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“Damn,” Jinx would curse softly, though her grin hardly dimmed. “I’m going to guess you did it legit as well.” She would muse softly, Jinny mainly hearing it due to the soft hush descending onto the class.

“I stopped being able to really keep pace after about a minute.” Jinx answered, her gaze sweeping about the classroom due to the sensation of being watched. But she was too distracted by Jin to commit fully to locating who it was watching. “But he was nice enough to let me rest for a few seconds every time I went down.” She would add with faux innocence.

“And Bad Luck doesn’t always strike instantly, it can linger after it settles. Just waiting for someone to step on it.” A dark chuckle follows that tidbit of information, though Jinx grimaces shortly after as well. She is careful, very careful Jinny is quick to notice, as she reaches down and massages her knee. “I’m glad he seemed more amused than anything else.” She mutters under her breath.
Jinny would skid into her next classroom with only a minute to spare. The good of that meant she wasn’t late, the bad? Well, that was the fact there wasn’t really a lot of open seating left. To be precise there was only one open seat left.

And Jinny already recognized who was going to be her seat neighbor, the vibrant pink hair and ash gray skin didn’t leave much room for doubt really.
Jinx looked prepared for this class, a notebook opened to an empty page and a pair of pens were already out on her desk. But that wouldn’t be what caught Jinny’s attention. No that would be the charged sensation in the air around Jinx. That and her injuries.

Jinx was sporting a rather painful looking black eye, a split lip, and there was a brace on her left wrist. That all contrasted with the sharp, almost manic grin on the other girl’s face, and when Jinx glanced over as Jinny sat down it was clear that Jinx’s eyes were glowing faintly. A pale pink light, adding an unnatural edge to her gaze.

That gaze seemed to sharpen even further as Jinx recognized Jinayah. “What was your time?” She would ask, forgoing any sort of greeting, or other common courtesies when it came to starting up a conversation. “I got a minute fifty-three.” Jinx would add “What was your time?”
“That makes it simply more impressive” Kiri would reiterate, “It also shows just how far our Sensei is holding back.”

As Jin, Bee and Kiri stayed there for watching the fights as Jinny caught her breath. It was clear by what Kiri had meant by Jinny being a hard act to follow. There were plenty of students left to go, but honestly that didn’t mean much. Most of the fights were over in under a minuet, the average was around forty-eight seconds. With Gizmo being the sole outlier for the bottom half, he lasted ten seconds before he got kicked out of bounds.

Gizmo also wasted no time in leaving, one his fight was over. He cared not to watch more people get the tar beat out of them.

As the tests were quickly churned though, no one came close to matching Jinny’s performance.

It wasn’t until Bee was called up that Jinny got an idea of what it must have looked like from the outside. The first minuet was, dull, to watch. Bee was agile, flexible, and mean not that it meant much against Slade, but it was still clear that the older girl was skilled.

After that first minuet was the first time Jinny had gotten to see Slade fight anyone else. And it was shocking just how fast it looked from the outside. Slade was a big man, and he moved far faster then it seemed like he should be able to. His attacks mere blurs. Bee put up a good showing, but it was clear that she was being overwhelmed.

At the ninety second mark the fight fully turned against Bee. She lasted ten more seconds before she blocked poorly against one of his kicks and was bodily thrown from the ring much as Jinny had been. Honestly it was more of a shock that her arm hadn’t snapped.

It took her a few moments to get up and rejoin Jinny and Kiri, panting heavily. “Shit, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy but that was something else.” Bee would say wiping away some blood on her lip from where she bit into it due to her exit from the ring. She would sag to the ground next to Jinny. “I swear my bruises have bruises.”

“One hundred seconds.” Kiri would inform the two of them, and from what Jinny could gather he was just keeping the time of the fights in his head, which was impressive. “After Jin, you now hold the record for the lost time in the ring.” He would add.

“Damn, that last switch up is insane.” Bee would mutter as she shook her head, before leaning over and nudging Jinny’s shoulder with one of her own. “You are going to have to give me some pointers, if you can.”

