barely perceptible. She moved her arm forward as though she was pushing the now marble sized magic into the air. The orb flew just over the humongous spider monster’s abdomen. There, the true force of the spell erupted. It was her own personal variation of molded elemental magic. It was her signature when it came to manipulation of magic.

The little marble of black fire expanded like a bomb into a 20 foot ball of black fire, highlighted in dark blues. Hundreds of flaming tongues whipped about the edges of the fireball, each surrounded in white aura outlining their forms. There was some light emitted, but not much in comparison to any bonfire of a similar size. The spider would be engulfed in the fire. Fia took care to make sure the fireball detonated so both Carnatia and Gray would be out side of its radius. It would not protect them from the emanating heat, but they would be safe from the blast itself baring any last second movements. The fireball lasted under a second, but the power was deliberate. Fia let out a quick sigh. While it would be nice if that finished the job, Fia would wait until the dust had settled.
Fia Blackfire

Fia didn’t care much about who or whatever Vesemir meant by authorities. Now that their time within the library and vault was finished, she hoped that perhaps the scroll the archaeologist claimed could end the otherwise endless torment that lingered within the forgone city. It alone seemed to be enough to drive the phantoms back as they made their way towards camp. But was it enough? Fia didn’t know.

“I would care if you quelled the suffering that remained.” commented Fia, but offered no other urgency to the matter. It was late, and despite the brave faces many of the others displayed, Fia could tell that fatigue and weariness was weighing down on everyone. Fia herself wasn’t immune, feeling her eye lids grow heavier as the sight of the carriage and fire from the camp was coming into view.

Alas, rest seemed to be put on hold again. While the party was wandering the seas of shadow and discovering the buried treasures within, the camp was not entirely safe from the forgotten wilds of the twilight forest. A single man approached, distraught, and down right inconsolable as he clung to their host’s leg. Nothing in camp seemed amiss besides the workers’ disappearance. Whatever took them didn’t seem to be man or beast. Perhaps the phantom stretched beyond the city limits and pulled them into that illusory realm of past torments.

Fia walked to the crumbling man in a panic. Roxas knelt by the man, invoking some of her magic to help calm him down. Fia moved closer. “It’s alright, dear. You’re not alone anymore. We’ll find the rest.” said Fia, she stood straight and looked towards Forbann, but kept her eye on the man, “Forbann here will keep you safe, won’t you, darling?” With Forbann staying at camp, Fia returned to the group. Vesemir was on the brink of heading out alone, and Gray was right there with him.

“I’ve still half a tank, I’ll help find them.” said Fia. She covered her mouth with the back of her hand as she yawned. Then she put her hands together and raised both of her arms into the air, stretching out her whole body trying to stay awake. “I hope we can sleep in the coming morning after this, though. But since we are going to be leaving camp again…”

Fia put her palms together and whispered a few words to herself. She raised her index finger to her left eye and just above the carriage manifest a glossy white sphere with a pupil and red iris. The orb was an exact replica of Fia’s own eye. The face of the eye rotated all around, testing its field of view. “Now I can keep an eye on the camp while we’re gone. We don’t want any more surprises.”
Fia Blackfire

Carnatia still had her heart set on bring these malicious artifacts along despite all the information they were able to recover. While she seemed to have abandoned the idea of taking the skull, she figured that the scale of the dagger would be easier to manage. As for everyone else, the same concerns echoed. The dagger would constantly eat at the mind until whoever was in possession of it fell under its spell. During the expedition, there was a high likelihood an ally would be at the receiving end of the obsidian blade.

Still, Fia was not one disappoint. She decided to at least try to contain the dagger in the only way she knew how. If it was successful, the influence would be contained, and Carnatia would have her desired treasure. Fia turned towards the workstation. While she didn’t have control over concentrated metal like Forbann claimed he could, Fia was not without magic of her own that might be able to work. To be sure, Fia wanted need to keep her own magic concentrated. To that aim, Fia reached into her bag and brandished her glass sphere. Normally Fia would not bother, but she wanted to give her own flavor of containment its best shot. After everything the illusory elf had to do to seal it, Fia though it best not to underestimate it.

