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Location: Dundas Island, Pacific Ocean - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.096: Doubts
Interaction(s): N/A
Previously: Daily Protein Intake

In hindsight she should have taken a bigger piece of cake. Katja had intended for it to last at least until she made her way towards the showers, but it was already gone before she arrived at her tent. She realized that she was one of the first people to leave the dining area, so that meant there wouldn’t be any lines at the showers! She quickly grabbed her shower supplies and some fresh clothes before making her way over to the shower unit.

As expected, the units were practically abandoned when she arrived. Katja put her fresh clothes down on a bench facing the shower cubicle she was planning to use. She figured that she didn’t have to store them in any secure locker, since no one was gonna be able to fit in her clothes anyway. At least, not without looking like they were wearing a tent.

Stepping into the cubicle anticipating a nice relaxing shower, Katja felt a sense of disappointment as she was met with the sight of a fixed shower head… At eye level. She made an involuntary groan at the sight of the offending object. Couldn’t one moment go off without a hitch today?

Pressing the button, the South African was greeted with an invigorating surge of cold water. There was no room to stand to the side and wait for the water to warm gradually, not for her at least. And besides, cold showers were better for you anyway. So she took the initial blast of frigid cold against her torso in stride.

As the water gradually warmed to a more inviting temperature, Katja finally began to clean herself in earnest. Stooping slightly to accommodate for the height of the shower head, she welcomed the comforting embrace of the warm water cascading over her face. Going through the motions, her mind began to wander. Several different thoughts crossed her mind, some were just mundane and fleeting. Others though, they managed to cling on tight.

The one that kept coming back was Rory. There was the look of disappointment on his face as she completely fumbled the situation, of course. But that memory was quickly replaced by the one where she held him tightly in her arms. She had been tempted to go in for a kiss at that moment. Perhaps she should have. But then she thought about how he had talked about Haven. She recalled how cute they looked on the beach the day before. Her lips curled up into a sad smirk at that recollection.

No, perhaps it was better this way.

After soaping up, Katja let the water cleanse her of the dirt of a hard day’s work. The rivulets traced the contours of her impressive musculature, the water leaving a sheen on her skin as it purified her. She felt a tingling sensation as the water pressure was massaging her tired, aching muscles.

She’d get her revenge on Banjo for today. One way or another.

Thinking about that made her think about the conversation she’d had with Banjo and how he had joked about her supposed feelings for a certain raven-haired teammate. Just recalling that reddened her cheeks. And while she might want to blame it on the steam surrounding her, Katja knew that she’d only be fooling herself if she did.

She wanted to chalk it up to Banjo being Banjo and looking for an excuse to get under her skin. But then she remembered that Rory had basically implied the same thing, right before his slip of the tongue.

Was it really that obvious to everyone else? Was she so oblivious to her own feelings that she didn’t see what others clearly saw? No, no that wasn’t it.

She knew what she felt. She felt many, many things when she was close to Amma. First and foremost was respect. Respect for her strength. In power, yes, but especially strength in character. There was a sense of a challenge too, to crack her shell, break through those walls she had raised around her person to isolate herself from the outside world. And if there was one thing Katja was good at, it was breaking through walls. If she couldn’t do it in one try, she’d wear them down, but through them she’d go!

Katja pressed her back against one of the cubicle walls, almost thoughtlessly sliding to the floor as she explored her feelings further.

There was more to it though. She knew that.

There was a deep sense of longing. She always felt it when she caught a glimpse of those locks of jet black hair, that intricate ink work on a delicate and pale canvas. Often accentuated by glimmers of red and silver, always playfully dancing around her. And then there was the look she had in those piercing blue eyes of hers. It was hard to look away from them, yet if she stared too long she felt like she was drowning. There was a feralness to those eyes that could make most feel like they were being sized up by a predatory animal. But not to her. No, she saw it as a challenge. One that she would gladly meet.

But there was one more feeling, one that overshadowed all others, and that was insecurity.

It felt like Amma was a sun, radiant and powerful, while Katja was a planet stuck in her orbit, unable to break free, yet also unable to get closer. Stuck forever in this endless loop. It was the closest analogy she could ever think of to describe the situation of the past year. Katja wanted to be her friend, she had wanted to be one from the moment she first spoke to her. No, not just a friend. She lied to herself if she thought that. She wanted to be more than that. But, as she had told Rory before, she really didn’t know where she stood with Amma. Did Amma even enjoy her presence? Or was she just an annoying, lumbering giant who she only rarely tossed a bone to get rid of her?

Katja looked up. The shower had ceased working God knows how long ago and she could hear voices coming from the other side of the cubicle door. More people had started flocking in to get a shower before heading to their tents. Getting up from the floor, she started drying herself off. The softness of the fluffy towels was a nice contrast to the hard surfaces she had been leaning against.

She opened the door after wrapping the towels around her. Just as she predicted, her clothes lay there untouched. Whether this was due to the innate trust people had at PRCU or because they were just too big for anyone but her didn’t matter. Katja took a little longer putting her clothes on than she usually would. The idea that Amma was in the tent, perhaps awaiting her arrival, stirred a feeling of trepidation within her.

Katja made her way back over to their tent with the same sense of both eagerness and anxiety. She walked around in an oversized shirt (yes, they make them in that size) and had one of her towels wrapped around her waist. She opened the front flap of the tent with some nervousness. She half expected her tattooed tentmate to sit inside, isolating herself from the rest of the group as she sometimes did. She was however met with an empty tent, completely untouched after she had left for the showers.

After putting her dirty clothes in a plastic bag, storing it in the corner, and hanging the towels outside to dry, Katja sat down on her sleeping cot with a sigh. Whether it was one of relief or disappointment, she did not know. Not wanting to dwell on it for too long, she decided that the best way to distract herself would be to listen to some of her music. Putting her earphones in and turning the volume up, her mind became too overwhelmed by the loud noise to concern itself with other matters. Katja smiled to herself, satisfied with this internal peace of mind as she pulled her legs up on the sleeping cot, closing her eyes and resting her head on her knees as it slowly bopped in tune with the beat.

Location: Southern Plateau, Dundas Island - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.088: Daily Protein Intake
Interaction(s): Banjo @Hound55, Rory @webboysurf
Previously: Zug Zug

It had gotten really close at the end, but the two Blackjack members sent to aid in the construction of the Trial foundations had successfully delivered a job well done. It had taken a lot of effort, sweat - mostly Katja’s - and tears - all of which were from Banjo’s laughing bursts - to complete their assigned tasks. But, in the end, the results spoke for themselves. Robert could be proud!

As they were making their way back, it became obvious that one of the pair looked a lot more worn out than the other. Much to the annoyance of the bigger one of the two.

“So, bru. Mind explaining to me why, when we have to work on something together, I always end up looking like this.” Katja gestured annoyed to herself, covered in filth from a day’s worth of hard labor. “And you look like you’ve barely broken a sweat?” She did an annoyed handwave towards a disheveled, yet conspicuously fresh Banjo to emphasize her point.

“Well, y' see Bokkie," Banjo started, with an authoritative tone, "there's a few things you haven't considered. First of all, there's powerset. Every time I juice I'm not only takin' a bump to my strength, but also my endurance and stamina. Whilst in your case, you're actually doin' your heavy liftin' with no aid beyond what you've previously worked towards in buildin' your own strength. And even though you're f'r sure strong, it's still gonna take it out of ya. Second, you've got to consider the way you're liftin', you keep liftin' for strength and aesthetic, don't lie, I can tell you're a proud sheila. Should be too. Whilst I'm just tryin' to move the thing, I'm not buildin' much muscle or doin' anythin' real impressive as I go. And finally there's the etiquette of the whole thing."

Katja raised an eyebrow. “Etiquette? Really?” She asked with an amused smirk.

"Yeah, you got there late, so I didn't want you feelin' guilty so I let you do the hard yakka..." He said, sticking out his tongue. "I'm a nice bloke like that.”

A grin appeared on Katja’s face as the Aussie was giving his explanation, rolling her eyes at him before swinging at his smug face with her right hand. Banjo narrowly dodged it, of course, and it only elicited more cackles from the insolent little bastard.

Katja laughed as she saw him scamper away in his exaggerated fashion, shaking her head as she continued her way over to the dinner area Tad and Jessica had arranged for them. It seemed they had waited for Banjo and Katja, as after the pair arrived the freshly engaged couple gave their greetings to the group and went into great detail describing the meal they had prepared for the two teams. Katja took that time to clean her hands and arms, so there would at least be a semblance of cleanliness to her.

This slight detour meant that she had to join at the back of the food line. She got anxious that the best scraps of food would be taken by the time she got there and she’d only be left with salads. That wouldn’t do of course, as a girl like her needed her daily proteins!

Luckily, her fears proved to be unwarranted as she discovered that most of the containers were still more than half full with all of their delicious goodness. Well, there’s one advantage to being last. Don’t have to worry about others not getting their fill! She thought as she helped herself to what she considered to be very humble servings. A humble Katja serving of course still meant that her tray was practically overflowing with food.