Before Jinny would reply Inei would get called up. And he would enter the ring with an eager grin. A quick look around the room, had Jin realizing that Inei was one of the last students to be called up, just one other student and Kiri were left.

Unlike most of the students Inei took a much more offensive approach to the fight, one that seemed to work out well for him. At least until the ninety second mark, where he just couldn’t keep pace against Slade. Meaning his attempts at offence left him wide open. A leg sweep, followed up by a shoulder slam had Inei skidding out of the ring in short order.

“One hundred and two.” Kiri would mutter under his breath. Before he started stretching, he was either next, or would be in under a minuet.

It turned out that Kiri had just under forty seconds to get himself ready.

Kiri as it turned out was just as reserved with his fighting as he was with his speaking. He waited for Slade to attack, and then tried to slip in his own unseen underneath Slade’s own. It didn’t work particularly better than anyone else’s attempts so far, but it was different.

It progressed much the same as Inei’s or Bee’s fights did, making it clear that Kiri was also rather talented at hand to hand. The biggest difference was again at the ninety second mark. As with Slade’s shift, Kiri also shifted.

It was no longer a spar as Kiri was focused completely on defense, on survival. It was a frantic and desperate as Kiri was battered around the ring, narrowly making blocks or dodging strikes.

Then Jinny would lose track of Slade. A burst of speed leaving him as only blurry after image, and then Kiri was hurled from the ring. Where he would land and was writhing for a several moments before he forced in a harsh breath.

Jinny suddenly realized that her father, had ejected Kiri in the exact same way he had ejected her.

“Impressive.” Slade would comment again. It would only strike them now, but out of the entire class, only two people got comments on the fights. Jinny and Kiri.

Before anyone could recover, Slade would speak up again. “With that, the examinations are concluded, with no broken bones either a first for today. Regardless, class is dismissed.”

And as if he had planed it. The bell would ring right after he finished talking.
“Ow” was all Kiri could reasonably say as he forced himself up. He looked both frazzled, and also proud. Jinny could relate. He would take a moment to get his breathing back before turning to look at Jinny. “Two minuets flat. And I am not looking forward to tomorrow.”
This has World of Darkness written all over it. You have my attention, as I love modern fantasy.

.:⋮[Mode Switch]⋮:.

Penny was more than happy to sit back and watch for a bit after sharing her findings. Most of it went more or less as she would have assumed, up until the Mad Scientist decided to give her own input at least.

That tirade was regarded with only a small tilt of the Queen’s head. There were snippets within it that pointed to another plot that was running in the background, one that had seemingly fallen flat thankfully. Especially with the follow up shortly after with the Cradle’s… Leader? Main operator? Penny wasn’t really sure what to call Maura, but with the Witch’s dropping out of communications. Penny was connecting dots.

Either way the planning had shifted from defense to assault. “Given my own interactions with Nykannis, she can be trusted to follow through with her word so Penrose should be fine, doubly so since as far as I can tell she’s looking for the Nexus as well. Won’t want Wonderland to get to it before she can.” Penny would chip in her own two copper on the matter.

”That settled for the moment we should decided which teams we want for the assault. We are-“ Penny’s head snapped to the side suddenly as she stopped moving. “Fuck.” She would turn back to the group her eyes heavily tinted red. “Just got a status update from one of my girls. Brittney was just abducted by Wonderland.” She would announce. “It’ll take me a bit of time to scrub the local surveillances to figure out how and if there is anyone else taken, but I’d be surprised if it was only her.”

“In the meantime we’re going to need to split into four teams and prepare to leave soon. As we’re probably on a time limit.”
Gizmo would just let out a defeated sigh at that, but despite all of his grumbling he at least always seemed to suck it up eventually and trudge through it. And this seemed to be no different, though Jinny could tell that Gizmo was taking his time packing away his own gear. Resigned to getting his ass handed to him he may be, but that didn’t mean he was in any way in a hurry to make that fight.

