Avatar of RolePlayerRoxas


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fanficriff.blogspot.com/202… It's long overdue that I make fun of myself for a change.
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fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… This is one time loop that everyone will gladly forget about.
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… No, I can't imagine why you feel like you've read this exact story before, why do you ask?
5 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… I wanna be, the edgiest, like no one ever was~
6 yrs ago
fanficriff.blogspot.com/201… Have you ever wanted to see Scathach and Ichigo Kurosaki shipped together? No? Well, here it is anyway.


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Bianca, Ruined Inn

It seemed like a new plan of action had been decided, as Bianca emerged from the cellar after Sylva. So they were going to make their escape sooner rather than later? Sure, as roomy as this place, cleaning up all the dust and... remains would be quite the hassle, huh? Not to mention all the noisy neighbours that kept trying to find a way inside. She was surprised to hear the ringing of a bell from somewhere outside. This place had a belltower? Was someone operating it?! The unsettling scratching and clawing was dying down as the undead seemed to be attracted to the bell instead, which was certainly a welcome reprieve. Then again, with how easily that one zombie was dispatched by a little tap, perhaps facing down a horde wouldn't be that bad?

Before Bianca could ponder on that too much, Sephily's words reminded her that they hadn't properly introduced themselves to each other in full. She certainly hadn't! Given the circumstances, perhaps a little udnerstandable, but since they were in this together...

"Sephily, huh? Cute name for a cutie!" Bianca chirped brightly, patting the elf's head atop her beret, then pointing a thumb towards her grinning face, "As for me, name's Bianca! ...I guess?"

That name had come so naturally to her, even though it definitely wasn't the name she'd used her whole (previous) life. Perhaps this body was just naturally a Bianca-type? Whatever the reason, the name felt right, so might as well roll with that for now. Once introductions were finished, Bianca searched for something to carry supplies in... even if it was going to be mostly water, a lot of the food didn't seem worth bringing.
I am here to note interest.
Ruined Inn, Dusty Cellar

@Aku the Samurai@VitaVitaAR@SilverPaw@PKMNB0Y

Yeah, it figured the cellar wasn't going to be a wondrous haven, otherwise that zombie would've been slightly friendlier. And potentially more alive, though Bianca felt like it'd been a long while since whatever happened, happened. The food stored down here... much like whatever remained in the kitchen, had probably long passed it's sell-by date, but theywere hardly spoiled for options anyway, she could only hope for the best come dinner time.

Sylva seemed focused on something, so the healer approached curiously, peeking around him to look at the journal. She only caught the last couple of entries, but that was enough to paint a tragic picture, Bianca stepping back in silence once he closed the book. The writer knew the unfortunate woman lying dead upstairs, and the town was supposed to have been evacuated? Whatever went down sure had to have sucked for everyone involved, to put it mildly. It was also a bit overwhelming to ponder upon too much, she'd rather keep things simple for now.

"There's plenty of booze down here. Nothing for the little one though!" Bianca called up to Sora, trying to keep hert voice as low as the other two. She glanced towards Sylva, putting a smile on her face, "though maybe we save the drinking until after we tidy up or something?"

There was, after all, at least two corpses to move aside. It would be hard to keep spirits up with those lying around, morbid as that sounded. And she was kind of responsible for one of them.
Ruined Inn

@VitaVitaAR@Aku the Samurai@SilverPaw@PKMNB0Y

Bianca watched the crumpled remains of the zombie for a few more moments, satisfied enough that it really had stopped moving now. That was a relief, it'd be really embarrassing to have unleashed an unbeatable terror upon the group over some annoying scratching sounds! Of course, she was elated over her achievement in defeating the monster, and with only one good smack too, but her cheeriness was dampened somewhat by the short argument between the two elves. Sephily didn't seem too happy about Sora's attempt to dispose of the thing, with Sora rebutting the options he had. Awkwardly, Bianca didn't intervene, dumbly standing there with the hammer clutched in her grasp. She couldn't exactly blame Sora for thinking that stabbing the back of something's head would be fatal, zombie or otherwise.

