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used to be 'loony' on here. i'm just some guy.

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@Nanaya I ended up passing out before I could get it up, sorry. I'll try to get it up today, although it might end up being mobile written since today I have my four hours of commute.

Edit: Post is a mobile post, so apologies if it's got anything funky going on- formatting was a bitch to do and small screens are harder to focus on. I'll give it a proofread if I don't combust and die when I get home.

Edit Edit: see that was supposed to be an edit and not a quote. Mobile Posting Momentâ„¢

The Imp's comments on wasting flesh leaves a bitter taste in Hildegunde's mouth. It was odd to think she shared the same sensibilities with her attacker. The hunter makes no comment, fishing for something in her pocket as she approaches the ceremony.

Hildegunde keeps a steady gaze on the imp, quietly satisfied with Iraleth's decision - if she did not protest, Hildegunde would've. She only turns away to face Raja once Iraleth names her.

"Hardly attacked me," she says, shrugging some as she turns over a coin in her hand - the thing she had been fishing for. Save for her leg injury, which was more cumbersome now that the adrenaline was wearing down, she was fine.

"Chloe got the worst of it. And I am thankful my classmates, as I do not think she'd have come out alive if I remained alone."

As she speaks, she weaves the coin through her fingers, until it settles on her thumb. She flicks it, and the coin flips in the air, landing in her open palm. She glances down, but those accustomed to Hildegunde's gaze would notice that it lacked its usual piercing quality.

The truth was, she didn't really look at the coin at all. That was the thing about coin flips - often, it is never about the side that it lands on. In many cases, it is about discovering what you wanted all along - although want was perhaps a strong word for Hildegunde. She did not feel that strong pull at her core as the coin danced in the air. What she did feel, however, was the need to be contrarian to her Adapa's suggestion. Even with nothing else to guide her, if he wanted her to join the Sword of Wund, she would join the-

"Shield of Nero." Her delivery was only marginally above Chunji's.
@Nanaya I ended up passing out before I could get it up, sorry. I'll try to get it up today, although it might end up being mobile written since today I have my four hours of commute.
I've been mad sick these past two weeks but I'm finally starting to feel better now that I'm on antibiotics. Post should be up tomorrow

EDIT: Impromptu stuff came up that took up most of the day, so it'll go up Friday instead. Sorry about that X - X
Believe it or not I've done five hours of transit for a job before that paid much much less and was a lot more stressful, and I don't have the means to move. I'll be fine. Just the consequences of shit public transport, because it's only about 40-50 minutes of time by car.

I actually didn't end up going to work at all though because I came down with some sort of sickness that I was worried might've been COVID, but turned out not to be. Whatever it is though it's putting me out of commission so I can safely say I don't think I'm getting a post up.
Heads up, job is kinda fucking me over (apparently I am too good at sales for my talent to be 'wasted' in the quiet area I'm living in so they want me to bus to the city, which is 4 hours of transit, to work in a bigger store) and I'm going to be spending most of the next two days away from keyboard. I'll try to type a post on mobile but no promises. Feel free to skip me if nothing is up by tomorrow.
I think we're good for Nanaya to post now?
As Iraleth points her sword towards the imp and light pierces through the darkness, Hildegunde points her rifle at the shadow-imp - she would not allow it to grow cocky at the diversion of attention and try something funny. Her eyes burn with a flurry of emotions, fierce at Ciara's and molten hot at Iraleth's. Lines were being crossed and Hildegunde was becoming more and more frustrated with these two by the hour.

"Excuse you? Put her down? I am not burying another body in the fucking woods," she tells Iraleth, too wired up to realize what she had let slip.

"And you - I don't know what kind of answers you're looking for, but are you that desperate to endanger yourself and others for answers you may not even get - answers that surely have leads elsewhere? Is it worth biting the hands of those who want to put faith in you?"

She sucks air in through barred teeth. Stupid. These girls are so stupid. She is so thankful towards them, and yet they are so incredibly stupid.

"Why do you two insist on seeing enemies in each other? Our aggressor is right here," she reminds them, poking the imp with her gun.
I want to heads up that due to my body being very mean to me today I am probably not getting a post up today but one should go up tomorrow.
Short one, but it's up o7
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