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Time: Late Morning
Location: Royal Curd
Aesthetic: Outfit

Kalliope groaned as she slowly woke up, her body protesting with every movement. The previous night’s exertions had left her muscles sore and her mood foul. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she reluctantly sat up, her joints creaking in complaint.

"Damn gang members," she muttered to herself. "Of all the ways to spend a night." But she did have to admit that the company she had in dealing with the issue was quite pleasant. The thought of the captain actually had a genuine smile crossing her lips briefly.

Grumbling, she forced herself out of bed and glanced at her desk. A piece of paper caught her eye, advertising the church event followed by the grand opening of the Royal Curd. She sneered in disgust at the thought of attending church. "Ew. Absolutely not," she scoffed. But the idea of witnessing the ridiculousness of the Royal Curd did bring a faint smirk to her lips. It might at least prove to be entertaining.

Resigned to facing the day, Kalliope got ready, choosing an outfit suitable for the slightly rainy weather outside. She pulled on a dark cloak with a hood, sturdy boots, and armed herself with a few concealed blades, out of habit and caution.

Stepping outside, she made her way through the bustling streets of Sorian, her mood gradually improving as she anticipated the spectacle awaiting her. The rain was light, more of a persistent drizzle, but it didn't bother her. She arrived at the Royal Curd, a grand and ostentatious establishment in the fine dining district.

The interior was even more extravagant than she had expected. Everything was gilded in gold or some shade of yellow, creating an almost blinding effect. Portraits of King Edin holding cheese were plastered all over the walls. The centerpiece was a grand hall with a fountain spewing yellow water. Kalliope rolled her eyes in disbelief at the over-the-top opulence of it all. Whoever decided on the golden shower fountain should be shot….or maybe praised and given a raise. She thought to herself as she realized the subtle insulting humor of it all.

As she entered, she was greeted by a beautiful waitress dressed in a vibrant yellow gown.

"Welcome to The Royal Curd! We are delighted to have you here. If you possess a ticket bestowed by King Edin himself, you are cordially invited to enter our grand event free of charge. For those without a royal ticket, the entry fee is two hundred gold.”

Like hell she was going to give 200 gold back to Edin. If she could screw him out of more gold, then she absolutely was going to. So Kalliope put on a show of searching her pockets, making a small scene as she stepped aside. "Oh, I must have misplaced it. I'm so sorry, please go ahead," she said, waving other guests past her with exaggerated apologies. In the slight chaos she caused, she silently swiped an already used ticket from a distracted waiter and presented it to the waitress.

"Found it! My apologies for the delay," she said, smiling sweetly.

"Cheesetastic! Welcome to The Royal Curd! Please come right in and take a left toward the event room. You will find King Edin seated at the grandest table, adorned with a majestic throne against the far wall. Velvet ropes will guide you to his table, as for this special event, King Edin is graciously allowing guests to have private audiences with him! Imagine the thrill of conversing with our revered king one on one! How exciting!"

Kalliope smiled, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Been there, done that, don't care to do it again, but know I'm going to have to," she said smoothly before walking away towards the event room.

As she entered, she scanned the room for familiar faces, taking in the lavish decorations and the spectacle around her. She kept her eyes sharp and her senses alert, ready for whatever the day might bring.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir (hubby)

Mature Content Warning

”Surely I don't know what you're talking about.” Mina teased with a grin as he squeezed her waist, but then he was close and whispering in her ear. Feeling Munir's breath hot against her earlobe, Mina's cheeks flushed with warmth, her body responding to his closeness with a mixture of desire and anticipation. His touch ignited a fire within her, one that threatened to consume her entirely if she didn't exercise some restraint.

”I…” She was cut off, letting out a gasp of surprise as he bit her earlobe then she was on her back and staring up at him. Her chest rose and fell in slightly ragged breaths as heat pooled deep in her core. ”Is that a promise or a threat?” She finally murmured out in a breathy voice as she angled her head to give him even more access to her neck. Her body instinctively arched up into him, knowing she was just about to lose all self control.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Munir's passionate advance was interrupted by the sound of someone at the door, causing Mina to let out an exasperated sigh. She shot Munir a playful glare as he excused himself to attend to Hakim, her disappointment evident in her eyes.

As Munir leaned in for one last kiss, Mina couldn't help but lose herself in the moment, savoring the taste of his lips against hers. Reluctantly, she pulled away as he left to collect the clothing, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"I suppose I can forgive the gods this time," she teased, her voice laced with longing. ”But they owe me one." Despite her words and disappointment, she took the brief moment alone to try and calm her racing heart. She knew she needed to get a hold of herself, to follow through with her suggestion of going out, but just as she thought she was calming down her mind would betray her with fantasies that could be.

