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"Sure, I'll take some," Julia replied as she mulled over the offer. Her eyes occasionaly flicked to the stoic figure just to keep a mutual eye on her. Julia had no qualms about protecting scumbags. She herself had been one of the biggest scumbags of her era, so it would be hypocritical of her to judge any potential clients or targets. She felt like that wasn't supoosed to be a reassurance for Julia's sake, as much as Xiang making an active effort to rehabilitate Julia and make her honest. Julia had to internally laugh at the naivety, but she still respected the thought. Julia would always be a gangster no matter the job she had. There is only one way to truly stop being E-street and that is death. The condition that there would be no conflict of interest from the SDS side was welcome, however.

"I have one condition," Julia replied after several seconds of thought. "My Benefactor likes to think of the new life they have set up for me as not just a reward for my prison time, but my retirement. However, if they were ever to request my services again, that takes absolute priority. That is my only condition. It will probably never happen. If that is okay with you, I look forward to working with you."

Heidi Williams

The Taxi dropped Heidi off on the road beside the park, and she hopped out as it drove off to flee the area. She'd had to tip double for the risk of danger, but at least she was here now. But what she saw when she entered central park took her aback. Five, possibly six, Magical Girls were already engaging the monster. And they seemed to be winning between them. Heidi had always been led to believe that New York had no Magical Girls. Maybe it was just the case that it didn't get many monster attacks, but secretly had this many all along.

And what a bizzarre mix of gimmicks it was! Firebird, knight, machanical, gothic, pretty pink pricess...There was one in the shy who was wearing white but Heidi couldn't quite make out. Heidi ddn't know what her own gimmick was. Her only clue was that Cyclops referred to her as Apollo. So, maybe her gimmickis vaguely Greek inspired?

Right on cue, Cyclops, the floating robot with a single large lens for an eye, approached Heidi and floated in front of her.

"You are here, Apollo, Champion of Light. You are required to assist in the defeating of this dark threat! Please recite this phrase to begin your transformation; 'I am the Champion of Light! It is my mission to Illuminate the shadows of darkness and brighten the hearts of Mankind! Apollo!'"

Heidi glared at the robot, unmoving, for a good few seconds, before pointing to the Monster engaged in combat.

"Excuse me, I thought you said I'd need to be here! Why are there already six magical girls here before me? I don't actually need to be here at all, do I?!" she retorted to her mascot, with annoyance.

Five days had gone by very fast. Julia had spent the Saturday leisurely inside Xiang's mansion, having a bath and exploring the facilities before they gagued the environment to now be stable enough for Julia to be driven home. There were some missed calls. As E-Street's contact inside the Spire, Elle and Blaydon wanted to know anything she could tell them about the quake and the GeoNet incident. Julia had not been much help, but the three of them agreed, using euphenisms and codewords, that it wasn't natural.

Julia wasn't used to so much activity, after thirty whole years of every day being inside a jail cell, and had remained in a semi-vegetetive state from sunday until tuesday. She'd always ignored them before but she had started using her bathtub and wall-monitor much more often. She could genuinely get used to living like this. But she had made an appointment for today and she was going to stick to it. She was finally getting back to work. As she was no longer 'officially' E-street, she'd only hear from her benefactor when something absolutely crucial needed her assistance. After all, this apartment in the Spire was essentially her retirement package. That meant she could take on other, actually legal jobs. Something she had never done before.

She didn't need to attach her arm before leaving, as she'd started wearing it all day, to truly get used to having an arm again. She locked her apartment door behind her and made her way through the main spire throughfare. It was bizarre. Both complex and jail hallways were dark and narrow. This hallway brightly lit, and was so wide that cars and bikes could, and did, drive through it as if it was a road. Julia made her way to the levator and descended to floor B6. The Spire was tall as it reached for the heavens, but that was only the half designed for windows that let in natural light. Much of the industry and administration of the Heirs took place either beside the Spire, or underneath it. Contrasted to the bright, sleek white walls adorned with the occasional potted plant or painting you could find above, the Spire basement levels were light grey, and sterile feeling. The lights were harsher and yet somehow dimmer than ahe lights above.

Julia eventually found the heavily armoured monolith that was the SDS Headquarters entrance, at the dead end of a particularly long corridor. She approached the gate, pressed her hand to the palmprint pad and stared into the retina scanner. After almost a minute of waiting the gates swung open by themselves and she walked into the reception area. She approached the desk attendant, who spoke before Julia could open her mouth.

"Ms. Purnama is expecting you, Ms. Kray. Please take the elevator to the tenth floor," The attendant greeted, glancing up from her magazine to look at Julia for barely a second before looking back down at her magazine. "And place leave your gun in the designated tray."

Julia clicked her tongue and unholstered her gun into the basket beside the front desk, before taking the elevator up to Xiang's office. She enters the door, a little stiffer than she was last night. Likely on account of the environment and atmosphere. Looks like her 'work mode' was significaly different from her casual attitude, even if she was still clearly not an Heiress or a businesswoman.

