Avatar of Sep


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current Ahsoka been out for weeks now where all the Star Wars rps at
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2 yrs ago
Desire for Star Wars or Stargate roleplay intensifies
2 yrs ago
Just waiting for the Star Wars RPs to crop up with the fact Kenobi is now out.
2 yrs ago
Just punch the children. Problem solved.
2 yrs ago
I don't jusr want Star Wars. I want this: youtube.com/watch?v=YECbFw_…
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So I have been on the Guild for a long, long, long, long, long, long, LONG time. I first joined the OldGuild around, my best guess would be 2012? I've been active in the Star Wars scene on the Guild since then, there have been very few games based around that genre that I haven't at least nosed my way in on. My very first game was a Star Wars game and that's what actually really got me into the Star Wars Franchise.

It's weird to think but I am such a major Star Wars nerd these days, yet before I was on the Guild I wasn't. I got into a Star Wars RP, got onto the Wikia, and then away I went into a spiral of nerd-om that I currently live within.

I run a Star Wars based Meme Page on Facebook (Migs Mayfield - Core), and live my best life right now.

Active Roleplays:

Roleplays I miss:

One Universe: Unlimited - A Marvel/DC Comics Roleplay by @Master Bruce
Ultimate One Universe by @Master Bruce
No Turning Back by Me.
Star Wars: Galaxies at War by Me.
Absolute Comics by a load of people.

Most Recent Posts

I might feel alive ernough to write a reply tommtow. This illness seems to have cooked by nurgle himself!

Have you and @Forsythe been kissing when you're both sick?
<Snipped quote by Sep>

sounds like a good time to drop the shooting and get to looting. What's the biggest and most intact ship in the debris field?

That's a good way to make friends, ignore their plight ;)

There'll be a couple of Venators, a couple of Golan platforms.

@Sep I came down with some annoying virus, gimme a mention if I am holding up the game and i'll whip something up, otherwise i'll take a break at least till myhead stips throbbing.

You're all good
the Replicator ships sticking to their 7 OG targets and ignoring the ork ship? Probably for the best for it anyway, that thing needs to get a bunch of salvaged replacements for it's shields and warp drive into it soon as possible

Yeah I figured they'd push on to their original plan. Don't worry I'm sure you won't be ignored for long
@Sep Was trying to be metaphorical. Like, a wave of nanoites as in "So many of the bastards that they look like a tidal wave."

Ah cool, this is why I checked.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

None, if I go early cannon, bar some museum stuff like totally gutter shells of first war cylon aircraft and armour. Literal museum exhibits

I meant that cylon ships like Vipers tend to fight more close up and personal than fast straight lines.

Oooooh right misread that.

BTW @Mattmanganon the replicators don't attack as just nanites, not sure if I misread your post or not. They attack as bugs
You got cylon ships?
So I'm going to let you all decide how these fights go, once I've set things up.

@mattmanganon I'm sure your rangers can dodge some puny little lasers.

When fights begin to get tougher, we might implement dice rolls to spice up the outcomes, but the important thing to remember is we're all here to have fun and I'm just here to help facilitate you to tell your characters stories.

The Replicator ships are going to be very fast but they're going to pay for this in terms of manoeuvrability. When they are within range and shooting back they're going to be using their twin laser cannons. Unshielded, but their armour is extra thick thanks to replicator blocks so they're going to be able to take a punch. Lets say the only way to one-hit them is with a weapon designed to take out capital ships.

There was a whining whirring noise outside the balcony of the archives with the rumble of thunder, or perhaps engines in the distance. A smile crossed the face of Eighth. "No." Chittering and clanking of various bug forms could be heard outside the room as the bug forms began to swarm. "You have already been warned to stop interfering-" There was a roar of engines as two ETA Actis-2 fighters appeared at the balcony, Replicators within the cockpit while others swarmed walking around outside the craft. Without any further warning, and with no seeming regard for the human-form replicator in the room. The two starfighters started firing wildly into the archives.


One minute they were talking super-weapons and plans of mass destruction, the next second they were talking about ship exchanges and boxing tournaments. The second after that? Alarms were blaring, and officers were jumping out of their seats and running about to their duty stations. Carolina turned to the two agents who were with her. "North, South go help with damage control. I'm going to head to the CIC to liaise with the Director to see if we can deal with this swiftly."

"Got it."

"Already on it."

The two twins just looked at each other, nodded and then ran in two different directions. Meanwhile, Carolina followed the flow of traffic in the command staff towards the command centre of the ship, which she had to admit made a lot of tactical sense being that it was buried deep within the ship's structure. Rather than on the outside of the vessel, which practically gave your enemies a target.

She stayed at the back of the room now, merely observing.

Mother of Invention // High Coruscant Orbit

With advanced sensors, and a little more distance from the planet Director Church smiled as he saw the ships rising into orbit. Their position gave them a clearer line of fire, as well as the time to notice the vessels split into designated attack groups—three for each vessel in their rag-tag fleet, all except the late show. "FILSS" The automated voice sounded from around the bridge.

"Yes, Director?"

"Firing control for the MAC gun to my terminal-"

"Yes, Director."


Captain Burnes looked up from her position on the bridge's lower deck.


"Fire at will."

"Yes sir."

The ship roared to life as the turrets were brought online, their targets still out of range however tracking and calculations for intercept had already begun being calculated. He could hear the whirr and clunk as missile pods and bays opened. Three longswords roared passed the glass of the bridge. He pulled up a holographic display of the theatre of combat, watching the blips rapidly approaching. Pulling his view away from the rest of the fleet, he couldn't worry about their battles just yet.


The Director nodded. "Understood."

It was time to see what these Replicators were made of.


"Priority alert!" Rhys turned around from the viewport as Eadwine spoke. Already there was scrambling throughout the bridge. He walked over to the display. Red blips spread across the map. "Incoming fighters, appear to be breaking into seven distinct groups. Accelerating rapidly."

"Launch Acolytes."

"Already forming a defensive screen-"


The senior analyst shook her head. "They're moving too fast. I advise setting a defensive line, allowing them to come into our line of fire." Rhys nodded his approval.

"Do we have any Hive Frigates available?"

"Two on standby."

Rhys nodded. "Excellent, launch both them and sentinel drones. I want a full shield around the Command-ship. Have Hives launch and deploy drones."

On the outside of the vessel, over a dozen drones spewed loose from the ship's hangar. The drones moved a set distance from the Kuun-lan, once they were in position, beams of energy lanced out from drone to another. Creating a solid line, when four drones linked up the space was filled with bright energy creating a shield.

"Scans indicate the enemy vessels are composed of a terrestrial fighter, our data packet from the Republic indicates it is something called a V-Wing-" The hologram updated to show the original frame compared to what it was now. "-each fighter appears to have several layers of these Replicator blocks. This will likely make them highly resilient to weapons fire."

Rhys nodded. "Relay this information to the fleet, prepare for combat."

I'll get the MOIs response as well as the Kuun-Lans a little bit later.

As well as Eighths response.
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