As Munir returned with the clothing, Mina nodded in agreement to his suggestion as she stood up. "Yes, Bertha's sounds perfect," she replied, a hint of excitement in her voice as she watched him set the clothing down. "Stay. I'm going to need help changing.” She said just as he turned around, all the while letting his shirt slip off of her shoulders and pooling around her feet, her lips curling into a smirk as she watched Munir's reaction.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir (hubby)

”Would be suitors, huh?” Mina said with a small laugh and shake of her head. ”I think you might be the only one mad enough to fall in love with the whore of Varian and Caesonia.” She said it in jest, but there was some truth behind her words. The truth was that she had been content with never actually finding love, to continue to be considered a whore and tainted in everyone's eyes, so it was still somewhat hard for her to believe that he actually loved her.

As Munir leaned in and whispered his mischievous thoughts, Mina's cheeks flushed slightly with a warm blush. His teasing words sent a shiver down her spine, igniting a playful spark within her.

"Well, if you're so eager to tear off this shirt," Mina replied with a coy smile, her voice laced with a hint of mischief, "perhaps I should just keep wearing it to drive you wild and see how long you can resist while we're out and about."

She watched as Munir slipped out of bed and disappeared for a moment, his absence leaving a void in the room. So Mina took a moment to explore her surroundings. She rose from the bed, her bare feet padding softly across the floor as she ventured around Munir's chamber. Her eyes drifted over the various trinkets and decorations that adorned the room, each one telling a story of its own.

Approaching the desk, Mina couldn't help but be drawn to a half-finished letter lying there. She hesitated, knowing she should respect Munir's privacy and truthfully she would have if she hadn't read two simple words. Count Blackwood.

Just as she was about to investigate further, Mina heard Munir returning, and she quickly moved away from the desk, leaving the letter untouched for now. Returning to the bed, she sat down, smoothing the fabric of Munir's linen shirt beneath her fingertips as she glanced at him with a grin.

As Munir sat down beside her, Mina couldn't help but admire the way the morning sunlight danced across his bare torso, casting a golden glow upon his skin. She felt a surge of affection swell within her along with desire.

"Well," Mina began, pondering the question for a moment, "It seems like we may have a bit of rain today, judging by those clouds I can see gathering out here. It may be best to keep whatever we do to be indoors. Perhaps we can find some place to get some breakfast, I'd suggest Bertha’s Breakfast Bar. After that, I'm curious as to what you may have in mind?”

She reached out and gently brushed a stray lock of hair from Munir's face, her touch lingering as she met his gaze with a soft smile. "Whatever we decide to do, as long as we're together, I know it will be a day to remember.”

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir (hubby)

Mina listened to Munir's earnest words, feeling a mixture of gratitude and frustration wash over her. His reassurances were comforting, but she couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered at the back of her mind. Despite his determination to protect her, she knew the dangers they faced were very real, and she couldn't bear the thought of him suffering because of her. Magic was outlawed, not just in Caesonia, but in her homeland too, and even Alidasht. Those caught suffered severe consequences, no matter who you were and those deemed an accomplice faced the same fate. He may believe his status could save her, but could it really?

As Munir spoke of their future together, painting a picture of happiness and love, Mina couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing. The idea of a life with Munir, free from the constraints of her past and present, was a tempting one, but she knew they still had many obstacles to overcome. Obstacles he still knew nothing about, yet she knew far too much about.

As Munir leaned in for a kiss, she felt a flutter of anticipation in her chest. She wanted nothing more than to lose herself in the moment, to forget about the weight of their burdens and simply bask in the warmth of his love. To believe life and love was nothing more than a fairytale and this was her Prince Charming.

But even as she leaned in to meet his lips, a voice in the back of her mind whispered warnings of the dangers ahead. She knew life never truly worked as it did in fairytales, especially hers. At some point, something would happen and then her world would begin to start crumbling down. Would she drag Munir with her? Would she ruin his life too? She was already a dead woman walking, wasn't she? There were so many questions, fears, and no matter what he said it wasn't going to be easy to banish those fears. But perhaps, for today, she could pretend she was in a fairytale. Then she could worry about the truth of the future tomorrow.

”I have done nothing of the sort, Munir. I have cast no spells on you.” She smirked at him, now hiding all of the thoughts racing in her head. ”I'm afraid you are merely struck with love sickness.” She giggled, only mere centimeters from his lips now.