Fia started to channel her magic. As she did so, the starburst within her orb turned pitch black. A similarly pitch black particle formed within her hands, and she pushed it away gently letting it float softly until it was close to the obsidian dagger. From there, the particle grew until it enveloped the dagger, covering it a black shell that absorbed all light. This form of darkness acted like an impassable void, separating it from the rest of the world. Not completely impenetrable to many forms of the arcane, perhaps it would be enough to keep the dagger’s influence within.

Fia let out her breath as soon as the void was complete. She put her sphere back into her bag and reentered the radius of influence of the two items. Again an urge beat her as the skull attempted to convince her life was not worth continuing, but pushed those feeling aside. She picked up the skull and put it into the built in box on the workstation. Whether that was enough, it didn’t matter. She then picked up the dagger, now encased in a black ovaloid and walked away with it, out of the skull’s influence.

Fia needed to be sure if her idea worked. If the dagger still affected her mind towards bloodshed, Fia would walk back to the workstation, put it with the skull and inform Carnatia that her idea failed and it would probably be better to leave it behind. However, if it worked, Fia would smile and present the darkness wrapped dagger to Carnatia. From then on, Fia would have to put mana into the void to keep it going, but much like a battery, that shouldn’t be often enough to be detrimental. Of course, Carnatia could easily dispel the void whenever she wanted. If the containment worked, that would be Carnatia’s decision to make.
Fia Blackfire

“Ah, Carnatia. I didn’t see you come in. I guess that saves me the time of repeating everything Gray read.” said Fia. Fia looked towards the table as well. The containment device used for the skull was built in he said. Well, that seemed impractical. Unless the illusory elf was afraid of people misplacing the skull. It could be argued as justified given the influence the items had on the mind. Then again, it also made it very hard to utilize if they did at all during those battles over a millennia ago. Since they had tried to destroy it, the likelihood it was used at all seemed meager.

“Hmm, you’re right. If Forbann was in here, we could ask him to build us another box. Sadly, concentrated metal is a little outside of my purview.” said Fia. With the idea of transporting the skull proving to be too cumbersome, Carnatia joined the others in deciding to leave it behind. However, the spellsword was interested in taking along the dagger. Since both items were still within their own bubble of influence, Fia stopped Carnatia before she got too close.

“Hold on, dear.” said Fia as she placed her hand upon Fia’s torso gently as to urge her to not move closer, “The dagger has an influence over the mind as well. While it would be easier to carry, we don’t have a box for it either. It sounds like it used runes to contain the aura.” Fia sighed, “This would be so much easier if… nevermind. If you really want to bring it along, darling, I can try something. But until then or until Forbann can create a box, we should be careful with it. I don’t want it to harm your pretty face.”
Fia Blackfire

“Well, now. If you’re done stealing from my dear Roxas, would you do me a favor and look over these for me?” said Fia, mostly in jest. She was serious about the notes, however. She lined the pages into a neat stack and passed them over to Gray Flame. “As much as I would love to be the one to enlighten Carnatia on the specifics of that skull, I can’t read elvish. Maybe you can gleam something from those notes to help her bring it along, dear.”

Fia circled around Gray Flame. If he didn’t receive the notes, they would have been placed on the same table where the masked elf placed the bow. Fia would pick up the bow, and gingerly strapped it to her person to carry it along. She wasn’t too concerned about Gray’s words or tone. “Anyway, I don’t think there is any manifestation from the past that could shake me worse than what those phantoms displayed.”
Fia Blackfire

Well, now Fia understood why these items were of great concern to Carnatia, but also why the spellsword might have wanted to bring them along. Though Gray Flame might not have known the specifics, it seemed he had valid concern to the contrary. With a desire to end herself attempting to invade her mind, Fia steeled her resolve. This gnawing at her countenance was not going to break through. Similarly to the skull, the dagger also attempted to sway her mind more towards murderous intents. To harm oneself and to harm others, such a heinous enchantment to inflict on someone. If the wielder of these items were expected to endure such internal torment to use them, that was cruel punishment. Part of Fia wondered if the Sarkaz were immune to such effects, and these were more of a fail safe to prevent enemy faction use.

