Avatar of Saa


Recent Statuses

4 mos ago
Currently obsessing over an rp I have on Discord, sorry for any delays.
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5 mos ago
Not replying to messages today, I'm waaaay too tired. :(
5 mos ago
Yessss so much interest in my ideas! I love you guys! <3 (Anyone wanna make some Warriors clans with me 1x1??)
1 like
5 mos ago
Gonna have to post some plots to pique y'all's interest. :eyes:
5 mos ago
Back after a long hiatus, still learning this site.


My name is Saa, I'm 30 years old and I have two dogs and I work overnight. Time zone is EST (GMT -5) but my schedule is kinda flip-flopped and I'm around at some strange hours due to working overnight. I have been absent on here for a while but I finally got back into my account and I'm trying to be good about checking back here often. However, I'm on Discord a LOT more. My name there is Saa8761, feel free to reach out!

I've been writing stories since I learned to spell. I started by writing goofy little children's books and Pokémon stories, then moved on to Warriors fanfiction and stories about animals like wolves, foxes, rats, etc. as well as vampires, werewolves, and all manner of fantasy creatures. Lately I've been writing in medieval fantasy settings (Dungeons and Dragons style) but I'm also getting back into the Warriors stories.

I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write 3-5 paragraphs or match my partner's energy. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/erp style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1x1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p

⚠️ Currently not starting any more roleplays, thanks. <3 ⚠️

Main Interests:
-Warrior Cats
-Pokémon (Trainers or Mystery Dungeon style)
-Fantasy/D&D (I love romance here)
-Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon type slice of life
-Earth's Children (Clan of the Cave Bear series)

Lesser Interests:
-Uglies series (idk what the main plot would be but I like the universe)
-Supernatural Creatures (werewolves, vampires, etc)
-Animorphs (I'm currently re-reading them for the first time in ages, and I'm on book 23)
-Spectrobes?? (anyone???)

All will involve OCs. I don't mind canon characters as NPCs for some (like gym leaders in Pokémon) but I don't really get much out of roleplaying as/with canon characters, especially in Warriors rp. It feels fake and uncreative to me. :s I can do any level of maturity rating, just let me know up front how you expect or want it to be. Some RPs will be locked to a specific rating though (Warrior Cats will have mild romance and mild-medium violence but absolutely no ERP, for example. xD)

Though my interest/free time will come and go, I will NOT ghost you, so please extend the same courtesy to me.

My Plot Ideas Thread:

Writing Samples:

Avatar from the Pokémon anime.

Most Recent Posts


Would really love to do the Warriors idea.
Banned for looking cooler than me. :')
No longer starting new roleplays until further notice.

** This is a work in progress **

I'm still pretty new at this website so apologies if anything isn't formatted in the usual way or if info seems lacking. I will probably add to this and change things up as I go.

I'm mainly looking for 1:1. I do not like huge groups, 1-3 other members is my comfort zone, but I'd probably join something a little bit bigger if it interests me. I always write in third person perspective, past tense, and I typically write a paragraph at the very least, but I generally try to write 3-5 paragraphs or match my partner's energy. I never do one-liners but some of my replies may be a bit shorter than normal if we're in heavy action or a conversation that requires regular feedback from my partner. I don't try to control my partner's character(s) and I try to always advance the plot or at least explain how my character is feeling in case you want yours to pick up on it. I'm mainly looking for a small Warrior Cats group and some romance/ERP style fantasy settings, but I'm always interested in 1:1s that are on my list. Feel free to contact me and ask, the worst I can say is no thanks. :p See my profile for more info.

I will definitely be open to changes in these plots, so don't think they're set in stone!

Warrior Cats
I'm looking for a 1x1 or small group (5 or less) to make three clans ideally (two or four is ok too) and populate them with our characters. I love to play multiple characters in these to get that diversity. I'd like the clans and characters to be original, no canon characters, but it works off the same premise and level as the books. (I have read up until book 5 of Power of Three.) Cats only, no weird colors or powers, only things that could happen in the books please. Here's a (very) rough idea:

The three Clans once lived in peace with each other, but for many moons now, there have been ceaseless small squabbles that have been escalating in intensity. Many cats are fearful that this fighting will lead to all-out war between the clans, but the leaders are hesitant to form alliances for fear of provoking the third clan into retaliating. With the sudden and mysterious recent death of one of the Clan's leaders, the new choice of leader could very well determine the future for all three Clans.

Each Clan's leader keeps a secret from the rest of their clans that would shatter the trust and safety of their organized lives if revealed. Was the recent death of a leader a result of this dark secret? Will others be next? With the uprising of a group of loners near the Clan territories, as well as constant escalating border disputes and secret relationships between Clans, the Warrior Code has never been more tested.