A SUV drove up to the dinning area while Katja was busy serving herself at the taco buffet. It turned out to be none other than the newly appointed Chancellor, Jim O’Neil. Katja’s heart sank at the initial sight of him. After that shocking news from earlier in the day, his spontaneous unannounced visit could possibly mean that even worse was on the way. Luckily, it turned out that her fears were completely unfounded. In fact, Jim brought the wonderful news that all the students whose credentials were at risk had now been safely secured! She noticed however that he didn’t mention how he managed to secure those credentials, while his vague mention of other changes made her think that he had to give concessions over to the Foundation. That thought alone made her skin crawl.

However, all in all it was a moment for celebration. As the future of her peers was no longer in immediate jeopardy.

With her abundantly filled tray in one hand and two bottles of water in the other, Katja was about to go look for a seat at the tables when she noticed two of her teammates having a conversation. The first of the pair, Lorcán, was often considered the more striking of the two, thanks in no small part to his orange eyes, it was his conversation partner that drew Katja’s attention.

No, her eyes were drawn to Rory, and Rory only. Sure, he didn’t have the exotic Hype factor that Lorcán had. A trait that Katja usually found very attractive in people. But Rory had something different to him. From the first day they had met she had liked his personality. Now, that isn’t to say she didn’t find him physically attractive either! Far from it! She always found those blue eyes of his adorable, and of all the people in Blackjack he probably came the closest to her in terms of physical fitness. And who better to appreciate a body like that than a fellow gymrat? His body not folding in half at all the tackles she gave him on the field was a nice bonus too, of course.

But while she had obvious feelings for him, Katja also knew she wasn’t the only one. She’d seen how Haven acted around Rory, how Mei looked at him. She knew that whatever attraction she felt for him, it wasn’t worth the pain she’d cause her other teammates if she inserted herself into their romantic overtures.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t be friends with him though!

She waited for a while before she approached them, as even Katja could see in their faces that the conversation they were having was quite a serious one. She was curious, of course, but kept a respectable enough distance that she couldn’t pick up what they were talking about. Seeing them amicably part ways gave Katja a small sense of relief. She would’ve hated for there to be discord in her team, especially between these two friends.

Seeing Lorcán walk off, Katja used this as her opportunity to close in on Rory. Noticing that his gaze pointed in the vague direction of a pair of wings, a mischievous smirk curled up Katja’s lips.

With her prey distracted, Katja quietly snuck up on Rory. Or well, as much as the giant South African girl could sneak up on anyone. While carefully balancing her tray in her right hand, she swung her left arm around him before gently leaning on his shoulder, pressing some of her weight down on him. “That would’ve been a sack, bru! Can’t get too distracted by your surroundings. No matter how alluring they might be.” Katja gave a playful wink to Rory before nodding over to Haven.

Letting out a boisterous laugh, Katja let go of Rory before gesturing over to some free seats at one of the tables. “There’s still some spots left over there. Care to join?”

Location: Southern Plateau - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.071: Zug Zug
Interaction(s): Amma @Rockette
Previously: Reality Check

The Manticores’ engines roared as they were making their slow way towards the plateau. Katja sat in the flatbed of one of the massive vehicles. In the past five years she always preferred to sit there instead of inside the motorized beasts. She always felt a bit too cramped when she took a seat in the cabin. So the truck bed, exposed to the open air, was a much better alternative for her.

Being rocked back and forth in the uneven road was almost calming to the big South African. Her mind began to drift back to the Lair and what had actually transpired there, the howling of the cliffs a background melody to her thoughts.

First and foremost, she lamented all those whose futures were now at risk. Their plans dashed by whatever cruel twist of faith -or worse, plan- that had voided PRCU’s credentials. Katja was one of the lucky ones who’s studies hadn’t been affected. But this had the effect of making her actually feel guilty, as she could go on like nothing happened while her friends just had their potential careers ripped away from them. Or at least, they would if the Foundation didn’t keep their word.

She didn’t quite know what to think of the Foundation. Katja had heard the stories of course. She’d seen Amma’s reaction to the prospect of the Foundation possibly absorbing PRCU. And their Foundation Force was used rather liberally in cracking down on Hype dissent. But on the other hand, the results spoke for themselves. The Foundation Force was celebrated even by Mundanes. Their institution wasn’t under constant pressure from the outside, perhaps due to the secrecy of their leadership which they held so dear.


The sudden halt of the Manticore jerked Katja back to reality. Standing on the flatbed, she observed the familiar plateau which, even after all this time, could still give her shivers as she remembered that fatal night.

The night she fell short.

She leapt off the back of the Manticore after helping unload the supplies before then gazing over the campsite.

What she saw lightened her mood.

Despite the obvious setback from earlier in the day, it seemed like Blackjack was pulling up their bootstraps and soldiered through the negativity. Katja had been afraid that some of her teammates would grow disillusioned with their situation. And perhaps they were! But if that was the case, they certainly didn’t show it. Not now at least.

An involuntary giggle escaped her mouth as she observed Rory tripping due to Mei’s shenanigans and then going after her in his briefs. She couldn’t quite catch what they were talking about, but given how both of them seemed satisfied with the outcome of their conversation, it could only mean a handful of things. A sad smile formed on Katja’s lips as she saw the two of them part, as the realization dawned on her that whatever she felt for Rory probably wasn’t meant to be. But she was still happy for him, and whoever he would go with.

Turning her gaze away, she thought about picking a tent to house her stuff in before seeing what else she could do. But that had to wait, as she saw a pair of individuals on the edge of the campsite.

And one of them seemed to be waving at her.

“Ah, Katja!” Tad called out to her, seemingly glad to interact with anyone else beside Banjo. “Please, we have some things to discuss with you. You’re familiar with Robert, yes?”

Katja let out a short, exaggerated laugh as she got closer to the pair. “Oh, I’m familiar with him alright! Would take quite the concussion to forget the sight of this big green bastard!” She grinned as she extended her arm upwards to Robert. He laughed as he clasped it by the forearm, a gesture Katja returned in kind.

“The winds are blowing!” Robert said in greeting to her, his wide grin making it obvious that he wasn’t even trying to hide his excitement at seeing her again.

“But the surface is still, bru!” She replied with a matching excitement in her voice. Katja had to crane her neck to look up at the big man, a strange feeling for someone who was used to always towering above everyone else.

Katja noticed that Tad raised an eyebrow at the peculiar greeting of the two. She turned her gaze towards him for a moment, chuckling to herself while still clasping Robert’s arm tightly. “Don’t worry, we haven’t gone mad.”

Robert joined in with a chuckle of his own. “Just some old Hyperball rivals reminiscing of the past”

“Speaking of Hyperball.” Katja looked back up at the green giant. It took some getting used to, to look up at someone and the thought of having to do this daily gave her some sympathy for the rest of Team Blackjack when having to deal with her. “Playing against Ursus just isn’t the same without you, big man!”

Robert’s eyes widened slightly as his lips formed into a wry smile “I didn’t expect that the shieldmaiden of Alces to have fond memories of me. Afterall, I used to have you in my pocket!”

A short, yet incredulous laugh burst forth from Katja. “Hah! Did I really give you such a bad concussion that you forgot what happened in our last encounter?”

“Perhaps you should give me a reminder.” Robert said as he flashed a grin.

“Perhaps I should.” Katja replied, before pulling the big man closer, a similar grin plastered on the blonde girl’s face.

“Nope! No, no, no, I don’t think you will!” Tad cried out as he tried to step in and put some space between the two giants. Robert held eye contact with Katja for one more second before turning his head to Tad, giving an apologetic nod to him before taking a step back.

Katja meanwhile didn’t take that step back. In fact, she took one forward towards Tad, resulting in her towering over the smaller man. “You really think it’s a good idea to get between an African lioness and her prize?” She said in a playful voice while an amused smirk formed at the corner of her lips.

Tad stood his ground, raising an eyebrow while eyes sized up Katja.he wasn't sure what her game was but as she towered over him, he suddenly found himself back on the Plateau five years ago, a sinister voice crawling through his skull.

And then suddenly it was gone again as Katja's composure broke and a wide toothy grin appeared on her face. Raising her hands in an apologetic fashion, she spoke with some joviality in her voice. “I’m just messing with ya, bru!”

Stepping back to a more respectable distance, Katja folded her arms before addressing the pair in front of her. “So, what did the two of you want to talk about?”

“Well…” Tad cleared his throat before speaking. “We actually wanted to tell you what your task is going to be concerning the construction of the Trials course.”

“You will be working with 'Banjo' on the construction of the foundation per the approved plans.” Robert supplemented. "I believe the task best suits one of your talents and gifts.”

“Aight, gotcha. Well, best get going then.” Katja made her way back to the tents to deposit her gear before going over to the construction site. She quickly turned around, continuing to walk backwards towards the tents while flashing a smirk. “So am I there to do most of the heavy lifting, or am I going to be tasked with keeping Banjo in check?”

“Honestly, probably both.” Tad replied with an apologetic shrug.

The pair of them looked on as the tall blonde made her way over to the tent camp. Tad turned to Robert when he judged her to be outside of earshot. “Sometimes I forget how terrifying that girl can be.”

Robert chuckled, keeping his gaze on Katja a little while longer before turning to Tad, a wide grin on his face. “Exciting, is it not?”

Hearing the reply from his massive friend, the only thing Tad could do was sigh.