"So, you wanted to see me, Xiang," Julia stated.

Yeah, my post is going to be Heidi refusing to transform at first because despite being told 'she was needed', several other magical girls seem to have things under control.

(Heidi has never actually transformed before yet)

Julia was silent in thought for most of the car ride to Xiang's house. Julia hadn't spent long enough in her new apartment for it to feel like home. Nay, this whole world didn't yet feel like where she belonged, and likely never will. Still, two things she missed that were still currently in her apartment were her handgun, and her arm-stand. She could feasably do without an arm-stand, but she felt incresingly irratable and naked without a weapon. Today has been a day where she was reminded that there is a lot of unpredictability and danger that comes with freedom.

When the car stopped, her hand had reached out and had almost grasped the door handle before Xiang told her they still weren't at their destination. The car then ascened. She only needed to feel the motion of the car to know they were descending upwards. She knew the feeling well enough from the elevator up and down into the E-Street lair. Once they were parked, she followed Xiang. This house belonged to her family since the migrations? Was the Spire really that old? Or had they paid to move the entire estate into the middle of the Spire? How much would such an undertaking even cost?!! Certainly more than E-Street had ever managed to save up in her time. Perhaps that's why they'd always been so reliant on Benefactors.

Julia looked visibly uneasy at the mention of turrets. How could she be expected to 'unwind' with all of these security robots surrounding her? Perhaps Xiang felt secure because she'd always assuciated these things with her own protection. Julia was instead reminded of prison, where the turrets and security measures were all in place to protect others from you. As she watched Xiang take care of which stones she stepped on, her only though was 'even the ground here could kill me if I put a foot wrong'. She made sure to only step where Xiang had, as they finally made it inside. The house really was beautiful. She din't know much about the old world but she'd seen houses like this in books and pictures. It was undoubledly the house of an Heir, but had personality and character until the lavish yet sterile and soulless usual aesthetic of Spire houses. The more Xiang explained about the house, the more Julia was left wondering why she even needed a bodyguard. She took off her single full boot, and the half-boot strapped to her mechanical foot, and place them both in the shoe rack. She'd only been wearing the half-boot to complete the outfit tonight in particular. She didn't usually wear any footwear on her prosthetic.

"Alright, Xiang. Goodnight," Julia greeted yawning herself as the stress and fatigue of the day was catching up to her. She entered her room, took off her leather jacket, pants, removed her arm and her leg dumpted everything on top of the dresser in a pile. he collapsed on the bed in the clothes she was wearing, and was asleep almost immediately.

Heidi Williams

Heidi took another sip of her coffee, and checked her phone. The original plan was for several teacher to meet at this cafe for a chat. However, several of them had had to cancel due to their children, and the whole thing had been called off. Heidi sighed. She had not had great luck with men. She had a few steady boyriends in college, but ever since she became a teacher, she just didn't have the patience to try to get to know men beyond the superficial icks that annoyed her on the first few dates. She used to have so much fun spnding hours chatting to her boyfriends about nerdy things. Now, the last thing she wants after getting home from school is anything interrupting her hard-earned peace and quiet.

A beeping sound came from her handbag. Her instictual thought was that it must be her phone. But she was holding her phone. She opened her handbag to find that the headset was flashing. So, it wasn't a dream. One week ago, a robot really had appeared in her apartment and given her this headset. On some level she knew it was real, every time she fished in her handbag and caught a glimpse of the headset, but she didn't want to think about it. The robot had told her some very outlandish things about her being chosen as a 'champion of Light', and she refused all of its suggestions and instructions at the time. She placed the headset over her ear, and adjusted the mic to the levelof her mouth.

"Apollo, Champion of Light. It is time for you to be called upon as I had forewarned," spoke a monotone robotic voice on the other end. "A Monster of Darkness has appeared nearby and your assistance will be required."

She was about to refuse when an alert displayed on her phone. It was an exactuation order. The monster had appeared in Central Park. It could hurt people, and riculous as all of this business was, if she had the power to help, she was obligated to. Plus, there was a small, deeply buried part of herself that still wanted to be a Magical Girl. She spoke back into the headset.

"I'm on my way. Cyclops, meet me there."

She finished her coffee, and put down the money and her tip onto the empty plate, before getting up from the seat, pocketing her phone and immediately flagging down a passing taxi.
Is this event midday on a weekend, or a weekday?
Sorry for the lack of post on my behalf. I'll hopefully find time tyo write it today
Made a little post just to keep things moving

Pia didn't need to be told. Her fear and desperation were already causing her power to go haywire, but she couldn't control it. It wasn't telekinesis. It was more like inanimate items were getting swept up in an energy tornado of her making. some larger items slammed into the sides of the monster but never hit the core. There even some smaller items that were bouncing off her and the others, possibly causing them some pain or distraction but never outright disruption. Pia didn't even know how to turn it off or turn it down. But she had a gun in her hands. She took aim. She'd never been trained to fire a gun but as long as some of the bullets hit the core, she'd be doing something. She opened fire.
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