With a heavy heart, Mina pressed her lips against Munir's, savoring the sweetness of the moment while silently resolving to revisit the topic of who she is and the dangers she brought with her at a later date. For now, she would allow herself to be swept away by the fairy tale romance they shared, that he longed for, but she knew that their journey was far from over. And when the time came, she would do her best to be ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

After a moment, she pulled away and looked at him with a grin. ”How about we go do something today? Get out together and have some fun. What do you say?”

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Hubby

Mina listened to Munir's heartfelt words, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she heard the sincerity in his voice. His apology eased some of the tension that had been building within her, and she found herself slowly beginning to relax.

As he spoke of his privileged upbringing and his realization of the commitment required in a relationship, Mina couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his honesty. She appreciated his willingness to acknowledge just how serious of a commitment he was asking for.

"Thank you, Munir," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine warmth. "I appreciate your honesty, and I understand that this is new territory for both of us."

She paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before continuing. "But you need to know that I will challenge you, just as you will challenge me," she said firmly, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination and a small smirk. "I have a voice of my own, and I won't be swayed by coin or pretty gifts. Our relationship will be built on trust, respect, and mutual understanding. I'm not always going to give you you're way."

Mina took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to reveal. "With that all said, there's something else you need to know about me and my family, Munir," she began, her voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "It's not an easy thing to talk about, but you deserve to know."

She hesitated for a moment, gathering her courage before continuing. "Because of what I deal with and what the women of my family before me dealt with, we don't often live long," she explained, her voice tinged with vulnerability. “The constant sight of the dead, the voices, the torture from some of the ghosts…well it eventually drives us mad…” She took a shakey breath, knowing the next bit was going to be hard to talk about. ”My great aunt was locked up by her husband who was frightened of her madness…and she ended up throwing herself out a window and off a cliff side…my mother was ostracized from society, partially from have a child out of wedlock, and she ended up hanging herself because everything became too much when I was a small child…I have no idea what my fate will be…”

Mina searched Munir's face, hoping to see understanding and acceptance in his eyes. She knew that revealing this part of herself was a risk, but she couldn't keep it hidden from him. She needed Munir to know the truth, no matter how difficult it may be. ”I've been researching more into the condition and how to prevent things, but it's dangerous research as it has to do a lot with magic. That, in itself, can lead me to my pyre if the wrong people find out about it. Especially since in my research I've also discovered I'm a natural born witch...” If she was damning herself, she may as well go all in.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

When Munir gently picked up her hands, Mina couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth amidst the turmoil within her. His kisses felt like soft whispers of reassurance, a reminder of the connection they shared. Yet she still couldn't bring herself to look at him as she lay her head on her knees that she'd been previously gripping tightly. Silent tears had begun to fall as she tried desperately to get a hold of herself and calm her racing heart.

As Munir released her hands and lifted her face to meet his, Mina found herself lost in the depths of his eyes. His words washed over her, filling her with a sense of both comfort and uncertainty. Was he being truthful? Had his words really only been a joke? Wasn't there always some truth to jokes? So many questions raced through her mind, but she tried to shove them away and really focus on what was being said now, believing what was said in this moment.

When he asked her to promise never to shed another tear because of him, Mina hesitated. She understood his intentions, his desire to shield her from pain, but she couldn't bring herself to make such a promise. Instead, she gently touched his cheek, her thumb tracing the contours of his face.

"I can't promise you that, Munir," she said softly, her voice tinged with sadness. "Life is unpredictable, and relationships are complex. Tears are a natural part of being human, and I can't guarantee that we'll never face challenges or hardships. But what I can promise you is this: I will always communicate with you, openly and honestly. We'll face whatever comes our way together, and we'll work through it, no matter how difficult it may be."

Mina's eyes searched Munir's, hoping he would understand the depth of what she was saying. "I promise to always be here for you, to support you, and to love you with all that I am," she continued, her voice steady with determination. Then Mina took a deep breath. "But we can't discuss marriage until I know you understand me, my plights, and what could be coming in the future," she added firmly, her voice steady despite the lingering traces of uncertainty. "I still have more to tell you, what I've told you so far is only the tip of the iceberg."

She reached out, gently placing her hand over Munir's heart, feeling the steady rhythm beneath her touch. "I need you to be fully aware of who I am and what I carry with me every single day, Munir," she continued, her tone earnest. "Only then can we truly decide if marriage is something we both want and are ready for."