"...I mean, hey, we know you just gotta bop their noggin a bit!" Bianca laughed, commenting on the younger elf's analysis, "even someone like me could manage, we've totally got this!"

Bianca, at the moment, was still totally unaware of her odd stat distribution, believing the hefty bludgeon in her hands was simply far lighter than it looked. She tilted her head at the sound of Sylva's voice, coming from the cellar. Judging by the lack of panic, there wasn't anything else lurking down there, so that was great! "Be right there!" Bianca called down the stairs, and made her way down. The stale air was noticeably worse down here, shifting Bianca's playful smile into a strained grimace. This whole building was going to need some renovating, it felt like.
Ruined Inn

@VitaVitaAR @Aku the Samurai @SilverPaw


Bianca stared in shock as the zombie rose once more, seemingly unaffected by that stab to the head. Sure, it was undead, but weren't there rules to this sort of thing?! Did that mean there was no way to actually stop them?! Momentarily frozen, Bianca was quite fortunate that the lumbering corpse was more bothered by its' unseen assailant than she herself. It turned away from her to try and attack Sora, granting the young woman a moment's reprieve at least.

It would be awful if that thing stabbed the young elf, all because she had to take a peek behind the cellar doors. She gripped the hammer tightly, now bringing her other hand to the hilt. Even if the zombie was invincible, all she had to do was whack it hard enough to grab its' attention! Then Sora could escape, and she... could hopefully do the same? That bridge could be crossed by the Bianca five seconds into the future, for now...

With a desperate yell, Bianca hoisted the hammer above her head, and brought it crashing down with all her strength. In her mind, she pictured something more akin to a cartoonish smack on the head. Reality said otherwise, as the blunt weapon mercilessly crushed all in its' path towards the kitchen floor, complete with sickening mulching sounds that were hopefully masked by Bianca's voice. Bianca blinked, wondering why her immediate surroundings were slightly more fleshy than usual, slowly straightening and lifting the now-messy hammer from the floor. Huh, it was more fragile than expected, after al.

"...Er... I think I got it?" Bianca mused. The body was left in a rather terrible state, even if the zombie were still "alive", it couldn't possibly pose a threat now, right? Clean up was going to suck, though.
Ruined Inn, Dusty Kitchen

@VitaVitaAR@Aku the Samurai@SilverPaw@PKMNB0Y

The cellar doors fell open upon the floor, kicking up some more dust. Rising to her feet, Bianca watched the opening carefully. The cause of that scratching, evidently, was a corpse after all. Of course it was, though it was probably better this way, just imagining a still-living person being stuck down there wasn't a fun thought.

The zombie was slowly ascending the stairs, its' head coming into view. It wasn't so fast to be alarming, but Bianca still kept watching it curiously, perhps still taking in the fact that, yes, zombies were definitely a thing. And most certainly dangerous, especially with a knife in hand. Huh. Perhaps the person just happened to die with it in hand and it got stuck there? But then, if the zombie were stiff enough to be clutching a weapon, wouldn't the limbs be too stiff to properly walk up stairs? She was hardly an expert on corpses, and even less so with zombie media, but surely-

"Oh, right!" she was getting lost in thought at a very silly time. Bianca hefted the hammer above her head, ready to squash the zombie's head and hope there wouldn't be too much to clean up afterwards. However Sora's sudden reappearance made her pause. It seemed he'd stabbed the zombie in the back of the head, which... probably was enough, right? Even the undead surely hated having their brains attacked directly!

"Uh, thanks," Bianca returned the hammer to her shoulder, "sorry, the scratching was a little distracting, and I just wanted to, uh..."
Ruined Inn

@VitaVitaAR@SilverPaw@Aku the Samurai

Yep, this place had seen better days, no doubt. The utter state this place had been left in no doubt told a desperate, harrowing tale of what had occurred. Bianca really couldn't imagine what must have transpired in this place, though she could certainly wonder why the four of them woke up in this place. This whole 'other world' thing was a completely alien concept to her, were you supposed to jump smack-dab int he middle of your nedt life's crisis situation? Why even go to another world to begin with, then?!