Over in the center of the mat Slade was, despite his seeming bored stature, very much aware of the surrounding students. Most all of them weren’t worth noting in his opinion, biased as it was, but that did still leave a few notable faces. He wondered if it was just luck of the draw that had most of them in this class, or if it was just a quirk of these kids having had lunch more recently.

Either way he did have to give this class some credit, he had yet to need to start calling people over to the mat. Still the third fight had gone about as far as he had expected it too. Sixty-five seconds was the record for the class so far, and he had a feeling that a only few people here, mainly the twins and the girl with her hair in buns, might be able to make or break the ninety second hurdle.

Before he could muse further his next examinee announced herself. With a casual nod of acceptance, he waited for his daughter to make her way into the ring with him. Of all the student’s here he was curious about her performance the most. Especially after her demonstration with the guns earlier. It was a sly plan, and he was curious what her plan was here.

“On go, fight until a five count or you’re off the mat.” He reiterated, waiting for Jinny to settle into her stance. Once that was done, all that was left was “Go.”

Slade came in quick, or what was quick to most of the students here. He was holding back, a fairly large amount as well. All of his attacks were single moves. A straight or a sweep, a hook or a jab. Honestly the number of students that would fail in the first thirty seconds shouldn’t be high, as out side the speed it was far too straight forward.

Jinny breezed through the starting seconds, to her it was more akin to a warm up then anything to note. If anything, the simplicity of her father’s attacks was throwing her off. As they lacked any follow up. Not that meant it was any easier to land a hit, but Slade was never easy to hit.
Then the first shift came. Thirty seconds after the start. Slade’s speed didn’t much change, but the weight behind his blows got heavier. But more than that was the combinations’ he was now employing. Now each block had to be followed up with another, from a different angle, or a dodge. The window for retaliation shrinking.

For Jinny it was more like the ‘light spar she was used too, but he was still holding back. Still, she held her own. She was able to make attempts at striking back to try and steal the initiative in the fight, and in some cases succeeding. She was still a participant in the fight. And so far, was demonstrating that she was the best fighter in the class so far.

Another thirty seconds passed, one minuet since the start of the fight, and a roundhouse kick snapped out that, even blocked, took her off her feet. There was the strength she was used to facing from her spars. Rolling back to her stance, the fight continued. It was harder now; Slade was precise as always and even holding back he was hitting hard enough to leave bruises if he managed a clean hit. Something that was becoming more of a trend.

His reach, his speed, his strength. All of those factors kept Jinny on the back foot. Something she was fairly accustomed to when it came to sparring Slade. But her own skill and small stature were still things she had at her disposal. She was losing, but it was a slow decline for now.

But she knew that would change. And change it did, thirty more seconds. One minuet and thirty since the start of the fight. Slade’s speed and strength were now beyond what Jinny normally faced. But worse than that, she could see him now actually using his style of close quarters combat. And it hurt. Each strike was bone jarring, and there was scant time to even think between attacks. She had been pushed entirely onto the defensive, relying on near misses and mad scrambles to remain on the mat. But she did stay on the mat, bruises on bruises, ache on ache, she stay on the mat.

Thirty seconds passed agonizingly slowly, as each second required another desperate defense of some kind. But pass they did. And exactly two minuets after the start of the fight. Slade blurred past her defenses. And with a single, powerful, palm strike. Threw Jinny off the mat and into the crowd of students.

Even if she hadn’t been thrown so far, she wasn’t getting up in time, the wind having been violently expelled form her. Taking her ten painful seconds to get the ability to breath back.

Slade from his place, again in the center of the mat, looked out to her. “Impressive.” His voice shockingly loud in the silence that had descended as Jinny fought. It even sounded like he might mean that. “Next” No one seemed willing to test their own mettle so swiftly after the display. “Suit yourselves.” He would say after a moment, before calling out a student’s name.