Making her way back to the campsite, Katja’s mind was first and foremost preoccupied with how she was going to get Banjo to cooperate with her. Or at least not mess around too much to the point where their work was going to suffer. She remembered her first week where she had to clean up a burned trash bin. One she was certain Banjo had lit on fire! But as of yet she still lacked the evidence for it. Either way, this turned out to only be a mere preview of the sort of tomfoolery Banjo was up to. And it had often been up to her to bring some order to that Aussie bastard.

But truth be told, she couldn’t last a week here without him. He was like a little brother to her. Incredibly annoying, sure. But always there to have your back. And she’d have his, no matter what.

Still, as Katja walked at the edge of the campsite she felt her backpack weigh more heavier with each step she took. The others had probably already formed pairs to share their tents with. She realized that her conversation with Tad and Robert had taken a bit longer than most others’ and this probably meant that she was going to be relegated to sleeping alone.

But right as Katja was about to accept she was going to have to make due with the extra space, she spotted a raven haired girl in the corner of her eye.

“Hey Am, wait up!” She called out to Amma.

It took Katja a couple seconds to jog her way over to Amma, stopping a respectable distance in front of the other girl, giving a short wave before speaking. “I was wondering if you had already found someone to share a tent withya for the night.”

Katja fixed a stray strand of blonde hair that dangled in front of her eyes, after which she continued with an enthused voice. “And if you didn’t, would you be down to euhm, share one with me?”

The tall blonde then smiled her beaming smile as her eyes looked expectantly at Amma, waiting for an answer.


Location: Chimera’s Lair - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.062: Tears Before The Sun
Interaction(s): Harper @Qia

Harper suddenly found herself enveloped in an overwhelming sense of warmth, a sensation akin to the first rays of dawn piercing through the early morning mist. The softness of a familiar voice, gentle and reassuring, acted like a soothing balm applied tenderly to her emotional wounds. It was a slow process, but with each word spoken, the healing began, mending the frayed edges of her spirit.

Tears, once relentless in their descent, continued to carve wet trails down Harper’s cheeks. Yet, as she gradually lifted her head from the cradle of her hands, she found solace in Katja’s embrace. Despite the tears that blurred her vision, rendering the world around her an impressionist’s canvas, she leaned into the comfort offered.

Her body, which had been a wall of tension—fortified by the weight of doubts and fears—began to unfurl and relax. Katja’s presence, steady and unwavering, seemed to provide a haven, a sanctuary for Harper’s current vulnerable state. One she was more than willing to hide herself in, even if it was only for a short time.
With a quivering voice, the brunette whispered a quiet“Thank you” into the other girl’s shoulder. The words were barely audible, yet they were imbued with the most sincere appreciation she could muster at that moment.

Hearing Harper's soft expression of gratitude made Katja’s lips form a soft, genuine smile. She kept the smaller brunette wrapped in her arms for a couple seconds longer, gently swaying her from left to right. “No need to thank me, sweetie.” Finally, after a couple more seconds of silence, she gave a gentle squeeze before relaxing her embrace and leaning back slightly.

Using her index finger, Katja tilted Harper’s chin slightly upwards to get a better look at the smaller girl’s face. A soft tut was uttered by the taller blonde as she brushed some stray strands of brown hair out of the brunette’s face. She then did her best to clean Harper’s face from her tears, clearing the trails with the same finger she used to lift her head.

“There, that looks more like the Harper I know.” She said after she had wiped the tears off of Harper’s cheeks. Katja then fixed her bright blue eyes with the marvelously powerful hazel eyes of her teammate, making sure that she would understand the sincerity of the blonde girl.

“Know that I’ll always have your back, Harps.” She leaned in close again for another quick squeeze before leaning further back. “Doesn’t matter when or where, I’m there for you.”

As Katja’s assurances washed over her, Harper felt a lightness in her chest, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. The gentle sway of their embrace, the tender touch upon her chin, and the soft clearing of her tears—all these gestures from Katja stirred a deep-seated comfort within Harper. One that she had not felt in a long time. Not since-
We’ll always have each other. No matter what else happens.

Harper’s reaction was instinctive as she pulled back to add even more distance, a reflex born of a heart that had long before embraced solitude. Yet, an apology was quick on her lips to make up for any perceived rudeness.

“Sorry I-” her voice broke, and she averted her eyes to the ground, blue reverting to familiar brown, what was familiar to her. All that she could allow herself to accept. “Today has just been a lot.”

“Hey…” Katja tilted her head, trying to meet Harper’s gaze as the smaller girl looked away. “It’s fine, silly. You have nothing to apologize for.” She spoke softly, attempting to calm the young brunette before she spiraled back into the darkness of before.

Katja waited for a moment before she spoke again, hoping the silence would have a soothing effect on the younger girl. When she finally broke the quiet, she did so with the same soft voice. “Come on, let’s make our way over to the dorms and get into our PT gear.” She said before getting back up, casting a shadow over the smaller brunette.

Extending her hand to help Harper get back to her feet, a chuckle emanated from the blonde giant. “Or do you want to be carried?” Katja said to her as she flashed a grin.

But I will have something to apologize for if things go badly later. Harper kept this trepidation locked away, however, hidden beneath a veneer of momentary calm, for fear of what Katja might think. To her, Katja was more than just a friend; she was her sun, a source of light and life in a world that could often be cold and unforgiving, especially now that she no longer had the protection provided by her long-held desires.

Despite the storm of anxious thoughts, Harper accepted Katja’s help, standing tall once more. She snorted and rolled her eyes in response to the other’s lighthearted proposition.

“As appealing as that sounds, I think that’s a hard pass. Besides, I’d rather spare you the back pain,” she replied with a hint of sarcasm.

Katja let out a boisterous laugh at that statement. “Good one! But I’m willing to bet I’ve had meals that weigh more than you do!” A hearty chuckle escaped her grin as she gave a pat on the smaller girl’s shoulder. Not hard enough to hurt though, she wouldn’t dare.

Her chuckle slowly died out, ending in a soft sigh. The corners of Katja’s lips slowly fell as her wide grin turned into a more serious line. “In all seriousness though, how are you holding up Harps?” She spoke in an earnest tone while making sure to lock her blue eyes with Harper’s, so as to communicate her sincerity. “Promise me you’ll come to me when you need anything. And I do mean anything!”

Katja wrapped one arm around the shorter girl’s shoulder before leaning in closer with her head. A soft smile tugged on her lips again. “All you need to do is ask and I’ll come running. Through walls if need be!” Again, a hearty chuckle would emanate from the tall blonde. But despite the levity in her voice, her eyes showed that she meant every word.

Harper felt the weight of Katja’s words settle in her heart, a comforting pressure that both soothed and overwhelmed. She did feel touched by the genuine concern, the unconditional offer of support that was so characteristic of Katja. But there was a ‘but’ that lingered on the tip of her tongue, a shadow that crept into the edges of her gratitude that she could not ignore.

“Thanks, Kat,” she replied, her voice tinged with as much warmth as she could summon. The last thing she wanted to do was hurt the sunny girl’s feelings with any perceived rejection of her offer. “I’m doing okay for right now. Just gotta take things one day at a time, you know?” Her words were accompanied by a nod and a smile, a silent language of appreciation that she hoped would convey more than words ever could.

Internally was a different story entirely. She was struggling to suppress the urge to just come clean because logically Katja would be an invaluable asset when she gave the idea some thought. She’d always been the glue of the team and always looked out for everyone. A safety net. But Harper would not dare to further consider placing yet another friend in danger. She could not, would not, let her own selfish needs endanger another person. Especially this one.

So Harper stood there, a smile on her lips but a tempest in her soul, grateful for the sanctuary Katja offered but fiercely determined to protect her from the storm that had always rained over her life.

“Race ya to the Minotaur after? I promise I’ll go easy on you,” the brunette challenged instead, her eyes now gleaming with a competitive spark she hoped, based on past observation, would be hard to resist.

Katja’s eyes lingered on Harper for just a moment. Something about her didn’t quite seem right to the blonde girl, like she was holding something back. But that was just a feeling. Harper said she was doing better, so that was enough for Katja to drop the matter.

Her face visibly lit up at the suggestion of a friendly competition. “You’re on, Harps!” Katja practically yelled to the smaller girl, grinning from ear to ear.

“Just don’t pull a sour face when you lose!”

Location: PRCU Gym, Chimera’s Lair - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.055: Reality Check
Interaction(s): Everyone, but in particular Banjo @Hound55 and Harper @Qia
Previously: Unsure Future

PRCU’s gym was remarkably quiet for this time of the day. Only the most dedicated of gymrats were present to get their daily workouts in. It made sense, most of the student body was probably getting ready for the opening ceremony. It was all anyone could talk about today. Most of the freshmen were excited, as they saw this as the beginning of their academic journey. The older students meanwhile were looking forward to what would inevitably follow: The Homecoming Trials.

All in all, there was a notable excitement that hung in the air across the campus. After all, this was always a joyous occasion. Even if, to the most veteran of students, something didn’t seem quite right. They just couldn’t put their finger on what it was.

Katja had been at work all morning, fulfilling her community contribution in keeping the gym clean, restocking the snacks and drinks, checking the equipment for faults and being there to provide help to those students who asked for it. But given the low attendance of the day, she figured she’d take the opportunity to get an extra workout in before the opening ceremony began.

