Avatar of SweetT


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3 days ago
Current Bored..... Ugh......
1 like
8 mos ago
Ugh. What do you do when all of your stories are dead?! 🥴
9 mos ago
Bored...... Ugh...


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Thank you guys.
Sure. Vampire Diaries, Charmed (98) Fast and Ferious. Twilight. And any kind of mob, mafia family. I have two charecters. Tuesday and Agustous. They're twins. So in my personal writings I'm genreless. So i like mix- up things in my rps. I enjoy detail and diagloug. Heavy. I enjoy action too. And all that other stuff that makes an rp GOOD
Hi friend!!!!!
Hello everyone, I slid over because a friend said this place was cool. So here I am. I've got 20 years experience in RP. So slide through. I hope to hear from you.
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