(I would ask to play the recently deceased leader, their replacement leader, a medicine cat, a different clan's medicine cat apprentice, at least 2 loners, and some regular warriors, as well as fill any missing positions)

Update: I am in the process of starting multiple Pokémon rps so please don't ask me about them unless you have a fully-formed idea. If it's interesting to me, I may still accept even though I'm in uhh...a lot of Pokémon rps now. x)

I'm actually in a few trainer rps but sadly they keep dying because my partners have disappeared. I'd really rather not reuse these characters or plots, so unfortunately I'm kinda out of my best ideas for these but if you have an idea I'm all ears! I'd be down for an extremely wholesome trainer journey (a la the anime) or something darker and more "realistic," or anything in between! I also like the Mystery Dungeon series but, again, all of these have died. The big plot I had for one involved non-canon Pokémon but if I can find a copy of the intro I can probably change it to canon tbh. I'd kind of like to explore the idea of Delta Pokémon, like from the card series, so I may write up an idea for that.

Ok hear me out, I love this series and I wish it got more games and more love. An OC set of characters would be fun since the games always focused on Rallen and Jeena.
Gonna PM you!
Edit: I've found a partner! :)

All characters will be 18+ (preferably older) and M/M
TW: mention of infant/spouse death, possible minor/moderate violence against enemies (but not partner)

I am seeking a partner to write some adventures with, using my male tabaxi character (I'm female) and I'm really only looking for a male human, elf, or possibly tiefling partner. You don't have to know D&D lore or have played to write with me, I just like the type of low magic fantasy and world possibilities that D&D provides.

My character is a 32 year old male tabaxi (cat-folk) who was in a relationship with a woman but his wife and children died (in childbirth) and he went on a long soul-searching journey and has finally found inner peace. He's currently taking work as an adventurer where he can find it, and I'd love for him to find himself attracted to and eventually in love with a male human-like species character, I think a flirty slightly younger (22-30) character would really suit him. My character is a bit socially awkward, has never had feelings for a man, but has recently opened his mind to any positive experience.

RP must be in third person, past tense. It's just the way I am most comfortable writing this kind of thing. I prefer at least a full paragraph, but I understand when things have to be smaller due to conversations and actions. This will be over private messages on here or Discord.

I'm gonna be a little picky about the partner for this rp because I've been looking for this specific kind of match-up ever since I was close to developing this type of rp relationship in a group rp but the person left the group. If this specific dynamic doesn't suit you, I may be willing to do something else with a different character, feel free to ask.

DMs are open! I will be posting more types of rp requests in the future so feel free to ask what else I'm looking for! It's not all NSFW!
Banned for spelling bird wrong.
I used to be on here pretty often when I first made my account but I lost access to it until recently. I'm hoping to be more regular on here and finally find some good RPs and get back in touch with a few who I've missed. ^^ I'm gonna copy/paste from my profile, but look there for some more info as well.

⚠️ Mainly looking for a 1x1 romance/erp fantasy/D&D setting with my male tabaxi and a male human or elf. It's been on my mind a lot lately. Please PM me if you are interested! ⚠️

Also interested in:
-Warrior Cats
-Pokémon (Trainers or Mystery Dungeon style)
-Fantasy/D&D (I love romance here)
-Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon type slice of life

All will involve OCs. I don't mind canon characters as NPCs for some (like gym leaders in Pokémon) but I don't really get much out of roleplaying as/with canon characters, especially in Warriors rp. It feels fake and uncreative to me. :s

Though my interest/free time will come and go, I will NOT ghost you, so please extend the same courtesy to me.

As for things away from rp, my name is Saa, I'm 30 years old and I have two dogs and I work overnight. Time zone is EST (GMT -5) but my schedule is kinda flip-flopped and I'm around at some strange hours. I love writing, drawing, reading, and playing video games (Pokémon, Story of Seasons/old Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley, Spectrobes, Cattails, Magical Starsign, and lots more). I also like browser games like Neopets, Flight Rising, and ChickenSmoothie. Feel free to reach out to me if we have common interests. :3
Yo everyone! @.@ It's been insane at my work. We've got over 20 kids with Covid but luckily nobody is critical. Just a lot of sicky kids to deal with. My husband and I actually had to get tested today because we're starting to feel really crummy.

@Amy, Aww that's very kind of you, I am thankful for all of you guys as well and the effort and love you've all put into this. <3 That sounds very scary going through all that but I'm so glad you've got your husband and your baby and all. :D
Jamie, I hope you guys feel better soon, that's scary! D:

Amy, you can take all the roles you need. xD I don't mind if you have a lot of characters. I'll most likely be making a couple more as well. :p The only role I have that 100% needs filled is Quailpaw's mentor. The rest can come later as it comes up. :)
Okay I have my character sheets up! I may make another character or two but for now this is what I've got. :) I realized a lot of my characters from the old rp were a bit one-dimensional since I made them to fill a certain role, so I sort of combined them so I have less characters but they're better. I'll list what all I need in terms of relationships:

SunClan: Mosspoppy could use an apprentice if there's one open. She could also have a mate if anyone is interested.

CaveClan: If anyone wants to have an easy built-in family, Mothwhisker needs older siblings and she has parents. So if anyone has a character between the ages of 27 moons and 100 moons (no I'm not kidding lol) feel free to claim your family xD

Quailpaw needs a mentor!!!!

MarshClan: Rowanstep could use an apprentice.

Is there a medicine cat apprentice picked out for MarshClan? If not, Longtrek is in need of an apprentice as well!

Feel free to post here or PM me if you wanna claim a role. :3
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