Traversing the dusty, disrepaired building cautiously, hammer gripped tightly in both hands, Bianca tried to tune out the shuffling and banging from outside. It didn't seem like there were any threats within the building, but she swore there horror movies that would trick the protagonist with stealthy, murderous creatures that would strike at the worst times... she pivoted quickly to fend off an attacker, and proceeded to feel quite silly that there was nothing trying to attack her from behind. Laughing at her paranoia, Bianca jumped at Sora's sudden exclamation from nearby, finding herself blushing slightly once she recognised the voice. What was it, molotovs? She curiously approached the kitchen, passing the elf as he returned to the others.

Curious, Bianca entered the dusty kitchen, briefly covering her mouth to protect from the disturbed dust. It looked like he'd just gathered some items together, candles and the like? Come to think of it... yup, checking the ceiling made it clear there wasn't any electrical lighting. That was going to suck in however many hours of daylight the had left, it was a good thing Sora found some stuff to give light! The rest of the kitchen... could definitely do with a little cleaning, especially if they were going to be holed up for a while. Though a quick check of the stock that remained didn't inspire much hope, given how much of it was spoiled. Sighing, Bianca was about to return to the group as well, but paused. That faint scratching noise felt way too close, nothing like the noises from outside. Where was that even...

"Ah!" Bianca stepped back once her eyes drifted to the floor. That was a door in the ground! A cellar?! And it... sounded like someone was in there. Briefly, Bianca wondered if it was a survivor trying to get out, but... that would be wishful thinking, wouldn't it? As if it would be that convenient. Probably best to ignore it.

...Then again, that noise was kind of disturbing, and she'd hate to have to listen to it if they were going to prepare meals in the future...

Bianca gripped the heavy weapon tightly. In her arms, it wasn't all that difficult to hold, even with one hand, but a weapon like this would be great for self-defence, right? Not to mention, in the worst-case scenario, she held the high ground! One, maybe even two zombies, couldn't be that much of an issue in this situation.

And hey, if it was a survivor that locked themselves in, she was just doing a good deed! There was basically no downsides to taking a quick peek!

With that, Bianca placed her hammer on the floor at her side, kneeling down to place her hands on the latch. Hopefully, she was on the opposite side of the stairwell from here. There was a slight moment of hesitation, though rather than nervousness and fear stalling her, Bianca felt... excited? Was she anticipating a fight or something? Well, whatever the reason, she was looking forward to what lay behind the cellar doors. She removed the lock.
Ruined Inn

@VitaVitaAR@SilverPaw@Aku the Samurai

Bianca had jumped at the sudden noises coming from utside, as if something were attempting to enter the building. Or many somethings, it seemed. It was hard to process everything that was going on at the moment - from the sounds of things, the others had also been on a flight before they ended up here. The little girl mentioned isekai, speaking as if this were a known phenomenon. Being ignorant to the popular fiction of her previous life, the hammer-wielding girl could only stare blankly with a small smile on her face. Maybe it was best not to dwell too deeply on that for now, given what was going on just outside.

"Uh, yeah, I did," Bianmca nodded when she was addressed about her hammer, "but uh... just to make sure, are we dealing with, like, real zombies and stuff? The things that bite you and want brains and all that jazz?"

Maybe a part of her just wasn't believing the fantastical curcumstances, but the idea of being swarmed by ghoulish corpses was... not quite as frightening as it should've been? Perhaps just having this weapon in hand gave her a sense of security, but rather than quake and panic, Bianca took a few steps down the hall, listening to the incessant banging noises from the floor below. Zombies were supposed to be slow anyway, right? Maybe.. maybe she could totally take them on?

...Probably best not to try and find out unless necessary, though.