Fia held the skull in her hands. Despite being made of crystal, the skull was actually hollow. It was though this was the actual skull of a living being which happened to be made of a material other than bone. If the dagger was meant to rest within the insert at the forehead, how was the blood absorbed? That aside, Fia put both items back onto the bench. She noticed what appeared to be notes near where she picked up the cursed items. She gather up the pages gingerly and slowly left the table, trying to gauge just how far the effect range was.

Once Fia was clear of the crystallized item’s influence, Fia started to skim the notes. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, but perhaps there might be some insight into what they discovered experimenting with them. Perhaps it might also have a clue on how it was contained. Depending on what she could find, maybe she could imitate their methods. Of course as soon as Fia started to look through them, a majority of them were in ancient elvish. Before Fia went to Vesemir and Gray with the notes, she decided to look through all of the pages anyway. Maybe she could infer some some information from any diagrams.
Fia Blackfire

“Come now, Sir Gray Flame. Her manner of speech is perfectly fine.” said Fia. She wrapped herself with her arms as she continued, “Being addressed as a lady is such a loving compliment. Please, my dear, you may continue to call me as such.” The focus quickly returned to the matter of the skull and the obsidian dagger. Fia had noticed them on the table as she circled the chamber. But at the time, they looked more decorative than otherwise. A dagger made of glass was not a new concept. Obsidian was naturally sharp. As for the skull, even with the attached chain, it would be unwieldy to use as any sort of jewelry.

Fia listened as Carnatia explained what the illusory elf said to her about the crystalline skull. Fia rested her arms on top of each other. She raised the top most arm up to her chin. That was kind of fascinating. Some part was their origins. Sarkaz. If elves were thought to once be angels, somehow it made sense to the sorceress for there to be some sort of antithesis to them. Not quite as fascinating as the djinn, but even those creatures of legend were more known about.

“I honestly don’t see what the problem would be, darling. I assumed the concern was over how bulky it was.” said Fia. She turned to look through the doorway into the next chamber, again. The skull just sat there without any care, oblivious to the discussion involving it. “I don’t know what activates it or its range. I can see your concern if it’s passive, darling. I wouldn’t want to bring harm to any of you lovelies.”

Fia turned to Carnatia shortly after Vesemir and Gray Flame spoke about the object. Like Carnatia, they seemed to think it would be of some benefit to bring it along. At least Vesemir was on board. Carnatia still remained cautious about it but otherwise hopeful. And Gray. He didn’t seem to have an opinion one way or the other. If anything he seemed to lean opposed. However, with the arrival of Engelbert, all opinions seemed to have swayed towards the latter.

“Well, I might be able to trap it within a void. But that would make it more cumbersome to carry than it already is.” said Fia, “I won’t know for sure whether that would be necessary without actually checking out the skull. Maybe if I get it to work, I would have a better understanding. I’m going to see what that skull has that has my dear Carnatia spooked.”

Fia took a couple steps back, twisting on her heel to move towards the chamber when Roxas approached. The healing elf waited until Fia left the conversation to bring up the strung artifact she gazed at before. Fia paused her steps for a moment.

“Oh? Now that’s an interesting idea.” said Fia. She started back towards the chamber, urging Roxas to come with her. It was an affinity for ice that was keeping Roxas from utilizing the bow to its full potential. That, and maybe some other sentimental reasons. But it was the affinity to frost magic that Fia latched onto. “Hmm, You know, darling, I haven’t considered using a bow before. I’ve always had my magic. And when that fails, I usually have my rapier.”

Fia entered into the chamber, but walked past the workbench where the skull rested instead stopping in front of the bow. The bow still stood in splendor, not tarnished once from the hundreds of years since it was lost handled. Fia stopped here because she wanted Roxas to consider the bow again. Besides the fact Roxas was the only one to show interest in it and would probably know how to use it, the bow had a heavy history tied to it that Fia would think a shame to leave abandoned in lands that might not be explored again in over another millennium.