Mina's expression softened as she searched Munir's face, a silent plea for understanding and patience shining in her eyes. "I want nothing more than to share my life with you, but I need to know that you're ready to accept all of me, including the parts that may be difficult or challenging, and I need you to realize this isn't a joke," she explained, her voice tinged with vulnerability. "Can you promise me that, Munir?” Perhaps there was a twinge of bitterness to her voice, upset that at first he couldn't take her confession seriously and made a joke out of it, but she hadn't been lying when she said they'd face challenges together and work through them. She knew that bitter feeling would fade before long.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir (hubby)

Mina's heart plummeted as she watched Munir's reaction, her chest tightening with a mixture of panic and sadness. She couldn't believe it. Had she ruined everything by revealing her secret? The weight of Munir's feigned shock hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt her world begin to shatter around her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to Munir's words, her breath catching in her throat. She had feared this moment, feared his reaction to the truth she had kept hidden from so many for so long. She knew the reaction might not be the greatest, but she wasn't expecting this. The thought that she might lose him now, just as she had begun to allow herself to fall for him, was almost unbearable.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't mean to...I never wanted to hurt you. I just...I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want you to think I was crazy, or...or to be afraid of me." Her words came out in a rush, the panic and sadness in her voice palpable.

Mina's gaze dropped to her lap, unable to meet Munir's eyes as she struggled to contain her emotions. She felt a surge of anger rising within her, directed both at herself for not being brave enough to tell Munir sooner, and at the curse that had plagued her family for generations.

Her voice wavered as she spoke, her words laced with a bitter self-awareness. "I should have known this was going to happen," she murmured, her tone heavy with regret. "Every woman in my family has been feared, thought crazy, unlovable... Why did I think this could be any different?"

She hugged herself tightly, a tremor running through her frame as she fought to hold back the tears. The weight of her family's history, the burden of their curse, felt crushing in that moment. She had hoped, foolishly perhaps, that Munir would be different, that he would understand. But now, faced with his feigned shock and disbelief, she felt the sting of rejection like a knife to her heart.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina chuckled softly at Munir's playful jest, shaking her head in amusement. "As tempting as that offer is, I think I'll need a bit more convincing," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she gazed into his.

She sighed contentedly as Munir nestled into her chest, feeling the comforting weight of his body against hers. In that moment, she didn't care about the boundaries they might be crossing; all that mattered was the warmth and closeness they shared. She gently stroked his hair, savoring the feel of his strand between her fingers.

Listening to his rambling explanation, Mina couldn't help but notice the sudden nervousness in Munir's demeanor. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips tenderly against his, the kiss filled with warmth and understanding.

When she pulled away, Mina met Munir's gaze with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a sense of calm and reassurance. "Thank you for everything you did last night," she said sincerely, her voice gentle. "I'm sorry it shook you up so badly, but I'm here now, and I'm safe. And I'm not going anywhere, at least for the time being."

Just then, Mina's attention was drawn to a ghostly figure phasing through the wall behind Munir. The ghost's sudden appearance made her pause, and she watched in surprise as it looked at her and Munir, gasped, and blushed before quickly disappearing.

"Speaking of last night, I think I have some explaining to do," she said, turning her gaze back to Munir with a sigh. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, preparing herself for this conversation. How was she supposed to start? Did she just say ‘yeah, I see ghosts’? This wasn't going to be easy.

After a long moment of silence, she finally opened her mouth to speak. ”So the first thing I need you to understand is that I have no control over this. A long time ago, the women of my family were cursed…or some may say blessed, depending on how you want to look at it. We're, what many would call, mediums. We see spirits…I see spirits and I always have, ever since I was a little girl.” She paused there, wanting to give him time to react to this potentially damning information.

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina couldn't help but gasp softly as Munir swept her up into his arms, her surprise quickly melting into a contented sigh as he settled them both onto the bed. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, and she snuggled in close to him, reveling in the feeling of safety and love that radiated from him. Her one hand found his, entwining their fingers.

As Munir planted gentle kisses along her neck and collar, Mina couldn't suppress a giggle, her heart fluttering at his affectionate gestures. "Good morning to you too, Munir," she replied softly, boldly leaving out titles as she tilted her head to allow him better access to her neck. Every kiss he planted threatened to be her undoing, but she simply focused on teasing him. "But I believe you may be mistaken about the whole wife thing. I don't recall saying 'I do'."

With a playful glint in her eyes, Mina shifted slightly to face Munir, propping herself up on one elbow as she regarded him teasingly. Her hair fell in messy, wild curls all around her and she took a moment to blow one out of her face before opening her mouth again. "And speaking of things I don't recall, why did you sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed big enough for the both of us and then some?" She raised an eyebrow inquisitively, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she awaited his response.

