Avatar of Xaltwind


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2 hrs ago
Current This week's gonna be midsummer, so time to prepare to hear customers complain about the lack of beer and/or drink mixes being sold out
15 days ago
Regular weekends are too short. We needa get four day weekends instead.
21 days ago
If you're a mother, or if you've got one you love; Happy Mother's Day
22 days ago
It's not even the first month of summer yet and it's already too hot...
29 days ago
First mosquito bite of the year... Gaaah!
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  • I don't use social media, discord or google docs.
  • I suffer from Retinitis Pigmentosa and use a text-reading software to get through other peoples' posts.
  • I'm rude, short-tempered and unserious. I'll likely say things that'll upset, offend and/or infuriate you.
  • I consider roleplaying a hobby and a pass-time, not art.
  • I do anime-roleplay and only anime-roleplay.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Xaltwind>

Their CS is pretty much done since an hour ago tho?


You know, it might help if I also check the Character Tab part of the thread, rather than just the OOC.

I keep flipping back to page 2 and stare at @shagranoz's CS, waiting for that delicious, delicious magical-section reveal... :E
I'm making my character's mascot just the worst. Its a stay-at-home, home-body, couch-potato who'd rather watch TV than actually hang out with and keep my character company. Also it's pig-themed. And its favorite food is bacon.

On a different ntoe though, I'd like to ask what, if any, 'generic' powers we get as magical girls? Like, can we all fly right out of the gate? Or do we need to set that as one of our powers, or have a weapon/tool that allows us to do that?

Do we get increased strength/speed/durability? One girl was gunned down, supposedly by mundane firearms(?), so I'm guessing that even if our characters do become more sturdy, its not enough to make any real difference if we take an attack from something that'd be lethal to a regular person?

Just a few things I thought about and figured I'd check on.
Still making my character, and trying to settle on a consistent powerset.

'Electricity' is a broad term. It can venture into 'lightning' and thus weather-adjacent. It can venture into Infamous-style 'store and release' stuff. Then there's my first idea about it being able to power tech like a visor. But not all three. That'd be too unfocused.

But he's always drunk! What if he changes his mind!? D:
... Or, y'know, his wife gets really fed up with him not cashing in all the sweet, sweet touhou merch he could be merching.

I think I'm gonna hold off on searching for a magical appearance until I see some more CS'es though. Want to get a feel for what the rest of you are going for. :V
You want ZUN to come all the way over here and kick my ass for copyright-infringment!? No thanks. :<

Besides, all of her gem-thingies already spin around her whenever she uses or prepares them... Just like that one move... orrery-something... With the gatling lasers and beams... Except without the gatling or beams... *cough*
@Izurich Thanks for the feedback'n support. :)
It's not so much that it's hard to come up with powers and effects for the jewel-mancy thingy thoug. At least not for the lower and mid powers. The signature move is a bit trickier though. Because how do you make throwing gems that explode or do other stuff into an ultimate attack?

"Take this! My Soccer Stadium-sized Lapis Lazuli! HRAAAAAAAAAAAH!"
After manother 2-3 hours of searching, I've finally found a picture for the Mundane appearance that I'm happy with. Now to keep looking for one that I'd like for the magical part.

Currently I'm toying with two main concepts for the character's powers. The first is a very basic and straightforward ice-oriented theme, using things like ice shards, beams/cones of cold, creating walls or clusters of crystalline sleet, etc. The other is a "gem" or "jewel" based theme, which works pretty much like how Rin Tohsaka in the Fate-series functions. She can conjure different types of precious stones - of differing sizes - and they each have their own corresponding effect when used. Like say, a ruby can cause an explosion or fire to be unleashed, while a topaz might cause electricity or lightning to shoot out.

One is decidely easier to make ideas and powers for, but the other is a bit more interesting and quirky than just "Ahaha~ I'm a snow fairy!".

Also, poor Brittany. :<
Her moma done gone messed her up.
What are you looking for?

Let me rephrase:
I couldn't find somehting that would fit. Given my personal preferences of things that're on the risque side when it comes to attire, I found plenty of things I could've used, but given that I'm trying to stay tasteful and not make anythinng that would feel or look out of place, it's a lot tougher than usual.

As for what I'm looking for specifically, that's not easy to pin down.
Since I had the day off work yesterday, I spent about 5-6 hours looking for pictures to serve as a face-claim. Unfortunately, it's proving incredibly difficult to find something I like or am, at least, content with. This goes for both the mudndane and magical appearances. Just thought I'd mention it, in case other peoples' CS'es start rolling in and mine remains fashionably absent.
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