“Tell you what. We can bring it along with us anyway. With its history, something special might occur for just having it with us.” said Fia. She gestured to the bow while keeping eye contact with Roxas. “But to learn archery, why don’t we help each other, deary? You might teach me to use a bow passably, but you will always be leagues more skilled than I. How about in exchange, I help you expand your elemental prowess to include frost? You already have an aptitude for magic. Your barrier was nigh impenetrable, and your healing was beautifully done. I think it could do us both some good to share our expertise.”

There was a short pause of a few seconds. Fia turned and took a step away, “I’ll let you think about it. I’ll be over by the work station when you have an answer, dear. There is that skull Carnatia is curious about, and she has made me wanting to investigate it as well.” Fia took a few strides towards the table where the skull and dagger rested. She attempted to get close enough to reach out and hold. She was curious on what sort of effects it had just handling it if at all. Perhaps also figure out some of the more logistical issues such as encumbrance and weight.
Fia Blackfire

Fia followed the others into the next room. While it did have aspects that indicated it was equipped to be a workshop, the cases around, and the singular desk made it look more like it was a personal office. One in which guests would be welcomes with displays of ones treasures to sell ones accomplishments. Fia was fascinated by the image of Theriadore as it addressed the group. Fia could tell that the words were empty and very generalized. Whatever magic was at play was obviously programmed to respond generally to different stimulation within the room. Still, the lifelike image of the elf long dead was impressive.

Despite the room being over a millennia years old, the place was really clean. Though dust had settled on much of the flat surfaces, there wasn’t near enough given how much time had passed. It was a little odd compared to the scene outside of the building where ruins of a once bustling city still echoed the torments and atrocities that took place way back when. One thing for sure, this room had artifacts that the rest of the world had not scene in several life times, even those among elves.

Vesemir was out in the library admiring his new found treasure. It must have been the item he was after that had him request the change in direction in their expedition. He seemed quite eager to get it as well. He was first in and first out before many of the other’s had a chance to look into the room. Fia was only half listening as Carnatia, Gray Flame, and Vesemir discussed the history of the relic. But the words did not escape her. A scroll of sorts. One that has power that could remove the lingering shadows within the city. Maybe. Fia kept it in the back of her mind. If it could quell the repeating history within the phantoms outside, Fia would bring it up then.

Fia drifted near the door the illusory elf mentioned to keep out postmortem. She didn’t get any closer than where Vesemir or the others came, but the request to keep out did interest her. If this room contained such valuables, perhaps there was others the elf would have rather kept private. The sort of artifacts and knowledge that should not be exposed to the world. Or the man was really into some perverted materials and wanted to keep his dignity far longer after his time.

Fia caught Roxas approaching the bow through her peripheral vision and turned to check it out with her. Fia ended up just behind the savior elf as the illusion finished speaking and Roxas was examining the bow. When Roxas put it down, Fia spoke up, “You don’t want it, dear? You looked wonderful drawing it. I’m sure someone like you could make good use of it.” Fia knew that given the last interaction involving another deceased’s property her comments would be rebuffed. Yet, Fia was honest in her comment. The way Roxas held the bow looked natural.

“I’m being honest, dear. I think a weapon like that would work wonderfully in your hands.” said Fia to Roxas as the elven healer walked away. Fia wasn’t going to push. Instead, she looked at the bow now replaced within its display. She shrugged and left the chamber as well to see what everyone else was up to. It was not long after that Carnatia also left the chamber. The spell sword approached both Fia and Gray Flame with another inquiry. One that wasn’t involving the expedition or the history of the archaeologist's scroll.

“Skull?” asked Fia as she turned to face Carnatia. Fia’s eyes looked past the spell sword back into the chamber to see what was being spoken about, “Oh. That. Is it not merely a decorative paper weight? What concerns you about it, darling? Aside from wanting to transport it.”
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