Time: Morning
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @Lava Alckon Lord Drake
Mentions: @princess Anastasia
Outfit: Dress

In the quiet sanctuary of Princess Anastasia's chamber, Thea stood before the ornate vanity, the soft morning light filtering through the gossamer curtains. She traced the delicate contours of her reflection, the mask of indifference concealing the tumultuous storm raging within.

Anastasia, her dearest friend and confidante, had offered sanctuary in the labyrinthine halls of the palace, shielding her from the prying eyes of society and the suffocating expectations of her family. But even within the cocoon of safety, Thea couldn't escape the weight of her mother's disappointment, the cold disdain that chilled her to the bone.

Her mother's words echoed in the recesses of her mind, a haunting refrain of duty and obligation that threatened to suffocate her. "You are a Smithwood, Thea," she had admonished, the weight of their tarnished legacy heavy upon her shoulders. "It is time you stopped making a mockery of our family."

But Thea refused to be bound by the shackles of tradition anymore, to be a pawn in the game of societal expectations. She had tasted freedom, felt its intoxicating embrace, and she would not relinquish it without a fight.

And so, with a defiant spark in her eyes, she hatched a plan, a daring gambit to seize control of her own destiny. Swapping places with a willing servant, paying the girl well, she slipped away into the night, leaving behind the confines of her gilded cage in search of true liberation.

But amidst the chaos of her escape, a newfound determination took root within her, a resolve to chart her own course and find love on her own terms. For too long, she had allowed others to dictate her fate, to mold her into the dutiful daughter society demanded. The end of her engagement with Felix had felt devastating at first, but now she felt like it was a godsend.

Two days had passed since then, as she prepared for the mix and match mixer, Thea embraced the uncertainty of the unknown, the thrill of possibility coursing through her veins. For in the dance of chance and destiny, she would find the freedom she so desperately craved, and perhaps, just perhaps, the love she had longed for all along.

As Thea stepped into the Morning Blossom Cafe, the elegant ambiance enveloped her like a warm embrace, soothing her nerves with its serene beauty. She couldn't help but marvel at the opulence of the surroundings, the soft melodies of the piano mingling with the gentle hum of conversation, creating a symphony of elegance. She handed her borrowed coat and umbrella to the coat check, revealing a beautiful mint green dress that seemed to embody spring. She was oh so thankful to the fact that her and Annie were of similar sizes. She also hoped that Annie would find Farim to assure him that she was okay as Thea had instructed her to do this morning before bidding her farewell.

Taking a deep breath to steady her racing heart, she approached Mingyu, who greeted her with infectious enthusiasm. Thea couldn't help but smile at Mingyu's warmth, feeling a flutter of excitement in her chest as she reached for a piece of paper from the basket.

"Thank you, Mingyu," she murmured, her voice tinged with anticipation as she glanced at the number on the paper. With a quick nod of gratitude, she followed Mingyu's guidance, her pulse quickening with each step as she scanned the room for her designated table.

As Thea settled into her seat, her gaze wandered across the elegant surroundings of the Morning Blossom Cafe, taking in the beauty of the floral arrangements and the soft glow of the chandeliers above. Her heart danced with excitement as she eagerly awaited the arrival of her date, her mind buzzing with anticipation.

And then, like a vision from a dream, he entered the room—a man whose mere presence seemed to cast a spell over the atmosphere. He had to be Prince Charming.

Her breath caught in her throat as she watched him move with effortless grace, his commanding stature drawing the attention of everyone in the room, or so she thought. Her pulse quickened with each step he took, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from his captivating form.

As he drew closer, Thea felt a rush of nervous energy coursing through her veins. She smoothed her hands over the fabric of her dress, suddenly acutely aware of every detail of her appearance. Was she dressed appropriately? Did she look presentable enough for someone as distinguished as Prince Charming?

But as he finally reached her table, her worries faded ever so slightly into the background, replaced by a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of getting to know him. She greeted him with a warm smile, her heart fluttering with excitement as she prepared to embark on this new adventure. Quickly, she decided to stand up, smashing her knee against the table and feeling the utter humiliation begin to take hold. She dipped her head, trying to hide the deep blush and she dropped into a curtsy.

"Hello," she said, her voice tinged with anticipation. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lady Th-.” She suddenly cut herself off as a thought occurred to her and her stomach soured. ”I…I’m….Forgive me, but I fear that revealing my name to you may scare you away as it is known in a negative connotation.” She began to shuffle from side to side, her nervousness and fear palpable now.

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