The tall girl sat in the far corner of the gym, at the ultra-dense weight section. This area was specifically built for those students gifted with far greater strength than most. As the name implies, the weights were made of an extremely dense material. So while they looked like regular plates and dumbbells, in actuality they were far heavier than their plain look would suggest. The floor, benches and chairs were reinforced, to make sure that they wouldn’t get damaged by the increased strain of additional mass.

She had been pumping the weights for more than an hour now. It was very relaxing for her, almost like a meditation of sorts. Only here did she gain true serenity. Which had the effect of her mind sometimes wandering off. And today, as she was about to finish her last set of the day, was no different.

“Eighteen.” She almost growled to herself as she curled the weight of a large motorcycle in her right hand. A terse breath escaping through her clenched teeth.

Her thoughts weren’t focussed on the weight though. Her mind was actually recalling the events of the day before. The ferry, the meeting at the beach, the campfire… Her conversation with Amma. Her strained lip twitched slightly into a smirk as she thought back of the short raven haired girl and her reaction to receiving genuine appreciation. Recalling it now, Katja thought it was cute but also sad at the same time.

“Nineteen.” She focused on her bicep, watching it expand and contrast with every motion as she held onto the weighty dumbbell.

Yet, despite her fond memory of her talk with Amma, she couldn’t shake her feelings of disappointment at a conversation she felt had been cut short. She had more to say to Amma, much more. But unfortunately she didn’t get the chance to say it. But honestly, it might’ve been for the best that it ended when it did, as that text message would’ve arrived a few seconds later either way.

And when it called, she had to answer.

“Twenty!” She exclaimed through gritted teeth with a sense of accomplishment and pride. Her form had notably dipped during the summer break, which was expected. She didn’t have the tools at her disposal like she did at PRCU. But all in all, it wasn’t as bad as last year, so she took the small win.

While reracking the heavy dumbbell Katja looked around the gym and noticed that it had run completely empty. Looking at the big clock hanging over the main entrance, she instantly saw why.

“Kak! Stomme poes wat jy is!”

Katja quickly rushed back to the Alces dorms, nearly bumping into a group of terrified collegiate pupils on her way over. There she had taken a quick shower and with her hair only half dried she put on her uniform.

In her rush she scrambled to find pieces of her uniform, she eventually landed on the school provided skirt. She tended to avoid wearing it, as she felt it wasn’t quite made for someone of her stature. However, she needed something to wear right then and there if she wanted to make it to the ceremony in time. So, remembering Haven talking about this, she put on her track shorts below her skirt to avoid any possibly awkward moments and she rushed her way over to her window.

Looking down first to see if the coast was clear, she leapt out of her window and tumbled from the top level of the dorms down. Bracing herself for impact, she triggered her HZEs in order to survive the fall unscathed. A loud thud could be heard as she hit the gravel surface, little pebbles scattering around in all directions. None of the few Alces students still here paid her any heed, they were used to Katja’s theatrical departure from the dorms when she was in a hurry by now. It’s why the House leadership had moved her to a dorm room that wasn’t next to concrete.

Katja joined up with the rest of Blackjack at the agreed upon assembly area, only barely too late. She could feel Tad’s disapproving eyes on her as she sheepishly approached, an apologetic smile on her lips. The walk over to the Chimera’s Lair wasn’t that eventful for Blackjack's tallest member. There was some smalltalk here and there, but nothing too memorable.

Her mind came into focus once they made their way through the gates of the Lair though. It was always an exciting feeling for Katja. If the gym was her second home, then the Lair was her third. She was always impressed by the imposing building. She remembered the first time she entered it and being intimidated by the way it was constructed. She imagined this was by design, so as to put the away teams on edge whenever they came to play an Extramural Hyperball game against the Chimeras.

Being one of the last people to reach the seats, there weren’t many places left to pick. So with a grin on her face, she sat down to one of the less popular seating neighbors: Banjo. Just like at the beach, she gave the Aussie a quick ruffle through his hair as a way to greet him before giving an excited wave to Calliope. She made a mental note to catch up with the two of them soon. It had been way too long!

Then the usual pomp and circumstance began. All were asked to rise for the national anthem, something a hardfaced Katja always refused. These countries were run by people who hated her, why should she offer even the slightest bit of respect towards them? She chuckled at Banjo’s belting out the wrong lyrics again, her expression mellowing slightly.

With the formalities behind them all those in attendance could finally focus on the real reason they were there: The Chancellor’s welcome speech. And this year it became apparent that the new Chancellor would be none other than Jim O’Neil, the old student rep of Team Blackjack. Katja loudly cheered for the man, not giving a damn about the less than enthused reception he got from the rest of the stadium. She liked O’Neil, and she liked to think that he liked her too. Especially when she’d deal with Banjo after one of his many antics meant to torment the poor man.

However, Katja’s mood noticeably changed when O’Neil introduced the two strangers on the stage. She hunched forward, sitting on the tip of her chair as she narrowed her eyes. Focussing particularly on the woman who was introduced as Torres, staring at her as if in a trance. So much so in fact, that she completely missed the Chimera’s yell that O’Neil uttered. Instead, Katja’s focus only broke when she heard the entire stadium utter a shocked gasp.

Blinking twice, Katja’s trance-like state seemed to be broken, after which it took her a moment for the words uttered earlier to register. The nullification of the credentials of so many of PRCU’s students would normally reek of Mundane cruelty to the tall blonde, but it was clear the Foundation had something to do with it. This Torres woman made it pretty clear to all in attendance with her offer of Foundation credentials to the PRCU student body. It was a naked attempt at bribery. And looking at the crowd’s mixed reaction, it seemed to hit a chord with some.

And to make matters even worse, Torres decided to make light of Hyperion’s campaign five years ago. To have this woman talk about those events in this way… Katja had to take a deep breath before she realized that she had balled her fists, her nails buried deep into her own hands. With this moment of clarity, she looked to her sides to see what the rest of her friends thought of this situation.

Blackjack’s responses ranged between outraged and fuming. None were happy with this new arrangement and they were practically insulted by the attempt to sway them by basically holding their credentials hostage. Several of her peers stormed off, enraged by what had just transpired before them. Others just sat there, either in disbelief of trying to process what had just transpired.

Katja looked over to Banjo sitting next to her. She knew he was going to focus his attention on Calliope, and knowing him he’d give in to that supporting role with 110%. But he had just lost his credentials as well and his world must’ve taken a pretty hefty hit here too. Katja put her hand on the Aussie’s shoulder, giving him a pair of gentle rubs and a reassuring smile. “You know I’m there for you guys, rite?”

Suddenly a black silhouette in the corner of Katja’s eye caught her attention. She didn’t have to guess twice who this could possibly be. After all, she was reaching a point where she could recognize that person in the dark. Katja kept looking as Amma approached Torres. They obviously knew each other, but from the looks of things they were not on friendly terms. The woman gave something to the girl covered in tattoos, before the latter walked away, crimson cracks of energy surrounding her lithe frame.

Katja’s first instinct was to run after her, try to calm her down and assure her that she wouldn’t have to face Torres alone. That Blackjack, and she in particular, would have her back. But by the time Katja could get down to the main exit, she was gone.

Katja solemnly stood in the opening, the stream of students slowly passing her by, each face more distraught than the other. Their futures, which seemed bright only an hour ago, had gone up in smoke right before their eyes. She cast a look over her shoulder, her gaze falling on Torres and her assistant as they left the Lair through a different exit. Determination radiated from the tall girl’s eyes as she spoke, barely audible to all but her.

“We’ll come for you, Ms Torres. Very, very soon.”

As Katja turned around to make her exit she noticed a familiar shape leaning against the Lair’s walls. Katja’s temper instantly cooled at the sight of one of her friends being so distraught. She softly approached Harper, the girl whose eyes would usually observe even the tiniest details, but which were now buried in her hands, covered in tears. She didn’t know the exact reason why Harper would cry, but given all that had transpired just now, Katja figured there were enough reasons to burst out in tears.

Katja knelt in front of Harper before slowly leaning closer. “It’s okay.” She whispered softly as she gingerly put the smaller brunette in an embrace. “Shhh, Harps, it’s okay.”

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.038: Unsure Future
Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: Inevitable embrace

A smirk began to form on Katja’s lips as she listened to Harper’s reply, giving a couple of small nods to acknowledge the brunette’s answer.

“I feel you on that one, sis. We’ve got a lot of things on our plates, so I totally understand forgetting about it.” Her voice was filled with the usual enthusiasm that she was known for across the campus. “You shouldn’t worry though. A cute girl like you will find a date in no time! If you don’t then I’ll take you to the dance, and you don’t want that now do you?” She said with a playful wink. Katja knew that Harper wasn’t into girls, so she didn’t see any harm in being a little flirtatious with her.

Then the tall girl turned her attention to Gil, who was just about to reply to her inquiry.

Gil’s answer elicited an unimpressed hum from Katja. It was a very on brand reply from PRCU’s resident staractor and Katja honestly wondered why she had even bothered asking him. Katja had never really seen eye to eye with him. It’s not that she actively disliked him, just that she considered him to be stuck too far up his own arse. The comment about not disappointing any fans only seemed to validate those feelings about him.

She could see his reply seemed to have stung Harper. Katja noticed the sadness in her smile, despite the brunette’s best attempts to hide it. It made her regret even asking the question to begin with. She obviously couldn’t blame Gil for not asking Harper out. Katja herself didn’t even know for sure whether Harper would’ve been interested in the guy. But he could have been a bit more tactful about his options than by bringing up his die-hard fans.