Once Jinny was able to get her feet back underneath her, and Slade’s testing had continued. The first thing she hear was a familiar voice “Damn girl, I figured you had some skill but that was something else.” Bee was standing not far with a look of open respect on her face.

“Indeed, my brother wasn’t wrong when he said you were skilled, but that was still an impressive showing.” Came another voice, one of the twins this time. And judging from the stiffer more formal pattern it was likely Kiri. “Two minuets even. Something tells me that will not be an easy feat to meet or surpass.”
Gizmo would grumble without any real heat at Jinny’s words. He didn’t like them, but was far too intelligent to not recognize the truth in them. “Damn it all.”

At some point Slade had left, once again with only bare minimum for manners. Though Jinny’s grade was posted along with his parting. ‘B. Skill with throwing weapon’s is notable. But you are pulling your shots too far before the recoil in regards to firearms.’

Gizmo would regard Jinny’s grade with narrowed eyes, something about it not lining up with him. But he seemed to decided against asking. Instead, he would ask something else. “He’s the guy with the eye patch, isn’t he?” Though it was stated more than asked. There would be a moment before he shrugged off that personal revelation.

“Mammoth is going to be happy; I’m finally going to take him up on his offers to hit the gym.” He would mutter to himself as he went back to shooting. Though it was somewhat clear that he was distracted, his accuracy wasn’t dropping but he was taking more time between shots.

After a while more. Slade’s voice would cut across the chatter and gunfire. “I have concluded with all the fire arms testing. You have a few minutes to pack up your chosen weapons, they are yours. Failure to bring them to class when they are required will result in docking of grade and inability to participate until you retrieve them.”

As he spoke the firing range would fold away into the floor leaving them once again with the large padded area that had been in place when they first arrived.

“We have the final test for today, once you have been examined you are free to leave.” He would move to the center of the padded area as he continued to speak. “The test is quite simple. Last as long as you can in a spar with me. Hand to hand only. Being down for a five count, or being forced off the mat both signal the end of your test.”

That declaration sent a wave of mutters though out the class, most of the students wary or resigned to this announcement. With the exceptions being Gizmo, who looked unsurprised. and the Twins, who looked excited.

“If anyone wants to step forward to undertake the test early you are freed to do so, otherwise I will be calling you up in alphabetical order. And anyone who fails to come forward for this testing will automatically be failed for all of today’s tests. Regardless of what scores I’ve given out already.” Jinny could hear the soft sadistic glee in her father voice as he laid out that last bit of information. “You’ve had your chance to back out, now it’s too late. You have three minutes before the last test is open.”

“Figures” Gizmo would say with a sigh as he started to disassemble his guns. “Think he’d appreciate it more if I just threw the first time, he knocks me down. Or if I just walked out of bounds the moment it started more?” He’d ask. “Save us both the time, either way.


Penny would nod her consent to the Interdimensional home. She’d been there once before after all so she knew what to expect of the place. Still, she didn’t waste any time. The moment to way in was closed she would start talking.

“I still have information to give” Penny would state as she pointedly met everyone’s gaze, or at least everyone but Aurora. As Penny did so, the person she was looking at would feel their phone vibrate. “I wasn’t wanting to hand out this information out in the open, partly because I was already thinking like Mariette was before she showed up, mainly because I don’t trust the Mint worth a damn. But back at Bolorton I caught a POW. They were the one in charge of the sleep spell put onto the city and were a part of the inner court of Wonderland.”

Upon checking their phones they would find a bleak report. A rough approximation of Wonderland’s military might, showing that they were out numbered at minimum five to one. In addition to the fact that the conjuration eggs were being mass manufactured.

There was a whole division of R&D at Wonderland producing more advanced weapons as well, with rumors of a superweapon in at least the prototyping stage. All under the auspice of ‘The Mad Hatter’.
But there was some potential for use and good as well. A rough map of Wonderland was included, along with various notes. Such as the factory that the Eggs were being made at, though it was unfortunately one of a potential three places rather than an exact location. And a hidden route into the Castle proper, somewhere on the west side of the building. Plus, a list of the all people in the Queen’s court. Their names, titles and, pictures.

