Avatar of wheels


Recent Statuses

4 days ago
Current Go to doctors to get shots in my back. Then I go dr tomorrow see if I fracture or broke a finger on my right hand # beinginpainsucks
4 days ago
Go to doctors to get shots in my back. Then I godr tomorrow see if I fracture or broke a finger on my right hand # beinginpainsucks
5 days ago
i thought things were changing for me. I thought I was going to be in a relationship turns out. it just another mind game. I am tired of playing games guys need to grow up already
10 days ago
I hope everyone has a good Wednesday
24 days ago
I have belle from beauty and the beast movie. Because that is one of my favorite Disney movies


I love roleplaying and have been doing it for several years. it helps me let my creativeness out and lets me play out story ideas. I like to write stories.

i am in a wheelchair i am very unique and i am tired of guys acting all friendly and then a few months later or a while later the truth comes out. i am tired of being use. i am a good girl yes i have problems name someone who dont. but at least i do not let my problems control me.

love in movies books and music. i just want love i am not asking for a lot i am just asking for what everyone wants to be accept for who they are. dont pity me i do not need your pity

Most Recent Posts

I have rod and screws and pins holding both of my legs together
sitting around in my mom house. I sit and use a twenty-something year old wheelchair because it fits through the house unlike my new one.
I have owned 12 different automobiles in my life.

wow that is alot
Alot of times if I write really fast I can't even read my own hand writing
I like two of your ideas
I do not know how to write in cursive
morgan wallen.
I love cold peanut butter m&m's
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