The tall blonde downed the rest of her drink as Harper excused herself and made her way over to the rest of the group. Katja’s bright blue eyes still followed the brunette when she spoke up to Gil. “Well, not everyone has the luxury of an adoring fanbase.” She gave him a pat on his shoulder that had just enough force to be unpleasant, before turning her annoyed gaze to him. “But I’m sure you’ll manage.”

Letting go of Gil, Katja crushed the empty can in her hand and tossed it at the nearest trash bin. It initially seemed like it was going to go straight in. But a random gush of wind blew it off course, resulting in the crumpled can bouncing off the edge into the sand. An annoyed huff came from the Afrikaner girl, who excused herself with a nod to Gil and an apologetic smirk to Amma, before making her way over to clean up her trash.

Another object impacted beside her right as she disposed of her own litter. It was Rory’s football, which the Canis boys had been tossing around all this time. Katja could feel their eyes on her as she picked the Pigskin off the beach. Looking up, she could see they were all looking at her with a sense of trepidation. A mischievous grin appeared on her face. This was exactly the kind of thing she needed to blow off some steam.

Katja called out to the group of Canis students as she steadied the ball.“Lets see if you whelps will put up a fight this year!”

As the hours passed, many games had been played, Wolves had been humiliated, and many beers had been drunk. As the group split, Katja, being the ever gracious winner, put her thumbs on her temples while spreading her hands, mimicking the antlers of a moose. She was known to make this gesture whenever she scored a goal in Hyperball. “Hope you guys are used to this, as you’re gonna see it a whole lot more!” She said in between her exaggerated cackling. The Canis boys retorted with some taunts of their own before they parted ways, all in good spirits.

Katja returned to the beach after taking a quick shower. While still wearing her swim shorts, the drop in temperature had forced her to put on a black hoodie together with her worn out utility boots. The small break from the beach also gave her the opportunity to take some six packs with her back to the group. She had consumed quite a lot of the beers Rory had initially brought over, which resulted in her feeling quite the buzz. Fearing they might run out, this seemed to be the ideal moment to bring more for the rest of the group.

After restocking the cooler, and taking one out for herself, Katja made her way over to the campfire. She raised her can to the group as a greeting before making her way over to a free spot next to Lorcán, making sure to ruffle Banjo’s hair as she passed him by.

Lorcán then asked what everyone was planning to do once they finished their studies at PRCU. Katja almost reflexively took a swig from her beer. It was a question that had been bugging her for a while now. Honestly, it had been bugging her since the day she first arrived at the school. This was the first place she truly felt safe, the first place she felt home. She didn’t want to think about her time ending her and about her team, who she considered to be as close to her as family, to break up and split off across the globe. graduation day was like a doomsday clock for her. A day which she hoped would never come, but which was going to be inevitable.

One by one, the others shared their plans for the future. Some, like Harper and Calliope, and Banjo for different reasons too, seemed really in character and didn’t surprise Katja. She really liked Haven’s plans, which the winged girl had shared with her before during one of their joint workouts at the gym. Mei really surprised her, as did Rory.

Katja’s gaze fell on Rory when he had spoken. She felt a tinge of jealousy when she saw him sitting close to Haven. His loyal and cheerful personality had resulted in her developing some sort of a crush on him, one that she hadn’t really been able to properly express into words. Nor actions, really. Unless you count tackling him extra hard during Football games to end up on top of him as a great way to show affection. But while there was a part of her that wished it was her instead of Haven that sat next to Rory, a bigger part of her was glad to see the two of them being happy. She smirked to herself. Afterall, Haven deserved a bit of happiness too.

That didn’t mean she didn’t chuckle when Mei tossed her little webbomb on them though.

However, the answer that resonated the most with Katja was that of Aurora. She seemed to be in a similar situation of not being quite sure what to do when graduation finally came. Thankfully it didn’t appear as if she was too bothered with the question, as the redhead quickly fell asleep after giving her answer, her head resting on Lorcán’s shoulder.

Katja leaned over to the brown haired hotshot and softly spoke to him. “It’s getting a bit chilly, isn’t it? Maybe you should euhm…” She mimicked putting her arm around someone sitting next to her before giving a kind smile and a quick wink to Lorcán.

Sensing it was her time to speak up, Katja cleared her throat before she directed her attention to fire at the center of the group.

“Honestly? I have no idea what I’ll do after I graduate. Easiest thing to do is use my degree for something I guess. But then again, there’s not a lot you can do with a history degree right out of university.” Katja chuckled as she took another swig from her drink before continuing. “I might try to become a pro-athlete. I probably have it in me to make it big in some sports, right Rory?” She flashed a playful grin at the team’s Golden Retriever. “But then again, the world isn’t welcoming to our kind, so it’s a risky venture to base one’s future on.” She sighed, gently shaking her can with her fingertips before downing the remainder of its contents.

Placing the empty can next to her, she reached to her chest, grasping the dog tags that hung around her neck. Her thumb traced the imprinted letters, the feeling of which always calmed her down and got her to think clearly.

“I guess I could always return to Africa. Maybe become a park ranger much like Haven. Protect those that can’t protect themselves against poachers.” Her lips formed into a sad smile. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.” Katja said with an uncharacteristically soft voice.

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.023: Inevitable embrace
Interaction(s): Amma @Rockette, Harper @Qia, Gil @Roman
Previously: TBD

“Coming from you, that’s basically an admission.” Katja said with a chuckle as she looked down at the smaller girl, still grinning from ear to ear.

It had taken a few months of trying, but Katja finally felt like she had broken through the French girl’s barriers and was considered a close friend, even if Amma herself wouldn’t admit it to the South African.

There was something about Amma, an energy that surrounded her. Where others had seemingly been repulsed by this aura, to Katja it seemed to have the direct opposite effect. She was drawn to the raven haired girl in a way that was hard to explain. She was powerful, mysterious and beautiful in a terrifying way, like a primeval force contained in a delicate vessel. But most of all, she seemed to understand that there was a greater purpose for her in this world. And for those like her.

PRCU was a world of fellow Hypes, of peers, of brothers and sisters. Katja had met many great people during her time at this institution. People she loved and cared for deeply as friends to the point that they felt like family. She had even developed romantic feelings for some, though they seemed to be too dense to realize it themselves. But deep down she knew that none of them shared the way she viewed the world they lived in. Despite the love she received from them, which she would always return tenfold if she could, there was always a sense of isolation. As she was forced to keep her own thoughts to herself, or risk being branded an extremist and instantly lose all those she loved so dearly.

That changed last year when, finally, Katja encountered a single person who she felt could be a kindred spirit.

She knew that Amma didn’t directly share the same ideology as herself. But that wasn’t the point, not really anyway. It was the way Amma carried herself. She did not seek to ingratiate herself with others. To compromise who she was. What she was. She would proudly use her destructive powers, not caring for the opinions of others as she did. To Katja, this was what it truly meant to be a Hyperhuman.

Katja blinked, realizing she zoned out for a second and had been staring at Amma. Lifting her gaze, she looked back at the rest of her teammates. It was then that she realized that Harper was making her way over to the pair of them with two beers in her hands. Ah, alcohol, just what she needed.

Her grin, which had faltered a bit during the zoning out, returned in full force at the sight of Harper. Katja enjoyed Harper’s presence. You always knew where she stood on things and that no-nonsense attitude combined with her strong sense of morality were very much appreciated by the South African.

Katja was about to call out to Harper when she looked over the brunette’s shoulder to see Lorcán trip over the cooler. While it looked like something out of a slapstick routine, Katja couldn’t help but flinch as she saw the young hothead tumble. Luckily Calliope, the firm but caring mother of Team Blackjack, quickly arrived on the scene to lend a helping hand, closely followed by Gil, PRCU’s resident movie star.

Bringing her attention back to her direct company, Katja saw that Amma had accepted the offering of beer that Harper had so graciously provided them with. And now the three of them had been joined by Gil too. Or at least, one of him. Despite it being a year now, Katja still struggled with seeing the same person at three different places at the same time. How did he even do it? She was barely able to focus on one thing at a time, yet here he was doing three completely unrelated things simultaneously!

Looking down at the pair in front of her, Katja’s mischievous grin returned. Harper and Gil stood in close proximity to each other… And within arms reach of the blonde giant. Spreading her arms, she scooped Harper up with her left and Gil with her right arm with ease before engaging in a tight embrace. “I missed seeing all of you.”

Gently placing the pair back down on solid ground, Katja put her left hand on Harper’s right shoulder and her right on Gil’s left. “It’s been so long, we have so much to discuss. And so much to look forward to of course! Like the dance! Have the two of you found someone for the dance yet?” She looked down at her two peers, a honestly innocent smile on her lips as she waited for one, or both, to reply.

But before either of them could reply Katja noticed the spare beer can offered in Harper’s hand. “Oh, is that for me? How kind of you!” She said as she removed her hand from their shoulders and gratefully accepted the beverage. Katja immediately opened the can, as she hadn’t drank anything for the entire day yet. She quickly clinked her can against Amma’s, which was still sealed, before downing half the can in one go.