“Furthermore, projections seem to indicate we have at most a week before their next attack, but I can’t narrow down where they are planning on deploying the eggs.” Penny would go onto state, after people had had a chance to look over some of the data she shared, folding her arms as she did. “So, whatever plans we have are either going to need to happen fast, or be put on hold until after the next assault.”

“On that Sanctuary is open for support, but outside of myself and perhaps one or two others, we are unable to provide much combat assistance. As most of the girls living there are non-combatants. Triage and shelter is all we really have to offer other then scouting and a information network.” She would add “Other then simple man power for anything that we might need to build that is.”

“So we need to decide if we want to go forward with the Fake city plan now, or if we just want to evac everyone and build the fake city for when the full invasion hits. If the former we need to set up who is doing what, if the later we need to determine where we are putting everyone.”

.:⋮[Looking Left, While looking Right]⋮:.

“Yet I always seem to be the last to know that you’re back.” Penny would mutter bitterly to herself as Chloe turned to leave. For all the girl’s talk, and flowery reassurances, her action were deafening in comparison.

”Either of those options are fine by me, I can also assist with protection from more mundane means where ever it is we end up as well. She would speak on the topic of the next location. “As for late arrivals, we are on a time limit as it is, I’m not sure if we can host this somewhere easy for them to make it at this point. We can easily spread the word of what happened later of if needed.”

Part of her was tempted to offer up Cradle’s HQ as well, seeing as where ever it was they had hidden themselves seemed to be decent enough considering that it had kept them hidden from the Mint so far, which meant is had top notch security in that regard. But honestly she doubted that they would be willing to open their doors.

As she touched down, where ever it was she had teleported away too, Chloe’s phone would chime out an incoming text

If you bring me, signed and notarized paperwork stating and confirming the nullification of all Debt for Everyone living withing Sanctuary’s boundaries for the past three weeks, up to and including today.

I’ll be willing to come to the negotiating table in regards to Contract terms for Mint presence in Penrose.

This annulment is not, and will not, be considered as part of the contract at large if you choose to comply. It is simply for you and Al to prove your good will.

I will give you three days to make a decision.

Queen Asimov The Builder.

.:⋮[Thrice Shy]⋮:.

Penny watched the discussions with a detached air. One that was only partially an act. Binky’s words had slid off her without much impact, she didn’t think she was any paragon of morality after all, nor would she have claimed such. That wasn’t the reason she was so adamant against the Mint.

Absently she wondered if she would have been more willing to negotiate with the Mint if they had sent anyone other then Chloe. The betrayals she had suffered at the dark girls’ hands were more than a slight weight against the dealings after all. Minor though the actions themselves were in the grand scheme.

But the offer of home, just to be abandoned not once, but twice. Penny would not give Chloe a third chance.

“My stance is unchanged.” She would state as attention shifted back to her. ”All you have brought are words Chloe. And putting stock in your words nearly killed me once already. If you want me to be on board, in any capacity, I’ll need proof first.” She shook her head. “Debt annulment for those living at Sanctuary for example.” Her tone conveyed that she knew it was an ask too far, but also that she didn’t much care.

“Beyond that, I have nothing more to say on your contract.” Again she would dismiss Chloe, her regard for the dark girl falling even further, not that anyone would notice. But then again no one would pick up on just how far the girl had fallen, giving up on her beliefs so easily to Kayli.

She wonders where the girl she used to love had gone. If she had ever been real in the first place.

“I heard parts of an evacuation plan being discussed, and a housing issue that coincided with it. I’d like to shift back to that topic, but again somewhere more secure.” Penny would go on to say. “It does not need to be the Bastion if elsewhere would be preferable, but I would prefer that we move sooner then later. So that Wonderland’s spies don’t track down the new location if nothing else.”
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