"I'll go make sure things are secure then. Guess you're on babysitting duty!" Bianca flashed Sylva a grin and thumbs-up, before heading down to assess things. Sora had already gone ahead to check things out, allowing them to cover more ground quickly. She focused mainly on the doors and windows, making sure they were secure. Or at least weren't about to collapse from the pressure of so many undead creatures vying for entry.
Ruined Inn

@VitaVitaAR@SilverPaw@Aku the Samurai

Huh, that was an unexpected sight. Coming out of another room was... a pretty damn buff guy. One with strange accessories? Or it was a costume, perhaps? Despite having realised that her own body was no longer one she recognised, Bianca couldn't help but assume the muscular guy was wearing some sort of half-made costume. Coem to think of it, didn't hotels and the like sometimes host fancy costume parties like this? Maybe that was it.

Funnily enough, her thoughts semed to be echoed by another young man that had just exited a room, too. Bianca watched him excitedly question the larger man, tilting her head in wonder. The red-headed guy had rather pointed ears, much like an elf. Huh. Was it a fantasy convention of some sort? Those had gotten fairly popular at some point, hadn't they?

"...Oh, this?" Bianca lifted the hammer when the elf boy directed a questionto her, "I just found it in there, figured it was complimentary, haha!" she laughed good-heartedly, though the muffled scream drew everyone's attention. The elf, Sora, was the first to reach the door of whoever was in distress, and eventually they emerged. A smaller, super cute elf to contrast the taller, hotter one. Now Bianca was really feeling like she was intruding on a fantasy meetup of some sort, even if her current clothing seemed to fit that kind of world? She overheard the small elf's question, and had to ponder for a bit. How would she be able to answer that, really? Like, sure, she 'flew in', but it's not like she remembered booking into this place, nevermind the no-doubt fiery landing.

Right, that was a whole mystery that should probably be figured out. Eventually.

"It's funny, I can't even remember how I got here," Bianca commented to the dragonman with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of her head, "preeetty sure I wasn't even drinking or anything, it's just mostly a blank from waking up and... er... going to sleep. Y'know?"

Confusing wording, but it was hard to tactfully refer to the real incident to a total stranger that would no doubt have zero clue of what she was talking about anyway.
Bianca Armstrong, World's Daintiest Healer|??? — Ruined Inn(?)

Man, it really figures that death was what it took to get the best rest she's had in way too long.

The blonde young woman slowly sat up from the stiff bed, stretching her arms above her head with a grunt. The bed felt terrible to lie on, but hey, it apparently did its' job, hard to complain there. Feeling this well-rested was practically a foreign concept to Bianca now, what was she supposed to do with this energy? Swinging her legs towards the floor, she rose with a slight hope, looking around the... hotel(?) room curiously. Obviously, her bosses wouldn't shell out for any kind of fancy accomodation, but this place felt really..weird.

She wandered over to the window and peered outside, trying to recall when she would have arrived in the city to begin with. Evidently, Bianca had yet to let the realisation truly click in her mind, despite vividly recalling the terrific shaking she endured, the awful noises...


Barely even paying attention to the apparent-knights walking the lifeless streets, Bianca stumbled back, prodding at her own face in amazement, her arms, looking down at her... new clothes? It was hard to assess without a mirror, but the blonde hair framing her face was definitely new, too. Freaky. Was she given a total makeover after she went to sleep or something?! Was it the afterlife, perhaps?! The situation was a total mystery for the young woman, who in her previous life had very little experience with stories of this genre.

But where could she find answers to this situation? There wasn't much else to see in this room, aside from that fancy big hammer propped against a wall. It was... surprisingly light in her grip, easily raising it above her head, then resting it across her shoulder. Maybe it was just a prop? Well, it felt right in her hands, so might as well keep it with her for now.

"Okay, guess I'll go speak to the... manager or something?" Bianca decided. Surely someone must have checked her in, right? Usually, she'd feel some reluctance, but Bianca could only grin as she wrestled the door open. With hammer in hand, she strode out to the hall, feeling ready to take on the world with her newfound energy.
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