After appreciating the cold drink with a satisfied sigh, Katja returned her attention back to Harper and Gil, clearly expecting an answer to her earlier question.

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.015: Memories old and new
Interaction(s): Amma @Rockette
Previously: TBD

A lone figure sat amongst the hustle and bustle of Dundas Island’s beach. It was swarming with freshmen experiencing the island for the first time, old students meeting each other after a long summer break and even some locals. Katja didn’t pay much heed to them though and neither did many of the bypassers pay much attention to the blonde girl. Cradling her knees, her thoughts were on something completely different as she observed another ferry making its approach to the slipway.

I hope they all made it without incident.

Katja was lucky that she had been on one of the earliest ferries to set off for Dundas Island. Only a handful of protesters had arrived at the departure area and they didn’t seem to have any courage yet to confront a ferryload of Hypes. Now however, reports were slowly trickling in that the Munies hadn’t just gotten comfortable enough to shout their vile phrases, but they had actually found the nerve to try and assault students!

Katja balled her fists. Just thinking about it made her blood boil. Had they forgotten that it was Hypes who stopped Hyperion? It were the Hypes who went against their own self-interest to protect an ungrateful Mundane society. A society that did not want them. A society that claimed it did not need them.

The rhetoric that was going around these days, she had heard it before. The last time Katja had heard it, it was being shouted at her family in their own home. She knew what would be yelled when that shouting reached a crescendo.

”Kill the Hypie…” the young Afrikaner girl muttered to herself, as if to emphasize the point to herself.

But just as her memories were about to take her back to that fateful day, a familiar voice rang out in the distance.

“No littering, maggots!”

The sound of Harper’s voice shook Katja out of her gloomy mood and back to the here and now.

That’s right, she was so caught up in her thoughts that she had completely forgotten the reason why she went down to the beach to begin with! It was time for the annual unofficial team meetup!

As Katja slowly got to her feet she noticed that the attention of the surrounding people almost instantly got diverted to her. After all, the six foot eight Starting Center of the Chimera’s and Captain of the Alces Hyperball Team struck quite the figure. She wore a shirt in the Chimera colors, black, red and gold. Sleeveless of course, as Katja was a firm proponent of the “suns out guns out” philosophy. Underneath she wore her athletic black with white trim two piece swimsuit.

Peering over the crowded beach, it only took the blonde girl a few moments to spot her beloved Team Blackjack all clustering around a series of umbrellas and lounge chairs. Making her way over, she could spot Rory tossing a football around with Lorcán and some of the Canis boys, Banjo making a beeline to Calliope, Gil chatting up some of the girls while Pallyx and Haven were helping themselves to some drinks from the cooler. The only ones missing were Katja herself and…

Scanning the beach, Katja found the missing person she was looking for was actually much closer to her than the rest of Blackjack.


The raven haired girl was wading in the water, seemingly only concerned with her own thoughts. Most passers-by seemed to give her a wide berth, not wishing to attract the attention of the mysterious girl. Hell, even her own team seemed to be fine with keeping a relatively large distance between themselves and their newest member. And it honestly didn’t seem like Amma cared much for it either.

After taking some tentative steps into the water Katja finally called out to the smaller French girl."Ya know,” she started as she got closer. “if you’re gonna keep doing that thing with the shell and the creepy smile.” A few steps later Katja practically got face to face with the other girl. "Some people are gonna think you’re a bit of a psycho.”

Katja let a silence hang between the two of them as she looked down at Amma. However, it only took a handful of seconds before she started to crack.

A wide grin appeared on the tall blonde’s face as she moved in to give the raven-haired girl a tight embrace, lifting the shorter girl out of the water with ease.

"Come on, you can admit it. You missed me, didn’t ya?” Katja said before putting Amma back down again, still grinning from ear to ear.

"Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a lady about her weight?"
Katja Kruger
March20,2004 | 24 | Caucasian
Single | Female | Bisexual
Bloemfontein | Vrijstaat | South Africa
House Alces | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Muscular
H A I R C O L O U R || Blonde
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 6’8
W E I G H T || 277 lbs
S C A R S || Teeth marks on right hand
T A T T O O S || N/A
P I E R C I N G S || N/A
O T H E R || N/A
Born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, Katja was the second born child of two Hyperhuman parents. While not exorbitantly rich, her family was still reasonably wealthy by South African standards. Katja can’t recall a whole lot about her time in South Africa before the riots, but she remembers being happy and never left wanting. This all changed with the Hyperriots of 2016. Following a massive corruption scandal which left millions destitute, the government tried to shift the blame towards the Hyperhumans. What followed was several weeks of riots, culminating in the Bloemfontein Massacre. Chanting “Kill the Hypie”, thousands of mundane humans went to the streets and killed whichever Hyperhuman, real or suspected, they could find, even going so far as to break into homes of known Hyperhumans. This is exactly what happened to the Kruger family. Katja watched in horror as her parents were killed in front of her. Her sister would get badly crippled as she was left for dead by the attackers, never able to walk again. Katja was only spared because her sister managed to hide her away in time.

Saved by their uncle and with the aid of H.E.L.P., the Kruger siblings would move with him away from South Africa to High Point, NC in the United States. While the States wasn’t much better than South Africa when it came to Hyperhuman persecution, it was at least safer than waiting for another possible riot. While there was an attempt to keep the Krugers’ Hyperhuman status a secret, Katja’s awakening would quickly manifest itself publicly during a school physical exam where she weighed in at triple the weight she sould’ve been. This revelation almost immediately led to Katja becoming an outcast at her school, and the Krugers in their local community. Often their house would be vandalized with graffiti or a brick through their windows. At one point their house has even been shot at in a drive-by. Needless to say, Katja’s social life in High Point was over.

Despite the adversity and discrimination Katja persevered through high school. Passing with middling grades and with no real social connections, her academic future looked very grim. That is, until her uncle used his contacts within H.E.L.P. to ask for a possible application to PRCU. Katja was ecstatic when she heard about this. Seeing it as her one shot at an academic education, but more importantly a return to acceptance from peer students, she would eagerly take the opportunity if it arrived with both hands.

A starry eyed Katja went to PRCU with great hopes. She thought that she’d finally be able to live out a normal student life which the Mundane world had denied her. But those hopes soon turned to dust with the attacks by Hyperion. Katja tried her best to leave these events behind her and pick up her new academic life at the school. She joined House Alces while deciding to major in History. She also reinforced the Chimeras, PRCU’s very own Hyperball team. But the attacks and Hyperion’s eventual defeat would still have a great impact on Katja’s time in PRCU, as she never managed to truly leave those events behind.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Coming in at 6’8 and weighing nearly 280lbs, saying that Katja stands out amongst a crowd would be an understatement. Her towering height and muscular physique give the young woman an imposing physique. While her physical presence and intense blue eyes might be intimidating to some, her joyful demeanor and energetic smile almost always manages to disarm anyone who’s anxious about her, making her seem like a jolly giant. Her light blonde hair reaches down to just below her shoulder blades if she has it hanging loosely, which she rarely does as it’s usually tied in a ponytail or a bun. Usually when Katja isn’t in uniform she wears clothes that emphasize her physical fitness, like sleeveless tops, short sleeved shirts, shorts or short skirts. Often these clothes are from PRCU’s own sports team, the Chimeras, or the Alces sports team. Katja does sometimes like to wear cargo pants and hoodies though. In terms of footwear she either wears sneakers or heavy duty boots.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Headstrong, earnest, impulsive and outgoing, Katja is a ball of positive energy wherever she goes. Her lack of people skills is on full display as she doesn’t have any sense of personal space. She is very optimistic and will try to cheer her friends on, no matter the adversity. Katja is very protective of those she cares about, be they friends or family, and also has a weak spot for the weak and outcasts of society. She always wears her heart on her sleeve, always speaking honestly about what she thinks of things, even if it might not be something her conversation partner might want to hear. Overall Katja is a happy go lucky kind of gal, always looking for the positive side of things and looking to have a fun time.

Having said that, she can be quite temperamental and stubborn, especially when she considers herself or any loved ones slighted. If the slight is judged extreme enough Katja might hold a grudge for the rest of her life. She is also a very sore loser and if possible will demand instant rematches until she finally secures that much coveted victory.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Density Manipulation

The HZE ions in Katja’s body are able to convert themselves into particles which bind themselves with the already existing particles in Katjas cells or consume said particles. This has the result that her density of substance can basically be increased or decreased at will. In practical terms this means that Katja’s body becomes much heavier and resilient then you’d at first glance expect of her. It basically turns her into a human wrecking ball, able to endure great amounts of punishment while also being almost unstoppable by traditional physical obstacles once she has some momentum behind her. And despite the added mass, it does not seem to impact her movement at all. This is because the density of everything in her body is affected by her powers, from her skin all the way down to the bones.

Over the years at PRCU Katja has managed to further develop her powers. Now she is able to focus her ability specifically on increasing the density of her muscle fibers. This results in much more powerful muscles, giving her the ability to exert much more strength than would normally be the case. In layman's terms: She gets super strength. However, she has only recently acquired this ability and she has much to learn about how to fully utilize it.

L I M I T A T I O N S || Weight, Practicality, Energy

Increasing the potency of her ability is like increasing the strength of any muscle in the human body. It requires lots of training and time. Currently Katja is able to make her body almost as dense as tungsten, making her tough enough to shrug off most projectiles from firearms, with the exception being anti-material rifles. While there is some resistance to damage from temperature based attacks, think flamethrowers or freezing, Katja will still experience the same level of pain that any mundane person would have when they’re exposed to these types of attacks.

At her max density Katja will weigh 5300 lbs which brings complications of its own. For instance, she couldn’t go to her max if she was on a glass surface without immediately cracking it and falling through. And if she’s in an area where collateral damage should be avoided at all costs, then that’s going to make it almost impossible for her to use her powers. As for her strength, the maximum amount of weight Katja can lift in an overhead press while boosting her muscle fiber density is 2 metric tons, or 4410 lbs.

Fluids that leave her body, be they saliva, sweat, blood or whatever, revert back to their mundane state. So there won’t be any spit flying around with the mass of tungsten any time soon.

The use of HZEs, or Hazies, in this fashion is quite energy intensive and it leads to Katja having quite the appetite. Especially after intense exertions.

W E A K N E S S E S || Oxygen, Range, Psychic

Despite how tough she might be, Katja still needs oxygen. Take that away and she’s going to die just like any other person, be that through encasing her in ice, drowning her in water, exposing her to a nerve gas, just having flames consume all the oxygen or just any other method your brilliant minds can come up with. She’s also weak against ranged threats, because all she’ll have to deal with those is chucking rocks at them. And even though the rocks might be big… They’re still rocks. Finally, she also has absolutely no inbuilt resistance to any psychic attacks.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Katja’s life's goal is to make the world a safe place for all the children born with the Hype Gene, her brothers and sisters, as she refers to them. While some might consider this wishful thinking, it’s something Katja has been determined to achieve ever since she lost her parents.

Another goal that is very dear to her heart is to keep the friends that she made at PRCU safe. They were the first ones who, after the death of her parents and her awakening, treated her like an actual person instead of a freak that was to be loathed and feared. She will go to any lengths to keep those close to her safe.

As for plots…

Katja wants to leave her mark on House Alces. She was initially invited due to her gentleness to others. And while this definitely suits her when it comes to personal interactions, her competitiveness would give many in House Canis a run for their money. She’s doing her best to help House Alces get rid of its stigma of being the House of the “kind ones who always finish last” and get her House as close to another Laurel win as she possibly can.

As a result of a lifetime of persecution Katja developed a deep-seated hatred for mundane humans. One of the biggest things I want to work out with her is to see whether her experiences at PRCU and interactions with friends can mellow her stance on the Munnies, or if she actually radicalizes on her beliefs towards the Mundane World and the injustice it subjects onto her fellow Hype brothers and sisters.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS || Starting off with kickboxing due to being excluded from team sports in highschool, Katja has since taken on classes of several other disciplines such as Pankration, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

HISTORY BUFF || Not something she advertises a lot, but Katja is actually an avid student of history. She has a particular interest in the history of the Hyperhumans and political developments in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

HIGH ALCOHOL TOLERANCE || Yes, she knows it isn’t optimal for a sports junkie to drink alcohol, but not consuming alcohol would be an offense to the Boer blood that runs through her veins! Warning: while a Boer can consume a lot of alcohol before they collapse, they’ll get quite rowdy after only a few pints. Approach at your own risk!

SPORTS AFFINITY || From a young age Katja always seemed to be able to pick up and participate in any sport, even if she’d only learned the rules 5 minutes prior. Her powerful body and good genes for muscle retention and limberness have made her a force to be reckoned with in any contact sport. She is particularly gifted in rugby.
SCHOOL UNIFORM || Katja prefers to wear her uniform with her house colors, as she has a particular pride in her house that isn’t all too common amongst her fellow Alces members. She also gives a preference of the kilt over the slacks and skirt.

I T E M ( S )
KRUGER DOG TAGS || Katja always wears her fathers dog tags around her neck.

KRUGER BERET BADGE || Katja keeps her father’s beret badge under her pillow. She uses it as a talisman for comfort whenever her nightmares of the riots return.

MMA GLOVES || Green and gold, the colors of the South African sports teams, these gloves show clear signs of wear and tear.

T O O L ( S )
SADF LENSATIC COMPASS || An old compass which formerly belonged to Katja’s uncle. It has the names of her father and uncle engraved on the back. Still works perfectly, despite being more than 50 years old.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?
”Don’t lose focus on what’s really important.” The tall girl leans back into her chair, a wide smile on her face. ”I mean, studying is important in a school, of course. But what really matters, at least to me, is the friends you make here. Especially those in your team!” A chuckle escaped from the South African’s lips. ”I realize this sounds corny as hell, but it’s genuinely how I feel about this. Coming into the final year of my studies here, I realize that the safety and luxury this fenced society provides us is only temporary. Out there, in the Mundane world, we’re on our own. The friends you make here will be with you forever, and they’ll make your life out there a little more bearable.”

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

”I hoped that I would be able to bring a positive change to the world, be a force for the good of all children of the Hype gene.” The blonde girl looked down at the desk in front of her, a hint of sadness in her ever present smile. ”I guess we all enter this school with those kinds of hopes, don’t we? That hope is still there, but with the way things are in the world right now, this dream seems very far away. She takes a short pause before looking back at the interviewer, the sadness gone from her smile. ”Now though, I’m more focussed on getting through the courses and achieving as much glory as I can for my House! We’ve got another Hyperball game coming up and I can’t wait to show those bastards of Canis what Alces is made of!” A boisterous laugh reinforced the confidence the girl had in her earlier statement.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

For the first time since the interview began, Katja’s smile faded. She remained silent for almost a full minute before she softly spoke. ”One step.” The girl looked down at the desk again as cleared her throat, taking a moment to recompose herself before she continued. ”If I had just taken that one step, everything might’ve been different. Who knows what could’ve happened if I hadn’t frozen on the spot that day. If I had actually stood up for what I believe in when it mattered the most.” Her voice had a forlorn tone to it. Staying quiet a few moments longer, her eyes narrowed and anger clearly became visible on the young woman’s face before she suddenly jolted out of her seat. ”We’re done here!”

"Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a lady about her weight?"
Katja Kruger
March20,2004 | 24 | Caucasian
Single | Female | Bisexual
Bloemfontein | Vrijstaat | South Africa
House Alces | Team 21 - Blackjack

B U I L D || Muscular
H A I R C O L O U R || Blonde
E Y E C O L O U R || Blue
H E I G H T || 6’8
W E I G H T || 277 lbs
S C A R S || Teeth marks on right hand
T A T T O O S || N/A
P I E R C I N G S || N/A
O T H E R || N/A
Born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, Katja was the second born child of two Hyperhuman parents. While not exorbitantly rich, her family was still reasonably wealthy by South African standards. Katja can’t recall a whole lot about her time in South Africa before the riots, but she remembers being happy and never left wanting. This all changed with the Hyperriots of 2016. Following a massive corruption scandal which left millions destitute, the government tried to shift the blame towards the Hyperhumans. What followed was several weeks of riots, culminating in the Bloemfontein Massacre. Chanting “Kill the Hypie”, thousands of mundane humans went to the streets and killed whichever Hyperhuman, real or suspected, they could find, even going so far as to break into homes of known Hyperhumans. This is exactly what happened to the Kruger family. Katja watched in horror as her parents were killed in front of her. Her sister would get badly crippled as she was left for dead by the attackers, never able to walk again. Katja was only spared because her sister managed to hide her away in time.

Saved by their uncle and with the aid of H.E.L.P., the Kruger siblings would move with him away from South Africa to High Point, NC in the United States. While the States wasn’t much better than South Africa when it came to Hyperhuman persecution, it was at least safer than waiting for another possible riot. While there was an attempt to keep the Krugers’ Hyperhuman status a secret, Katja’s awakening would quickly manifest itself publicly during a school physical exam where she weighed in at triple the weight she sould’ve been. This revelation almost immediately led to Katja becoming an outcast at her school, and the Krugers in their local community. Often their house would be vandalized with graffiti or a brick through their windows. At one point their house has even been shot at in a drive-by. Needless to say, Katja’s social life in High Point was over.

Despite the adversity and discrimination Katja persevered through high school. Passing with middling grades and with no real social connections, her academic future looked very grim. That is, until her uncle used his contacts within H.E.L.P. to ask for a possible application to PRCU. Katja was ecstatic when she heard about this. Seeing it as her one shot at an academic education, but more importantly a return to acceptance from peer students, she would eagerly take the opportunity if it arrived with both hands.

A starry eyed Katja went to PRCU with great hopes. She thought that she’d finally be able to live out a normal student life which the Mundane world had denied her. But those hopes soon turned to dust with the attacks by Hyperion. Katja tried her best to leave these events behind her and pick up her new academic life at the school. She joined House Alces while deciding to major in History. She also reinforced the Chimeras, PRCU’s very own Hyperball team. But the attacks and Hyperion’s eventual defeat would still have a great impact on Katja’s time in PRCU, as she never managed to truly leave those events behind.

D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E & A E S T H E T I C
Coming in at 6’8 and weighing nearly 280lbs, saying that Katja stands out amongst a crowd would be an understatement. Her towering height and muscular physique give the young woman an imposing physique. While her physical presence and intense blue eyes might be intimidating to some, her joyful demeanor and energetic smile almost always manages to disarm anyone who’s anxious about her, making her seem like a jolly giant. Her light blonde hair reaches down to just below her shoulder blades if she has it hanging loosely, which she rarely does as it’s usually tied in a ponytail or a bun. Usually when Katja isn’t in uniform she wears clothes that emphasize her physical fitness, like sleeveless tops, short sleeved shirts, shorts or short skirts. Often these clothes are from PRCU’s own sports team, the Chimeras, or the Alces sports team. Katja does sometimes like to wear cargo pants and hoodies though. In terms of footwear she either wears sneakers or heavy duty boots.

M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
M A N N E R I S M S & P E R S O N A L I T Y
Headstrong, earnest, impulsive and outgoing, Katja is a ball of positive energy wherever she goes. Her lack of people skills is on full display as she doesn’t have any sense of personal space. She is very optimistic and will try to cheer her friends on, no matter the adversity. Katja is very protective of those she cares about, be they friends or family, and also has a weak spot for the weak and outcasts of society. She always wears her heart on her sleeve, always speaking honestly about what she thinks of things, even if it might not be something her conversation partner might want to hear. Overall Katja is a happy go lucky kind of gal, always looking for the positive side of things and looking to have a fun time.

Having said that, she can be quite temperamental and stubborn, especially when she considers herself or any loved ones slighted. If the slight is judged extreme enough Katja might hold a grudge for the rest of her life. She is also a very sore loser and if possible will demand instant rematches until she finally secures that much coveted victory.
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
A B I L I T I E S, L I M I T A T I O N S, & W E A K N E S S E S
H Y P E R H U M A N A B I L I T Y || Density Manipulation

The HZE ions in Katja’s body are able to convert themselves into particles which bind themselves with the already existing particles in Katjas cells or consume said particles. This has the result that her density of substance can basically be increased or decreased at will. In practical terms this means that Katja’s body becomes much heavier and resilient then you’d at first glance expect of her. It basically turns her into a human wrecking ball, able to endure great amounts of punishment while also being almost unstoppable by traditional physical obstacles once she has some momentum behind her. And despite the added mass, it does not seem to impact her movement at all. This is because the density of everything in her body is affected by her powers, from her skin all the way down to the bones.

Over the years at PRCU Katja has managed to further develop her powers. Now she is able to focus her ability specifically on increasing the density of her muscle fibers. This results in much more powerful muscles, giving her the ability to exert much more strength than would normally be the case. In layman's terms: She gets super strength. However, she has only recently acquired this ability and she has much to learn about how to fully utilize it.

L I M I T A T I O N S || Weight, Practicality, Energy

Increasing the potency of her ability is like increasing the strength of any muscle in the human body. It requires lots of training and time. Currently Katja is able to make her body almost as dense as tungsten, making her tough enough to shrug off most projectiles from firearms, with the exception being anti-material rifles. While there is some resistance to damage from temperature based attacks, think flamethrowers or freezing, Katja will still experience the same level of pain that any mundane person would have when they’re exposed to these types of attacks.

At her max density Katja will weigh 5300 lbs which brings complications of its own. For instance, she couldn’t go to her max if she was on a glass surface without immediately cracking it and falling through. And if she’s in an area where collateral damage should be avoided at all costs, then that’s going to make it almost impossible for her to use her powers. As for her strength, the maximum amount of weight Katja can lift in an overhead press while boosting her muscle fiber density is 2 metric tons, or 4410 lbs.

Fluids that leave her body, be they saliva, sweat, blood or whatever, revert back to their mundane state. So there won’t be any spit flying around with the mass of tungsten any time soon.

The use of HZEs, or Hazies, in this fashion is quite energy intensive and it leads to Katja having quite the appetite. Especially after intense exertions.

W E A K N E S S E S || Oxygen, Range, Psychic

Despite how tough she might be, Katja still needs oxygen. Take that away and she’s going to die just like any other person, be that through encasing her in ice, drowning her in water, exposing her to a nerve gas, just having flames consume all the oxygen or just any other method your brilliant minds can come up with. She’s also weak against ranged threats, because all she’ll have to deal with those is chucking rocks at them. And even though the rocks might be big… They’re still rocks. Finally, she also has absolutely no inbuilt resistance to any psychic attacks.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Katja’s life's goal is to make the world a safe place for all the children born with the Hype Gene, her brothers and sisters, as she refers to them. While some might consider this wishful thinking, it’s something Katja has been determined to achieve ever since she lost her parents.

Another goal that is very dear to her heart is to keep the friends that she made at PRCU safe. They were the first ones who, after the death of her parents and her awakening, treated her like an actual person instead of a freak that was to be loathed and feared. She will go to any lengths to keep those close to her safe.

As for plots…

Katja wants to leave her mark on House Alces. She was initially invited due to her gentleness to others. And while this definitely suits her when it comes to personal interactions, her competitiveness would give many in House Canis a run for their money. She’s doing her best to help House Alces get rid of its stigma of being the House of the “kind ones who always finish last” and get her House as close to another Laurel win as she possibly can.

As a result of a lifetime of persecution Katja developed a deep-seated hatred for mundane humans. One of the biggest things I want to work out with her is to see whether her experiences at PRCU and interactions with friends can mellow her stance on the Munnies, or if she actually radicalizes on her beliefs towards the Mundane World and the injustice it subjects onto her fellow Hype brothers and sisters.
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
S K I L L S & T A L E N T S
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS || Starting off with kickboxing due to being excluded from team sports in highschool, Katja has since taken on classes of several other disciplines such as Pankration, Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.

HISTORY BUFF || Not something she advertises a lot, but Katja is actually an avid student of history. She has a particular interest in the history of the Hyperhumans and political developments in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

HIGH ALCOHOL TOLERANCE || Yes, she knows it isn’t optimal for a sports junkie to drink alcohol, but not consuming alcohol would be an offense to the Boer blood that runs through her veins! Warning: while a Boer can consume a lot of alcohol before they collapse, they’ll get quite rowdy after only a few pints. Approach at your own risk!

SPORTS AFFINITY || From a young age Katja always seemed to be able to pick up and participate in any sport, even if she’d only learned the rules 5 minutes prior. Her powerful body and good genes for muscle retention and limberness have made her a force to be reckoned with in any contact sport. She is particularly gifted in rugby.
SCHOOL UNIFORM || Katja prefers to wear her uniform with her house colors, as she has a particular pride in her house that isn’t all too common amongst her fellow Alces members. She also gives a preference of the kilt over the slacks and skirt.

I T E M ( S )
KRUGER DOG TAGS || Katja always wears her fathers dog tags around her neck.

KRUGER BERET BADGE || Katja keeps her father’s beret badge under her pillow. She uses it as a talisman for comfort whenever her nightmares of the riots return.

MMA GLOVES || Green and gold, the colors of the South African sports teams, these gloves show clear signs of wear and tear.

T O O L ( S )
SADF LENSATIC COMPASS || An old compass which formerly belonged to Katja’s uncle. It has the names of her father and uncle engraved on the back. Still works perfectly, despite being more than 50 years old.

E N T E R I N G I N T O Y O U R F I N A L Y E A R, W H A T A D V I C E D O Y O U H A V E T O A N E W S T U D E N T?
”Don’t lose focus on what’s really important.” The tall girl leans back into her chair, a wide smile on her face. ”I mean, studying is important in a school, of course. But what really matters, at least to me, is the friends you make here. Especially those in your team!” A chuckle escaped from the South African’s lips. ”I realize this sounds corny as hell, but it’s genuinely how I feel about this. Coming into the final year of my studies here, I realize that the safety and luxury this fenced society provides us is only temporary. Out there, in the Mundane world, we’re on our own. The friends you make here will be with you forever, and they’ll make your life out there a little more bearable.”

W H A T W E R E Y O U R A S P I R A T I O N S W H E N Y O U S T A R T E D H E R E? W H A T C H A N G E D, W H A T S T A Y E D T H E S A M E?

”I hoped that I would be able to bring a positive change to the world, be a force for the good of all children of the Hype gene.” The blonde girl looked down at the desk in front of her, a hint of sadness in her ever present smile. ”I guess we all enter this school with those kinds of hopes, don’t we? That hope is still there, but with the way things are in the world right now, this dream seems very far away. She takes a short pause before looking back at the interviewer, the sadness gone from her smile. ”Now though, I’m more focussed on getting through the courses and achieving as much glory as I can for my House! We’ve got another Hyperball game coming up and I can’t wait to show those bastards of Canis what Alces is made of!” A boisterous laugh reinforced the confidence the girl had in her earlier statement.

I F Y O U C O U L D M A K E O N E C H A N G E T O Y O U R T I M E A T P . R . C . U ., W H A T W O U L D I T B E?

For the first time since the interview began, Katja’s smile faded. She remained silent for almost a full minute before she softly spoke. ”One step.” The girl looked down at the desk again as cleared her throat, taking a moment to recompose herself before she continued. ”If I had just taken that one step, everything might’ve been different. Who knows what could’ve happened if I hadn’t frozen on the spot that day. If I had actually stood up for what I believe in when it mattered the most.” Her voice had a forlorn tone to it. Staying quiet a few moments longer, her eyes narrowed and anger clearly became visible on the young woman’s face before she suddenly jolted out of her seat. ”We’re done here!”

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